PIXI BitmapText bug ("can't read property 'size' of undefined") - text

I can't even instantiate a BitmapText object from either pixi.js or pixi.dev.js without encountering the error
pixi.dev.js:3688 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'size' of undefined
My implementation is their trivial example
text = new PIXI.BitmapText('test', {font:'Arial'});
I've traced the error exactly to the attempted instantiation above.
Here is the relevant snippet from the pixi.dev.js source code (with the error occurring on the last line).
PIXI.BitmapText.prototype.updateText = function()
var data = PIXI.BitmapText.fonts[this.fontName];
var pos = new PIXI.Point();
var prevCharCode = null;
var chars = [];
var maxLineWidth = 0;
var lineWidths = [];
var line = 0;
var scale = this.fontSize / data.size;
Is this a bug in the library, or am I doing something wrong?

BitmapText requires you to load a font first. You can create a font using the BMFont software from angelcode: http://www.angelcode.com/products/bmfont/
When you export your font from BMFont, you end up with a png image that looks like a Texture Atlas, plus an xml file.
You can then load your BitmapFont like this:
var loader = new PIXI.AssetLoader(["MyBitmapFont.xml"]);
loader.onComplete = function()
stage.addChild( new PIXI.BitmapText("SomeText", { font: "35px MyBitmapFont", align: "left"}));
PIXI Example 10 is a more complete example:
You can use the example font, "desyrel" to try it out for yourself.


Turf JS (node) Buffer multiple points

I am trying to buffer all points in a geojson file using turf. There are 50 points. My script produces and output geojson file as intended, but QGIS wont display the resulting geojson file. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
var turf = require('turf');
var fs = require('fs');
var points = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('points.geojson')).features;
bufferlist = [];
for (i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
buff = turf.buffer((points[i]), .001);
var bufferOut = turf.featurecollection(bufferlist);
fs.writeFileSync( "bufferOut.geojson", JSON.stringify(bufferOut));
Thank you for any insight!
I tried your code and this line gives an error:
var bufferOut = turf.featurecollection(bufferlist);
I think the function featurecollection should be in camelCase featureCollection. I did that in my code and it worked.

any code make sure json fully added to canvas?

var json = [];
function makeallImage(){
console.log('json length'+json.length);
for (var v = 0; v < json.length; v++){
convertImgToBase64(v, "jpg");
function convertImgToBase64(number, outputFormat){
var tmpData =
canvas.loadFromJSON(json[number], canvas.renderAll.bind(canvas), function(){
**//need to absolute comfirm it add all object in canvas, load complete json2 //**
canvas.on('object:added', function(e) {
function toImg(outputFormat){
var s = document.getElementById("last_Image");
var url = canvas.toDataURL();
var newImg = document.createElement("img"); // create img tag
newImg.src = url;
newImg.width = 100;
newImg.height = 100;
console.log('mpike sto dom');
i am using this code to create image to field , problem is if my json object contain image ,it will create empty image. so i figure it out is because loading the src need time and canvas create image before it fully load.
i need to make sure the json fully loaded on canvas first , so i found a fabric code call object:added , which can make sure object added in canvas , but it count object one by one , so if my json cotain 2 object it will create more image.
1. i need to make sure my json fully load or create in canvas before create image , is they any way to make sure json fully added to canvas?
Demo see my problem using object:added it load multiple image.
You should dump reviver and use just the callback function.
You will have some difficulties with fabricImages and objects that have a content that is async. That is not yet solved at library level.
function _callback() {
function convertImgToBase64(number, outputFormat){
var tmpData = canvas.loadFromJSON(json[number], _callback);
Complete snippet:
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('canvas');
var json2 = '{"objects":[{"type":"circle","originX":"center","originY":"center","left":300,"top":400,"width":200,"height":200,"fill":"rgb(166,111,213)","overlayFill":null,"stroke":null,"strokeWidth":1,"strokeDashArray":null,"strokeLineCap":"butt","strokeLineJoin":"miter","strokeMiterLimit":10,"scaleX":1,"scaleY":1,"angle":0,"flipX":false,"flipY":false,"opacity":1,"shadow":{"color":"#5b238A","blur":20,"offsetX":-20,"offsetY":-10},"visible":true,"clipTo":null,"radius":100},{"type":"rect","originX":"center","originY":"center","left":300,"top":500,"width":150,"height":150,"fill":"#fbb802","overlayFill":null,"stroke":null,"strokeWidth":1,"strokeDashArray":null,"strokeLineCap":"butt","strokeLineJoin":"miter","strokeMiterLimit":10,"scaleX":1,"scaleY":1,"angle":0,"flipX":false,"flipY":false,"opacity":1,"shadow":{"color":"rgba(94, 128, 191, 0.5)","blur":5,"offsetX":10,"offsetY":10},"visible":true,"clipTo":null,"rx":0,"ry":0,"x":0,"y":0}],"background":""}';
var json = [];
function makeallImage(){
for (var v = 0; v < json.length; v++){
convertImgToBase64(v, "jpg");
function _callback() {
function convertImgToBase64(number, outputFormat){
var tmpData = canvas.loadFromJSON(json[number], _callback);
function toImg(outputFormat){
var s = document.getElementById("last_Image");
var url = canvas.toDataURL();
var newImg = document.createElement("img");
newImg.src = url;
newImg.width = 100;
newImg.height = 100;
<script src="http://fabricjs.com/lib/fabric.js"></script>
<canvas id='canvas' width="550" height="550" style="border:#000 1px solid;"></canvas>
<button onclick="makeallImage();">makepng</button>
<div id="last_Image" style="background:red"></div>

error when using WebGLRenderer() with jsdom

I'm trying to render a cube on server side, and was able to do so using the CanvasRenderer, but i want to be able to render it with WebGLRenderer, which should produce better results. i've narrowed it down to this code snippet:
var jsdom = require('jsdom')
, document = jsdom.jsdom('<!doctype html><html><head></head><body></body></html>')
, window = document.createWindow()
, THREE = require('three');
document.onload = docOnLoad();
function docOnLoad()
console.log("docOnLoad called.");
global.document = document;
global.window = window;
//renderer = new THREE.CanvasRenderer(); //works
renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
renderer.setSize(400, 400);
When using the WebGLRenderer, i got:
_glExtensionTextureFloat = _gl.getExtension( 'OES_texture_float');
TypeError: Cannot call method 'getExtension' of undefined
at initGL (C:\programming\nodejs\node_modules\three\three.js:25870:34)
when trying to debug three.js code, console.log(_gl) indeed shows that _gl is undefined, and the source of it is line #25856, where:
_gl = _canvas.getContext( 'webgl', attributes ) || _canvas.getContext( 'experimental-webgl', attributes );
now, console.log() of _canvas shows: [Canvas 0x0]
Has anyone encountered something similar?
Usually happens when you already obtained a 2D context from _canvas. Both 2D context and gl cannot be obtained from the same canvas. If this is not the case, can you confirm if you are able to successfully run any other WebGL example independently (from node.js) ?

Raphael.js path to SVG

I have seen SVG images on wikipedia which you can open in notepad and find the code written inside it. My question is if I make a circle in raphael, can I display it as an svg image in the browser?
var p = paper.circle(10,10,10).attr({fill:'blue'});
then display it as a svg image in my browser. How can I achieve it?
This would only work on browsers that support SVG. I think it fails on IE9 too because it doesn't provide support for .serializeToString() (though there are shims for this).
window.onload = function () {
var paper = Raphael("container", 100, 100);
var p = paper.circle(10,10,10).attr({fill:'blue'});
var textarea = document.getElementById("code")
var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
textarea.value = serializer.serializeToString(paper.canvas);
See demo here: http://jsfiddle.net/BvWkU/
window.onload = function () {
var paper = Raphael("container", 100, 100);
var p = paper.circle(10,10,10).attr({fill:'blue'});
var textarea = document.getElementById("code")
var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
textarea.value = serializer.serializeToString(paper.canvas);

Image not saving on a Palm device

Updated: webOS version 2.1...
This base64 encoded image data generates the correct data image when I append it to the source of an image, like this:
var img = new Image();
img.src= data
var data = "
m6jOW+kPGqkPmehPWWePWagOmmjP2ykQ2ulQmylRWykQmqmP2qr QGqnP26qSGyvRmquQWyyQGquP2yu
yRXK0SHG0SWupR2qoR3CuS2qrQ3CsSG6vS22pR26qSGyq RWetO22uQ2yqP22wRGetP2yyP4TEWgElAB
rDxgsERgvEx8xGQA+fxk7gxU9hBc9ghg/ gR1CgBxBhBtChRxIhyFMiyNMiyNNjiZNiypRkCpSjydRkC
VVkSpTkihYmi9YlC9XlCxVlClYlixW lSpZlS1eli16skJnqDxppj1qpDxmpD9mpD1loj1opz9qqENvq
Udpp0FmqD9npkFtpUVvp0ZvrUVs q0NsrEFtrURsrkBrsT9vskFvrj5srz5ssUJsrkJsrkNtr0NusEVm
I am trying to save the image using my custom service, but it does not save the correct image. Here is the Node.js code for saving the image:
var fs = IMPORTS.require('fs');
var path = IMPORTS.require('path');
var buff = new Buffer(img.substr('data:image/png;base64,'.length), 'base64');
path.exists('/media/internal/wallpapers/', function(exists){
if (exists) {
var id = fs.openSync('/media/internal/wallpapers/i.png', 'w', 666);
var written = fs.writeSync(id, buff,0, buff.length, 0);
The saved version of the image has totally different pixel values.
I came to find out that the image data above isn't correct. I am using a PNG library to generate base64 image data of a canvas pixel array. The link is http://www.xarg.org/2010/03/generate-client-side-png-files-using-javascript/.
That is an alternative to canvas.toDataURL();. webOS does not support toDataURL, so I had to use a library.
Here is the code I have used with this library to manipulate my canvas image data as a pixel array:
EditorAssistant.prototype.getDataURL = function(width,height,pixelArray) {
var p = new PNGlib(height, width, 256); // Construcor takes height, weight and color-depth.
var background = p.color(0, 0, 0, 0);
var k = 0;
for (var j = 0; j<height; j++) {
for (var i =0; i<width; i++) {
var x =i;
var y =j;
p.buffer[p.index(x,y)] = p.color(pixelArray[k], pixelArray[k+1], pixelArray[k+2]);
return 'data:image/png;base64,'+p.getBase64() ;
Does this library work and where am I doing it wrong?
libpng.js only supports 256 color images, so that may be the problem. There are other base64 encoding utilities which may work as expected.
