Is it guaranteed that the kill() function will not return until the signal handler has done if a process kills itself? - linux

Imagine the following program written in C:
void handler(int signo) {
write(STDOUT_FILENO, "handler\n", 8);
int main() {
signal(SIGUSR1, handler);
kill(getpid(), SIGUSR1);
write(STDOUT_FILENO, "after kill\n", 11);
If I run this program in Linux, is it possible the output is as follow:
after kill
I tried many times, and the above result didn't appear.

If the SIGINT signal is delivered to the process after the puts("looping"); statement, then it will print the string "handler1" in the handle1 function. When the kill function returns, the output depends on when the SIGUSR1 signal will be delivered to the process. I think you can use the sigsuspend function to make sure it's what you want. By the way, before kill function returns, at least an unblocked signal is delivered to the process.
The following code outputs what you want and you need to block the SIGUSR1 signal first.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
void handler(int signo) {
write(STDOUT_FILENO, "handler\n", 8);
int main() {
sigset_t newmask, oldmask;
sigemptyset( &newmask );
sigaddset( &newmask, SIGUSR1 );
signal(SIGUSR1, handler);
// block the SIGUSR1 signal
sigprocmask ( SIG_BLOCK, &newmask, &oldmask );
kill(getpid(), SIGUSR1);
write(STDOUT_FILENO, "after kill\n", 11);
// reset the signal mask
sigprocmask ( SIG_SETMASK, &oldmask, NULL );

puts is not good inside signals handlers. Read signal(7), puts is not async-signal-safe. You should use write(2) inside a signal handler (not puts).
You have edited your question to use write instead of  puts
And if you insist in wrongly using puts you should at least call fflush. But both are wrong inside signal handlers.
(Don't forget that stdoutis buffered)
BTW, it might happen (notably in multi-threaded application, where the signal handler is not running in the same thread that kill(2)-s the signal) that the signal handler is invoked after returning of kill
I'm not sure that you are guaranteed that the signal handler of a single-threaded process is returning before kill, even if I believe that would happen on most Linux kernels. What you should be sure is that the signal handler would eventually be called (but you cannot be sure on when exactly). Also, a kernel is permitted to lose some signals (e.g. if an external thing or process is sending a lot of same signals). So called POSIX real-time signals are the exception, not the norm (see also this)
If you have an event loop (e.g. around poll(2)) and accept to have Linux-specific code
you could consider using signalfd(2) and polling it inside your event loop.


How to pthread_kill synchronously?

I am starting a bunch of joinable worker threads and main() waits for them to completed with pthread_join(). However, a user may hit CTRL+C on the terminal before the worker threads have completed their task. My understanding is that any thread could get the signal so all my worker threads call pthread_sigmask() on start up and block SIGINT (the CTRL+C signal). This causes the signal to be copied to other threads and main(). This way I know that at least main() will get definitely the signal.
I have defined a signal handler function on main() so that main() gets the signal and can kill all the worker threads and free their resources from one place. The problem is that this happens asynchronously. I call pthread_kill() from main() and then try to free() resources the worker thread is using and it's still running because the signal is dispatched asynchronously.
If I call pthread_kill(SIGTERM, ...) from main() to kill the thread main() gets killed too and do_thread_cleanup(i) is never called:
int main () {
signal (SIGINT, signal_handler);
for (i = 0; i < num_thd; i++) {
pthread_create(thread_init, ...);
for (i = 0; i < num_thd; i++) {
return 0;
void signal_handler(int signal) {
for (i = 0; i < num_thd; i++) {
pthread_kill(pthread_t, SIGINT);
pthread_join(pthread_t, ...);
do_thread_cleanup(i); // Calls functions like free() and close()
void thread_init() {
sigset_t sigset;
sigaddset(&sigset, SIGINT);
pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sigset, NULL);
How can I send SIGKILL to a thread without main() receiving that signal and killing itself? Alternatively, how can I wait for the thread to exit?
Having read the other SO posts the talk about using pthread_cleanup_push() and pthread_cleanup_pop() but that doesn't allow me to check form one central place that all threads are killed and their resources released.
The short answer is that you can’t; but you can do something close.
Free(), malloc() and thus all paths leading to them are not signal safe; so you can’t call them from a signal handler. It is rare that these functions would notice the signal (re)entry, so unpredictable behaviour is the likely result.
A good pattern is to have the main thread notice signals have occurred, and perform the processing for them within it. You can do this, safely, by having the main thread employ a pthread_cond_t,pthread_mutex_t pair to watch a counter, and have the signal handler use the same pair to update the counter and notify the change.
Thus the main thread can treat signals as simple inputs to transition between states, such as Normal/SIGINT -> Quitting, Quitting/SIGALRM -> HardStop.
Free() is probably a bit heavy-handed, as it can cause your program to make sporadic memory references, which may be exploitable as an attack surface.

Sending SIGINT to QProcess

I want to send SIGINT to a program started using QProcess.
I am working on ubuntu.
Source code of my process looks like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <csignal>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
void int_handle(int sig)
std::cout<<"Received SIGINT\n";
int main()
std::cout<<"Main called\n";
signal(SIGINT, int_handle);
return 0;
Compiled this program and generated executable my_prog
my Qprocess looks as shown below
QProcess* process= new Qprocess();
QString command = "my_prog";
Based on some event I tried sending SIGINT in following ways
kill(process->pid(), SIGINT);
QString command = kill -9 <PID>;
QByteArray ba = command.toLatin1();
Even after trying all these things I am not able to receive the SIGINT in my program.
Please help me in finding the correct way to implement this.
EDIT1: Updated the example program.
I tried to explain the problem and ignored syntax errors in the example.
Sorry for that.
Thanks in advance.
Besides from several syntax errors/typos in your example, which will prevent the code from even compiling, the program which you try to kill has two and a half issues:
The signal handler has the wrong signature, it receives an integer parameter as shown in the manpage. This won't even compile with g++.
In main no event loop or similar is started. Thus when you execute the binary, it registers the signal handler, and exits immediately after that, because signal() is non-blocking.
From the signal() manpage:
Avoid its use: use sigaction(2) instead.
Point 1 and 2 are obsoleted by EDIT1 of OP, point 3 remains.
As pointed out by Murphy, QProcess captures stdout/stderr and makes it available through a QIODevice interface. If you don't forward the subprocess output to the parent process, you won't see any output.
After forwarding the process channels, you must also send the correct signal if you want your signal handler to be called. The process->kill() sends a SIGKILL not a SIGINT, so your signal handler wouldn't be invoked. Most of your examples for killing the subprocess are sending the wrong signal.
Finally, be sure that your command is actually starting. I had to specify a relative local path ./my_prog in order to have the process start successfully.
Here is some code based on your incomplete example that works for me:
#include <QProcess>
#include <QDebug>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <csignal>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QProcess *process = new QProcess();
// Start process from local directory
QString command = "./my_prog";
// Forward output of process to parent stdout/stderr
// Ensure process starts successfully; wait indefinitely
qDebug() << "Process started.";
// Wait a little before sending signal
// Send the correct signal
kill(process->pid(), SIGINT);
} else {
qDebug() << "Failed to start process.";

Pending signals not being delivered

I wrote this program to check blocking of SIGQUIT signal. The problem is after restoring to the previous state, the signal is pending but it isn't being delivered.
Here's the main program
sigset_t newmask, oldmask, pendmask;
if(signal(SIGQUIT,sig_quit)==SIG_ERR) //Register signal handler
sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK,&newmask,&oldmask); //Save previous value and block SIGQUIT
if(sigismember(&pendmask,SIGQUIT)){ //Check if SIGQUIT is pending
printf("\nSIGQUIT pending..\n");
sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK,&oldmask,NULL); //Restore old value of sigset
printf("\nSIGQUIT unblocked\n");
sleep(5); //Sleep again to check if everything is A-okay!
I can understand that in the first sleep the signal is blocked. But even after unblocking, in the second sleep function, the program isn't responding to SIGQUIT.
What could be the possible problem here?
P.S I'm using CentOs
Here's the handler function
void sig_quit(int i)
printf("\nSIGQUIT caught\n");
That's because you aren't unblocking SIGQUIT when you think you are:
sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK,&oldmask,NULL); //Restore old value of sigset
With SIG_BLOCK, sigprocmask is adding oldmask to the currently blocked signals.
Try instead:
sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK,&oldmask,NULL); //Restore old value of sigset
Furthermore, in sig_quit you are using printf which is not an async-signal-safe function. You can use, for example, write instead.

SIGINT signal re-install in linux

I am writing a program dealing with Linux signals. To be more specific, I want to re-install signal SIGINT in child process, only to find that it doesn't work.
Here is a simpler version of my code:
void handler(int sig){
//do something
void handler2(int sig){
//do something
int main(){
signal(SIGINT, handler);
if ((pid = fork()) == 0) {
signal(SIGINT, handler2); // re-install signal SIGINT
// do something that takes some time
printf("In child process:\n");
execve("foo", argv, environ); // foo is a executable in local dir
int status;
waitpid(pid, &status, 0); // block itself waiting for child procee to exit
return 0;
When shell is printing "In child process:", I press ctrl+c. I find that function handler is executed without problem, but handler2 is never executed.
Could you help me with this bug in my code?
I want the child process to receive SIGINT signal during foo running process, is that possible?
It is not a bug - calling execve has replaced the running binary image. The function handler2() (and any other function of your binary) is no longer mapped in the program memory having been replaced by the image of "foo" and therefore all signal settings are replaced to a default.
If you wish the signal handler to be active during "foo" run, you have to:
make sure the handler function is mapped into the memory of foo
a signal handler is registered after "foo" starts.
One way to do this is to create a shared library that contains the signal handler and an init function that is defined as a constructor that registers said signal handler and force it into the "foo" memory by manipulating the environment under which you execve foo (the environ variable) to include
#gby's anwser has given comprehensive background knowlegde. I am here to give another solution without shared library.
Every time child process stops or terminates, parent process will receive SIGCHLD. You can handler this SIGCHLD signal to know if child process was terminated by SIGINT. In your handler:
pid_t pid = waitpid(pid_t pid,int * status,int options)
You can get status of child process through waitpid function.
if(WIFSIGNALED(status) && (pid == child_pid)){
if(WTERMSIG(status) == SIGINT){
// now you know your foo has received SIGINT.
// do whatever you like.

Explicitly invoke SIG_DFL/SIG_IGN handlers on Linux

I've blocked, and then waited for a signal via the following code:
sigset_t set;
sigfillset(&set); // all signals
sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &set, NULL); // block all signals
siginfo_t info;
int signum = sigwaitinfo(&set, &info); // wait for next signal
struct sigaction act;
sigaction(signum, NULL, &act); // get the current handler for the signal
act.sa_handler(signum); // invoke it
The last line generates a segmentation fault, as the handler is set to SIG_DFL (defined as 0). How can I manually invoke the default handler if it's set to SIG_DFL or SIG_IGN? Also note that SIG_IGN is defined as 1.
As you discovered you cannot invoke SIG_DFL and SIG_IGN per se. However, you can more-or-less mimic their behavior.
Briefly, imitating normal signal disposition would be:
quite easy for user-defined sa_handlers
easy enough for SIG_IGN, with the caveat that you'd need to waitpid() in the case of CHLD
straightforward but unpleasant for SIG_DFL, re-raising to let the kernel do its magic.
Does this do what you want?
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* Manually dispose of a signal, mimicking the behavior of current
* signal dispositions as best we can. We won't cause EINTR, for
* instance.
* FIXME: save and restore errno around the SIG_DFL logic and
* SIG_IGN/CHLD logic.
void dispatch_signal(const int signo) {
int stop = 0;
sigset_t oset;
struct sigaction curact;
sigaction(signo, NULL, &curact);
/* SIG_IGN => noop or soak up child term/stop signals (for CHLD) */
if (SIG_IGN == curact.sa_handler) {
if (SIGCHLD == signo) {
int status;
while (waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG|WUNTRACED) > 0) {;}
/* user defined => invoke it */
if (SIG_DFL != curact.sa_handler) {
/* SIG_DFL => let kernel handle it (mostly).
* We handle noop signals ourselves -- "Ign" and "Cont", which we
* can never intercept while stopped.
if (SIGURG == signo || SIGWINCH == signo || SIGCONT == signo) return;
/* Unblock CONT if this is a "Stop" signal, so that we may later be
* woken up.
stop = (SIGTSTP == signo || SIGTTIN == signo || SIGTTOU == signo);
if (stop) {
sigset_t sig_cont;
sigaddset(&sig_cont, SIGCONT);
sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &sig_cont, &oset);
/* Re-raise, letting the kernel do the work:
* - Set exit codes and corefiles for "Term" and "Core"
* - Halt us and signal WUNTRACED'ing parents for "Stop"
* - Do the right thing if we forgot to handle any special
* signals or signals yet to be introduced
kill(getpid(), signo);
/* Re-block CONT, if needed */
if (stop) sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oset, NULL);
(in response to OP's excellent questions)
1: does this slot in after the sigwaitinfo?
Yes. Something like:
... block signals ...
signo = sigwaitinfo(&set, &info);
2: Why not raise those signals handled by SIG_IGN, they'll be ignored anyway
It's slightly more efficient to noop in userspace than by three syscalls (re-raise, unmask, re-mask). Moreover, CHLD has special semantics when SIG_IGNored.
3: Why treat SIGCHLD specially?
Originally (check answer edits) I didn't -- re-raised it in the SIG_IGN case,
because IGNored CHLD signals tell the kernel to automatically reap children.
However, I changed it because "natural" CHLD signals carry information about
the terminated process (at least PID, status, and real UID).
User-generated CHLD signals don't carry the same semantics, and, in my testing,
IGNoring them doesn't cause 2.6 to autoreap queued zombies whose SIGCHLD
was "missed." So, I do it myself.
4: Why are "stop" related signals unblocking CONT. Will not invoking the default handler for CONT unstop the process?
If we're stopped (not executing) and CONT is blocked, we will never receive the
signal to wake us up!
5: Why not call raise instead of the kill line you've given?
Personal preference; raise() would work, too.
I see 2 mistakes in your code :
1) You should reverse the last two lines like this :
sigaction(signum, NULL, &act);
2) You must pass a function handler to the fiedl sa_handler instead of a int. The prototype of the function shoudl look like this :
*some where in you code
void handler (int signal){ /*your code*/}
act.sa_handler = handler;
If you want the default handler to be invoked, you should set the field sa_handler to SIG_DFL and it should work.
I'm not aware of the way to do it.
Only suggestion I have is to look into the man 7 signal and perform manually the action according the table you see there. Ign is nothing. Core is call to abort(). Term is _exit().
Of course you can also set signal handler back to SIG_DFL and then kill(getpid(),THE_SIG) (or its equivalent raise(THE_SIG)). (I personally do not like raise because on some systems it might produce some messages on stderr.)
