Get profileDisplayedUserKey on Homepage of IBM Connections - ibm-connections

I am developing some widgets for IBM Conections. One of the requirements is a widget on the homepage which will get the user based content.
On a Profile page there you can get ProfileUserkey by calling
I want to know if this also applicable for the homepage? Can I get the Profileuserkey by the same method or is there another/better way?

Paul, I already figured it out. iContext has something like getUserProfile() and from this ItemSet you can get directly the email of the current user.


Liferay static url for dynamic data

I want to serve some data from an static url in Liferay. For example, say to serve a json containing the logged user from "" so all the portlets in the proyect can read it. Right now I can do it with a portlet, but then I have to set the url with the configuration panel and I don't like that.
I've seen that I can put jsp files with the static content, but don't know how to access the information of session, users, etc.
Friendly urls seem to accomplish something similar but seem overly complicated and focused in getting a short easy url, something I don't care.
So, how can I get some internal data in an static url (I don't mind if it's friendly, long or short, but always the same) so every element of a Liferay proyect can read it?
FOURTH EDIT: Another way to put it...
In my eclipse I have this tree:
How do I access that jsp in a browser without having to go the Liferay panel and putting the portlet in the menus of the web?
FIFTH EDIT: I haven't had the time to research any more, but I have this in my notes...
This goes straight to the portlet, sometimes. plid comes from
PortalUtil.getPlidFromPortletId(themeDisplay.getScopeGroupId(), name_of_portlet_and_war)
It's no solution for me because, it doesn't always work. Sometimes you get a numeric identifier, sometimes you get a zero. I'd bet on the name of portlet and war being incorrect so it doesn't find the portlet, but then, how do you find the new name of the portlet? Sadly, I discarded the code where the name came from, but is coming from Liferay.
SIXTH EDIT: What I want to do is to be able to call a fixed url, with some data internal to Liferay, and get information based on that data back.
There are several aspects here:
Every portlet already has access to the user through a request attribute called ThemeDisplay:
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay) request.getAttribute(WebKeys.THEME_DISPLAY);
Check ThemeDisplay's interface for the various options that you have in order to get the current user's id or object.
You've asked about JSON delivery - this will need to go through Liferay and not (directly) through a JSP in your individual web application. The reason is that any request processed by Liferay will contain the user's information, but as any proper webapp, it's completely separate from any request directed at another webapp: Unless included by Liferay, your JSP will have a different session that has nothing to do with Liferay's session. (I hope this explanation makes sense)
If you write a servletFilter hook, you might not yet have the portal context initialized (Liferay 6.x has been a while for me, pardon for being vague here). If you're on the portlet side, you might have to do more than you expected.
One option that you have is to embed a portlet on every page, automatically (e.g. when it's deployed, it's available). You can configure a portlet to be automatically included on every page, it's done for the chat portlet, for example. That portlet does not need to have any UI, it just needs to expose its resourceURL, so that you can use it from everywhere.
However, I somehow doubt that you use it, given that every portlet has the information already at hand.
But I might also just not understand all of your requirements...

Is there a way in Sitecore to display a link to a media library item that the user does not have access to?

I want to use Sitecore security to make access to certain documents on a site require registration/login. However the client would like to show links to these documents to anonymous users as a way to let them know that if they register/login then they will get access to these protected documents.
Is there some simple way to do this in Sitecore? The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is to use some sort of Security Disabler to get the list of documents and display the links on the page.
As Thomas Therkildsen suggests, you can use the Security Disabler, although Sitecore's preferred method is to use a user switcher.
using (new Sitecore.Security.Accounts.UserSwitcher(userWithMoreRights))
// ...
SecurityDisabler basically gives the code the right to do anything it wants, whereas UserSwitcher is more restrictive.
See the Security API cookbook for more information.
You could use the SecurityDisabler:
using (new SecurityDisabler())
//code to get links

set cutom user agent in web browser control when navigating to a single page

How can I set a custom user agent for a webbrowser control? The control is loading a page where I need to spoof it. I am using c sharp.
This has been asked many times on here. I suggest searching for a solution next time before posting a new question, but you can easily do this by using the WebBrowser control's Navigate() method. Just note that this will only work when you use this method, after you navigate to another page, it will "reset".
webBrowser1.Navigate("", "_self", null, "User-Agent: Custom User Agent string");
Also, other header information can be included in the header parameter as well. More information can be found here.
Microsoft's official way to customize the User Agent is to implement the IOleControl::OnAmbientPropertyChange event to respond to DISPID_AMBIENT_USERAGENT requests (but does not affect Navigate() or a page's DOM), or use UrlMkSetSessionOption(URLMON_OPTION_USERAGENT).

with Symfony sfDoctrineGuardPlugin, users can open a page which actually they cannot by changing url

I am using Symfony 1.4, sfDoctrineGuardPlugin.
On my backend app, users can reach a page which they cannot actually by changing url manually. Is there any way to stop it?
Lets say, every author can just reach their own data normally. But if they change id on url they can edit which article they want. I searched on the internet but cannot find any solution for it? Do you know a way?
Thanks a lot.
By just hiding things that doesn't belong to a particular author you can't protect them from being edited or deleted.
Overload executeEdit/executeUpdate/executeDelete actions in your backend modules to avoid unauthorized management.
Something like:
public function executeEdit(sfWebRequest $request) {
In addition, you can check for proper credentials. It's useful when you want to some user groups to access some special content, or content of another users.
Hope that helps.
you have to make a relation between article and authors. I presume there is already one, so the best approach is to override doSelect method in ArticlePeer to check with Author. Just add a criteria to select articles belongs to the current user.

How to programmatically check view permission to a url in SharePoint?

I am displaying a list of popular public bookmarks to the logged-in user. Some users dont have access to these bookmark-urls and I want to suppress the results so that only accessible urls are shown to the user.
I tried to use the DoesUserHavePermissions method, but the problem is that I am not sure what object does the url points to (item/list/web/site).
I figured it out :|
when getting popular bookmarks from SocialTagManager i need to pass the logged-in users context i.e. SPServiceContext.Current and SharePoint will take care of the rest.
