csslint: how to exclude directories from command line? - csslint

I want to exclude all vendor directories (ex.: public/css/vendor ) using csshint, but when I run the following command:
csslint --format=lint-xml --exclude-list=/vendor/ /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/project/src > /home/user/Desktop/test.xml
nothing happens! Can anybody help me with this?
I got an example from here:

My problem was:
When u run the command u must specify the path in the exclude-list.
csslint --format=lint-xml --exclude-list=/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/project/src/folder /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/project/src > /home/user/Desktop/test.xml.
I can't give him a pattern, only a file or dir with full path.


How to traverse dirs in linux and cd into a specific dir

I have a file structure as following:
I need to travel to the dir "my_stats" and execute query to find files in my cmd. There are multiple dirs in "staging" and I need to go into every one of them and check if 'my_stats' dir exists. If it exists, then I need to run a cmd query in "my_stats" dir.
The dir structure will always be in the following format:
/home/myhome/me/staging/<2 digit name>/<4 digit name>/my_stats/
I have tried iterating through the structure using a nested for loop and checking all dirs in 'staging' which is proving to be slow. Is there a way to using the 'find' command with 'depth' to do the same?
Or can we implement this with pattern matching ?
Appreciate the help. Thanks!
found the answer!
we can use * for it.
Will try to find a better solution which can maybe use len of dir to better differentiate it
Try this one
find . -type f -path "./[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/my_stats/*"
can replace the . with your own path.

Rename fails but does work with -n (no action) option

Im trying to rename some files with the format Week_XX_2018-XX-XX_-_2018-XX-XX.md to Week_XX_2018-XX-XX/2018-XX-XX.md. So changing _-_ to /.
I tried to use rename and first tested it with the -n option. This works fine and shows something like this for all the files:
$ rename -n 's/_-_/\//g' *
rename(Week_01_2018-12-03_-_2018-12-09.md, Week_01_2018-12-03/2018-12-09.md)
However, when executed without the -noption the command fails. It says
Can't rename Week_01_2018-12-03_-_2018-12-19.md Week_01_2018-12-03/2018-12-09: No such file or directory
Why does this happen? How can the test of the command work but not the actual command?
The character '/' is special as it is used as path delimiter. See Is it possible to use "/" in a filename? for a more detailed answer on why your rename fails.

php path, cron and cpanel

I've spent days still can't figure out this.
I have following file structure under public_html:
cron_jobs/file.php contains - > include('../base/basefile.php')
base/basefile.php contains - > include('baseSubFile.php')
when I run
/pathtophp/php -f ~/public_html/cron_jobs/file.php
it works ok but when I copy the same command to cron in cpanel, I get error saying
'basesubfile.php' can't be found
Please help.
Cron won't run from the same directory as your php file is in, so you'll need to change to it first:
cd /home/user/public_html/cron_jobs/ && /pathtophp/php -f file.php
I recommend the full path versus ~ when dealing with cron scripts to avoid confusion
You should used
include dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../base/basefile.php';
include dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/baseSubFile.php';
The function dirname returns parent directory's path
Simply put this at the top of your PHP script:

Shell script takes variable as a command

I'm coding an extremely simple shell script and it doesn't really work as it should. Here are the contents:
# Defining base project directory
PRODUCTION_DIR = $BASE_DIR/out/production/dir;
# Generating headers
javah -classpath $PRODUCTION_DIR -d $BASE_DIR/jni/include com.my.class.Name
# Building native libs
Paths are correct, it works if I remove $PRODUCTION_DIR, if I'll run it like this, it says:
line 3: PRODUCTION_DIR: command not found
Does any one know what's wrong?
Remove whitespace,
Otherwise you're trying to run PRODUCTION_DIR with parameters = and $BASE_DIR/out/production/dir
Also, remove the ;'s at end of line, they're redundant

Vim problem with gf command

I am using Vim and I have set the path (set path+= c:/work/etc/etc) to my project directory (for C#), but still using command 'gf' give me error:
E:447 Can't find file.
Is there anything I am doing wrong over here?
To get a bit more detail on your current path settings you can see what's being included and the files vim can't find by entering the command:
and you'll get a dump of the files not found, e.g.
--- Included files not found in path ---
vim.h -->
Or you can get a listing of all included files, both found and not found, by entering
:help path
to get more info on the path syntax.
Edit: Don't forget that using the syntax
set path=/work
will completely reset your path variable to what you've just declared. I'd suggest using
set path+=/work
instead. This won't clobber the current path and will just add your /work directory instead.
I also found out that
:set path+=./foo/bar
adds a search location relative to the directory of the current file, just like '.' does.
My vim didn't want to search for such include
#include <common/util/string.h>
So what I needed to do was
:set path+=foo/bar
instead of
:set path+=./foo/bar
The former adds a search path relative to current working directory. Hopefully it helps someone.
First can you open the file using :find file.name ? (:help find for more info). If this does not work then your path is wrong. If :find does locate your file then do the following:
Insure that you are not in Visual/Insert mode
Place cursor on the first letter of the filename and press gf
I know this is an old question, but I also had some troubles with this for another reason and it took me some time to find out why. I hope this might be helpful to someone.
When a directory is matched with wildignore, gf does not work for files in it, nor does :find.
This is obvious if you read wildignore's documentation, but I forgot I ever changed this variable, and what it was for exactly. Also I used a glob, and it was not immediately apparent to me that the directory I was using gf in, was also matched with this glob.
Make sure there is no leading character to the file name if you press gf, i.e. using gf when the cursor is on help.txt will not work here:
If you are talking about the gf tool wri††en by tomnomnom then here's how to set-up:
Setting PATH for GO (if you have not setup yet).
export GOROOT=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin
Step 1: Download tool from github
Step 2: cp -r path/to/tomnomnom/gf/examples ~/.gf
Step 3: source ~/tools/gf/gf-completion.bash
Now gf should work along with auto-completion from anywhere.
Source: Original sources are present at his repo.
