Get all classes from a package - haxe

I'd like a (platform independent) way to list all classes from a package.
A possible way would be get a list of all classes known by Haxe, then filtering through it.

I made a macro to help with just this. It's in the compiletime haxelib.
haxelib install compiletime
And then add it to your build (hxml file):
-lib compiletime
And then use it to import your classes:
// All classes in this package, including sub packages.
var testcases = CompileTime.getAllClasses("my.package");
// All classes in this package, not including sub packages.
var testcases = CompileTime.getAllClasses("my.package",false);
// All classes that extend (or implement) TestCase
var testcases = CompileTime.getAllClasses(TestCase);
// All classes in a package that extend TestCase
var testcases = CompileTime.getAllClasses("my.package",TestCase);
And then you can iterate over them:
for ( testClass in testcases ) {
var test = Type.createInstance( testClass, [] );
Please note, if you never have "import some.package.SomeClass" in your code, that class will never be included, because of dead code elimination. So if you want to make sure it gets included, even if you never explicitly call it in your code, you can do something like this:
CompileTime.importPackage( "mygame.levels" );
CompileTime.getAllClasses( "mygame.levels", GameLevel );
How it works
CompileTime.getAllClasses is a macro, and what it does is:
Waits until compilation is finished, and we know all of the types / classes in our app.
Go through each one, and see if it is in the specified package
See also if it extends (or implements) the specified class/interface
If it does, add the class name to some special metadata - #classLists(...) metadata on the CompileTimeClassList file, containing the names of all the matching classes.
At runtime, use the metadata, together with Type.resolveClass(...) to create a list of all matching types.

This is one way to store and retrieve the information:
Beyond that you could use haxe -xml to get the type information you want, then transform it as needed (use the parser from haxe.rtti to handle the data) and embed the JSON encoded result with -resource theinfo.json (accessed through haxe.Resource).
As a side note: there are chances you'll be better off not having any automation and just add the classes to an array manually. Imagine you have somepackage.ClassA, somepackage.ClassB, ... then you can do
import somepackage.*;
static var CLASSES:Array<Class<Dynamic>> = [ClassA, ClassB, ...];
It gives you more flexibility as whatever you want to do, you can always add 3rd party classes, which may not necessarily be in the same package and you can also choose to not use a class without having to delete it.


ArchUnit: how to test for imports of specific classes outside of current package?

To externalize UI strings we use the "Messages-class" approach as supported e.g. in Eclipse and other IDEs. This approach requires that in each package where one needs some UI strings there has to be a class "Messages" that offers a static method String getString(key) via which one obtains the actual String to display to the user. The Strings are internally accessed/fetched using Java's Resources mechanism for i18n.
Esp. after some refactoring - we again and again have accidental imports from a class Messages from a different package.
Thus I would like to create an archunit rule checking whether we only access classes called "Messages" from the very same package. I.e. each import of a class x.y.z.Messages is an error if the package x.y.z is not the same package as the current class (i.e. the class that contains the import)
I got as far as this:
void preventReferencesToMessagesOutsideCurrentPackage(JavaClasses classes) {
ArchRule rule;
rule = ArchRuleDefinition.noClasses()
but now I got stuck at the ???.
How can one phrase a condition "and the referenced/imported class "Messages" is not in the same package as this class"?
I somehow got lost with all these archunit methods of which none seems to fit here nor lend itself to compose said condition. Probably I just can't see the forest for the many trees.
Any suggestion or guidance anyone?
You need to operate on instances of JavaAccess to validate the dependencies. JavaAccess provides information about the caller and the target such that you can validate the access dynamically depending on the package name of both classes.
DescribedPredicate<JavaAccess<?>> isForeignMessageClassPredicate =
new DescribedPredicate<JavaAccess<?>>("target is a foreign message class") {
public boolean apply(JavaAccess<?> access) {
JavaClass targetClass = access.getTarget().getOwner();
if ("Message".equals(targetClass.getSimpleName())) {
JavaClass callerClass = access.getOwner().getOwner();
return !targetClass.getPackageName().equals(callerClass.getPackageName());
return false;
ArchRule rule =

Test package dependencies within a module with ArchUnit

I have trouble formulating the following test with ArchUnit:
I want to ensure that all classes in a certain package only access classes outside of the application base package or within a certain sub package ("or" not "xor").
What I have got is:
#AnalyzeClasses(packages = "com.example")
public class ClassDependencies {
static final ArchRule deps = classes.that()
.orShould().resideInAnyPackage("com.example.package1..", "com.example.package2..);
Problem is, that the or-condition should be within the onlyAccessClassesThat(). Above formulation fails if a class has both types of access, which I want to be valid.
How can I achieve what I want?
Thanks for any help on this...
You can specify provide the predicate as method argument and combine it with another predicate:
.or(JavaClass.Predicates.resideInAnyPackage("com.example.package1..", "com.example.package2.."))

Can one change/influence JAXB's code generation?

I was wondering whether one can influence the "style" of the code that JAXB generates from XML schema (.xsd) fles. E.g. I would like to:
emit a comment inside newly generated classes, specifically if the class is empty, since that triggers warnings in my environment.
change all setter-methods to return the object instead of "void", so one can do call-chaining like:
X someMethod() {
return new X().setFoo(5).setBar("something");
instead of the tedious:
X someMethod() {
X x = new (X);
return x;
Is there some "template" anywhere that JAXB uses and that one could tweak, to achieve such things? Or is that all hard-coded?
There is no template for modifying the generated code easily.
There is, however, a number of plugins. For instance: which is just what you want according to your 2nd bullet.
There are other plugins, e.g. for annotations suppressing warnings - that may help against the 1st bullet.
As an extra, I'd like to mention that not generating Java classes from an XML schema but writing them by hand (plus annotations, of course) is a plausible alternative, provided the XML schema isn't too complex. It may have other advantages besides solving #1 and #2.

NodeJS: Keeping library files DRY

I've recently started working on a non-trivial project in CoffeeScript and I'm struggling with how best to deal with registering exports etc. I'm writing it in a very 'pythonesque' manner, with individual files effectively being 'modules' of related classes and functions. What I'm looking for is the best way to define classes and functions locally AND in exports/window with as little repetition as possible.
At the moment, I'm using the following in every file, to save writing exports.X = X for everything in the file:
class module
# All classes/functions to be included in exports should be defined with `#`
# E.g.
class #DatClass
exports[name] = item for own name, item of module
I've also looked at the possibility of using a function (say, publish) that puts the passed class in exports/window depending on its name:
publish = (f) ->
throw new Error 'publish only works with named functions' unless
((exports ? window).namespace ?= {})[] = f
publish class A
# A is now available in the local scope and in `exports.namespace`
# or `window.namespace`
This, however, does not work with functions as, as far as I know, they cannot be 'named' in CoffeeScript (e.g. is always '') and so publish cannot determine the correct name.
Is there any method that works like publish but works with functions? Or any alternative ways of handling this?
It's an ugly hack but you can use the following :
class module.exports
class #foo
#bar = 3
And then :
require(...) // 3
The old
(function (exports) {
// my code
exports.someLib = ...
})(typeof exports === "undefined" ? window : exports);
Is a neat trick that should do what you want.
If writing that wrapper boilerplate is a pain then automate it with a build script.
What I'm looking for is the best way to define classes and functions locally AND in exports/window with as little repetition as possible.
It's impossible to do something like
exports.x = var x = ...;
without writing x twice in JavaScript (without resorting to black magicks, i.e. eval), and the same goes for CoffeeScript. Bummer, I know, but that's how it is.
My advice would be to not get too hung up on it; that kind of repetition is common. But do ask yourself: "Do I really need to export this function or variable and make it locally available?" Cleanly decoupled code doesn't usually work that way.
There's an exception to the "no named functions" rule: classes. This works:
exported = (clas) ->
window[] = clas
exported class Snake extends Animal
move: ->
alert "Slithering..."
super 5

Code Contracts and Auto Generated Files

When I enabled code contracts on my WPF control project I ran into a problem with an auto generated file which was created at compile time (XamlNamespace.GeneratedInternalTypeHelper). Note, the generated file is called GeneratedInternalTypeHelper.g.cs and is not the same as the GeneratedInternalTypeHelper.g.i.cs which there are several obsolete blog posts about.
I'm not exactly sure what its purpose is, but I am assuming it is important for some internal reflection to resolve XAML. The problem is that it does not have code contracts, nor is the code contract system smart enough to recognize it as an auto generated file. This leads to a bunch of errors from the static checker.
I tried searching for a solution to this problem, but it seems like nobody is developing WPF controls and using code contracts. I did come across an interesting attribute, ContractVerificationAttribute, which takes a boolean value to set whether the assembly or class is to be verified. This allows you to decorate a class as not verified. Sadly the GeneratedInternalTypeHelper is regenerated with every compile, so it is not possible to exclude just this one class. The inverse scenario is possible though, decorate the assembly as not verified and then opt in for every class.
To mitigate the obvious hack I wanted to create a test that would at least verify that the exposed classes have code contract verification with a test like the following to ensure that own classes were at least being verified:
public void AllAssemblyTypesAreDecoratedWithContractVerificationTrue()
var assembly = typeof(someType).Assembly;
var exposedTypes = assembly.GetTypes().Where(t=>!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(t.Namespace) && t.Namespace.StartsWith("MyNamespace") && !t.Name.StartsWith("<>"));
var areAnyNotContractVerified = exposedTypes.Any(t =>
var verificationAttribute = t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ContractVerificationAttribute), true).OfType<ContractVerificationAttribute>();
return verificationAttribute.Any() && verificationAttribute.First().Value;
As you can see it takes all classes in the controls assembly and finds the one from the company namespace which are not also auto generated anonymous types (<>WeirdClassName).
(I also need to exclude Resources and settings, but I hope you get the idea).
I'm not loving the solution since there are ways of avoiding contract verification, but currently it's the best I can come up with. If anyone has a better solution, please let me know.
So you can treat this class exactly like you would treat any other "3rd party" class or library. I'm sure certain assumptions would hold with the interaction with this generated class so at the interaction points, decorate your own code with Contract.Assume(result != null) or similar.
var result = new GennedClass().GetSomeValue();
Contract.Assume(result != null);
What this does is translate into an assertion that is checked at run time, but it allows the static analyzer to reason about the rest of the code that you do control.
