Exporting Access data to Excel data source contains no visible tables - excel

I'm trying to export several Access queries to Excel using the in-built 'get data from Access' function. The first table was im-/ex-ported fine, but after that it keeps showing the message 'Data source contains no visible tables' and wouldn't get the data in. Anyone knows why this is happening? Thanks!

From within Excel 2010, link to the Access 2010 tables or queries via Microsoft Query (from the other data sources menu in Excel).
This method, rather than trying to link using "From Access", gives you a view of the tables whether linked to a backend db or not and also to queries in the Access file.


Excel file linked to Access; Access linked to Power Query; Excel file pop up when refreshin PowerQuery

I have the following situation:
1- I have one Excel File linked to my Access database called "Input"
I use this file to create a query that allows to extract only the information from the references in the "Input" file.
2- After creating the query (merge) I get this extraction with the Power Query function from my "Main" table i use to work.
I do this because in the Access i have tables with +1M rows and PowerQuery cannot handle them.
When i refresh my linked PowerQuery tables that comes from "Input+merged info" the "Input" Excel would open.
This happens with every single Excel file i link to the Access and get them with PowerQuery later on.
It seems that to "refresh" the information it is going all the way down to the source of the information and opening it to update it.
There is an option to solve this and it is importing the Excel Files - but that generates an extra work that would complicate everything as Access size would be +2GB.
Does anyone know how to solve this issue?
Thank you!!

Excel refresh fails on OneDrive for Business

My excel workbook has the following solution implemented:
The solutions is to loop through multiple excel files on OneDrive into one. The excel has the following sheets:
Sheet1(Home Page): This has a table with a Key-Value pair. Key stands for the department and value is the path of the files on SharePoint
Sheet2: This sheet has the data from all the files mentioned in the Sheet1.
This is implemented using the power query. I’ve created a custom function in Power query to loop through the files in the table mentioned above and get the data.
The function to pull the data looks like this:
This solution works perfectly when I refresh from my excel desktop.
When I place the file on one drive and open the same excel on the browser and hit refresh connection I see the following error:
Inputs on troubleshooting this error will be appreciated.
Excel Online does not support Power Query. You can have a data model and use pivot tables based on that data model in Excel Online, but you cannot refresh Power Queries or external data sources when you open the file in the browser.

excel refresh microsoft query and graphs at the same time

I am running Excel 2016, using Microsoft query connecting to sql server retrieving some data into a pivot table and creating a graph, this works fine.
I have a cell that I can change the date I am interested in, the underlying data then changes, but I have to right click on a graph and say refresh.
Is it possible to have the graph refresh when the data does? I have seen examples of charts changing when the data is in excel, but can't seem to find anything when pulling from an external data source.

How to get Excel to interact with .NET or PowerShell or OData

I have a few thousand rows of history data that I want Excel to access. This data will be used in creating a summary report, sparklines, and a table data.
My question is how should I go about adding new rows to the datasource? Powershell is required to extract data from the source (Exchange Server)... but then how do I surface that extracted data to Excel2010?
Here are my ideas:
1) Powershell can run externally and save the data to the XLSX (as long as the spreadsheet is closed) using Open XML libraries
2) Use Excel vb macros to call COM via interop (C# object) to get the data from Powershell. The returned values go to the XLSX (Ugly)
3) ????
(Advanced, not sure if this idea will work with above mentioned features)
If I were to move these rows to an external sheet, or SQL table, then I'd rather use other ways of importing the data into excel. I dont' know if this will work with sparklines, or tables. Perhaps I could use OData since it appears to be the most lightweight and firewall friendly.
If you have the external data in SQL Server, Access or another Excel file, it's trivial to access it using Data>Connections. The data will automatically be formatted as an Excel table with all of Excel's features available.

Creating a table in Excel

I was working on project for my company. The requirements are to create an excel report at the end.
The way I am currently coding/thinking.
Remote Server ---> Local Access table --> give user a UI to filter data however they want --> Export to excel.
However, one of my analysts asked me if we can stay away from access and use Excel only. So I was wondering, is there a way to create a "table" like access table in Excel? This way, when I import data from remote server, I can put it in a table (IN EXCEL), create a form for UI, and have everything contained in one file.
I can't paste the raw data into a sheet because of performance issues (however, I have not tried it. I just assume that it is a lot faster to query a 'real' table then to search through excel cells).
Can you think of a alternate solution?
One option is to use Microsoft Query to directly access the remote database. In this case, the users would need to use the UI of MS Query (which isn't the prettiest) for filtering, but it would get the job done without needing the intermediate database.
Here is a good reference from the Microsoft site.
