If I am creating a Blazor App base on Asp.net Host template and I have a paid subscription for Azure. I would like to know how to send an email when user have entered the required info.
Here the code for Asp.netCore and I am not sure how to use it for my case using Blazor to send thru Azure website. Would appreciate if you can provide some reference to read or a sample code to try out.
using System.Net.Mail;
MailMessage mailMessage = new MailMessage();
mailMessage.From = new MailAddress("email1#somewebsite.com");
mailMessage.To.Add(new MailAddress("email2#somewebsite.com"));
mailMessage.Subject = "Your subject";
mailMessage.IsBodyHtml = true;
mailMessage.Body = "Email body";
SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient();
client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("email1#somewebsite.com", "password");
client.Host = "smtpout.asia.secureserver.net";
We have a portal in our company and our users login using their corporate account that is synced with Azure AD. We want to show an indicator on our portal of their unread emails. Do I need to get all email and count the ones that are unread on can I filter on unread and get a count on the collection? Both solution will deliver high traffic so is there a more performance way?
The return value of a messages call with Graph also has the unreademail count in UnreadItemCount. Best way is to use the NUGET package Microsoft.Graph, make a call, cast the result to mailfolder and retrieve the unread email count:
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", accessToken);
//Get 10 Unread Messages
Task<HttpResponseMessage> call = httpClient.GetAsync("https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/mailfolders/Inbox");
var responseUnread = call.Result;
if (responseUnread.IsSuccessStatusCode)
string s = await responseUnread.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
//Deserialize to Microsoft.Graph.MailFolder NUGET:Microsoft.Graph
var mf = serializer.Deserialize<MailFolder>(s);
unreadMail = mf.UnreadItemCount;
I am trying to set up a C# console app that can send notifications/reminders to users via Skype for Business online from a generic AD account. I was excited to see the other day that according to this page, UCWA is now supported in Skype for Business online: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/mt650889.aspx.
I've been trying to follow this tutorial to get this set up: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/mt590891(v=office.16).aspx. So far I haven't really had much luck... I have my application set up in Azure AD but I get stuck at the "Requesting an access token using implicit grant flow" step of that article (not 100% certain I'm taking the correct actions before that either)... so far I have this:
string clientId = "xxxxxxxx"
string resourceUri = "https://webdir.online.lync.com";
string authorityUri = "https://login.windows.net/common/oauth2/authorize";
AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext(authorityUri);
UserCredential cred = new UserCredential("username", "password");
string token = authContext.AcquireToken(resourceUri, clientId, cred).AccessToken;
var poolReq = CreateRequest("https://webdir.online.lync.com/autodiscover/autodiscoverservice.svc/root", "GET",token);
var poolResp = GetResponse(poolReq);
dynamic tmp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(poolResp);
string resourcePool = tmp._links.user.href;
var accessTokenReq = CreateRequest("https://login.windows.net/common/oauth2/authorize"
+ "?response_type=id_token"
+ "&client_id=" + clientId
+ "&redirect_uri=https://login.live.com/oauth20_desktop.srf"
+ "&state=" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
+ "&resource=" + new Uri(resourcePool).Host.ToString()
, "GET",token);
var accessTokenResp = GetResponse(accessTokenReq);
my GetResponse and CreateRequest methods:
public static string GetResponse(HttpWebRequest request)
string response = string.Empty;
using (HttpWebResponse httpResponse = request.GetResponse() as System.Net.HttpWebResponse)
//Get StreamReader that holds the response stream
using (StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))
response = reader.ReadToEnd();
return response;
public static HttpWebRequest CreateRequest(string uri, string method, string accessToken)
HttpWebRequest request = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(uri) as System.Net.HttpWebRequest;
request.KeepAlive = true;
request.Method = method;
request.ContentLength = 0;
request.ContentType = "application/json";
request.Headers.Add("Authorization", String.Format("Bearer {0}", accessToken));
return request;
accessTokenResp is an office online logon page, not the access token I need to move forward... so I'm stuck. I've tried quite a few variations of the above code.
I've been scouring the net for more examples but can't really find any, especially since UCWA support for Office 365 is so new. Does anyone have an example of how to do what I am trying to do or can point me to one? Everything I've found so far hasn't really even been close to what I'm trying. I can't use the Skype for Business client SDK unfortunately either as it doesn't meet all of my requirements.
I came to a working solution using ADAL (v3), with the help of steps outlined at
Authentication using Azure AD
Here the steps, which involve requesting multiple authentication tokens to AAD using ADAL
Register your application, as Native Application, in Azure AD.
Perform autodiscovery to find user's UCWA root resource URI.
This can be done by performing a GET request on
GET https://webdir.online.lync.com/Autodiscover/AutodiscoverService.svc/root?originalDomain=yourdomain.onmicrosoft.com
Request an access token for the UCWA root resource returned in the autodiscovery response, using ADAL
For instance, your root resource will be at
you'll have to obtain a token from AAD for resource https://webdir0e.online.lync.com/
Perform a GET on the root resource with the bearer token obtained from ADAL
GET https://webdir0e.online.lync.com/Autodiscover/AutodiscoverService.svc/root/oauth/user?originalDomain=yourdomain.onmicrosoft.com
This will return, within the user resource, the URI for applications resource, where to create your UCWA application. This in my case is:
Residing then in another domain, thus different audience / resource, not included in the auth token previously obatained
Acquire a new token from AAD for the host resource where the home pool and applications resource are (https://webpoolam30e08.infra.lync.com in my case)
Create a new UCWA application by doing a POST on the applications URI, using the token obtained from ADAL
Voilá, your UCWA application is created. What I notice at the moment, is that just few resources are available, excluding me / presence. So users' presence can be retrieved, but self presence status can't be changed.
I've been able however to retrieve my personal note, and the following resources are available to me:
Show me some code:
Function to perform the flow obtaining and switching auth tokens
public static async Task<UcwaApp> Create365UcwaApp(UcwaAppSettings appSettings, Func<string, Task<OAuthToken>> acquireTokenFunc)
var result = new UcwaApp();
result.Settings = appSettings;
var rootResource = await result.Discover365RootResourceAsync(appSettings.DomainName);
var userUri = new Uri(rootResource.Resource.GetLinkUri("user"), UriKind.Absolute);
//Acquire a token for the domain where user resource is
var token = await acquireTokenFunc(userUri.GetComponents(UriComponents.SchemeAndServer, UriFormat.SafeUnescaped));
//Set Authorization Header with new token
result.AuthToken = token;
var usersResult = await result.GetUserResource(userUri.ToString());
result.ApplicationsUrl = usersResult.Resource.GetLinkUri("applications");
var appsHostUri = new Uri(result.ApplicationsUrl, UriKind.Absolute).GetComponents(UriComponents.SchemeAndServer, UriFormat.SafeUnescaped);
//Acquire a token for the domain where applications resource is
token = await acquireTokenFunc(appsHostUri);
//Set Authorization Header with new token
result.AuthToken = token;
var appResult = await result.CreateApplicationAsync(result.ApplicationsUrl, appSettings.ApplicationId, appSettings.UserAgent, appSettings.Culture);
return result;
Usage code ato retrieve OAuth tokens using ADAL
var ucSettings = new UcwaAppSettings
UserAgent = "Test Console",
Culture = "en-us",
DomainName = "yourdomain.onmicrosoft.com",
ApplicationId = "your app client id"
var acquireTokenFunc = new Func<string, Task<OAuthToken>>(async (resourceUri) =>
var authContext = new AuthenticationContext("https://login.windows.net/" + ucSettings.DomainName);
var ar = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(resourceUri,
new UserCredential("myusername", "mypassword"));
return new OAuthToken(ar.AccessTokenType, ar.AccessToken, ar.ExpiresOn.Ticks);
var app = await UcwaApp.Create365UcwaApp(ucSettings, acquireTokenFunc);
It should be of course possible to avoid hard-coding username and password using ADAL, but this was easier for PoC and especially in case of Console Application as you asked
I've just blogged about this using a start-to-finish example, hopefully it will help you. I only go as far as signing in, but you can use it with another post I've done on sending IMs using Skype Web SDK here (see day 13 and 14) and combine the two, it should work fine.
Similar to Massimo's solution, I've created a Skype for Business Online C# based console app that demonstrates how to sign and use UCWA to create/list/delete meetings and change user presence. I haven't gotten around to extending it to send IM's, but you're certainly welcome to clone my repository and extend it to your needs. Just drop in your Azure AD tenant name and native app ID into the code.
I think they just turned this on today - I was doing something unrelated with the Skype Web SDK samples and had to create a new Azure AD app, and noticed that there are two new preview features for receiving conversation updates and changing user information.
Now everything in the Github samples works for Skype For Business Online.
I'm trying to use SendGrid to send an email from an Azure worker role every time there are certain exceptions, but I can't get the email to send. I am using SendGridMail version and SendGrid.SmtpApi version which I installed via nuget and .Net 4.5. I am currently debugging locally with plans to deploy to Azure if i can get the emails to successfully send.
SendGridMessage myMessage = new SendGridMessage();
List<String> recipients = new List<String> { #"John Doe <johnd#outlook.com>", #"Peter Howe <perterhowe#gmail.com>" };
myMessage.From = new MailAddress("myemail#test.com");
myMessage.Subject = "Error in Update";
myMessage.Text = "TESTING 123";
string username = XXXXXX;
string password = XXXXXXX;
// Create credentials, specifying your user name and password.
var credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, password);
// Create an Web transport for sending email.
var transportWeb = new Web(credentials);
// Send the email.
await transportWeb.DeliverAsync(myMessage);
As far as I can see I'm not getting any errors except when I debug and look at myMessage the Header has an error.
When I tried initializing a new empty header (var header = new Header();) I noticed there were still errors on that
To = 'header.To' threw an exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' Message = "Bad key path!"
Does anyone know what this means? Or if this could be causing the emails not to send?
The answer to your other question actually uses SendGrid:
Alerts for exceptions in an Azure worker role
There are three globalvariables:
public const string SmtpServerHost = "smtp.sendgrid.net";
public const string SmtpServerUserName = "[useridfromsendgrid#azure.com]";
public const string SmtpServerPassword = "[password from sendgrid]";
You actually do not need to use the SDK, just setup the account in Azure portal, and save your creds in your project.
You can send emails locally, but if you are on a work network, the firewall may block the emails from being sent. The code I posted I placed in an email service in my namespace.
It has be deployed to Azure to work. It won't work locally.
Im tring to user the DocuSign api/sdk to send a document for someone to sign. The examples say something like:
APIServiceSoapClient apiService = new APIServiceSoapClient();
apiService.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "Your DocuSign UserName here";
apiService.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "Your DocuSign Password here";
Which I of course have tried but its not working.
I get the following error:
Security requirements are not satisfied because the security header is not present in the incoming message.
Ive tried
var username = "myemail";
var pass = "mypass";
var iteratorKey = "iteratorkey";
APIServiceSoapClient apiService = new APIServiceSoapClient();
apiService.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = username;
//also tried ...UserName = "[" + iteratorKey + "]" + username;
apiService.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = pass;
Is this not where all security requirements are met? maybe? Using APIService not DSAPIService if that makes a difference.
I ended up having to use a different way to pass in the credentials. Which I found somewhere else. Im still not sure how to correctly use the other method I tried though so if anyone knows how to use the other method it would be great just because the code is neater and easier to follow.
string auth = #"<DocuSignCredentials>
DSAPIServiceSoapClient apiService = new DSAPIServiceSoapClient();
using (var scope = new System.ServiceModel.OperationContextScope(apiService.InnerChannel))
var httpRequestProperty = new System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpRequestMessageProperty();
httpRequestProperty.Headers.Add("X-DocuSign-Authentication", auth);
System.ServiceModel.OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties[System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name] = httpRequestProperty;
EnvelopeStatus envStatus = apiService.CreateAndSendEnvelope(envelope);
return envStatus.EnvelopeID;
There are two ways to pass member credentials through DocuSign's SOAP API (as opposed to the newer REST API):
SOAP Header via WS-Security UsernameToken
HTTP Header via a custom field “X-DocuSign-Authentication”
The Account Management API only supports the HTTP Header authentication method, while all others can support either method.
Additionally, the DocuSign SOAP API has two API end points: API.asmx and DSAPI.asmx. The API.asmx end point requires the WS-Security UsernameToken in the SOAP header authentication. The DSAPI.asmx and AccountManagement.asmx end points require the HTTP Header authentication method.