VNC into my workspace on cloud9 - vnc

I'm going to code in a group a Python programm with tkinter, and I would like to do it online with cloud9.
But in this case, I will need an X environment to run and test it.
I thought about launching a vncserver on the workspace, which is already possible with tools preinstalled like vncserver or x11vnc.
But it seems that [project]-[pseudo] is not accessible, and that only port 80 and 443 are available to serve.
Can I use port 80 or 443 for an instance of vncserver ? If yes, how can I do it ?
I would like also to be able to connect with a tool like novnc in the browser. Do I need to serve it from the workspace ?

Yeah go to and download the zip file. Extract it to your Hard Drive and upload the files to your Workspace (File/Upload Local Files). Then run and when it's done, run to actually start the VNC Server. It will give you a link to the NoVNC Page from where you can connect to your Workspace. And there you have it, a basic fluxbox desktop with terminal. (Right Click then you can access all the Programs.)


Connecting app to AWS EC2 instance

I'm pretty new to DevOps and I'm trying to set up my Node.js app on a AWS server instance. Steps I've taken:
Set up Elastic IP
Launched EC2 instance with Ubuntu server
Connected IP to instance
Allowed incoming connections on port 3000
SSH'd into the server with a .pem file
Now I'm at the point where I need to get my files uploaded to the server. I've used FileZilla (and like it) in the past to upload files but the initial part was already set up. When I set up the site on FileZilla there is no /var/www folder on the remote site.
Don't know how to connect these dots.
Also not sure what I need to run once I successfully upload the files. I imagine npm install when I'm ssh'd into the server? Most of the tutorials out there only go through the basic instance setup.
You don't need to have /var/www. Also, it's better that you use a version control and a remote repository like Github and then SSH to your EC2 and then clone your repository there.
Then cd into your repo and run npm install and then start your app.
And check.
Once you connect to the EC2 instance then clone your code in there. It not mandatory to be in /var/www/html but, it's best practice to keep it there. Once you clone npm install into your project home directory so all the required packages get installed. Then for running your node application in production you have to run it on service as pm2, supervisor, forever, passenger, etc. You can use any of these services and configured appropriately to run your application on desired port. As with pm2, you can follow this guide, install pm2 Then you can run with the following command w.r.t. your environment, like I want to run my application on port 5555 for production
$ PORT=5555 pm2 start app.js --name API --env production -f
Check the status using pm2 list Now, your application is running on http://server-ip:5555/ But, you won't be typing port number every-time. So, you need to configure the web server in front of your application like apache or nginx which will forward all request to your application running port. You could find the best guide to their home page. Then your application is available at http://server-ip/ You can follow this for single configuration of multiple node apps
Hope this helps.

Configure the npm to start in the background on Mac OS X

I am on a Mac OS X.
Right now, I have almost 10 Laravel/LAMP projects locally, that I ran using vhost configured with Apache. The awesome part about them is even when I restart my Mac or move between networks, or even close the terminal app/tab of my projects, the Apache is still running, all my local sites will still be accessible.
Now, I am looking to do the same things with my MEAN apps.
How would one configure something like that ?
Let's say I have 3 MEAN apps.
FE running on port : http://localhost:4201
BE running on port : http://localhost:3001
FE running on port : http://localhost:4202
BE running on port : http://localhost:3002
FE running on port : http://localhost:4203
BE running on port : http://localhost:3003
I'm opening for anything suggestions at this moment.
Can we configure the npm to start in the background ?
You can use macOS's launchd to run services in the background. There are a couple good GUI apps that make it easier to create launch services:
LaunchControl ($10)
Lingon ($10) - If you go with Lingon, get Lingon X 5 from the official website instead of Lingon 3 from the Mac App Store; Lingon X 5 is more powerful because it is not limited by Apple's sandboxing.
There's also, an interactive online tool for creating the .plist files that launchd uses. is also a good resource if you want to set them up manually. Apple's documentation is available too.
If you are having problems with commands not working, I recommend trying these troubleshooting steps:
Convert all your commands to use absolute paths (e.g. npm -> /usr/local/bin/npm). You can find the absolute path of a command by running which with the name of the command (e.g. which npm)
Run your commands from within bash using /bin/bash -c (e.g /bin/bash -c "/usr/local/bin/npm start")
One thing you can do is dockerize your applications.
With docker you can run your applications in a light weight virtual machine known as containers in your computer.
This have some advantages, for example, you can run your app with port 80 inside the virtual machine and expose another port to your machine. You can start or stop the container and so forth.
Go to for more information.

How to make hg serve drop root priveleges after launch?

I have a HG repository on one of my computers. I sometimes develop on this machine, other times I use my laptop. I run the "hg serve" mini webserver to transfer changesets to and from my laptop.
The problem is that I have to be root in order for "hg serve" to open the network ports. When I then push a change from my laptop which creates new files, they are owned by root. And the next time I want to commit something when working on the computer serving the repositories I don't have permission to some of the file. I could do
sudo hg commit
but that just seems excessive and annoying.
Is there any way to launch "hg serve" have it open the network ports, then drop root priveleges when manipulating files?
It won't drop privileges. If you're running a repo just for you, you should use ssh:// URLs rather than hg serve and spare yourself the hassle of running a server at all. If you're running it for more than just you, you should have nginx or apache listening on port 443 (or 80) and proxying to a production-grade wsgi container like gunicorn listining on a high-numbered port.
From hg help serve:
You can use this
for ad-hoc sharing and browsing of repositories. It is recommended to use
a real web server to serve a repository for longer periods of time.

How to simultaneously deploy Node.js web app on multiple servers with Jenkins?

I'm gonna deploy a Node.js mobile web application on two remote servers.(Linux OS)
I'm using SVN server to manage my project source code.
To simply and clearly manage the app, I decided to use Jenkins.
I'm new to Jenkins so it was a quite difficult task installing and configuring Jenkins.
But I couldn't find how to set up Jenkins to build remote servers simultaneously.
Could you help me?
You should look into supervisor. It's language and application type agnostic, it just takes care of (re-) starting application.
So in your jenkins build:
You update your code from SVN
You run your unit tests (definitely a good idea)
You either launch an svn update on each host or copy the current content to them (I'd recommend this because there are many ways to make SVN fail and this allows to include SVN_REVISION in the some .JS file for instance)
You execute on each host: fuser -k -n tcp $DAEMON_PORT, this will kill the currently running application with the port $DAEMON_PORT (the one you use in your node.js's app)
And the best is obviously that it will automatically start your node.js at system's startup (provided supervisor is correctly installed (apt-get install supervisor on Debian)) and restart it in case of failure.
A node.js supervisord's subconfig looks like this:
# /etc/supervisor/conf.d/my-node-app.conf
user = running-user
environment = NODE_ENV=production
directory = /usr/local/share/dir_app
command = node app.js
stderr_logfile = /var/log/supervisor/my-node-app-stderr.log
stdout_logfile = /var/log/supervisor/my-node-app-stdout.log
There are many configuration parameters.
Note: There is a node.js's supervisor, it's not the one I'm talking about and I haven't tested it.
per Linux OS, you need to ssh to your hosts to run command to get application updated:
work out the workflow of application update in shell script. Especially you need to daemonize your node app so that a completed jenkins job execution will not kill your app when exits. Here's a nice article to tell how to do this: Running node.js Apps With Upstart, or you can refer to pure nodejs tech like forever. Assume you worked out a script under /etc/init.d/myNodeApp
ssh to your Linux OS from jenkins. so you need to make sure the ssh private key file has been copied to /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa with the ownership of jenkins user
Here's an example shell step in jenkins job configuration:
ssh <your application ip> "service myNodeApp stop; cd /ur/app/dir; svn update; service myNodeApp restart"

Where to place node.js files on server?

I have just gotten a VPS to bring my first node.js project online, but I am wondering where do I place the node files like app.js if I want it to be accessible at
Right now, to host a website, I am using WHM to create a cPanel account, which creates /home/cpanelusername and my HTML/PHP files all go into /home/cpanelusername/public_html. Where does node.js files go to? Or did I get this step wrong as well?
On my Mac where I developed the node app, I simply cd into the directory containing the node file and run node app.js
You have to execute app.js file using the node binary, just like you do in local development. That means that you should probably make that execution a service call, the details of which depend on your linux distro. If it's not a service call, then executing it in ssh will mean that the app stops working once you log out of ssh.
For example, in Ubuntu server (which I use) I have an Upstart script which automatically runs my node.js app automatically on system start and log to /var/log. An example of the file, named /etc/init/myapp.js.conf is:
description "myapp server"
author "Me"
# used to be: start on startup
# until we found some mounts weren't ready yet while booting:
start on started mountall
stop on shutdown
# We found $HOME is needed. Without it we ran into problems
export HOME="/root"
exec node /home/me/myapp/myapp.js 2>&1 >> /var/log/myapp.log
end script
Replace names, etc. as necessary.
Edit to add: You can then start and stop your service by running:
sudo start myapp.js or sudo stop myapp.js
