Sending Event date value from the phone Calendar to database - java-me

I am designing a j2me application prototype that requires reading the users phone calendar in order to retrieve the users schedule information. I use JSR 75 PIM API. I actually can read the date values but while sending the value to the database, it only saves the first date. I can't seem to figure out the real problem behind. Help please....
I use J2me for the client side, PHP for the server and MYSQL for the database.
I try to adopt the code of PIM example from the sun wireless toolkit and in its ItemSelectionScreen class. I try to modify the code like this
String getDisplayedField(PIMItem item) throws PIMException {
int fieldCode = Event.REVISION;
if (item.countValues(fieldCode)!= 0) {
long b = item.getDate(fieldCode, 0);
cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.AM_PM, Calendar.AM);
Date d = new Date(b);
Date t= new Date(cal.getTime().getTime());
//fieldValue=d.toString().substring(0, 9);
return fieldValue;
My thought was since the "fieldValue" is a string, after getting the value I can split in in the server side and get only the required info but that's not the case here. So, my question is how can I send each date values separately to the server and store it in the database?

I'm not sure what your code snippet is supposed to do. I don't see anywhere it actually fetches anything from the calendar.
If you want to fetch all events from the calendar, you do this:
private EventList events;
try {
events = (EventList) PIM.getInstance().openPIMList(PIM.EVENT_LIST, PIM.READ_ONLY);
} catch (PIMException e) {
System.out.println("Can't open EventList");
Now you have opened your calendar, and is ready to fetch all the events into the events variable, and loop through them.
Enumeration all;
Event event;
try {
all = events.items(); // Puts all events into this variable
while (all != null && all.hasMoreElements()) { // Loop through them
event = (Event) all.nextElement();
System.out.println("Event found: " + event.getString(Event.SUMMARY, 0));
// Add code here, to send this event to PHP
// You'll need to serialize the event
// For example:
//"" + event.getString(Event.SUMMARY, 0) + "&start=" + event.getString(Event.START, 0));
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Error while looping through events");
Just to be clear: The myHTTPConnection is pseudo code. You need to add your own code that sends the data to your site there.


Acumatica return to function with PXLongOperation

I'm creating an integration for Acumatica that loads data from another application to synchronize inventory items. It uses an API call to get a list (of up to 5000 items) and then I'm using PXLongOperation to insert or update these items. I can't run it without this method as the large batches (aka inserting 5000 stock items) will timeout and crash.
The processing form is a custom table/form that retrieves this information then parses the JSON list of items and calls a custom function on the InventoryItemMaint graph. All that works perfectly, but it never returns to the calling function. I'd love to be able to write information to record to record that it was a success or failure. I've tried PXLongOperation.WaitCompletion but that doesn't seem to change anything. I'm sure I'm not using the asynchronous nature of this correctly but am wondering if there is a reasonable work around.
// This is the lsit of items from SI
List<TEKDTools.TEKdtoolModels.Product> theItems;
if (Guid.TryParse(Convert.ToString(theRow.DtoolsID), out theCatID))
// Get the list of items from dtools.
theItems = TEKDTools.TEKdtoolsCommon.ReadOneCatalog(theCatID);
// Start the long operation
PXLongOperation.StartOperation(this, delegate () {
// Create the graph to make a new Stock Item
InventoryItemMaint itemMaint = PXGraph.CreateInstance<InventoryItemMaint>();
var itemMaintExt = itemMaint.GetExtension<InventoryItemMaintTEKExt>();
foreach (TEKDTools.TEKdtoolModels.Product theItem in theItems)
itemMaintExt.CreateUpdateDToolsItem(theItem, true);
stopWatch.Stop(); // Just using this to figure out how long things were taking.
// For fun I tried the Wait Completion here too
theRow = MasterView.Current;
// Tried some random static values to see if it was writing
theRow.RowsCreated = 10;
theRow.RowsUpdated = 11;
theRow.Data2 = "Elasped Milliseconds: " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString();
theRow.RunStart = startTime;
theRow.RunEnd = DateTime.Now;
// This never gets the record udpated.
One possible solution would be to use the PXLongOperation.SetCustomInfo method. Usually this is used to update the UI thread after the long operation has been finished. In this "class" you can subscribe to events which you can use to update rows. The definition of the class is as follows:
public class UpdateUICustomInfo : IPXCustomInfo
public void Complete(PXLongRunStatus status, PXGraph graph)
// Set Code Here
The wait completion method you are using, generally is used to wait for another long operation to finish by passing the key of that long operation.

How do I attach data to custom fields on INTranCost during release of POReceiptEntry?

I need to attach custom data into new fields added to INTranCost when the PO Receipt occurs.
Following the breadcrumbs, it seems that POReceiptEntry -> Release Action eventually calls INDocumentRelease.ReleaseDoc that eventually creates INTranCost. I tried extending both POReceiptEntry and INDocumentRelease to add an event for INTranCost_RowInserted to publish a PXTrace message, but the trace doesn't appear, telling me that I'm not hitting the event that I expected. (Which explains why the real business logic I need included didn't fire.)
protected virtual void _(Events.RowInserted<INTranCost> e)
PXTrace.WriteInformation("This is it!");
Of course, I want to put real code in this spot, but I am just trying to make sure I'm hitting the event properly. This works on pretty much everything else I've done, including attaching similar data to INTranExt fields. I cannot get it to work for INTranCost so that I can add to INTranCostExt. At this point, I can't determine if it is location (which graph extension) or a special methodology required for this special case.
I also tried overriding events and putting a breakpoint on the code, but it's like I'm not even on the same process. (Yes, I checked that I am connected to the right Acumatica instance and that I have no errors.)
What event in which graph is required to capture the creation in INTranCost for a PO Receipt to update custom fields in INTranCostExt?
Using Request Profiler, I was able to determine that I was close but not deep enough. While the INTranCost object to insert was built in INDocumentRelease FILE, the actual insert was processed in INReleaseProcess graph in that same file.
I only need to execute this "push" from the data captured on the POLine when the INTranCost record is created, and LineNbr is a key field and therefore never updated after it is set. I need to be sure that I have enough data to make the connection back, and the primary key links me back to the INTran easily. That subsequently gets back to the POReceiptLine to the POLine where the data is maintained that needs the "current value" to be captured when the transaction is posted. Since I need to update the DAC Extension, I need to use an event that will allow an existing DAC.Update to apply my values. Therefore, I added an event handler on INTranCost_LineNbr_FieldUpdated since that value should not be "updated" after it is set initially.
Code that accomplished the task:
public class INReleaseProcess_Extension : PXGraphExtension<INReleaseProcess>
public override void Initialize()
protected virtual void _(Events.FieldUpdated<INTranCost.lineNbr> e)
INTranCost row = (INTranCost) e.Row;
INTran tran = PXSelect<INTran,
Where<INTran.docType, Equal<Required<INTran.docType>>,
And<INTran.refNbr, Equal<Required<INTran.refNbr>>,
And<INTran.lineNbr, Equal<Required<INTran.lineNbr>>
.SelectSingleBound(Base, null, row.DocType, row.RefNbr, (int?) e.NewValue);
if (tran?.POReceiptType != null && tran?.POReceiptNbr != null)
PXResultset<POReceiptLine> Results = PXSelectJoin<POReceiptLine,
InnerJoin<POLine, On<POLine.orderType, Equal<POReceiptLine.pOType>,
And<POLine.orderNbr, Equal<POReceiptLine.pONbr>,
And<POLine.lineNbr, Equal<POReceiptLine.pOLineNbr>>>>,
InnerJoin<POOrder, On<POOrder.orderType, Equal<POLine.orderType>,
And<POOrder.orderNbr, Equal<POLine.orderNbr>>>>>,
Where<POReceiptLine.receiptType, Equal<Required<POReceiptLine.receiptType>>,
And<POReceiptLine.receiptNbr, Equal<Required<POReceiptLine.receiptNbr>>,
And<POReceiptLine.lineNbr, Equal<Required<POReceiptLine.lineNbr>>>>>>.
SelectSingleBound(Base, null, tran.POReceiptType, tran.POReceiptNbr, tran.POReceiptLineNbr);
if (Results != null)
foreach (PXResult<POReceiptLine, POLine, POOrder> result in Results)
POReceiptLine receipt = result;
POLine line = result;
POOrder order = result;
POLineExt pOLineExt = PXCache<POLine>.GetExtension<POLineExt>(line);
INTranCostExt iNTranCostExt = PXCache<INTranCost>.GetExtension<INTranCostExt>(row);
if (pOLineExt != null && iNTranCostExt != null)
Base.Caches[typeof(INTranCost)].SetValueExt<INTranCostExt.usrField>(row, pOLineExt.UsrField);

How to prevent global event handlers from firing caused by an API call

I have a custom module that uses Kentico API (DocumentHelper) to update certain fields of my document and then publish but I do not want it to trigger the event handlers that are linked to my document page type. I tried adding comments to .Publish("admin_edit") hoping that I can catch it from the WorkflowEventargs parameter but the VersionComment property always return null. Is there a way to accomplish this in Kentico?
update field:
var document = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(documentID, tree);
var workflowManager = WorkflowManager.GetInstance(tree);
var workflow = workflowManager.GetNodeWorkflow(document);
if (workflow != null)
document.SetValue("SomeFIeld", "some value");
event handler:
public override void Init()
WorkflowEvents.Publish.After += Publish_After;
private void Publish_After(object sender, WorkflowEventArgs e)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.VersionComment) &&
You always get null for Version information, because that is related to the 'Page versioning' events, specially for 'SaveVersion'. You can find more about that on this link. If you expand 'Properties' you will see which properties are populated for the specific event. In your case, you can try something like this, to add your message for last version and then check for that comment on 'Publish_After' event, see code bellow:
var document = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(documentID, tree);
var workflowManager = WorkflowManager.GetInstance(tree);
var workflow = workflowManager.GetNodeWorkflow(document);
if (workflow != null)
document.SetValue("SomeFIeld", "some value");
document.CheckIn(versionComment: "admin_edit");
and then, in event handler, take last version and check for comment like this:
if (e.PublishedDocument?.VersionHistory?.Count > 0)
var lastVersion = e.PublishedDocument.VersionHistory[0] as VersionHistoryInfo;
if (lastVersion.VersionComment.Equals("admin_edit"))
NOTE: In case that you have a lot of concurrent content editors, there is a chance that your last version is not version from API (someone changed content and saved it right after your API call made change). There is a low chance for that, but still is possible. If this is something that you will use often, you must take it in consideration. This code is tested for Kentico 11.

Shopware Event Subscribers and Unknown Arguments

I am trying to subscribe to some events in Shopware for a plugin - the most important is "Customer Updates" (or new customers).
I am able to successfully capture the event:
// Customer (user) update
In my "onTriggerCustomer" function:
public function onTriggerCustomer(Enlight_Hook_HookArgs $arguments)
// Do something
$subject = $arguments->getSubject();
// log this, Logger is a logging function..
I have tried endless attempts to get the contents of $arguments but with no luck, all I really need is the customerID.
Any help in trying to work out what arguments are available would be great?
var_export(anything, true);
Everything just returns null/nothing..
Based on your code snippet, you can get the customer id as follow:
public function postUpdateCustomer(Enlight_Event_EventArgs $arguments) {
$customer = $arguments->get('entity');
$customerId = $customer->getId();

How can I update a content item (draft) from a background task in Orchard?

I have a simple IBackgroundTask implementation that performs a query and then either performs an insert or one or more updates depending on whether a specific item exists or not. However, the updates are not persisted, and I don't understand why. New items are created just as expected.
The content item I'm updating has a CommonPart and I've tried authenticating as a valid user. I've also tried flushing the content manager at the end of the Sweep method. What am I missing?
This is my Sweep, slightly edited for brevity:
public void Sweep()
// Authenticate as the site's super user
var superUser = _membershipService.GetUser(_orchardServices.WorkContext.CurrentSite.SuperUser);
// Create a dummy "Person" content item
var item = _contentManager.New("Person");
var person = item.As<PersonPart>();
if (person == null)
person.ExternalId = Random.Next(1, 10).ToString();
person.FirstName = GenerateFirstName();
person.LastName = GenerateLastName();
// Check if the person already exists
var matchingPersons = _contentManager
.Query<PersonPart, PersonRecord>(VersionOptions.AllVersions)
.Where(record => record.ExternalId == person.ExternalId)
if (!matchingPersons.Any())
// Insert new person and quit
_contentManager.Create(item, VersionOptions.Draft);
// There are at least one matching person, update it
foreach (var updatedPerson in matchingPersons)
updatedPerson.FirstName = person.FirstName;
updatedPerson.LastName = person.LastName;
Try to add _contentManager.Publish(updatedPerson). If you do not want to publish, but just to save, you don't need to do anything more, as changes in Orchard as saved automatically unless the ambient transaction is aborted. The call to Flush is not necessary at all. This is the case both during a regular request and on a background task.
