how to read every ten lines of file using awk in loop? - linux

I have a file in which lines are separated using a "return". I want to use two loops, one loop for reading every ten lines and one loop for doing a specific operation on those specific ten lines. How to read each ten lines in the file using awk?
The sample file is this:
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
9 10
7 8
6 5
4 3
2 1
2 1
4 3
5 4
6 5
7 6
8 7
9 8
0 9
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
9 10
7 8
6 5
4 3
2 1
2 1
4 3
5 4
6 5
7 6
8 7
9 8
0 9
I want to read each ten lines, then print the average of both numbers in those ten lines and print.

awk '
{sum1 += $1; sum2 += $2}
function output() {print sum1/10, sum2/10; sum1 = sum2 = 0}
NR % 10 == 0 {output()}
END {output()}
' input.file
5.3 5.7
4.5 4.9
5.5 5.5
3.5 3.9
The END only has 6 lines of data, but is dividing by 10. Please make your requirements more precise.

One possible solution is to check a counter and output and reset the current sum per column if the counter reaches a multiple of 10. Note that this will swallow the last few records if the total number of lines is not a multiple of 10. If you are sure your file won't contain any blank lines, the code can be further simplified.
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
chunk_size = 10;
sum_first = 0;
sum_second = 0;
record_counter = 0;
/[0-9]+\s+[0-9]+/ {
record_counter += 1;
sum_first += $1;
sum_second += $2;
if (record_counter % chunk_size == 0) {
printf("%16.9f %16.9f\n",
sum_first / chunk_size,
sum_second / chunk_size);
sum_first = 0;
sum_second = 0;
Output for your example data:
5.300000000 5.700000000
4.500000000 4.900000000
5.500000000 5.500000000

As nu11po1n7er(sorry if i mispelled your name) has removed their answer i am going to add a similar one
awk -vc="10" '{a+=$1+$2}!(--c){c=10;print a/c;a=0}END{if(c)print a/(10-c)}' file
This will print the average of every ten lines field one and two added together(which is what i gathered from OPs post/comments).
If it finished not on a multiple of 10 it will divide by however many lines were left for the avg.

situation1: only print one ave of per 10 line.
awk 'NR%10!=0{tmp=tmp+$1+ $2}NR%10==0{tmp = tmp+ $1+$2; print tmp/20; tmp=0}' 1.t
situation2: print two averages for each column of per 10 line.
awk 'NR%10!=0{tmp=tmp+$1; tmp2=tmp2+$2}NR%10==0{tmp = tmp+ $1; tmp2=tmp2+$2; print tmp/10, tmp2/10; tmp=tmp2=0}' 1.t
5.3 5.7
4.5 4.9
5.5 5.5


How to extract the number after specific word using awk?

I have several lines of text. I want to extract the number after specific word using awk.
I tried the following code but it does not work.
At first, create the test file by: vi test.text. There are 3 columns (the 3 fields are generated by some other pipeline commands using awk).
Index AllocTres CPUTotal
1 cpu=1,mem=256G 18
2 cpu=2,mem=1024M 16
3 4
4 cpu=12,gres/gpu=3 12
5 8
6 9
7 cpu=13,gres/gpu=4,gres/gpu:ret6000=2 20
8 mem=12G,gres/gpu=3,gres/gpu:1080ti=1 21
Please note there are several empty fields in this file.
what I want to achieve is to extract the number after the first gres/gpu= in each line (if no gres/gpu= occurs in this line, the default number is 0) using a pipeline like: cat test.text | awk '{some_commands}' to output 4 columns:
Index AllocTres CPUTotal GPUAllocated
1 cpu=1,mem=256G 18 0
2 cpu=2,mem=1024M 16 0
3 4 0
4 cpu=12,gres/gpu=3 12 3
5 8 0
6 9 0
7 cpu=13,gres/gpu=4,gres/gpu:ret6000=2 20 4
8 mem=12G,gres/gpu=3,gres/gpu:1080ti=1 21 3
Firstly: awk do not need cat, it could read files on its' own. Combining cat and awk is generally discouraged as useless use of cat.
For this task I would use GNU AWK following way, let file.txt content be
awk 'BEGIN{FS="gres/gpu="}{print $2+0}' file.txt
Explanation: I inform GNU AWK that field separator (FS) is gres/gpu= then for each line I do print 2nd field increased by zero. For lines without gres/gpu= $2 is empty string, when used in arithmetic context this is same as zero so zero plus zero gives zero. For lines with at least one gres/gpu= increasing by zero provokes GNU AWK to find longest prefix which is legal number, thus 3 (4th line) becomes 3, 4, (7th line) becomes 4, 3, (8th line) becomes 3.
(tested in GNU Awk 5.0.1)
With your shown samples in GNU awk you can try following code. Written and tested in GNU awk. Simple explanation would be using awk's match function where using regex gres\/gpu=([0-9]+)(escaping / here) and creating one and only capturing group to capture all digits coming after =. Once match is found printing current line followed by array's arr's 1st element +0(to print zero in case no match found for any line) here.
awk '
print $0,"GPUAllocated"
print $0,arr[1]+0
' Input_file
Using sed
$ sed '1s/$/\tGPUAllocated/;s~.*gres/gpu=\([0-9]\).*~& \t\1~;1!{\~gres/gpu=[0-9]~!s/$/ \t0/}' input_file
Index AllocTres CPUTotal GPUAllocated
1 cpu=1,mem=256G 18 0
2 cpu=2,mem=1024M 16 0
3 4 0
4 cpu=12,gres/gpu=3 12 3
5 8 0
6 9 0
7 cpu=13,gres/gpu=4,gres/gpu:ret6000=2 20 4
8 mem=12G,gres/gpu=3,gres/gpu:1080ti=1 21 3
awk '
$(NF+1)=FS 0
split($0, a, "=")
gp=a[3]; gsub(/[ ,].*/, "", gp)
$NF=FS gp
}1' test.text
Index AllocTres CPUTotal GPUAllocated
1 cpu=1,mem=256G 18 0
2 cpu=2,mem=1024M 16 0
3 4 0
4 cpu=12,gres/gpu=3 12 3
5 8 0
6 9 0
7 cpu=13,gres/gpu=4,gres/gpu:ret6000=2 20 4
8 mem=12G,gres/gpu=3,gres/gpu:1080ti=1 21 3

awk - all rows where half of columns are bigger than x

As the title suggests I'm trying to find all rows in an large tsv file, where at least 50% of the columns have a value bigger than a value x using awk.
E.g for x=5:
9 6 7 2 3
0 1 2 7 6
1 3 8 9 10
should return
9 6 7 2 3
1 3 8 9 10
awk to the rescue!
$ awk -v t=5 '{c=0; for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) c+=($i>t)} c/NF>0.5' file
9 6 7 2 3
1 3 8 9 10
Using Perl:
perl -ane '$x = 5; print if #F / 2 <= grep $_ > $x, #F' -- file.tsv
Using an input .tsv file which looks like this:
Num1 Num2 Num3 Num4 Num5
9 6 7 2 3
0 1 2 7 6
1 3 8 9 10
This code will do it in a awk script. I've left comments to see
the form of a script so you can adjust accordingly.
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# reads from stdin.
# Usage: $ ./bigcols.awk < input1.tsv
# Run at start.
# print "Start"
# print "TSV setting. Field seperator set to tab."
FS = "\t"
# He wants to find lines with avg greater than var x
# main. Run for each record. This code uses newlines to denote records.
# Find lines which are of this form: (skip header)
# #+,
# ie. start with one or more numbers in column 1.
if ($1 ~ /^[0-9]+/) {
the_avg = ($1 + $2 + $3 + $4 + $5)/5
if (the_avg > x) {
print $1, $2, $3, $4, $5
# run at end
#END { print "Stop" }

AWK (or something else) Average of multiple columns from multiple files

I would appreciate some help with an awk script, or whatever would do the job.
So, I've got multiple files (the same amount of lines and columns) and I want to do an average of every number in every column (except the first) from all the files. I have got no idea how many columns there are in a file (though i could probably get the number if needed).
1 1 2 3 4
2 3 4 5 6
3 2 3 5 6
1 3 4 6 6
2 5 6 7 8
3 4 5 7 8
1 2 3 5 5
2 4 5 6 7
3 3 4 6 7
I've found this somewhere on here that does it for a single column (as far as I understand it
awk '{a[FNR]+=$2;b[FNR]++;}END{for(i=1;i<=FNR;i++)print i,a[i]/b[i];}' fort.*
So the only? change would be to replace the +=$2 with a cycle over all columns? Is there a way to do that without knowing the exact number of columns?
$ cat tst.awk
key[FNR] = $1
for (colNr=2; colNr<=NF; colNr++) {
sum[FNR,colNr] += $colNr
for (rowNr=1; rowNr<=FNR; rowNr++) {
printf "%s%s", key[rowNr], OFS
for (colNr=2; colNr<=NF; colNr++) {
printf "%s%s", int(sum[rowNr,colNr]/ARGIND+0.5), (colNr<NF ? OFS : ORS)
$ awk -f tst.awk file1 file2
1 2 3 5 5
2 4 5 6 7
3 3 4 6 7
The above uses GNU awk for ARGIND, with other awks just add a line FNR==1{ARGIND++} at the start.

How to sum column of different file in bash scripting

I have two files:
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
Now I want to add column 1 of file-2 to column 3 of file-1
1 2 3.5 4
1 2 3.5 4
1 2 3.5 4
I've tried this, but it does not work correctly:
awk '{print $1, $2, $3+file-2 }' file-2=$1_of_file-2 file-1 > file-3
I know the awk statement is not right but I want to use something like this; can anyone help me?
Your data isn't very exciting…
awk 'FNR == NR { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) { line[NR,i] = $i } fields[NR] = NF }
FNR != NR { line[FNR,3] += $1
pad = ""
for (i = 1; i <= fields[FNR]; i++) { printf "%s%s", pad, line[FNR,i]; pad = " " }
printf "\n"
}' file-1 file-2
The first pattern matches the lines in the first file; it saves each field into the pseudo-multidimensional array line, and also records how many fields there are in that line.
The second pattern matches the lines in the second file; it adds the value in column one to column three of the saved data, then prints out all the fields with a space between them, and adds a newline to the end.
Given this (mildly) modified input, the script (saved in file produces the output shown:
$ cat file-1
1 2 3 4
2 3 6 5
3 4 9 6
$ cat file-2
$ bash
1 2 3.1 4
2 3 6.2 5
3 4 9.3 6
Note that because this slurps the whole of the first file into memory before reading anything from the second file, the input files should not be too large (say sub-gigabyte size). If they're bigger than that, you should probably devise an alternative strategy.
For example, there is a getline function (even in POSIX awk) which could be used to read a line from file 2 for each line in file 1, and you could then simply print the data without needing to accumulate anything:
awk '{ getline add < "file-2"; $3 += add; print }' file-1
This works reasonably cleanly for any size of file (as long as the files have the same number of lines — or, more precisely, as long as file-2 has at least as many lines as file-1).
This may work:
cat f1
1 2 3 4
2 3 6 5
3 4 9 6
cat f2
awk 'FNR==NR {a[NR]=$1;next} {$3+=a[FNR]}1' f2 f1
1 2 3.1 4
2 3 6.2 5
3 4 9.3 6
After I posted it, I do see that its the same as Jaypal posted in a comment.

How to extract every N columns and write into new files?

I've been struggling to write a code for extracting every N columns from an input file and write them into output files according to their extracting order.
(My real world case is to extract every 800 columns from a total 24005 columns file starting at column 6, so I need a loop)
In a simpler case below, extracting every 3 columns(fields) from an input file with a start point of the 2nd column.
for example, if the input file looks like:
aa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
bb 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
cc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
dd 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
and I want the output to look like this:
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3
4 5 6
4 5 6
4 5 6
4 5 6
7 8 9
7 8 9
7 8 9
7 8 9
I tried this, but it doesn't work:
awk 'for(i=2;i<=10;i+a) {{printf "%s ",$i};a=3}' <inputfile>
It gave me syntax error and the more I fix the more problems coming out.
I also tried the linux command cut but while I was dealing with large files this seems effortless. And I wonder if cut would do a loop cut of every 3 fields just like the awk.
Can someone please help me with this and give a quick explanation? Thanks in advance.
Actions to be performed by awk on the input data must be included in curled braces, so the reason the awk one-liner you tried results in a syntax error is that the for cycle does not respect this rule. A syntactically correct version will be:
awk '{for(i=2;i<=10;i+a) {printf "%s ",$i};a=3}' <inputfile>
This is syntactically correct (almost, see end of this post.), but does not do what you think.
To separate the output by columns on different files, the best thing is to use awk redirection operator >. This will give you the desired output, given that your input files always has 10 columns:
awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 > "file_1"; print $5,$6,$7 > "file_2"; print $8,$9,$10 > "file_3"}' <inputfile>
mind the " " to specify the filenames.
If you have to loop along the columns because you have too many of them, you can still use awk (gawk), with two loops: one on the output files and one on the columns per file. This is a possible way:
#!/usr/bin/gawk -f
CTOT = 24005 # total number of columns, you can use NF as well
DELTA = 800 # columns per file
START = 6 # first useful column
d = CTOT/DELTA # number of output files.
for ( i = 0 ; i < d ; i++)
for ( j = 0 ; j < DELTA ; j++)
printf("%f\t",$(START+j+i*DELTA)) > "file_out_"i
printf("\n") > "file_out_"i
I have tried this on the simple input files in your example. It works if CTOT can be divided by DELTA. I assumed you had floats (%f) just change that with what you need.
Let me know.
P.s. going back to your original one-liner, note that the loop is an infinite one, as i is not incremented: i+a must be substituted by i+=a, and a=3 must be inside the inner braces:
awk '{for(i=2;i<=10;i+=a) {printf "%s ",$i;a=3}}' <inputfile>
this evaluates a=3 at every cycle, which is a bit pointless. A better version would thus be:
awk '{for(i=2;i<=10;i+=3) {printf "%s ",$i}}' <inputfile>
Still, this will just print the 2nd, 5th and 8th column of your file, which is not what you wanted.
awk '{ print $2, $3, $4 >"output_file_1";
print $5, $6, $7 >"output_file_2";
print $8, $9, $10 >"output_file_3";
}' input_file
This makes one pass through the input file, which is preferable to multiple passes. Clearly, the code shown only deals with the fixed number of columns (and therefore a fixed number of output files). It can be modified, if necessary, to deal with variable numbers of columns and generating variable file names, etc.
(My real world case is to extract every 800 columns from a total 24005 columns file starting at column 6, so I need a loop)
In that case, you're correct; you need a loop. In fact, you need two loops:
awk 'BEGIN { gap = 800; start = 6; filebase = "output_file_"; }
for (i = start; i < start + gap; i++)
file = sprintf("%s%d", filebase, i);
for (j = i; j <= NF; j += gap)
printf("%s ", $j) > file;
printf "\n" > file;
}' input_file
I demonstrated this to my satisfaction with an input file with 25 columns (numbers 1-25 in the corresponding columns) and gap set to 8 and start set to 2. The output below is the resulting 8 files pasted horizontally.
2 10 18 3 11 19 4 12 20 5 13 21 6 14 22 7 15 23 8 16 24 9 17 25
2 10 18 3 11 19 4 12 20 5 13 21 6 14 22 7 15 23 8 16 24 9 17 25
2 10 18 3 11 19 4 12 20 5 13 21 6 14 22 7 15 23 8 16 24 9 17 25
2 10 18 3 11 19 4 12 20 5 13 21 6 14 22 7 15 23 8 16 24 9 17 25
With GNU awk:
$ awk -v d=3 '{for(i=2;i<NF;i+=d) print gensub("(([^ ]+ +){" i-1 "})(([^ ]+( +|$)){" d "}).*","\\3",""); print "----"}' file
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Just redirect the output to files if desired:
$ awk -v d=3 '{sfx=0; for(i=2;i<NF;i+=d) print gensub("(([^ ]+ +){" i-1 "})(([^ ]+( +|$)){" d "}).*","\\3","") > ("output_file_" ++sfx)}' file
The idea is just to tell gensub() to skip the first few (i-1) fields then print the number of fields you want (d = 3) and ignore the rest (.*). If you're not printing exact multiples of the number of fields you'll need to massage how many fields get printed on the last loop iteration. Do the math...
Here's a version that'd work in any awk. It requires 2 loops and modifies the spaces between fields but it's probably easier to understand:
$ awk -v d=3 '{sfx=0; for(i=2;i<=NF;i+=d) {str=fs=""; for(j=i;j<i+d;j++) {str = str fs $j; fs=" "}; print str > ("output_file_" ++sfx)} }' file
I was successful using the following command line. :) It uses a for loop and pipes the awk program into it's stdin using -f -. The awk program itself is created using bash variable math.
for i in 0 1 2; do
echo "{print \$$((i*3+2)) \" \" \$$((i*3+3)) \" \" \$$((i*3+4))}" \
| awk -f - t.file > "file$((i+1))"
Update: After the question has updated I tried to hack a script that creates the requested 800-cols-awk script dynamically ( a version according to Jonathan Lefflers answer) and pipe that to awk. Although the scripts looks good (for me ) it produces an awk syntax error. The question is, is this too much for awk or am I missing something? Would really appreciate feedback!
Update: Investigated this and found documentation that says awk has a lot af restrictions. They told to use gawk in this situations. (GNU's awk implementation). I've done that. But still I'll get an syntax error. Still feedback appreciated!
# Note! Although the script's output looks ok (for me)
# it produces an awk syntax error. is this just too much for awk?
# open pipe to stdin of awk
exec 3> >(gawk -f - test.file)
# verify output using cat
#exec 3> >(cat)
echo '{' >&3
# write dynamic script to awk
for i in {0..24005..800} ; do
echo -n " print " >&3
for (( j=$i; j <= $((i+800)); j++ )) ; do
echo -n "\$$j " >&3
if [ $j = 24005 ] ; then
echo "> \"file$((i/800+1))\";" >&3
echo "}"
