How to compile Intel x86 assembly code to get hex dump? - linux

I have the following assembly code to spawn a shell from Erickson's exploit book:
; execve(const char *filename, char *const argv [], char *const envp[])
xor eax, eax ; Zero out eax.
push eax ; Push some nulls for string termination.
push 0x68732f2f ; Push "//sh" to the stack.
push 0x6e69622f ; Push "/bin" to the stack.
mov ebx, esp ; Put the address of "/bin//sh" into ebx, via esp.
push eax ; Push 32-bit null terminator to stack.
mov edx, esp ; This is an empty array for envp.
push ebx ; Push string addr to stack above null terminator.
mov ecx, esp ; This is the argv array with string ptr.
mov al, 11 ; Syscall #11.
int 0x80 ; Do it.
However, my linux machine doesn't have nasm and to get it requires me to fetch my administrator to download the package. Are there any other ways to get this into hex? I know GCC uses AT&T, but I don't know of any methods that support Intel x86.

To get only a hex-dump you don't need a valid executable. In your case (no relocations) I see no problems to assemble the code at home with your assembler on your operating system, get the hex-dump and use it on the target system. Just take care of the architecture (i386 or x86_64).
Here are the steps to get the hex-dump on Linux:
test.s (lowercase '.s')
.intel_syntax noprefix
.global _start
xor eax, eax # Zero out eax.
push eax # Push some nulls for string termination.
push 0x68732f2f # Push "//sh" to the stack.
push 0x6e69622f # Push "/bin" to the stack.
mov ebx, esp # Put the address of "/bin//sh" into ebx, via esp.
push eax # Push 32-bit null terminator to stack.
mov edx, esp # This is an empty array for envp.
push ebx # Push string addr to stack above null terminator.
mov ecx, esp # This is the argv array with string ptr.
mov al, 11 # Syscall #11.
int 0x80 # Do it.
Consider to change the comment sign ; to #.
Build and get the hex-dump:
gcc -m32 -c test.s
objdump -F -s -j.text test.o
You can also use gdb test.o and disass/r _start

Maybe an online assembler can help:


Why is 64-bit NASM insisting on the RSI register ? Why can't I put "hello world" into RCX register and use SYSCALL?

I have this x86 assembly code for a "hello world" program.
global _start
section .text
mov eax, 1 ; system call for write
mov ebx, 1 ; file handle 1 is stdout
mov ecx, message ; address of string to output
mov edx, message_len ; length of the string
syscall ; invoke operating system to do the write
mov eax, 60 ; system call for exit
mov ebx, 0 ; exit code 0
syscall ; invoke operating system to ex
section .data
message: db "Hello, World!!!!", 10 ; newline at the end
message_len equ $-message ; length of the string
This doesn't compile with nasm -felf64 hello.asm && ld hello.o && ./a.out on a 64-bit Linux machine.
But if I change the third line mov ecx, message to mov rsi, message it works!
My question is why is 64-bit NASM insisting on the RSI register? Because I have seen people compiling with ECX on 32-bit Arch Linux.
x86 does not use the same calling convention as x64.
In x86, the first argument is EBX which contains the descriptor, ECX contains the buffer, EDX contains the length and EAX contains the system call ordinal.
In x64, the first argument is contained in RDI, second in RSI, third in RDX and fourth in RCX while RAX contains the ordinal for the system call.
That's why your call is working on x86 but needs to be adjusted to work on x64 as well.

Passing an array (argv) to a syscall in assembly x64

I am learning to create shellcode and having a great time. I mostly understand what to do. I can create asm code that will actually generate the shell. However, I was going to verify my ability by trying another syscall, namely cat .
I am using the method of building the stack from the registers. However, I am running into an issue where I need to pass an array to the 'argv' parameter. This is simple enough when doing a shell, I can just pass the address of the address of the /bin/sh string on the stack. But with cat I need to pass both the name of the function /bin/cat and the argument for cat ie /etc/issue.
I know that the layout for a syscall is:
rax : syscall ID
rdi : arg0
rsi : arg1
rdx : arg2
r10 : arg3
r8 : arg4
r9 : arg5
What I can't decipher is how to pass {"cat","/etc/issue"} into a single register, namely rsi.
My assembly:
global _start
section .text
;third argument
xor rdx,rdx
;second array member
xor rbx,rbx
push rbx ;null terminator for upcoming string
;push string in 2 parts
mov rbx,6374652f ;python '/etc/issue'[::-1].encode().hex()
push rbx
xor rbx,rbx
mov rbx, 0x65757373692f
push rbx
;first array member
xor rcx,rcx ;null terminator for upcoming string
add rcx,0x746163 ;python 'cat'[::-1].encode().hex()
push rcx
;first argument
xor rdi,rdi
push rdi ;null terminator for upcoming string
add rdi,7461632f6e69622f ;python '/bin/cat'[::-1].encode().hex()
push rdi
mov rdi,rsp
;execve syscall
xor rax,rax
add rax,59
;exit call
xor rdi,rdi
xor rax,rax
add rax,60
It runs but (as expected) aborts when a NULL is passed as argv.
I even tried just writing a C app that creates an array and quits and debugged that but I still didn't really understand what it was doing to create the array.
You're making this way more complicated than you need to. Here's all you need to do:
jmp .afterdata
db '/bin/' ; note lack of null terminator
db 'cat'
db 1 ; we'll have to change the last byte to a null manually
db '/etc/issue'
db 1 ; we'll have to change the last byte to a null manually
xor eax, eax ; the null terminator for argv and envp
push rax
mov rdx, rsp ; rdx = envp
dec byte [rel .endargv1] ; change our 1 byte to a null byte
lea rax, [rel .argv1]
push rax
dec byte [rel .endargv0] ; change our 1 byte to a null byte
lea rax, [rel .argv0]
push rax
mov rsi, rsp ; rsi = argv
lea rdi, [rel .pathname]
xor eax, eax
mov al, 59 ; SYS_execve
; if you wanted to do an exit in case the execve fails, you could here, but for shellcode I don't see the point
You don't need to do any hex-encoding or reversing of strings by hand. You can just stick the strings you need right at the end of your shellcode, and push their addresses onto the stack with rip-relative addressing. The only hoops we jump through are making sure the data is before the instructions that use it, so there's no null bytes there, and having to add in the null terminators on the string at runtime.
Also, you generally want shellcode to be short. Notice how I point into the cat that's part of /bin/cat instead of having it an extra time, and reuse the null at the end of argv for envp.
By the way, if you want to try this as a standalone program, you'll need to pass -Wl,-N and -static to GCC, since the bytes it's modifying will be in the .text section (which is normally read-only). This won't be a problem when you're actually using it as shellcode, since it'll still be writable by whatever means you got it into memory in the first place.

Can't print a linefeed that was PUSHed on the stack in NASM [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Linux write sys call using string on stack [duplicate]
(1 answer)
What happens if you use the 32-bit int 0x80 Linux ABI in 64-bit code?
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
I'm learning the NASM assembler and I have being stuck at the moment with handling the linefeed.
How do I print the linefeed? I'll show you. But, before I show it, it's important to tell you about my platform:
$ uname -a
Linux 4.4.0-97-generic #120-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 19 17:28:18 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID : Ubuntu
Description : Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS
Release : 16.04
Codename : xenial
My functions, which I have prepared for the learning:
push rdx
push rbx
push rax
push rcx
mov rax, rcx
pop rcx
jmp next_char
mov rbx, 1
mov rax, 4
int 80h
pop rax
pop rbx
pop rdx
call sprint
push rcx
mov rcx, 0Ah
push rcx
mov rcx, rsp
call sprint
pop rcx
pop rcx
cmp byte [rax], 0
jz count_length
inc rax
jmp next_char
sub rax, rcx
mov rdx, rax
jmp sprint_syscall
push rbx
push rax
mov rbx, 0
mov rax, 1
int 80h
pop rax
pop rbx
Main app, which may use one of the given functions:
%include 'functions.asm'
msgFirst db "Hello World!", 0h
msgSecond db "Another string.", 0h
global _start
mov rcx, msgFirst
call sprint_linefeed
mov rcx, msgSecond
call sprint_linefeed
call quit
All is compiling fine and works pretty too. If to compile/link with:
nasm -g -f elf64 -l main.lst main.asm -o main.o && ld main.o -o main
And then execute the compiled app, we're able to see:
Hello World!Another string
As you can see, there weren't any linefeed, despite on calling the sprint_linefeed function, which uses the next instructions for printing the linefeed:
call sprint
push rcx ; push rcx onto the stack to preserve it
mov rcx, 0Ah ; move 0Ah into rcx, 0Ah is the ASCII char for a linefeed
push rcx ; push the linefeed char onto the stack
mov rcx, rsp ; move the address of the pointer into rcx for the 'sys_write' syscall
call sprint
pop rcx ; remove the linefeed char from the stack
pop rcx ; restore the original value of rcx
So, the explanation of my actions refers to sprint() call for the given string and then pushing the 0Ah char onto stack. Later, I'm getting the pointer from the RSP-register to call the sprint() function again.
It was done, because the SYS_WRITE syscall requires the pointer to print the give string (
If to add the OAh char to the string declaration:
msgFirst db "Hello World!", 0Ah, 0h
Calling the same function, but with the different string value, gives us the awaited result, but it makes NO sense, because sprint_linefeed() was defined to pass the declaration of the redundant ASCII-char.
What should I fix in my source-code to make sprint_linefeed() work fine?
#Neverlands I made a minor change to your functions.asm by removing sprint_linefeed and put the following at the top of the file:
%define newline 0Ah
lineEnding db newline, 0h
call sprint
mov rcx, lineEnding
call sprint
It may not be exactly what you want but it does give:
Hello World!
Another string.
as output. Have fun!

I'm getting a segmentation fault in my assembly program [duplicate]

The tutorial I am following is for x86 and was written using 32-bit assembly, I'm trying to follow along while learning x64 assembly in the process. This has been going very well up until this lesson where I have the following simple program which simply tries to modify a single character in a string; it compiles fine but segfaults when ran.
section .text
global _start ; Declare global entry oint for ld
jmp short message ; Jump to where or message is at so we can do a call to push the address onto the stack
xor rax, rax ; Clean up the registers
xor rbx, rbx
xor rcx, rcx
xor rdx, rdx
; Try to change the N to a space
pop rsi ; Get address from stack
mov al, 0x20 ; Load 0x20 into RAX
mov [rsi], al; Why segfault?
xor rax, rax; Clear again
; write(rdi, rsi, rdx) = write(file_descriptor, buffer, length)
mov al, 0x01 ; write the command for 64bit Syscall Write (0x01) into the lower 8 bits of RAX
mov rdi, rax ; First Paramter, RDI = 0x01 which is STDOUT, we move rax to ensure the upper 56 bits of RDI are zero
;pop rsi ; Second Parameter, RSI = Popped address of message from stack
mov dl, 25 ; Third Parameter, RDX = Length of message
syscall ; Call Write
; exit(rdi) = exit(return value)
xor rax, rax ; write returns # of bytes written in rax, need to clean it up again
add rax, 0x3C ; 64bit syscall exit is 0x3C
xor rdi, rdi ; Return value is in rdi (First parameter), zero it to return 0
syscall ; Call Exit
call code ; Pushes the address of the string onto the stack
This culprit is this line:
mov [rsi], al; Why segfault?
If I comment it out, then the program runs fine, outputting the message 'AAAABBBNAAAAAAAABBBBBBBB', why can't I modify the string?
The authors code is the following:
global _start
jmp short ender
pop ebx ;get the address of the string
xor eax, eax
mov al, 0x20
mov [ebx+7], al ;put a NULL where the N is in the string
mov al, 4 ;syscall write
mov bl, 1 ;stdout is 1
pop ecx ;get the address of the string from the stack
mov dl, 25 ;length of the string
int 0x80
xor eax, eax
mov al, 1 ;exit the shellcode
xor ebx,ebx
int 0x80
call starter
And I've compiled that using:
nasm -f elf <infile> -o <outfile>
ld -m elf_i386 <infile> -o <outfile>
But even that causes a segfault, images on the page show it working properly and changing the N into a space, however I seem to be stuck in segfault land :( Google isn't really being helpful in this case, and so I turn to you stackoverflow, any pointers (no pun intended!) would be appreciated
I would assume it's because you're trying to access data that is in the .text section. Usually you're not allowed to write to code segment for security. Modifiable data should be in the .data section. (Or .bss if zero-initialized.)
For actual shellcode, where you don't want to use a separate section, see Segfault when writing to string allocated by db [assembly] for alternate workarounds.
Also I would never suggest using the side effects of call pushing the address after it to the stack to get a pointer to data following it, except for shellcode.
This is a common trick in shellcode (which must be position-independent); 32-bit mode needs a call to get EIP somehow. The call must have a backwards displacement to avoid 00 bytes in the machine code, so putting the call somewhere that creates a "return" address you specifically want saves an add or lea.
Even in 64-bit code where RIP-relative addressing is possible, jmp / call / pop is about as compact as jumping over the string for a RIP-relative LEA with a negative displacement.
Outside of the shellcode / constrained-machine-code use case, it's a terrible idea and you should just lea reg, [rel buf] like a normal person with the data in .data and the code in .text. (Or read-only data in .rodata.) This way you're not trying execute code next to data, or put data next to code.
(Code-injection vulnerabilities that allow shellcode already imply the existence of a page with write and exec permission, but normal processes from modern toolchains don't have any W+X pages unless you do something to make that happen. W^X is a good security feature for this reason, so normal toolchain security features / defaults must be defeated to test shellcode.)

x64 bit assembly

I started assembly (nasm) programming not too long ago. Now I made a C function with assembly implementation which prints an integer. I got it working using the extended registers, but when I want to write it with the x64 registers (rax, rbx, ..) my implementation fails. Does any of you see what I missed?
#include <stdio.h>
extern void printnum(int i);
int main(void)
return 0;
32 bit version:
; main.c:
; nasm -f elf32 -o printnum.o printnum.asm
; gcc -o printnum printnum.o main.c -m32
section .data
_nl db 0x0A
nlLen equ $ - _nl
section .text
global printnum
enter 0,0
mov eax, [ebp+8]
xor ebx, ebx
xor ecx, ecx
xor edx, edx
push ebx
mov ebx, 10
idiv ebx
add edx, 0x30
push dx ; With an odd number of digits this will screw up the stack, but that's ok
; because we'll reset the stack at the end of this function anyway.
; Needs fixing though.
inc ecx
xor edx, edx
cmp eax, 0
jne startLoop
push ecx
imul ecx, 2
mov edx, ecx
mov eax, 4 ; Prints the string (from stack) to screen
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, esp
add ecx, 4
int 80h
mov eax, 4 ; Prints a new line
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, _nl
mov edx, nlLen
int 80h
pop eax ; returns the ammount of used characters
x64 version:
; main.c :
; nasm -f elf64 -o object/printnum.o printnum.asm
; gcc -o bin/printnum object/printnum.o main.c -m64
section .data
_nl db 0x0A
nlLen equ $ - _nl
section .text
global printnum
enter 0, 0
mov rax, [rbp + 8] ; Get the function args from the stac
xor rbx, rbx
xor rcx, rcx
xor rdx, rdx
push rbx ; The 0 byte of the string
mov rbx, 10 ; Dividor
idiv rbx ; modulo is in rdx
add rdx, 0x30
push dx
inc rcx ; increase the loop variable
xor rdx, rdx ; resetting the modulo
cmp rax, 0
jne startLoop
push rcx ; push the counter on the stack
imul rcx, 2
mov rdx, rcx ; string length
mov rax, 4
mov rbx, 1
mov rcx, rsp ; the string
add rcx, 4
int 0x80
mov rax, 4
mov rbx, 1
mov rcx, _nl
mov rdx, nlLen
int 0x80
pop rax
ret ; return to the C routine
Thanks in advance!
I think your problem is that you're trying to use the 32-bit calling conventions in 64-bit mode. That won't fly, not if you're calling these assembly routines from C. The 64-bit calling convention is documented here:
Also, don't open-code system calls. Call the wrappers in the C library. That way errno gets set properly, you take advantage of sysenter/syscall, you don't have to deal with the differences between the normal calling convention and the system-call argument convention, and you're insulated from certain low-level ABI issues. (Another of your problems is that write is system call number 1, not 4, for Linux/x86-64.)
Editorial aside: There are two, and only two, reasons to write anything in assembly nowadays:
You are writing one of the very few remaining bits of deep magic that cannot be written in C alone (a good example is the guts of libffi)
You are hand-optimizing an inner-loop subroutine that has been measured to be performance-critical and the C compiler doesn't do a good enough job on.
Otherwise just write whatever it is in C. Your successors will thank you.
EDIT: checked system call numbers.
I'm not sure if this answer is related to the problem you're seeing (since you didn't specify anything about what the failure is), but 64-bit code has a different calling convention than 32-bit code does. Both of the major 64-bit Intel ABIs (Windows & Linux/BSD/Mac OS) pass function parameters in registers and not on the stack. Your program appears to still be expecting them on the stack, which isn't the normal way to go about it.
Edit: Now that I see there is a C main() routine that calls your functions, my answer is exactly about the problem you're having.
