Configure cassandra to use different network interfaces for data streaming and client connection? - cassandra

I have a cassandra cluster deployed with 3 cassandra nodes with replication factor of 3. I have a lot of data being written to cassandra on daily basis (10-15GB). I have provisioned these cassandra on commodity hardware as suggested by "Big data community" and I am expecting the nodes to go down frequently which is handled using redundancy provided by cassandra.
My problem is, I have observed cassandra to slow down with writes when a new node is provisioned and the data is being streamed while bootstrapping. So, to overcome this hurdle, We have decided to have a separate network interface for inter-node communication and for client application to write data to cassandra. My question is how can this be configured, if at all this is possible ?
Any help is appreciated.

I think you are chasing the wrong solution.
I am confused by the fact that you only have 3 nodes, yet your concern is around slow writes while bootstrapping. Why? Are you planning to grow your cluster regularly? What is your consistency level on write, as this has a big impact on performance? Obviously if you only have 2 or 3 nodes and you're trying to bootstrap, you will see a slowdown, because you're tying up a significant percentage of your cluster to do the streaming.
Note that "commodity hardware" doesn't mean cheap, low-performance hardware. It just means you don't need the super high-end database-class machines used for databases like Oracle. You should still use really good commodity hardware. You may also need more nodes, as setting RF equal to cluster size is not typically a great idea.
Having said that, you can set your listen_address to the inter-node interface and rpc_address to the client address if you feel that will help.


How cassandra improve performance by adding nodes?

I'm going build apache cassandra 3.11.X cluster with 44 nodes. Each application server will have one cluster node so that application do r/w locally.
I have couple of questions running in my mind kindly answer if possible.
1.How many server Ip's should mention in seednode parameter?
2.How HA works when all the mentioned seed node goes down?
3.What is the dis-advantage to mention all the serverIP's in seednode parameter?
4.How cassandra scales with respect to data other than(Primary key and Tunable consistency). As per my assumption replication factor can improve HA chances but not performances.
then how performance will increase by adding more nodes?
5.Is there any sharding mechanism in Cassandra.
Answers are in order:
It's recommended to point to at least to 2 nodes per DC
Seed/contact node is used only for initial bootstrap - when your program reaches any of listed nodes, it "learns" the topology of whole cluster, and then driver listens for nodes status change, and adjust a list of available hosts. So even if seed node(s) goes down after connection is already established, driver will able to reach other nodes
it's harder to maintain usually - you need to keep a configuration parameters for your driver & list of nodes in sync.
When you have RF > 1, Cassandra may read or write data from/to any replica. Consistency level regulates how many nodes should return answer for read or write operation. When you add the new node, the data is redistributed to new node, and if you have correctly selected partition key, then new node start to receive requests in parallel to old nodes
Partition key is responsible for selection of replica(s) that will hold data associated with it - you can see it as a shard. But you need to be careful with selection of partition key - it's easy to create too big partitions, or partitions that will be "hot" (receiving most of operations in cluster - for example, if you're using the date as partition key, and always writing reading data for today).
P.S. I would recommend to read DataStax Architecture guide - it contains a lot of information about Cassandra as well...

practicallity of having a single node cassandra multisitecluster(3 way)

Is it possible to put a Cassandra cluster with single node DC with 2 remote DC which is also having a single node assuming the replication factor is required to be 3 in this case? The remote cluster is in the same geographical area but not same building for HA. Or is there any hard rules that for high availability and consistency for a need for a local quorum node to achieve that?
Our setup may be smaller compared to big data and usually used to store time series data with approximately 2000/3000 (on different key) sampling per second.
Is there other implications other than read/write may be slow due to the comms delay?
disclaimer: I am new to cassandra.
Turns out I want to deploy a similar setup: 3 nodes on aws, each in its own AZ (But all in the same region). from what I read, this setup is just a single DC, with 3 nodes.
You need to use Ec2Snitch to reduce the latency between your clients and the nodes.
Using RF=3 provides you with the HA that you need, since every node has all the data
Inter-AZ communication should be fairly fast. refer to this:
becuase you'll be running in a single DC, local-quorum == quorum. so as long as you'll be writing to QUROUM (which requires 2/3 nodes (AZs) to be up), you'll be strongly consistent and HA.

What is meant by a node in cassandra?

I am new to Cassandra and I want to install it. So far I've read a small article on it.
But there one thing that I do not understand and it is the meaning of 'node'.
Can anyone tell me what a 'node' is, what it is for, and how many nodes we can have in one cluster ?
A node is the storage layer within a server.
Newer versions of Cassandra use virtual nodes, or vnodes. There are 256 vnodes per server by default.
A vnode is essentially the storage layer.
machine: a physical server, EC2 instance, etc.
server: an installation of Cassandra. Each machine has one installation of Cassandra. The Cassandra server runs core processes such as the snitch, the partitioner, etc.
vnode: The storage layer in a Cassandra server. There are 256 vnodes per server by default.
Helpful tip:
Where you will get confused is that Cassandra terminology (in older blog posts, YouTube videos, and so on) had been used inconsistently. In older versions of Cassandra, each machine had one Cassandra server installed, and each server contained one node. Due to the 1-to-1-to-1 relationship between machine-server-node in old versions of Cassandra people previously used the terms machine, server and node interchangeably.
Cassandra is a distributed database management system designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers. Like all other distributed database systems, it provides high availability with no single point of failure.
You may got some ideas from the description of above paragraph. Generally, when we talk Cassandra, we mean a Cassandra cluster, not a single PC. A node in a cluster is just a fully functional machine that is connected with other nodes in the cluster through high internal network. All nodes work together to make sure that even if one of them failed due to unexpected error, they as a whole cluster can provide service.
All nodes in a Cassandra cluster are same. There is no concept of Master node or slave nodes. There are multiple reason to design like this, and you can Google it for more details if you want.
Theoretically, you can have as many nodes as you want in a Cassandra cluster. For example, Apple used 75,000 nodes served Cassandra summit in 2014.
Of course you can try Cassandra with one machine. It still work while just one node in this cluster.
What is meant by a node in cassandra?
Cassandra Node is a place where data is stored.
Data centerĀ is a collection of related nodes.
A cluster is a component which contains one or more data centers.
In other words collection of multiple Cassandra nodes which communicates with each other to perform set of operation.
In Cassandra, each node is independent and at the same time interconnected to other nodes.
All the nodes in a cluster play the same role.
Every node in a cluster can accept read and write requests, regardless of where the data is actually located in the cluster.
In the case of failure of one node, Read/Write requests can be served from other nodes in the network.
If you're looking to understand Cassandra terminology, then the following post is a good reference:

Cassandra consistency model performance evaluation

Hi I am a student and am trying to evaluate the latency(Insert, read and Upsert) of cassandra for different consistency models and for different replication factors.
I am using Virtual box on my host system and have 10 ubuntu VMs to form a cluster.
When I run the tests, sometimes the average latency comes out lesser for a stronger consistency model.
Also the latency does not increase as I increase the replication factor in some cases which is also not an expected result.
I wanted to know what all could be the possible reasons for such behavior?
There are a few things:
Performance benchmarks using virtual box on a single system will give you very different resutls from a live cluster. For instance, network latencies would be considerably reduced. A real cluster would have different resources available whereas vbox instances are sharing the same resources. Even on a cloud platform, you'd see different numbers.
When a write request comes in, the coordinator sends to all required replicas a write request in parallel. They all process the write and respond. If your lower consistency write went to a busy node, and the higher consistency write went to enough "faster / available" nodes to make a quorum, then the latter will have lower latency. Also, increasing the replication factor means the data is available in more nodes. So reads can be faster (depending on consistency levels).

Using the same computer as a Cassandra node and a Cassandra client

If you are using the Cassandra distributed key-value store, you will have several Cassandra nodes, and thus several computers. The data doesn't just sit there, of course, you also have one or more clients programs that communicate with the Cassandra nodes. Computationally intensive work done by the clients might also be distributed over several computers. Should the clients and the Cassandra nodes be separate computers? Is it OK to use the same computer as a Cassandra node and as a Cassandra client? I expect it would work, in the sense of performing correctly, but would there be unacceptable performance problems?
The Cassandra documentation I've seen talks in terms that suggest Cassandra nodes and clients should be separate computers, but I've not seen an explicit recommendation.
Why do I ask? Why might I want to do that? The application I have in mind does not require that the clients store any data locally, they use Cassandra for all persistent data. Their job is computationally intensive, so the bottleneck is likely to be client CPU processing rather than Cassandra processing. Not also using them as Cassandra nodes seems wasteful.
Also, if each computation (client) node is also a Cassandra node, I can use the Cassandra token of each node (used for distributing Cassandra's data) to distribute the client computations.
This is a valid setup for certain types of deployments. The most common case where people do this is when running Hadoop jobs against Cassandra. The Cassandra Wiki recommends you run one Hadoop TaskTracker on each node in your cluster. That type of deployment is similar to what you are describing.
