Trying to do a count query with subqueries and jointures - subquery

I have tried different ways of achieving this task with subqueries
But finaly tried it with jointures. with little success
The main task is finding how many (so count them) COMMANDES (NCOM) that specify one or more PRODUITS in ACIER there are
select count(NCOM) as COUNT
from Detail D, Produit P
where D.NPRO = P.NPRO
It always gives me a 0 count
I don't know if it would be easier with subqueries but I'm not getting anywhere right now.
Below you can fin my tables create and insert
create table CLIENT
(NCLI char(4) not null,
NOM varchar(12) not null,
ADRESSE varchar(20) not null,
LOCALITE varchar(12) not null,
CAT char(2),
COMPTE decimal(9,2) not null,
primary key (NCLI));
create table PRODUIT
(NPRO char(5) not null,
LIBELLE varchar(20) not null,
PRIX decimal(5,0) not null,
QSTOCK decimal(6,0) not null,
primary key (NPRO));
create table COMMANDE
(NCOM char(5) not null,
NCLI char(4) not null,
DATECOM datetime not null,
primary key (NCOM),
foreign key (NCLI) references CLIENT);
create table DETAIL
(NCOM char(5) not null,
NPRO char(5) not null,
QCOM decimal(4,0) not null,
primary key (NCOM,NPRO),
foreign key (NCOM) references COMMANDE,
foreign key (NPRO) references PRODUIT);
insert into CLIENT values ('B112','HANSENNE' ,'23, a. Dumont' ,'Poitiers' ,'C1',1250.00);
insert into CLIENT values ('C123','MERCIER' ,'25, r. Lemaitre' ,'Namur' ,'C1',-2300);
insert into CLIENT values ('B332','MONTI' ,'112, r. Neuve' ,'Geneve' ,'B2',0);
insert into CLIENT values ('F010','TOUSSAINT' ,'5, r. Godefroid' ,'Poitiers' ,'C1',0);
insert into CLIENT values ('K111','VANBIST' ,'180, r. Florimont' ,'Lille' ,'B1',720);
insert into CLIENT values ('S127','VANDERKA' ,'3, av. des Roses' ,'Namur' ,'C1',-4580);
insert into CLIENT values ('B512','GILLET' ,'14, r. de l''Ete' ,'Toulouse' ,'B1',-8700);
insert into CLIENT values ('B062','GOFFIN' ,'72, r. de la Gare' ,'Namur' ,'B2',-3200);
insert into CLIENT values ('C400','FERARD' ,'65, r. du Tertre' ,'Poitiers' ,'B2',350);
insert into CLIENT values ('C003','AVRON' ,'8, ch. de la Cure' ,'Toulouse' ,'B1',-1700);
insert into CLIENT values ('K729','NEUMAN' ,'40, r. Bransart' ,'Toulouse' ,NULL,0);
insert into CLIENT values ('F011','PONCELET' ,'17, Clos des Erables','Toulouse' ,'B2',0);
insert into CLIENT values ('L422','FRANCK' ,'60, r. de Wepion' ,'Namur' ,'C1',0);
insert into CLIENT values ('S712','GUILLAUME' ,'14a, ch. des Roses' ,'Paris' ,'B1',0);
insert into CLIENT values ('D063','MERCIER' ,'201, bvd du Nord' ,'Toulouse' ,NULL,-2250);
insert into CLIENT values ('F400','JACOB' ,'78, ch. du Moulin' ,'Bruxelles','C2',0);
insert into PRODUIT values ('CS262','CHEV. SAPIN 200x6x2', 75, 45);
insert into PRODUIT values ('CS264','CHEV. SAPIN 200x6x4', 120,2690);
insert into PRODUIT values ('CS464','CHEV. SAPIN 400x6x4', 220, 450);
insert into PRODUIT values ('PA45' ,'POINTE ACIER 45 (1K)',105, 580);
insert into PRODUIT values ('PA60' ,'POINTE ACIER 60 (1K)', 95, 134);
insert into PRODUIT values ('PH222','PL. HETRE 200x20x2', 230, 782);
insert into PRODUIT values ('PS222','PL. SAPIN 200x20x2', 185,1220);
insert into COMMANDE values ('30178','K111','20081221');
insert into COMMANDE values ('30179','C400','20081222');
insert into COMMANDE values ('30182','S127','20081223');
insert into COMMANDE values ('30184','C400','20081223');
insert into COMMANDE values ('30185','F011','20090102');
insert into COMMANDE values ('30186','C400','20090102');
insert into COMMANDE values ('30188','B512','20090103');
insert into DETAIL values ('30178','CS464',25);
insert into DETAIL values ('30179','PA60',20);
insert into DETAIL values ('30179','CS262',60);
insert into DETAIL values ('30182','PA60',30);
insert into DETAIL values ('30184','CS464',120);
insert into DETAIL values ('30184','PA45',20);
insert into DETAIL values ('30185','PA60',15);
insert into DETAIL values ('30185','PS222',600);
insert into DETAIL values ('30185','CS464',260);
insert into DETAIL values ('30186','PA45',3);
insert into DETAIL values ('30188','PA60',70);
insert into DETAIL values ('30188','PH222',92);
insert into DETAIL values ('30188','CS464',180);
insert into DETAIL values ('30188','PA45',22);

Please use LIKE instead of =.
Like this
select count(NCOM) as COUNT
from Detail D, Produit P
where D.NPRO = P.NPRO

In your where clausule is = . You must use LIKE... LIKE '%ACIER%'
select count(NCOM) as COUNT


Postgres: complex foreign key constraints

I have this schema
CREATE TABLE public.item (
itemid integer NOT NULL,
itemcode character(100) NOT NULL,
itemname character(100) NOT NULL,
constraint PK_ITEM primary key (ItemID)
create unique index ak_itemcode on Item(ItemCode);
storeid character(20) NOT NULL,
storename character(80) NOT NULL,
constraint PK_STORE primary key (StoreID)
CREATE TABLE public.storeitem (
storeitemid integer NOT NULL,
itemid integer NOT NULL,
storeid character(20) NOT NULL,
constraint PK_STOREITEM primary key (ItemID, StoreID),
foreign key (StoreID) references Store(StoreID),
foreign key (ItemID) references Item(ItemID)
create unique index ak_storeitemid on StoreItem (StoreItemID);
And here is the data on those tables
insert into Item (ItemID, ItemCode,ItemName)
Values (1,'abc','abc');
insert into Item (ItemID, ItemCode,ItemName)
Values (2,'def','def');
insert into Item (ItemID, ItemCode,ItemName)
Values (3,'ghi','ghi');
insert into Item (ItemID, ItemCode,ItemName)
Values (4,'lmno','lmno');
insert into Item (ItemID, ItemCode,ItemName)
Values (5,'xyz','xyz');
insert into Store (StoreID, StoreName)
Values ('B1','B1');
insert into StoreItem (StoreItemID, StoreID, ItemID)
Values (1,'B1',1);
insert into StoreItem (StoreItemID, StoreID, ItemID)
Values (2,'B1',2);
insert into StoreItem (StoreItemID, StoreID, ItemID)
Values (3,'B1',3);
Now I created this new table
CREATE TABLE public.szdata (
storeid character(20) NOT NULL,
itemcode character(100) NOT NULL,
textdata character(20) NOT NULL,
constraint PK_SZDATA primary key (ItemCode, StoreID)
I want to have the foreign key constraints set so that it will fail when you try to insert record which is not in StoreItem. For example this must fail
insert into SZData (StoreID, ItemCode, TextData)
Values ('B1', 'xyz', 'text123');
and this must pass
insert into SZData (StoreID, ItemCode, TextData)
Values ('B1', 'abc', 'text123');
How do I achieve this without complex triggers but using table constraints?
I prefer solution without triggers. SZData table is just for accepting input from external world and it is for single purpose.
Also database import export must not be impacted
I figured out having a function to execute on constraint will solve this issue.
The function is_storeitem does the validation. I believe this feature can be used for even complex validations
create or replace function is_storeitem(pItemcode nchar(40), pStoreId nchar(20)) returns boolean as $$
select exists (
select 1
from public.storeitem si, public.item i, s
where si.itemid = i.itemid and i.itemcode = pItemcode and s.Storeid = pStoreId and s.storeid = si.storeid
$$ language sql;
create table SZData
StoreID NCHAR(20) not null,
ItemCode NCHAR(100) not null,
TextData NCHAR(20) not null,
constraint PK_SIDATA primary key (ItemCode, StoreID),
foreign key (StoreID) references Store(StoreID),
foreign key (ItemCode) references Item(ItemCode),
CONSTRAINT ck_szdata_itemcode CHECK (is_storeitem(Itemcode,StoreID))
This perfectly works with postgres 9.6 or greater.

Inserting Python Dict to MariaDB giving Error 1064

Having a dict of structured_files variable as below;
structured_files = {'158795_1635509614542_20211029151335135_27.1943_38.4319.jpg': ['158795', '1635509614542', '20211029151335135', '27.1943', '38.4319'], '2773170_1635255851988_20211026164412576_27.1836_38.4777.jpg': ['2773170', '1635255851988', '20211026164412576', '27.1836', '38.4777'], '2777171_1635330525915_20211027132846547_27.1875_38.4720.jpg': ['2777171', '1635330525915', '20211027132846547', '27.1875', '38.4720'], '2779392_1635150026780_20211025112027410_27.1627_38.4724.jpg': ['2779392', '1635150026780', '20211025112027410', '27.1627', '38.4724'], '3724797_1634893471399_20211022120432057_27.1334_38.5426.jpg': ['3724797', '1634893471399', '20211022120432057', '27.1334', '38.5426'], '5218186_1635161250087_20211025142730572_27.0694_38.4943.jpg': ['5218186', '1635161250087', '20211025142730572', '27.0694', '38.4943'], '5347212_1634987405913_20211023141006566_27.0454_38.5138.jpg': ['5347212', '1634987405913', '20211023141006566', '27.0454', '38.5138'], '8174846_1635335281021_20211027144801672_27.1039_38.3572.jpg': ['8174846', '1635335281021', '20211027144801672', '27.1039', '38.3572'], '9179383_1635321573332_20211027105933968_27.1251_38.3576.jpg': ['9179383', '1635321573332', '20211027105933968', '27.1251', '38.3576']}
Trying to insert in to mysql db code is follows;
For Creation;
Qcreate1 = "CREATE TABLE data_11 (id_key LONGTEXT NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, date VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, sample VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, coord_y VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, coord_x VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, created datetime NOT NULL, key_id int PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT )"
For Inserting;
cols = list(structured_files.keys())
vals = list(structured_files.values())
Q1 = f"INSERT INTO data_11 {cols} values {vals}"
It gives the error : mysql.connector.errors.ProgrammingError: 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '['158795_1635509614542_20211029151335135_27.1943_38.4319.jpg', '2773170_16352...' at line 1
Why is that ?
Okay, I tested this code to do what you want:
Q1 = "INSERT INTO data_11 (id_key, name, date, sample, coord_y, coord_x) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
for id_key, values in structured_files.items():
cursor.execute(Q1, [id_key] + values)
Write the column names explicitly in the INSERT statement. Learn the syntax for INSERT:
INSERT INTO <table> (<columns>) VALUES (<values>)
Your id_key, the key in the dict, isn't a column name. It's one of the values, so it belongs in the VALUES clause.
This is the syntax for inserting one row. Once you get used to this, you can explore multi-row INSERT syntax.
Don't use f-strings to interpolate variables into the INSERT string, because that risks SQL injection flaws. Leave the values as placeholders as I showed, then pass the values separately as a list in the second argument to cursor.execute().

Cassandra : Key Level access in Map type columns

In Cassandra,Suppose we require to access key level against map type column. how to do it?
Create statement:
create table collection_tab2(
empid int,
emploc map<text,text>,
primary key(empid));
Insert statement:
insert into collection_tab2 (empid, emploc ) VALUES ( 100,{'CHE':'Tata Consultancy Services','CBE':'CTS','USA':'Genpact LLC'} );
select emploc from collection_tab2;
empid | emploc
100 | {'CBE': 'CTS', 'CHE': 'Tata Consultancy Services', 'USA': 'Genpact LLC'}
In that case, if want to access 'USA' key alone . What I should do?
I tried based on the Index. But all values are coming.
CREATE INDEX fetch_index ON killrvideo.collection_tab2 (keys(emploc));
select * from collection_tab2 where emploc CONTAINS KEY 'CBE';
empid | emploc
100 | {'CBE': 'CTS', 'CHE': 'Tata Consultancy Services', 'USA': 'Genpact LLC'}
But expected:
'CHE': 'Tata Consultancy Services'
Just as a data model change I would strongly recommend:
create table collection_tab2(
empid int,
emploc_key text,
emploc_value text,
primary key(empid, emploc_key));
Then you can query and page through simply as the emploc_key is clustering key instead of part of the cql collection that has multiple limits and negative performance impacts.
insert into collection_tab2 (empid, emploc_key, emploc_value) VALUES ( 100, 'CHE', 'Tata Consultancy Services');
insert into collection_tab2 (empid, emploc_key, emploc_value) VALUES ( 100, 'CBE, 'CTS');
insert into collection_tab2 (empid, emploc_key, emploc_value) VALUES ( 100, 'USA', 'Genpact LLC');
Can also put it in a unlogged batch and it will still be applied efficiently and atomically because all in the same partition.
To do it as you have you can after 4.0 with CASSANDRA-7396 with [] selectors like:
SELECT emploc['USA'] FROM collection_tab2 WHERE empid = 100;
But I would still strongly recommend data model changes as its significantly more efficient, and can work in existing versions with:
SELECT * FROM collection_tab2 WHERE empid = 100 AND emploc_key = 'USA';

Cassandra: If a field inside an UDT is set to null, does this create a tombstone in Cassandra?

Please look at the following example:
INSERT INTO my_keyspace.my_table (id, name, my_info) VALUES (
{ birthday : '1990-01-01', height : '6.2 feet', weight : '74 kg' }
Second Insert
INSERT INTO my_keyspace.my_table (id, name, my_info) VALUES (
{ birthday : '1990-01-01', height : '6.2 feet', weight : null }
Consider "id" as the Primary Key.
In the second insert "weight" attribute inside "my_info" UDT is set as null. Does this create a tombstone? How null inside an UDT is stored in the Cassandra database?
Yes Setting a column to NULL is the same as writing a tombstone in some cases.

Oracle spatial data operator - SDO_nn - Not getting any results for sdo_num_res = 1

I am using SDO_NN operator to find the nearest hydrant next to a building.
( "NAME" VARCHAR2(10),
I have setup spatial indexes properly for buildings.shape and I run the query to get the nearest hydrant to the building 'Motel'
select as name, h.point.x as x, h.point.y as y from buildings b1, hydrants h where ='Motel' and
SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY( h.point.x,h.point.y)), 'sdo_num_res=1')= 'TRUE';
Here's the problem:
When I set the parameter sdo_num_res=1, I get zero tuples.
And when I make sdo_num_res=2, I get one tuple.
What is the reason for the weird behavior ?
Note: I am getting zero rows only when 'Motel', for all other tuples I am getting 1 row when sdo_num_res = 1
Insert queries
Insert into buildings (NAME,SHAPE) values ('Motel',MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2003,NULL,NULL,MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1003,1),MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(564,425,585,436,573,458,552,447)));
Insert into hydrants (name,POINT) values ('p57',MDSYS.SDO_POINT_TYPE(589,448,0));
To perform spatial comparisons between a point to a polygon, the SDO_GEOMETRY is defined with SDO_SRID=2001 and center set to a SDO_POINT_TYPE-> which we want to compare.
First of all, your query does not do what you say it does: it actually returns the nearest building called "Motel" from any of your hydrants. To do what you want (i.e. the opposite) you need to reverse the order of the arguments to SDO_NN: all spatial operators search the first argument, using the value of the second argument.
Then the insert into your HYDRANTS table is wrong:
Insert into hydrants (name,POINT) values ('p57',MDSYS.SDO_POINT_TYPE(589,448,0));
The SDO_POINT_TYPE object is not designed to be used that way: it is only used inside the SDO_GEOMETRY type. The proper way is this:
insert into hydrants (name,POINT) values ('p57',sdo_geometry(2001, null, SDO_POINT_TYPE(589,448,null), null, null));
And of course you need to change your table definition accordingly.
Then your building is also incorrectly created: a polygon must always close, i.e. the last point must be the same as the first point. So the proper shape should be like this:
insert into buildings (NAME,SHAPE) values ('Motel', SDO_GEOMETRY(2003,NULL,NULL,SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1003,1),SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(564,425,585,436,573,458,552,447,564,425)));
Here is the full example:
Create the tables:
create table buildings (
name varchar2(40) primary key,
shape sdo_geometry
create table hydrants(
name varchar2(10) primary key,
point sdo_geometry
Populate the tables:
insert into buildings (NAME,SHAPE) values ('Motel', SDO_GEOMETRY(2003,NULL,NULL,SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1003,1),SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(564,425,585,436,573,458,552,447,564,425)));
insert into hydrants (name,POINT) values ('p57',sdo_geometry(2001, null, SDO_POINT_TYPE(589,448,null), null, null));
Confirm that the geometries are all correct:
select name, sdo_geom.validate_geometry_with_context (point, 0.05) from hydrants;
select name, sdo_geom.validate_geometry_with_context (shape, 0.05) from buildings;
Setup spatial metadata and create spatial indexes:
insert into user_sdo_geom_metadata (table_name, column_name, diminfo, srid)
values (
sdo_dim_array (
sdo_dim_element ('X', 0,1000,0.05),
sdo_dim_element ('Y', 0,1000,0.05)
create index buildings_sx on buildings (shape)
indextype is mdsys.spatial_index;
insert into user_sdo_geom_metadata (table_name, column_name, diminfo, srid)
values (
sdo_dim_array (
sdo_dim_element ('X', 0,1000,0.05),
sdo_dim_element ('Y', 0,1000,0.05)
create index hydrants_sx on hydrants (point)
indextype is mdsys.spatial_index;
Now Try the properly written query:
select, h.point.sdo_point.x as x, h.point.sdo_point.y as y
from buildings b, hydrants h
where ='Motel'
and sdo_nn(h.point, b.shape, 'sdo_num_res=1')= 'TRUE';
which returns:
---------------- ---------- ----------
p57 589 448
1 row selected.
