error running `sqlplus` as user `oracle` - linux

Im trying to run sqlplus from user oracle in linux, but i only get the following error.
Error 6 initializing SQL*Plus
SP2-0667: Message file sp1<lang>.msb not found
SP2-0750: You may need to set ORACLE_HOME to your Oracle software directory
[ sqlplus ] completed with error code: 1
I have tried to run ./ as user oracle and have tried it as user root as-well, but when I run the sqlplus / as sysdba command logged in as user oracle I get the above message.
Did I miss something, am I on completely the wrong track?
Here is a full output that I used/got.
`su - oracle
cd /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/bin
sqlplus / as sysdba`

If /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/bin/ sets your ORACLE_HOME, and ORACLE_SID environment variables, you need to "source" it invoking it in the current environment) using the "dot" prefix:
. ./
In any case, looks like your environment variables (including LD_LIBRARY_PATH) may not be set correctly.


django.db.utils.DatabaseError: Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-01804

Q1. What versions are we using?
Python 3.6.12
OS : CentOS 7 64-bit
DB : Oracle 18c
Django 2.2
cx_Oracle : 8.1.0
Q2. Describe the problem
Ans. While running server with "python3 runserver"
application is able to contact Oracle DB and show the Django Administration page and login also works.
But when we access the application using the Apache (HTTPD) based URL over secure SSL port, we do see the Django page and the admin page as well but Login to Admin page with Internal server error.
In the logs, we see
"django.db.utils.DatabaseError: Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-01804"
cx_oracle is otherwise able to connect to the database properly, another application is also using the same database behind the same httpd proxy and works fine
Q3. Show the directory listing where your Oracle Client libraries are installed (e.g. the Instant Client directory). Is it 64-bit or 32-bit?
Ans. 64-bit
Q4. Show what the PATH environment variable (on Windows) or LD_LIBRARY_PATH (on Linux) is set to?
Q5. Show any Oracle environment variables set (e.g. ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_BASE).
Any suggestions/help is highly appreciated.
Thank you
I found the problem
So I just removed all the variable declarations from /etc/sysconfig/httpd and checked, the application was still able to access the lib files, so these were now redundant.
Then undid all variable declarations done earlier in .localsh and .localrc files for the os users. To start from scratch, and go step by step to see where it breaks.
So now, cx_Oracle was looking for the lib files in wrong directory
instead of
DPI-1047: Cannot locate a 64-bit Oracle Client library: "$ORACLE_HOME/client_1/lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". See for help
I did not have any subfolder named "client_1" inside dbhome_1
so I just created a symlink client_1 that points to dbhome_1 (still unsure on this, but at least it works :) )
So, now, this error was gone but now again ORA-01804 was coming. 😑
I had read somewhere that this error can be fixed by adding "" but I did not have one on my instance, so I generated it using these commands:-
mkdir -p $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/install/instantclient/light
cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
make -f igenliboci
Then I just moved this file from
$ORACLE_HOME/instantclient to $ORACLE_HOME/lib
Now there was a new error (so.. progress 😉 ):
ORA-12546 - TNS Permission Denied.
This was easy to solve 😀
I used this command to address this :-
setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect on
And...... That was all! It worked.

Unable to run oracle query using bash script

I have created a script in linux with content-
sqlplus -silent test/test123#XYZ <<SQL_QUERY
select * from test.persons;
test - username
test#123 - password
XYZ - SID Name
But wen I am running this I am getting error -
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
ORA-12162: TNS:net service name is incorrectly specified
SP2-0306: Invalid option.
Can anyone please help me with this issue ?
Thanks in advance!
Based on this:
test - username
test#123 - password
XYZ - SID Name
I am guessing that you actually tried to run:
sqlplus -silent test/test#123#XYZ
which is why SQL*Plus would have complained because of the 2 "#".
Try putting your password in double quotes to avoid this. An even better way is to put the password in a connection wallet, so its never coded in the script. See this post for how to do this

error running run file in centOS - bad display

I have a task to install Oracle 11g on a centOS 8 using VM (i'm new to linux / oracle).
I downloaded the Oracle files and unzipped them, then I tried to ./runInstaller but I get an error and this is the full terminal with error:
login as: admin
admin#'s password:
Activate the web console with: systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket
Last login: Thu May 21 09:26:48 2020 from
[admin#oracledb ~]$ cd Downloads
[admin#oracledb Downloads]$ cd database
[admin#oracledb database]$ ls
doc linux.x64_11gR2_database_1of2 response runInstaller stage
install linux.x64_11gR2_database_2of2 rpm sshsetup welcome.html
[admin#oracledb database]$ ./runInstaller
Starting Oracle Universal Installer...
Checking Temp space: must be greater than 120 MB. Actual 2027 MB Passed
Checking swap space: must be greater than 150 MB. Actual 1759 MB Passed
Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors
>>> Could not execute auto check for display colors using command /usr/bin/xdpyinfo. Check if the DISPLAY variable is set. Failed <<<<
Some requirement checks failed. You must fulfill these requirements before
continuing with the installation,
Continue? (y/n) [n] y
>>> Ignoring required pre-requisite failures. Continuing...
Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2020-05-21_09-43-58AM. Please wait ...
DISPLAY not set. Please set the DISPLAY and try again.
Depending on the Unix Shell, you can use one of the following commands as examples to set the DISPLAY environment variable:
- For csh: % setenv DISPLAY
- For sh, ksh and bash: $ DISPLAY=; export DISPLAY
Use the following command to see what shell is being used:
echo $SHELL
Use the following command to view the current DISPLAY environment variable setting:
- Make sure that client users are authorized to connect to the X Server.
To enable client users to access the X Server, open an xterm, dtterm or xconsole as the user that started the session and type the following command:
% xhost +
To test that the DISPLAY environment variable is set correctly, run a X11 based program that comes with the native operating system such as 'xclock':
% <full path to xclock.. see below>
If you are not able to run xclock successfully, please refer to your PC-X Server or OS vendor for further assistance.
Typical path for xclock: /usr/X11R6/bin/xclock
[admin#oracledb database]$
I am using putty and Xming but I still get this error.
Make sure your putty session is connecting with "x-11 port forwarding"
Be sure after you set this that you scroll back up to 'Session' and then 'save'

Error on neo4j server start on arch linux

I have an arch linux setup and installed neo4j through the arch user repository (yaourt -S neo4j), and I'm able to run the web console fine (sudo neo4j console with seemingly normal output and full functionality), however when trying to start the server (sudo neo4j start), I encounter the following error message:
/usr/share/neo4j/bin/utils: line 345: [: -lt: unary operator expected
Using additional JVM arguments: -server -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/etc/neo4j/ -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/etc/neo4j/ -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled
Starting Neo4j /run/neo4j/ No such file or directory
process []... waiting for server to be ready. Failed to start within 120 seconds.
Neo4j Server may have failed to start, please check the logs.
rm: cannot remove ‘/run/neo4j/’: No such file or directory
There's no delay before the error message is printed, so it seems to be something other than the timeout. I'm quite new to neo4j (I worked through a fair bit of the user manual using the web console, but no development or server config experience), so I'm not really sure what else might be relevant. I tried looking through the utils script and the error appears to be where it attempts to su neo4j, but it also seems to proceed to attempt to start the server. I also tried changing the port it's starting on as in this question, but no change. The only log I can find just has this over and over (with appropriate timestamps):
Oct 15, 2014 1:33:49 AM com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl _initiate
INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.9 09/02/2011 11:17 AM'
Any help at all would be appreciated!
The line 345 that it's failing on is the end of this snippet:
if [ $UID == 0 ] ; then
OPEN_FILES=`su $NEO4J_USER -c "ulimit -n"`
OPEN_FILES=`ulimit -n`
if [ $OPEN_FILES -lt 40000 ]; then
From doing some echo debugging, it seems that su $NEO4J_USER is failing, probably because $NEO4J_USER is set to neo4j, a user that does not exist on my system. I tried setting that to root in one of the config files, but evidently that's not working properly. Arch is a continual learning experience for me, but I've not had to add a new user before to get software working.
The interesting line here is:
/usr/share/neo4j/bin/utils: line 345: [: -lt: unary operator expected
I assume that is caused by a wrong default shell for the neo4j user. What default is currently set for the neo4j system user? Try to switch that to bash. The startup scripts should work nicely with bash.

Puppet Dashboard permissions: Permission denied - /var/lib/puppet/reports/

I'm setting up the Puppet Dashboard for the first time. I have it running with the passenger module in Apache.
sudo rake RAILS_ENV=production reports:import
When I run this command, the tasks appear in the dashboard as failed.
630 new failed tasks
The details for each failure look something like this:
Importing report 201212270754.yaml at 2012-12-27 09:21 UTC
Permission denied - /var/lib/puppet/reports/rb-db1/201212270754.yaml
/usr/share/puppet-dashboard/app/models/report.rb:86:in `read'
/usr/share/puppet-dashboard/app/models/report.rb:86:in `create_from_yaml_file'
The report files were owned by puppet:puppet with a 640 permission by default.
I ran chmod a+rw on the reports directory, but I still get the same errors.
Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong here?
If you are running the puppet-dashboard server as root instead of as the puppet-dashboard user, you will see this error. My system is using /usr/share/puppet-dashboard/script/server on centos 6.4 using the puppet-dashboard-1.2.23-1.el6.noarch rpm from puppetlabs.
[root#hadoop01 puppet-dashboard]# cat /etc/sysconfig/puppet-dashboard
# path to where you installed puppet dashboard
edit the file like above and then run the command
/etc/init.d/puppet-dashboard restart && /etc/init.d/puppet-dashboard-workers restart
my puppet-dashboard version is 1.2.23
