Detach a child process from Casperjs - node.js

I'm trying to develop an test script with casperjs that, in case of failure of a single test, sends an email to the developer.
The mailing script is made with nodejs using nodemailer.
If the function that starts the mailer is somewhere in the casperjs script it works perfectly, the problem comes when the test fails: it seems that casperjs exists without leaving the time to the child process to complete.
The only way I found to make it work is to add a --auto-exit=no and to explicitly exit when I receive the mailer response. But I'd like to avoid passing the param outside the script.
Is there a way to:
set inside the script the auto-exit option?
OR to detach the child process so that it doesn't die when the parent exits?
casper.test.on("fail", function(failure){
'Errore ',
'Il Test sul controllo login è fallito. In allegato screenshot del problema.',
'Il Test sul controllo login è fallito. In allegato screenshot del problema.',
var sendMail = function($to,$subject,$text,$html,$attachments) {
var childProcess;
try {
childProcess = require("child_process");
} catch (e) {
if (childProcess) {
childProcess.execFile("/usr/bin/nodejs", ["common/mailer.js", $to, $subject, $text, $html , $attachments], null, function(err, stdout, stderr) {
casper.echo("----------------------execFileSTDOUT:"+ JSON.stringify(stdout));
casper.echo("----------------------execFileSTDERR:"+ JSON.stringify(stderr));
} else {
casper.echo("Unable to require child process");
I've also tried to use "nohup /usr/bin/nodejs" but with no luck.


nodejs - get working directory of a child_proccess after executing cd command

I have a simple web shell for controlling remote devices. I would line to implement cd command without calculating the new working folder on the shell side. On the device side there is a nodejs client spawning child process to execute commands and returning the response to the shell via socket connection.
This is the device part of the code. I would like to set out.folder to the new working folder of the child process after executing the command (to use it when spawning the next process). process.pwd() returns the parent process folder, not child. Is it posible, or is changing the working folder purely a shell thing and the process has only one permanent pwd?
socket.on("console_request", (data) => {
console.log("console_request", data);
var out = {
to: data.from,
location: env.location,
platform: process.platform,
name: env.myId,
stdout: ''
var child = exec( data.line,
{cwd: data.folder},
(error1, stdout1, stderr1) => {
if (error1) {
out.error = error1.message;
if (stderr1) {
out.error = stderr1;
out.stdout = stdout1;
out.folder = proccess.pwd();
socket.emit('console_request', out);

NodeJS - How do I detect other copies of my program?

I have written a NodeJS command-line program with two modes:
mode foo: runs forever until the user presses Ctrl+C
mode bar: runs once
If the user is already running the program in mode foo, then running it again in mode bar will cause errors. Thus, when the user invokes mode bar, I want to search for all other existing copies of my command-line program that are running and kill them (as a mechanism to prevent the errors before they happen).
Getting a list of processes in NodeJS is easy, but that doesn't help me much. If I simply kill all other node processes, then I might be killing other programs that are not mine. So, I need to know which specific node processes are the ones running my app. Is it even possible to interrogate a process to determine that information?
Another option is to have my program write a temporary file to disk, or write a value to the Windows registry, or something along those lines. And then, before my program exists, I could clean up the temporary value. However, this feels like a precarious solution, because if my program crashes, then the flag will never be unset and will remain orphaned forever.
What is the correct solution to this problem? How can I kill my own application?
I was able to solve this problem using PowerShell:
import { execSync } from "child_process";
const CWD = process.cwd();
function validateOtherCopiesNotRunning(verbose: boolean) {
if (process.platform !== "win32") {
// From:
const stdout = execPowershell(
"Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter \"name = 'node.exe'\" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty CommandLine",
const lines = stdout.split("\r\n");
const otherCopiesOfMyProgram= lines.filter(
(line) =>
line.includes("node.exe") &&
line.includes("myProgram") &&
// Exclude the current invocation that is doing a 1-time publish
!line.includes("myProgram publish"),
if (otherCopiesOfMyProgram.length > 0) {
throw new Error("You must close other copies of this program before publishing.");
function execPowershell(
command: string,
verbose = false,
cwd = CWD,
): string {
if (verbose) {
console.log(`Executing PowerShell command: ${command}`);
let stdout: string;
try {
const buffer = execSync(command, {
shell: "powershell.exe",
stdout = buffer.toString().trim();
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(`Failed to run PowerShell command "${command}":`, err);
if (verbose) {
console.log(`Executed PowerShell command: ${command}`);
return stdout;

Use child_process.execSync but keep output in console

I'd like to use the execSync method which was added in NodeJS 0.12 but still have the output in the console window from which i ran the Node script.
E.g. if I run a NodeJS script which has the following line I'd like to see the full output of the rsync command "live" inside the console:
require('child_process').execSync('rsync -avAXz --info=progress2 "/src" "/dest"');
I understand that execSync returns the ouput of the command and that I could print that to the console after execution but this way I don't have "live" output...
You can pass the parent´s stdio to the child process if that´s what you want:
'rsync -avAXz --info=progress2 "/src" "/dest"',
{stdio: 'inherit'}
You can simply use .toString().
var result = require('child_process').execSync('rsync -avAXz --info=progress2 "/src" "/dest"').toString();
Edit: Looking back on this, I've realised that it doesn't actually answer the specific question because it doesn't show the output to you 'live' — only once the command has finished running.
However, I'm leaving this answer here because I know quite a few people come across this question just looking for how to print the result of the command after execution.
Unless you redirect stdout and stderr as the accepted answer suggests, this is not possible with execSync or spawnSync. Without redirecting stdout and stderr those commands only return stdout and stderr when the command is completed.
To do this without redirecting stdout and stderr, you are going to need to use spawn to do this but it's pretty straight forward:
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
//kick off process of listing files
var child = spawn('ls', ['-l', '/']);
//spit stdout to screen
child.stdout.on('data', function (data) { process.stdout.write(data.toString()); });
//spit stderr to screen
child.stderr.on('data', function (data) { process.stdout.write(data.toString()); });
child.on('close', function (code) {
console.log("Finished with code " + code);
I used an ls command that recursively lists files so that you can test it quickly. Spawn takes as first argument the executable name you are trying to run and as it's second argument it takes an array of strings representing each parameter you want to pass to that executable.
However, if you are set on using execSync and can't redirect stdout or stderr for some reason, you can open up another terminal like xterm and pass it a command like so:
var execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
execSync("xterm -title RecursiveFileListing -e ls -latkR /");
This will allow you to see what your command is doing in the new terminal but still have the synchronous call.
try {
const cmd = 'git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree';
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Status Code: ${error.status} with '${error.message}'`;
// nodejs
var execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
// typescript
const { execSync } = require("child_process");
try {
const cmd = 'git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree';
} catch (error) {
error.status; // 0 : successful exit, but here in exception it has to be greater than 0
error.message; // Holds the message you typically want.
error.stderr; // Holds the stderr output. Use `.toString()`.
error.stdout; // Holds the stdout output. Use `.toString()`.
When command runs successful:
Add {"encoding": "utf8"} in options.
execSync(`pwd`, {
encoding: "utf8"

How to respond to a command line promt with node.js

How would I respond to a command line prompt programmatically with node.js? For example, if I do process.stdin.write('sudo ls'); The command line will prompt for a password. Is there an event for 'prompt?'
Also, how do I know when something like process.stdin.write('npm install') is complete?
I'd like to use this to make file edits (needed to stage my app), deploy to my server, and reverse those file edits (needed for eventually deploying to production).
Any help would rock!
You'll want to use child_process.exec() to do this rather than writing the command to stdin.
var sys = require('sys'),
exec = require('child_process').exec;
// execute the 'sudo ls' command with a callback function
exec('sudo ls', function(error, stdout, stderr){
if (!error) {
// print the output
} else {
// handle error
For the npm install one you might be better off with child_process.spawn() which will let you attach an event listener to run when the process exits. You could do the following:
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
// run 'npm' command with argument 'install'
// storing the process in variable npmInstall
var npmInstall = spawn('npm', ['install'], {
cwd: process.cwd(),
stdio: 'inherit'
// listen for the 'exit' event
// which fires when the process exits
npmInstall.on('exit', function(code, signal) {
if (code === 0) {
// process completed successfully
} else {
// handle error

Using grunt to run a node server and do cleanup after

So basically this is what I want to do. Have a grunt script that compiles my coffee files to JS. Then run the node server and then, either after the server closes or while it's still running, delete the JS files that were the result of the compilation and only keep the .coffee ones.
I'm having a couple of issues getting it to work. Most importantly, the way I'm currently doing it is this:
grunt.registerTask("node", "Starting node server", function () {
var done = this.async();
var sp = grunt.util.spawn({
cmd: "node",
args: ["index"]
}, function (err, res, code) {
console.log(err, res, code);
grunt.registerTask("default", ["coffee", "node"]);
The problem here is that the node serer isn't run in the same process as grunt. This matters because I can't just CTRL-C once to terminate JUST the node server.
Ideally, I'd like to have it run in the same process and have the grunt script pause while it's waiting for me to CTRL-C the server. Then, after it's finished, I want grunt to remove the said files.
How can I achieve this?
Edit: Note that the snippet doesn't have the actual removal implemented since I can't get this to work.
If you keep the variable sp in a more global scope, you can define a task node:kill that simply checks whether sp === null (or similar), and if not, does sp.kill(). Then you can simply run the node:kill task after your testing task. You could additionally invoke a separate task that just deletes the generated JS files.
For something similar I used grunt-shell-spawn in conjunction with a shutdown listener.
In your grunt initConfig:
shell: {
command:'java -jar mysupercoolserver.jar',
options: {
async:true //spawn it instead!
Then outside of initConfig, you can set up a listener for when the user ctrl+c's out of your grunt task:
var name =;
if (step === 'exit') process.exit();
else {
grunt.log.writeln("").writeln("Shutting down super cool server...");["shell:runSuperCoolJavaServer:kill"]); //the key!
Finally, register the tasks
grunt.registerTask('serverWithKill', [
