I have created an edit control with multi-line style. I used SetCueBanner for displaying some text as tip. It displays the text only when I remove the ES_MULTILINE style, but with this style the text is not displayed.Why is this happening and how to display the Cue Banner text with multi-line style?
There is no "standard" way to show a cue banner for ES_MULTILINE.
The docs clearly state that this isn't possible for multiline or RTF controls:
If you want to do such a thing, you need to subclass the control and do your own painting if the Control contains no text and has the focus.
when editing text in gimp the text tool is displayed on the screen.
Sometimes the text tool is blocking my view when adjusting or if I zoom in a lot, is not displayed in the visible portion of the screen.
How can I move the text tool itself, so that it is in a place where it does not obstruct any important part of the image.
Btw: This is the text tool:
You can't (this is a rather common complaint).
I have read the documentation for the Color Schemes. I realized all settings except invisibles and shadow (+shadowWidth). I can translate from English, but I do not see anywhere where the elements, the color of which changes settings. Does anyone could show me the screenshots, where there are elements which change color? Thanks.
From the unofficial documentation on color schemes, linked to in your question, we can see that invisibles is ignored, so changing it has no effect on the appearance of any elements in ST3. The tmTheme format is borrowed from a different text editor, to make it easier to use the same color scheme in different editors. So maybe it does something in other text editors, but not in ST. EDIT: support for invisibles has been added to ST in build 3149 - https://github.com/SublimeTextIssues/Core/issues/1992.
The effect of the shadow setting can be seen below, it is the pink parts on the far sides:
It is only visible when the text in the document is wider than the window - it will appear on the left when the view can be scrolled to the left and it will appear on the right when the view can be scrolled to the right.
From my testing, including shadowWidth in the tmTheme file will cause the shadow to not appear. I have logged an issue in the unofficial documentation here, maybe someone will update it with details of how to get this working.
When making changes to atmTheme file, it is often necessary to close all open documents, and restart Sublime Text, before the change will become visible.
I haven't found an exact question on this.
I have a picture, it could be blank for the sake of the example, or contain something that I want to add a fancy caption to. I want to add text editing means (akin to Photoshop) on top of the picture.
I'm thinking about subclassing QGraphicsScene and placing a subclassed QTextEdit object on the scene upon pressing a text placement button. Then, when you click on this object, in addition to editing the text, additional text editing tools become available - so you can set parts of text to bold, italic, modify color, size, etc. And then you would be able to change the object's position - and I think that's available in QGraphicsScene by default. And for the background QBrush, there would be a background picture.
Is this a reasonable solution?
Maybe there are any ready-available examples of this, but I haven't found them yet.
My solution
Text item:
For the text item, I used QGraphicsScene with a subclassed QGraphicsTextItem. For the background picture, I used a QGraphicsRectItem with a QBrush and a loaded picture using QImage methods.
To edit parts of the selected text in this subclassed QGraphicsTextItem:
QTextCharFormat applied to my subclassed QGraphicsTextItem using QGraphicsTextItem::textCursor().mergeCharFormat(...). This way I can change formatting, such as boldness, italics, etc. on the selection only.
Some more thingies:
To pan and zoom around the scene, I used an excellent guide by Vpicaver complete with source code from http://www.qtcentre.org/wiki/index.php?title=QGraphicsView:_Smooth_Panning_and_Zooming
I have a requirement to use multiple font style in UITextView. Like Bold, Italic and Underline text in single Textview. Like:
One word is Bold second may be italic third Underline as per user selection.
I don't think this is allowed to do but still if any one have achieved and want to share. I need this all while enter text and same while displaying.
You're right that the standard UITextView does not support rich editing. At the moment there are a few solutions to the problem.
The Omni Group has released their iOS and Mac frameworks under an open source license. These include a very powerful rich text editor (see: OUIEditorFrame.m). These are very powerful but also extremely complex. Their sample iPad app includes the rich text editor example. Further discussion can be found here
Secondly, this guy has been working on a custom rich text editing control and is offering it under a negotiable licensing agreement.
Finally, you can do it all yourself and create an editor control that implements the UITextInput protocol. Aside from the Apple documentation, there are some tips on doing this here.
Why don't you use attributed string and use its property to set the string as you like.
Reference link : https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/AttributedStrings/Tasks/CreatingAttributedStrings.html
Can the browser feature of Ctrl+F to find text be integrated with text in popup windows.
I'd like to have some scientific reference information given when someone hovers over a species name in a web page. Generating the popup, tooltip style text is no problem, the problem is that anyone using Ctrl+F won't be able to find it, or if I position the text out of view when not required, it will be found but be invisible.
The same sort of effect applies to "accordion" style expanding text areas.
I'm looking for some sort of event generated when find is highlighting a result.
Unfortunately there is no such event, you can't interfere with the built-in find.
About the best you can do in this case is to provide your own search function in-page, which searches the DOM for Text nodes containing the given text, highlights them, and opens up any closed accordions they're in.
The only idea I have, is to put all the text from your popups in one additional scrollbox (maybe at the bottom of the page) with a height just large enough to display one set of detail information at a time. This way, it doesn't take up too much space on the page, and the text can still be found using Ctrl+F.