Hubspot Page Performance Status 403: Forbidden - http-status-code-403

Hubspot Report > Page Performance
When I "refresh page data" with my external website on Hubspot, I got this error.
Uh-oh, it looks like we're having some trouble retrieving this page. Here's what your server told us:
Status 403: Forbidden
But when I visiting my website its perfectly working fine.
How can I fix this?

Add this code to your htaccess. in wordpress website.
#TID Allow the HubSpot User Agent
BrowserMatchNoCase HubSpot hubspot
Allow from env=hubspot
#TID Allow the HubSpot User Agent


How to solve the error 403 when doing requests?

I have to get data as json from a page. But my issue is that you need to be authenticated to the site to be able to see the page. I have an account on the site and I would like to know how to make the authentication or bypass this to be able to make my request, for the moment I have
urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 403
And here is the code I've made
import urllib.request, json
url = ""
json_url = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
data = json.loads(
The epitech intranet gives access to data only if you are logged in with your epitech account (i'm currently a epitech student building an app linked to the intra).
if you are not logged in to the intra you will get a 403 error (the one you have).
to connect to the intra with your account, you either need to use a autologin link (you can generate one in your intra settings) or register a azure active directory app to be able to log in with office365.
Probably you should use API of this website to get protected data. The fact you have an account does not allows you to get data programmatically.

403 error when opening new browser tab in Azure Portal

In the Azure Portal, in certain scenarios when it prompts me to open a URL in a new tab, I get a 403 error.
"Error 403 - This web app is stopped"
I have followed the help link on that page (, but none of these issues (see footnote for issues) apply to me.
Specific examples of when I get this message:
In an app service > App Service Diagnostics > Collect Memory Dump: the report is available to view in a pop-out URL. When I click on the link, it opens a new browser tab and I can see from the url that it's attempting an oauth sign-in, which eventually displays the 403 page.
In an app service > App Service Editor (Preview), when I click on the "Go" link, as before, it opens a new browser tab and I can see from the url that it's attempting an oauth sign-in, which eventually displays the 403 page.
In both cases, it redirects to a https://**** url which displays the 403 message.
Any suggestions?
Footnote: According to that url, there are 3 conditions that can cause this error to be presented.
The site has reached a billing limit and your site has been disabled.
The Website has been stopped in the portal.
The Azure Website has reached a resource quota limit that applies to either Free or Shared scale modes.
Based on Ivan's comment, I checked my role settings. I was a Contributor for this Azure subscription. Since I changed it to an Owner (via Access control IAM > Role Assignments), it now works as expected.
It's frustrating that this is not made obvious in the Azure Portal.
In my case, There were network IP restrictions applied to the site. So I was getting the same error above from my home network. You can check the rules by going to the properties tab. To modify, go to Networking->Configure access restrictions.
If you are only getting the error when you open a new tab, it could be a problem with the maximum number of connections.
Are you running in debug mode? For Basic and below the maximum number of debug connections is 1.

How to get instagram access token for app in sandbox mode

Currently when using instagram access token by the url "[id]&redirect_uri=http://localhost:3000&response_type=token&scope=public_content" I have such an error
"This request requires scope=public_content, but this access token is not authorized with this scope. The user must re-authorize your application with scope=public_content to be granted this permissions."
I observed the internet and found that scope query part should be added to the end of API URL. That is how I constructed my url. But as you see it resulted in error.
I tried to find out the reason on app permissions page. There is a button "Start submission". I clicked it and got the list of radio buttons. But when I clicked on " I want to display my Instagram posts on my website." then I got:
You do not need to submit for review for this use case. If you are a developer and you want to display Instagram content on your website, then you do not need to submit your app for review. By using a client in sandbox mode, you can still access the last 20 media of any sandbox user that grants you permission.
So I finally got lost. Looks like the solution is pretty simple because in instafeed.js plugin no more information is provided. But I can not resolve it by myself.
change your scope to basic should work.
The link has 'public_content'

How to log the Event URL field in Kentico for 404 pages in Azure Application Inisghts?

I would like to log the "Event URL" field in Kentico Portal logs to Azure Application Insights for 404 requests. Since I changed my custom page for 404 errors in Kentico Portal I only get "PortalTemplate.apsx" for the url field in the requests table in AppInsights.
We already have this as a recommendation on the GitHub - use RawUrl instead of Request.Url.
As explained here RawUrl better suites cases when the request was redirected to the custom error page: Request.RawUrl vs. Request.Url
Please upvote the issue on GitHub. As a workaround now you can replace OperationNameTelemetryInitializer in ApplicaitonInsights.config to your own implementation of it that uses RawUrl instead of the Url.

How can I show instagram photos in my e-commerce page from Magento Plugin?

I created a developer instagram account and I had my client-id, client-secret, with the option Disable implicit OAuth checked. I put the same Web Site URL and Valid redirect URLs from instagram's development and it's the same into my Magento configuration, but it didn't work.
When I try to connect instagram into my ecommerce page, it shows me another page with this message (instead of my login and after my instagram photos):
"code": 400,
"error_type": "OAuthException",
"error_message": "Redirect URI does not match registered redirect URI"
but when I put in the Instagram Development page my instagram url path and the same url in Valid redirect URLs and Magento Configuration, the page let me login, but still doesn't show me the photos in order to select them. So it still doesn't work.
I'm a beginner in this task, can you help me?
my page is
and this is a video, so you can visit it, and personalice the product for the example:
I notice in the popup you have it has force_classic in the URL?
