Disabling the websecurity of chrome browser - browser

I have one project on my localhost and to run that i need to disable the websecurity of my
chromebrowser. For that i run the below Command:-
C:\Program Files(x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --allow-file-access-from-files --disable-web-security.
But my problem is every time i need to run this command in CMDprompt when i restart the project.
Is there any way that i can create the shortcut for chrome.exe and run directly with disabled websecurity.
If converting .exe to batch will work then let me know how can i execute.

Have you considered just downloading xammp https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html ? That way you don't need to bypass the security. You host your project inside your xammp folder.


How do I continue work on a django project I created with cmd and using sublime text?

How do I continue work on a django project after I switched off my laptop. I'm using sublime text to edit and my command prompt to runserver. I have created a virtual environment and also activate it at the beginning of my work.
First, CD into the directory in your command prompt where your project is.
Second, activate the virtual environment again.
Third, start the dev server.
Fourth, make changes to the code and make cool projects!

I am not allowed to run a python executable on other pcs

I was doing a game in tkinter, then I make it executable with PyInstaller and sent it to my friends so they can run it and tell me how it feels.
It seems that they could download the file, but can't open it because windows forbade them telling that it's not secure and not letting them choose to assume the risk or something.
They tried to run as administrator and still nothing changed.
What should I do or what I should add to my code so that windows can open it without problem and why windows opens other executable files without saying that(current error that my executable gets)?
compress it as a .zip file and then it will most probably work
or install NSIS and create a windows installer for it.
I finally figured out what I had to done
When the dialog appeared u need to click more info and then it will display a Run Anyway button

Node.js Command Prompt Issue

I don't believe this behavior is correct at all, but please correct me if I'm mistaken. So I have an Angular 2/Ionic 2 app created all through the Node.js command prompt... the commands all work fine, up until I execute ng serve, after that I can't type at all into the command prompt. Only way I can type is if I close out of the command prompt and restart (less than ideal). Is this normal behavior? Or only occurring on my machine?
ng serve launches a basic web server for you using which your static files are served. It also listens for updates to your project files and if any changes are detected it bundles the project again and reloads the browser tab automatically. So it's important that it keeps running when you're developing your application.

BrowserSync in Bash on Ubuntu on Windows (Linux Subsystem) - couldn't open browser

I use browser-sync in Bash, it doesn't auto-open browser and says [BS] Couldn't open browser (if you are using BrowserSync in a headless environment, you might want to set the open option to false) when I type npm start in Angular example.
Of course there's no option to open a browser in limited Linux environment (since no GUI support provided in Bash on Ubuntu on Windows).
If I use Powershell, it's working OK.
My environment: VS Code + Bash on Ubuntu on Windows.
But is there a config or workaround?
So while I kept browsing, i found a clue to the solution of this problem on this webpage https://gist.github.com/Kenty/9096000/revisions which hinted me of where i could find the open option from the error message. I decided to searched for "bs.config.js" on my pc and i found a file called default.config.js in my \Template\node_modules\browser-sync\lib folder under my angular folder and when i searched through the file, i finally found the open option and changed the open option from "local" (which is the default option) to false (Note, it's without the quotes) and when i ran the npm start command again, on the git-bash terminal It worked and there were no more errors.

Run a node.js server from Geany

A simple question: Is it possible to configure the Geany IDE so that Node.js servers can be run directly from Geany using the "Run" button?
When inside a JS file, go to Build > Set Build Commands, there should be a section title Execute commands. To use node to execute your files, put: node "%f" in the "Execute" command textbox.
When you change this, any .js files you are editing will run node in the virtual terminal when you hit F5.
If you want to set up an entire project to run the server whenever you're working somewhere within a given directory structure, you'll have to mess with project-level configuration. (something I don't usually bother with) My solution here just gives you a quick way to execute a single JS file without using an external terminal.
UPDATE: node "%f" seems to be legacy, but nodejs "%f" works
