In my after.vim config I have line:
inoremap <S-Tab> <C-d>
I would like this binding to work. However, after starting VIM I type the first line and get the following output:
:verbose map <S-Tab>
s <S-Tab> * <Esc>i<Right><C-R>=BackwardsSnippet()<CR>
Last set from ~/dotvim/bundle/snipmate.vim/after/plugin/snipMate.vim
So snipmate is overwriting the mapping. I understand I could change it within the /bundle/snipmate.vim/after/plugin/snipMate.vim file, but that seems really ugly because I've got /bundle in my .gitignore, which seems to be standard practice.
Any ideas on how to override this, or prevent snipmate from binding to <S-Tab> ?
To remap the command executed by <S-Tab> to <C-d> add the following line to your .vimrc
imap <C-d> <Plug>snipMateBack
The snipmate documentation states you should remap <Plug>snipMateBack in your ~/.vimrc. See :h SnipMate-mappings.
Generally using a vim distribution (which you are) is considered bad for new vimmers because it disrupts learning Vim and puts up barriers when a user decides to customize (as you see here). Personally I would suggest you lose the distribution. Go find a nice plugin manager like pathogen and install plugins when you need them. Doing this means you grow your understanding of Vim as you customize it.
If really do want to use a distribution then you should first try submitting an issue to your distributions issue tracker.
I started using Vim recently, just installed NERDTree (a plugin to navigate files).
The command to access that plugin is :NERDTree so I though it's a good idea to start learning mappings by assigning one to that command.
So I added to my .vimrc file the following line: map :nt :NERDTree - but when I type :nt in a vim file (even after restarting) I receive the following error message: not an editor command: nt
I also tried to add the mapping directly while editing a file by typing :map :nt :NERDTree but it returned the same error when I tried to use the command.
I checked that answer:What is the difference between the remap, noremap, nnoremap and vnoremap mapping commands in vim?, so it seems to me that :map (opposed to noremap etc.) is the good command for that.
The plugin works fine when typing the original command.
What am I doing wrong? (sorry for the noob question)
:NERDTree is a command, not a mapping, so there's no reason for creating a recursive mapping, here.
:map is too overreaching. You should use :<mode>map (for recursive mappings) or :<mode>noremap (for nn-recursive mappings).
You are missing a <CR> at the end of your mapping to tell Vim to actually execute the :NERDTree command.
In this specific case, the right mapping would be:
nnoremap :tn :NERDTree<CR>
But mapping something to :<anything> is not a good idea because it will introduce a timeout whenever you try to execute an Ex command. This means that you need to find another combo. Why not <Space>n?
nnoremap <Space>n :NERDTree<CR>
With the mapping that you have, it will be require multiple keystroke. Will it be okay for you to use a single key like F2?
nnoremap <F2> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
This will toggle open/close NERDTree upon pressing F2 and save you some key stroke.
you can figure out, how vim's mapping work and look like ;). Don't forget to source your new .vimrc before using.
I am currently trying out Clion from intellij but I am not a big fan of keybindings but it offers vim support. For example Clion has a keybinding ctrl+shift+n to open a fuzzy search.
Is it possible to bind a keybinding to a custom command in vim?
Something like
command :fuzzy <C-N>
IdeaVim is not Vim. There is no reason whatsoever to expect anything to work in IdeaVim like in Vim or vice-versa so… do you want that mapping to work in Vim or in IdeaVim? If your question is about Vim, your CLion explanation and tags are totally irrelevant.
In Vim, you would put this line in ~/.vimrc:
nnoremap <key> :Command<CR>
See :help key-notation for <key> and note that Vim doesn't make a difference between <C-N> and <C-n>.
Now, Vim has no "fuzzy" capability on its own, so you will need a third party plugin for that.
I don't see how you'll enjoy Vim without a preference for (fast and efficient) keybindings, but this is certainly possible, if somewhat odd. Usually, one defines keybindings for custom commands (so the other way around), in order to speed up frequently used commands.
To do the opposite, you have to consider the modes: (Custom) commands take Ex commands, whereas keybindings usually are in normal mode. Fortunately, there's the built-in :normal command to bridge between the two of them. And to use the special keycodes (like <C-N>), you need :execute:
:command FuzzySearch execute "normal \<C-N>"
Note that this probably only works in Vim itself, not in emulations (like in Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA), as those typically only offer a subset of the full Vim functionality.
Somehow my macvim/vim instance is expanding every tab to the autocomplete menu, this prevents me from tabbing my code.. I really dont have a clue about the why.
My vimrc is here:
a screenshot of the problem:
(the "happens" text, is the first appearance in the autocomplete list, i tabbed on a newline though)
I hope someone can help me, this is driving me insane!
I had found this online and used it in my vimrc to "fix" the problem. But it was still kinda a pain, so I just retrained myself to use ctrl-p. not the url in the comment was valid at one time, but is not longer..
" Remap the tab key to do autocompletion or indentation depending on the
" context (from
function! InsertTabWrapper()
let col = col('.') - 1
if !col || getline('.')[col - 1] !~ '\k'
return "\<tab>"
return "\<c-p>"
inoremap <silent> <tab> <c-r>=InsertTabWrapper()<cr>
inoremap <s-tab> <c-n>
I think i found the problem, it was the 'ervandew/supertab' bundle, after removing it, i was able to use vim normally.
The supertab plugin aims at both keeping usual indentation functionality of <Tab> key and completing with it. I personally don’t use it using self-written function instead, but possible causes of your issue are described in the very first question in the FAQ placed in the README file available right at project homepage:
Why isn't supertab honoring my configured settings (attempts to complete at the start of a line, always performs keyword completion instead of my configured default, etc.)?
Chances are that you have a very old version of snipmate installed, or something similar, which will issue a <c-n> when no snippet is found. Supertab use to map to <c-n>, so this behavior would act as a fallback to supertab, but current versions of supertab no longer do so, resulting in snipmate bypassing supertab entirely.
You can check if this is the case by running the following in vim to see what is mapped to <tab>:
:verbose imap <tab>
To resolve the issue you can either:
Install my fork or
Upgrade to a more recent snipmate fork, like garbase/vim-snipmate
See #74 for additional details.
After installing vim-ruby-debugger that plugin "hijacks" several mappings. Like <leader>n, or <leader>t which I use for respectively NERDTreeToggle and Command-T find.
The culprit is found at the hardcoded mappings in this ruby-debugger.
I'd prefer to have these remapped as <leader>rdX, i.e.: prefixed with *r*uby-*d*ebugger. Obviously, I could simply hack the plugin and change the mappings there. But that seems a bit too hackish (and will probably break on updates).
How can I unmap these mappings, so vim will fallback to my own mappings again? And so that I can remap the commands in my .vimrc (where it should be, IMHO).
First, I agree with ZyX's comments that this is a problem in the plugin that should be fixed. Please ask the plugin author to provide customization.
There is no easy way to unmap, because Vim does not remember the original mappings when a mapping is overridden. You have to make a note of the original mappings (:map ... when the offending plugin is temporarily disabled, or look in the Vim script for their definitions), then re-execute them after the offending plugin has been loaded (minus any <unique> flags it may have, as these will cause errors on re-execution). This cannot be done in .vimrc, it is sourced first; I would recommend a place like ~/.vim/after/plugin/zzzmappings.vim for this.
I keep all of my mappings in after/plugin/keys.vim. This seems to ensure that they always take precedence over plugin mappings. (I use a bunch of plugins, and the collisions seem taken care of) (here's my nvim config)
FWIW, I also keep filetype-specific mappings in the same folder, but write them as autocmd FileType commands with the <buffer> keyword. For example, the following is a mapping that conflicts with bullets.vim's ToggleCheckbox function (it adds an empty checkbox to the bullet if there is none)
autocmd FileType markdown nnoremap <buffer> <expr> <leader>x (getline('.') =~ '^\s*- \[' ? ':ToggleCheckbox<cr>' : '0/-<space><cr>la[<space>]<space><esc>')
I'm on this computer (ubuntu) where TAB is mapped (I can't find where) to autocomplete. I searched and seems like this is done by supertab, although I couldn't find how to disable it, neither did I find its files.
In my ~/.vimrc and /usr/share/vim/vimrc files, there is no mapping of the tab key. The later file includes debian.vim (and tries with /etc/vim/vimrc.local, but that doesn't exist) but that also doesn't have any mappings of tab, or any reference to supertab.
The output of :map! is this:
i <S-Tab> * <C-R>=BackwardsSnippet()<CR>
i <Plug>SuperTabBackward & <C-R>=<SNR>13_SuperTab('p')<CR>
i <Plug>SuperTabForward & <C-R>=<SNR>13_SuperTab('n')<CR>
i <C-Tab> * <Tab>
i <Tab> * <C-R>=TriggerSnippet()<CR>
i <CR> * <C-R>=<SNR>13_SelectCompletion(1)<CR>
i <C-N> <Plug>SuperTabForward
i <C-P> <Plug>SuperTabBackward
i <C-R><Tab> * <C-R>=ShowAvailableSnips()<CR>
i <C-X> <C-R>=<SNR>13_ManualCompletionEnter()<CR>
Which indicates that supertab is indeed mapping these keys.
I tried putting nomap! <TAB> in my ~/.vimrc, but it doesn't work as it seems like supertab is being loaded after ~/.vimrc is read.
My question is, how can I disable supertab, or alternatively make sure ViM doesn't let anyone map TAB to anything else?
Supertab is a plugin. As such it should be installed somewhere in ~/.vim/. There are many ways to install plugins (default, pathogen, vundle, etc.). Look into ~/.vim/bundle (if you use Pathogen) or in ~/.vim/plugin.
If it's not there it may have been installed in /usr/share/vim/vim7x/ which is very crowded and should not be touched in any way: good luck.
Anyway, you can do :verbose map! to see where the mappings are set (and thus, where the plugin is installed if you want to remove it) or you could simply configure Supertab to not use <tab>. See :help supertab.
In case you don't want to completely get rid of supertab you can remap the default keybindings using something like (in your ~/.vimrc):
let g:SuperTabMappingForward = '<c-space>'
let g:SuperTabMappingBackward = '<s-c-space>'
If you only want to insert literal tab characters, supertab makes it easy by mapping literal tabs to ctrl+tab by default (which unfortunately doesn't work in terminal). It can be customized by using something like:
Lastly, you can always escape a mapping by prepending it with ctrl-v in insert mode.
see :h supertab-forwardbackward for more information. (might not work if you haven't built supertab docs)