Understanding the lifeline of linux pipe for ipc communication - linux

I want to understand the lifetime of a pipe? http://linux.die.net/man/2/pipe
Does the data in the pipe stay alive if either the sender or receiver dies/exits?
Can the pipe be created if the receiver is not present? (i.e. has not been forked off yet)?
I need to send data from sender to the receiver. However, the receiver may not have been forked off yet, and may be active about (1~2 seconds after the sender). They share the parent process, but the receiver may be forked off at some point much after the sender or vice versa.
Also it is possible that the sender can finish processing and exit at any time.
I'm trying to see if using pipe's instead of a shared memory queue would work for me.

The pipe MUST be created before the fork. After the fork, each process uses either the read or the write end. It's best to close the not-used end of the pipe immediately after the fork.
If the writing process exits, the reader can read all the remaining data in the pipe, but the subsequent read system call in it returns with 0 bytes read, that's how you know it's over. If the writing process is still keeping the pipe open but does not write anything into it, read blocks until bytes become available.
If the writing process has written a lot of data into the pipe and exits, the data are still available for the reader.
If the reading process exits, the writing process is killed by a SIGPIPE signal. It has the option of handling the signal in different ways, but it's killed by default.
So the pipe may survive the writer, but not the reader. Proof of concept (cső is Hungarian for pipe):
#include <unistd.h>
int main(void)
int cso[2];
if (fork() == 0) {
write(cso[1], "cso\n", 4);
return 0;
if (fork() == 0) {
char line[4];
read(cso[0], line, 4);
write(1, line, 4);
return 0;
return 0;


how can i check if a process got a signal while he is in wait queue linux 2.4

i am implementing a module that acts as a fifo, in order to prevent two processes from accessing a buffer that is used for reading/writing i used a semaphore,when a semaphore blocks a process it moves it into the wait queue, my question is how can i check if while that process is waiting it received a signal because if it did then i would like to stop what ever that process was doing (reading or writing) and return an error.
the only function i am familiar with is sigpending(sigset_t *set) but i am not really sure how to use it, any help will be appreciated.
(when i say read/write i mean the function that were implemented for the module in fops)
To allow a sleeping task to be woken up when it receives a signal, set the task state to TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE instead of TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE.
Such a signal wakeup happens completely independently from any wait queues, so it must be checked for separately (with signal_pending()).
A typical wait loop looks like this:
DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(entry, current);
if (need_to_wait) {
add_wait_queue(&wq, &entry);
for (;;) {
if (!need_to_wait)
if (signal_pending(current)) {
remove_wait_queue(&wq, &entry);
return -EINTR; /* or -ERESTARTSYS */
remove_wait_queue(&wq, &entry);

Linux: is there a way to use named fifos on the writer side in non-blocking mode?

I've found many questions and answers about pipes on Linux, but almost all discuss the reader side.
For a process that shall be ready to deliver data to a named pipe as soon as the data is available and a reading process is connected, is there a way to, in a non-blocking fashion:
wait (poll(2)) for reader to open the pipe,
wait in a loop (again poll(2)) for signal that writing to the pipe will not block, and
when such signal is received, check how many bytes may be written to the pipe without blocking
I understand how to do (2.), but I wasn't able to find consistent answers for (1.) and (3.).
EDIT: I was looking for (something like) FIONWRITE for pipes, but Linux does not have FIONWRITE (for pipes) (?)
EDIT2: The intended main loop for the writer (kind of pseudo code, target language is C/C++):
poll(can_read_command, can_write_to_the_fifo)
if (can_read_command) {
read and parse command
update internal status
if (can_write_to_the_fifo) {
length = min(data_available, space_for_nonblocking_write)
write(output_fifo, buffer, length)
update internal status

How do I "disengage" from `accept` on a blocking socket when signalled from another thread?

I am in the same situation as this guy, but I don't quite understand the answer.
The problem:
Thread 1 calls accept on a socket, which is blocking.
Thread 2 calls close on this socket.
Thread 1 continues blocking. I want it to return from accept.
The solution:
what you should do is send a signal to the thread which is blocked in
accept. This will give it EINTR and it can cleanly disengage - and
then close the socket. Don't close it from a thread other than the one
using it.
I don't get what to do here -- when the signal is received in Thread 1, accept is already blocking, and will continue to block after the signal handler has finished.
What does the answer really mean I should do?
If the Thread 1 signal handler can do something which will cause accept to return immediately, why can't Thread 2 do the same without signals?
Is there another way to do this without signals? I don't want to increase the caveats on the library.
Instead of blocking in accept(), block in select(), poll(), or one of the similar calls that allows you to wait for activity on multiple file descriptors and use the "self-pipe trick". All of the file descriptors passed to select() should be in non-blocking mode. One of the file descriptors should be the server socket that you use with accept(); if that one becomes readable then you should go ahead and call accept() and it will not block. In addition to that one, create a pipe(), set it to non-blocking, and check for the read side becoming readable. Instead of calling close() on the server socket in the other thread, send a byte of data to the first thread on the write end of the pipe. The actual byte value doesn't matter; the purpose is simply to wake up the first thread. When select() indicates that the pipe is readable, read() and ignore the data from the pipe, close() the server socket, and stop waiting for new connections.
The accept() call will return with error code EINTR if a signal is caught before a connection is accepted. So check the return value and error code then close the socket accordingly.
If you wish to avoid the signal mechanism altogether, use select() to determine if there are any incoming connections ready to be accepted before calling accept(). The select() call can be made with a timeout so that you can recover and respond to abort conditions.
I usually call select() with a timeout of 1000 to 3000 milliseconds from a while loop that checks for an exit/abort condition. If select() returns with a ready descriptor I call accept() otherwise I either loop around and block again on select() or exit if requested.
Call shutdown() from Thread 2. accept will return with "invalid argument".
This seems to work but the documentation doesn't really explain its operation across threads -- it just seems to work -- so if someone can clarify this, I'll accept that as an answer.
Just close the listening socket, and handle the resulting error or exception from accept().
I believe signals can be used without increasing "the caveats on the library". Consider the following:
#include <pthread.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stddef.h>
static pthread_t thread;
static volatile sig_atomic_t sigCount;
* Executes a concurrent task. Called by `pthread_create()`..
static void* startTask(void* arg)
for (;;) {
// calls to `select()`, `accept()`, `read()`, etc.
return NULL;
* Starts concurrent task. Doesn't return until the task completes.
void start()
(void)pthread_create(&thread, NULL, startTask, NULL);
static void noop(const int sig)
* Stops concurrent task. Causes `start()` to return.
void stop()
struct sigaction oldAction;
struct sigaction newAction;
newAction.sa_flags = 0;
newAction.sa_handler = noop;
(void)sigaction(SIGTERM, &newAction, &oldAction);
(void)pthread_kill(thread, SIGTERM); // system calls return with EINTR
(void)sigaction(SIGTERM, &oldAction, NULL); // restores previous handling
if (sigCount > 1) // externally-generated SIGTERM was received
oldAction.sa_handler(SIGTERM); // call previous handler
sigCount = 0;
This has the following advantages:
It doesn't require anything special in the task code other than normal EINTR handling; consequently, it makes reasoning about resource leakage easier than using pthread_cancel(), pthread_cleanup_push(), pthread_cleanup_pop(), and pthread_setcancelstate().
It doesn't require any additional resources (e.g. a pipe).
It can be enhanced to support multiple concurrent tasks.
It's fairly boilerplate.
It might even compile. :-)

Simultaneous Read/Write on a file by two threads (Mutex aren't helping)

I want to use one thread to get fields of packets by using tshark utility (using system () command) whos output is then redirected to a file. This same file needs to be read by another thread simultaneously, so that it can make runtime decisions based on the fields observed in the file.
The problem I am having currently now is even though the first thread is writing to the file, the second thread is unable to read it (It reads NULL from the file). I am not sure why its behaving this way. I thought it might be due to simultaneous access to the same file. I thought of using mutex locks but that would block the reading thread, since the first thread will only end when the program terminates.
Any ideas on how to go about it?
If you are using that file for interprocess communication, you could instead use named pipes or message queues instead. They are much easier to use and don't require synchronization because one thread writes and the other one reads when data is available.
Edit: For inter-thread communication you can simply use shared variables and a conditional variable to signal when some data has been produced (a producer-consumer pattern). Something like:
// thread 1
// read packet
// write packet to global variable
// signal thread 2
// wait for confirmation of reading
// thread 2
// wait for signal from thread 1
// read from global variable
// signal thread 2 to continue
The signal parts can be implemented with conditional variables: pthread_cond_t.

Read serial data without high CPU use

I want to read messages sent from an Arduino via the FTDI (serial) interface in a simple C or C++ program under Linux. The Arduino sends a two character 'header', a command byte followed by a few bytes of data depending on the command.
My first attempt was to simply poll the data using open() and read() but doing so causes about 12% CPU use. This didn't seem to be the appropriate way of doing things.
Second I read up on libevent on implemented an event loop that fires an event when data is present on the file descriptor. My cpu usage was next to nothing but I couldn't read the entire message before another event was called. The events didn't fire when an entire message was received but as soon as any/some data was available on the file descriptor. Looking at it more it was obvious that this wouldn't work quite the way I wanted it. This is my event code: http://pastebin.com/b9W0jHjb
Third I implemented a buffered event with libevent. It seemed to work somewhat better but still split some of the messages up. My event code is: http://pastebin.com/PQNriUCN
Fourth I dumped libevent and tried out Boost's ASIO class. The example I was following was http://www.webalice.it/fede.tft/serial_port/serial_port.html. It seemed to work alright but the "event loop" was a "while(1) {}" which caused CPU usage to go up again. The loop just checks for error status while serial reading happens in a callback on a different thread. I added a usleep(1) to the while loop and it brought my CPU usage to 2% which is ok, but still seems heavy for such a light program.
Most of the examples of libevent and even the underlying epoll use TCP sockets which doesn't seem to behave quite the same as serial port data.
So my main question is: what is a good lightweight way to read messages from a serial port without heavy polling? (in linux, using C or C++)
The OP has probably long since solved this, but for the sake of anyone who gets here by google:
#include <sys/poll.h>
struct pollfd fds[1];
fds[0].fd = serial_fd;
fds[0].events = POLLIN ;
int pollrc = poll( fds, 1, 1000);
if (pollrc < 0)
else if( pollrc > 0)
if( fds[0].revents & POLLIN )
char buff[1024];
ssize_t rc = read(serial_fd, buff, sizeof(buff) );
if (rc > 0)
/* You've got rc characters. do something with buff */
Make sure the serial port is opened in nonblocking mode as poll() can sometimes return when there are no characters waiting.
