Plone Unified Installer missing Python - linux

I'm trying to install plone 4.3.4 on a SLES 11 SP3 64bit server via the Unified Installer. I've fullfilled all the dependencies listed in the readme.txt, but when I try to get the installer running with the command sudo ./ --password=******* standalone I get the error message: which: no python2.7 in (/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin) Unable to find python2.7 on system exec path.
I find that rather strange as in the description of the unified installer it is said "The new Zope/Plone install will use its own copy of Python, and the Python installed by the Unified Installer will not replace your system's copy of Python. You may optionally use your system (or some other) Python, and the Unified Installer will use it without modifying it or your site libraries." on the Plone-Website.
So - what am I doing wrong???
I've just tried adding the parameter --build-python but had to find out that the libxml2-devel and libxslt-devel libraries that are available for SLES-11-SP-3 are sadly not up-to-date enough 2.7.6 instead of 2.7.8 and 1.1.24 instead of 1.1.26 respectively. So no joy there either. :-(
Is there any way to install the current version of plone on SLES 11 SP3 64bit?

The installer command:
./ standalone --build-python --static-lxml=yes
worked perfectly for me. The installer downloaded and built the Python and libxml2/libxslt components necessary to remedy the terribly out-of-date (and vulnerable) versions included with sles11sp3.
System packages needed for the build were:
All installed via zypper.
I'd advise not using sudo for the install. If you want to, you'll need to create the plone_daemon and plone_buildout users and the plone_group group in advance due to oddities in SUSE's adduser implementation.


Is it possible to run a newer version of cloc (or any package) onto an older version of ubuntu?

I have to work with ubuntu 14.04, but I need to use cloc 1.92. The highest cloc version via package update for Ubuntu is 1.6.
I did a wget to download this package to my machine, but it's not showing up in the package list when I do dpkg --list. I'm not sure how to make the cloc 1.92 folder run the same way that 1.6 does on my VM, or if it's even possible to do so.
The git page for cloc explains all related aspects, and skimming over it, in the Why use cloc? section says that the "program is self-contained, only download and run it". This program is developed in Perl 5, present in all Ubuntu distros. You can check that with the command perl --version.
Simply extract the file cloc from the tar.gz and copy it in an appropiate directory, for example /usr/local/bin, and confirm it has the proper executable rights with the command chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/cloc.
Caveat: cloc claims to use only standard Perl modules. If your installed Perl doesn't have all needed, you will have to install them using CPAN.
Edit: See the comments by Knud Larsen for manual installing as Ubuntu mantainers do.
In this case, as the program is run by an interpreter, it wasn't needed to compile it, but in general programs/libraries in source form could to be compiled and installed independently from the apt/dkpg package management, but could need other libraries/programs to operate. The mantainer of the distro ensures this dependencies are installed together with the desired package. If we want to compile/install manually, then also we have to compile/install all requirements of the program if they aren't there already.
In other cases, the additional required software for the package could be already installed in some older versions, but it is used by other installed programs that could fail if we install new versions. That is the main problem when updating software in older distros: We need to investigate and resolve any conflicts manually.
So, the second answer is: Yes, we can update software in older versions of Ubuntu, but could be impractical to do so.

Downloading and installing PyBluez for a 64-bit Windows 10 PC?

I'm trying to use bluetooth with python, and I came across a module - pybluez. Right then, I tried installing it by running pip install pybluez. The package was located and downloaded, but it raised an error when running python egg_info.
I then tried to download pyBluez from this link
But, it said that the Python version installed on my PC is not 2.7 ( I have 2.7.10; do I need 2.7.0 for this?) Also, this download link is for a 32-bit system, and that might be the reason it does not run on mine.
So I ask:
1. How do I fix this error?
Error in the output when I try to install pybluez using pip:
2.Does download using need python 2.7.0, and a 32-bit system? If so, can someone suggest a better way for a 64-bit system?
3.Any other bluetooth module that could work as a substitute?
I have successfully built pybluez for win10x64 with python3.6
Download and install windows 10 build tools:
Run 'Developer Command Prompt for VS' as administrator
Clone pybluez repo
cd to directory with repo
run python install
Happy bluetoothing
This is an "expanded solution" which supplements the other answers posted.
Bluetooth is readily supported on Linux in basically any context. Python 3 built-in socket objects work over bluetooth even. But for Windows, there are hoops to jump through. The standard solution for this is to use PyBluez. If you're really lucky, you might be able to install with just pip install PyBluez-win10. If that fails, however, the way to go is an installation via a pre-compiled "wheel".
A given wheel only works for your specific context, however, i.e. exact Python version. So, for the sake of future proofing, if you are going to need PyBluez, you should know how create a wheel from the source for yourself. It's a long, annoying process if you don't have the all the software required already and are not familiar with some parts of the process e.g. using Anaconda. So, if you are working in a team, I suggest having one person burn their time on this and then share the wheel with everyone (who are hopefully on the same version of Python!).
The following is a paraphrased version of what is posted here: which includes the actual developer's comments and methodology.
Download and run the "Visual Studio Build Tools" installer:
For an official list of exact compilers and links to match against target Python versions, refer to:
Here's the 2019 Build Tools link, which works with Py3.7:
During the install you MUST select BOTH "Visual C++ build tools" AND "Universal Windows Platform build tools". Leave the default options alone within those (e.g. including the Windows 10 SDK).
Note: this requires 15GB of disk space, and some patience!
Install "Miniconda":
Select the one which matches the bit set (32 vs 64) of the destination Python version
you wish to install PyBluez into.
Clone the PyBluez source repo to a temp location (e.g. your desktop). Then, launch the terminal and change into that directory:
git clone
cd pybluez
If you did NOT put conda on the system path (as the installer recommends NOT doing so), you can add it for this local CMD session per this example command:
set PATH=%CONDA_DIR%\condabin;%PATH%
Create a dedicated environment to build pybluez with the desired Python version. Then, launch that. The example below uses Python 3.7 but the same steps will also work for other versions (including Py 2.x etc)
conda create -y -n pybluez python==3.7
activate pybluez
Build a wheel file. Then, leave the dedicated environment.
python install
python bdist_wheel
Copy the wheel to your desktop. From there, you can do with it as you wish. Then, delete the pybluez conda environment and the source repo, (as you no longer need either of them).
copy .\dist\*.whl "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop"
rd /s /q "%CONDA_DIR%\envs\pybluez"
rd /s /q pybluez
Finally, you can install the wheel to a target Python instance and/or store/share it:
The name of these files and the path will vary, so define those first for your use case
set PYBLUEZ_WHEEL=%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\PyBluez-0.22-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl
set PYTHON_PATH=python
Install the wheel:
%PYTHON_PATH% -m pip install "%PYBLUEZ_WHEEL%"
Confirm installation:
%PYTHON_PATH% -c "import bluetooth; print(bluetooth.__version__)"
I downloaded a Python 3.6 wheel from here (wheels for python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 available too).
I installed it in my virtual environment via
pip install PyBluez-0.22-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl
One command solution.
pip install git+

Cygwin - Installing a specific package version using the commandline installer

Using the commandline installer, one can easily install Cygwin with a list of wanted packages like so
setup-x86.exe -q -p='tar,sed,<more packages>'
Is it also possible to fix the version of the packages, something like
setup-x86.exe -q -p='tar:1.2.3,sed,<more packages>'
(this obviously doesn't work)?
The short answer to your query is, No. Cygwin's setup -x86.exe does not give you the flexibility to specify version names along with package names. As per the official doc :
The basic reason for not having a more full-featured package manager is that such a program would need full access to all of Cygwin's POSIX functionality. That is, however, difficult to provide in a Cygwin-free environment, such as exists on first installation. Additionally, Windows does not easily allow overwriting of in-use executables so installing a new version of the Cygwin DLL while a package manager is using the DLL is problematic
There are however a couple of workarounds if you want to download a specific package:
Locate a cygwin mirror that hosts the specific version. Google for your version, and if you find a mirror hosting that version, simply use that mirror before running setup -x86.exe. [source]
Maintain a local pacakge repository and use the commandline options -q -L -l x:\cygwin-local\, where your downloaded package tree is in x:\cygwin-local\ [source] . You can learn how to build and maitain packages here
Compile and install the package after you've set up cygwin using make.
This is function that Cygwin's installer now provides. By default, when running from the command line, it will install the latest version of each package, but you can specify a version with =. For example:
setup-x86_64.exe -P git=2.35.0-1,vim
will install the latest version of Vim, and version 2.35.0-1 of Git.

adding Doxygen plugin to qtcreator in linux

I want to add Doxygen plugin to QtCreator.
I am using QtCreator 2.5.2 in ubuntu 12.10 and the latest Doxygen version for QT is 2.4.0.
I've changed the doxygen.pluginspec file to get rid of version error.
But now I've got another error:
can not load library ( can not open shared object file:No such file or directory)
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
I hope you are no longer stuck, but if not, I will still try to help.
Yes, the quick install binaries are available only for QtCreator 2.4, but the plugin stays easy to install without it : you have to download the sources and build them yourself, as written in the wiki.
Moreover, you have to build it with the same version of Qt4 as the one that was used for build your QtCreator (have a look here)
It became compatible with QtCreator 2.7 and Qt5 at the end of March, and I succeeded in installing in in QtCreator2.8-beta.
If you have any other question, I guess it would be better to ask them in the plugin forum where developpers always answer to people in need.
Hope this helps (you and other people in need).
You can install Doxywizard wich provides an user interface to use Doxygen.
I'm not shure I'm using fedora to install I used.
yum install doxygen-doxywizard.x86_64.
For Ubuntu it should be if the package name is the same.
apt-get install doxygen-doxywizard.x86_64
(as root)

Postgresql 8.3 version needed for OpenSUSE

I have installed OpenSUSE 12.1 installed on machine.
and i have postgresql-contrib-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm,postgresql-devel-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm, postgresql-docs-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm,postgresql-libs-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm,postgresql-server-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm..
I want to installed postgresql 8.3 version based on above packages..but when i installed with this command .it shows an error.
opnsu121:/ # rpm -Uvh postgresql-server-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
postgresql = 8.3 is needed by postgresql-server-8.3.11-0.1.i586
Even i am not able to find postgresql 8.3 base version as i think the above one is update.i have gone throgh the download.openSUSE.orf,
but not able to find what i please help on this,
If at all possible, use YaST or whatever package manager SuSE uses to install the current version of PostgreSQL. From the repository it looks like that's 9.1.1.
If you specifically need PostgreSQL 8.3, I'd recommend using the distro-independent installer from EnterpriseDB. That should work fine on SuSE 12.2. If your organisation has particularly restrictive and unsafe version policies that force you to use old versions with known bugs, you can get 8.3.14 for 32-bit Linux here and 8.3.11 for 32-bit Linux here.
If you have issues with using the well-tested and known-to-work EnterpriseDB binary installer versions of PostgreSQL, your other option (and a good one) is to install from source code. Download the PostgreSQL 8.3.18 sources from the FTP site, then:
sudo mkdir -p /opt/postgresql93
sudo chown `id -un` /opt/postgresql93
./configure --prefix=/opt/postgresql93
make install
after which you can use /opt/postgresql93/bin/initdb (see initdb manual) to create a database and /opt/postgresql93/bin/pg_ctl (see pg_ctl manual) to start/stop it, as per the PostgreSQL documentation.
Don't try to force packages from an old version of SuSE to install on your new version. It'll probably result in an increasing tree of dependencies and end in pain.
If at all possible, try to convince your company that their policy of requiring a specific minor version (eg 8.4.14 not just "8.4.x") of PostgreSQL is unsafe and counterproductive. They're forcing you to do dirty hacks or hand-compile unique, custom installs just for your setup in order to avoid using well tested builds that contain extra bug fixes. Requiring approval before upgrading from 8.3 to 8.4/9.0/9.1/etc makes sense as there are feature and backward compatibility changes that require careful testing, but requiring approval before upgrading from 8.3.14 to 8.3.18 is counterproductive. Minor version upgrades of PostgreSQL are very conservative; you should stay up to date with the latest minor release.
hurray...I got the answer..
I have got the package below:
postgresql-contrib-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm, postgresql-devel-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm,postgresql-docs-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm,postgresql-libs-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm,postgresql-server-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm from the below link:
and the one more package which i have struggled to get is:
postgresql-8.3.11-0.1.i586.rpm with the following link:
with all above packages i have installed using..
rpm -ivh packagename
if there is a dependency then rpm -ivh --nodeps packagename
great..its done..
