wget to download new wildcard files and overwrite old ones - linux

I'm currently using wget to download specific files from a remote server. The files are updated every week, but always have the same file names. e.g new upload file1.jpg will replace local file1.jpg
This is how I am grabbing them, nothing fancy :
wget -N -P /path/to/local/folder/ http://xx.xxx.xxx.xxx/remote/files/file1.jpg
This downloads file1.jpg from the remote server if it is newer than the local version then overwrites the local one with the new one.
Trouble is, I'm doing this for over 100 files every week and have set up cron jobs to fire the 100 different download scripts at specific times.
Is there a way I can use a wildcard for the file name and have just one script that fires every 5 minutes for example?
Something like....
wget -N -P /path/to/local/folder/ http://xx.xxx.xxx.xxx/remote/files/*.jpg
Will that work? Will it check the local folder for all current file names, see what is new and then download and overwrite only the new ones? Also, is there any danger of it downloading partially uploaded files on the remote server?
I know that some kind of file sync script between servers would be a better option but they all look pretty complicated to set up.
Many thanks!

You can specify the files to be downloaded one by one in a text file, and then pass that file name using option -i or --input-file.
e.g. contents of list.txt:
wget .... --input-file list.txt
Alternatively, If all your *.jpg files are linked from a particular HTML page, you can use recursive downloading, i.e. let wget follow links on your page to all linked resources. You might need to limit the "recursion level" and file types in order to prevent downloading too much. See wget --help for more info.
wget .... --recursive --level=1 --accept=jpg --no-parent http://.../your-index-page.html


lftp mirror with prefix

I did a partial download of a directory full of logs from a remote ftp server.
For example mget *201610* this will pull down all the logs with 201610 as apart of the name.
What I would like to do is continue the download since I only have about 100 of the 400 files for that month. Since I already downloaded a lot of the files mirror -c would be the best option as it only downloads the stuff I don't have.
how do I incorporate mirror -c for only the subset of files that have 201610 in them? I dont want to start downloading all the files for other months just the missing ones from 201610
Use -I option of mirror, it allows to specify a wildcard for files to be included.

How to overwrite ".listing" file when using "wget" command

I have a generic script that uses wget to download the file (passed as parameter to the script) from FTP server. The script always downloads the files into the same local folder. The problem I am running into is that .listing file created by wget gets deleted by default so if the script is called in parallel for different files, whichever process gets to delete the .listing file succeeds and the rest fail.
So I tried to use --no-remove-listing along with wget command, but then I get the error:
File ".listing" already there; not retrieving.
I looked at another post but as mentioned in the comments by original poster, the question hasn't been answered even though it is marked so.
One option I was thinking about is to change the script to create subdirectory with filename and download the file there. But since it is a large script, I was trying to see if there is an easier option to just change wget command.

wget: downloading all files in directories/subdirectories

Basically on a webpage there is a list of directories, and each of these has further subdirectories. The subdirectories contain a number of files, and I want to download to a single location on my linux machine one file from each subdirectory which has the specific sequence letters 'RMD' in it.
E.g., say the main webpage links to directories dir1, dir2, dir3..., and each of these has subdirectories dir1a, dir1b..., dir2a, dir2b... etc. I want to download files of the form:
The directories/subdirectories are not sequentially numbered like in the above example (that was just me making it simpler to read) so is there a terminal command that will recursively go through each directory and subdirectory and download every file with the letters 'RMD' in the file name?
The website in question is: here
I hope that's enough information.
An answer with a lot of remarks:
In case the website supports ftp, you better use #MichaelBaldry's answer. This answer aims to give a way to do it with wget (but this is less efficient for both server and client).
Only in case the website works with a directory listing, you can use the -r flag for this (the -R flag aims to find links in webpages and then downloads these pages as well).
The following method is inefficient for both server and client and can result in a huge load if the pages are generated dynamically. The website you mention furthermore specifically asks not to fetch data that way.
wget -e robots=off -r -k -nv -nH -l inf -R jpg,jpeg,gif,png,tif --reject-regex '(.*)\?(.*)' --no-parent 'http://atmos.nmsu.edu/PDS/data/mslrem_1001/DATA/'
wget the program you want to call;
-e robots=off; the fact that you ignore the websites request not to download this automatically;
-r: you download recursively;
-R jpg,jpeg,gif,png,tif: reject the downloading of media (the small images);
--reject-regex '(.*)\?(.*)' do not follow or download query pages (sorting of index pages).
-l inf: that you keep downloading for an infinite level
--no-parent: prevent wget from starting to fetch links in the parent of the website (for instance the .. links to the parent directory).
wget downloads the files breadth-first so you will have to wait a long time before it eventually starts fetching the real data files.
Note that wget has no means to guess the directory structure at server-side. It only aims to find links in the fetched pages and thus with this knowledge aims to generate a dump of "visible" files. It is possible that the webserver does not list all available files, and thus wget will fail to download all files.
I've noticed this site supports FTP protocol, which is a far more convenient way of reading files and folders. (Its for transferring files, not web pages)
Get a FTP client (lots of them about) and open ftp://atmos.nmsu.edu/PDS/data/mslrem_1001/DATA/ you can probably just highlight all the folders in there and hit download.
One solution using saxon-lint :
saxon-lint --html --xpath 'string-join(//a/#href, "^M")' http://atmos.nmsu.edu/PDS/data/mslrem_1001/DATA/ | awk '/SOL/{print "http://atmos.nmsu.edu/PDS/data/mslrem_1001/DATA/"$0}' | while read url; do saxon-lint --html --xpath 'string-join(//a/#href, "^M")' "$url" | awk -vurl="$url" '/SOL/{print url$0}'; done | while read url2; do saxon-lint --html --xpath 'string-join(//a/#href, "^M")' "$url2" | awk -vurl2="$url2" '/RME/{print url2$0}'; done | xargs wget
Edit the
by control+M (Unix) or \r\n for windows

wget:: How to rename all the already dowloaded files as name given by wget --content-dispostion?

I have downloaded 1200 jpeg files using wget. But the name of the files are based on links from which they are downloaded.
For ex.
http://www.*.*.*/index.php?id=0MwfTcqbP9dl1_icR3_gVezE8tlpUJt-wumA5hHjpjk will download the file with name index.php?id=0MwfTcqbP9dl1_icR3_gVezE8tlpUJt-wumA5hHjpjk.jpg but its name on server is different. Now I want all the files to be named as the name on the server.
One way is to delete all the files and re-download it with wget option --content-dispostion but total size of the download is 8GB and downloading it again is not a good option.
How can I rename all the downloaded files as names on server?
Edit: Name of the jpeg files downloaded from the links using wget --content-disposition or browser would be like 2014:08:09_18:07:51_IMG_5543.jpg (not created by wget, it's oringinal name on server, uploader's file name). I want all the files to be named as their oringinal names without again downloading them.
If the webserver supports HEAD request, you can use commands like wget --server-response --spider $URL, otherwise you can use range 0-1 to get one byte only. After you have the response heahers, you can write a script to rename. ā€“ Wu Yongzheng

wget newest file in another server's folder

I have an automatic backup of a file running on a cronjob. It outputs into a folder, let's call /backup, and appends a timestamp to each file, every hour, like so:
file_08_07_2013_01_00_00.txt, file_08_07_2013_02_00_00.txt, etc.
I want to download these to another server, to keep as a separate backup. I normally just use wget and download a specific file, but was wondering how I could automate this, ideally every hour it would download the most recent file.
What would I need to look into to set this up?
wget can handle that, just enable time-stamping. I'm not even going to attempt my own explanation, here's a direct quote from the manual:
The usage of time-stamping is simple. Say you would like to download a
file so that it keeps its date of modification.
wget -S http://www.gnu.ai.mit.edu/
A simple ls -l shows that the time stamp on the local file equals the state of the Last-Modified
header, as returned by the server. As you can see, the time-stamping
info is preserved locally, even without ā€˜-Nā€™ (at least for http).
Several days later, you would like Wget to check if the remote file
has changed, and download it if it has.
wget -N http://www.gnu.ai.mit.edu/
Wget will ask the server for the last-modified date. If the local file has the same timestamp as
the server, or a newer one, the remote file will not be re-fetched.
However, if the remote file is more recent, Wget will proceed to fetch
