AlloyUI : Customize pagination component - pagination

Im working with an Alloy UI pagination component in Liferay 6.2 and i was trying to customize the prev and nextc controls, i have something like this :
<div id="myDataTable"></div>
<div id="pagination" class="aui-pagination aui-pagination-centered">
<ul class="aui-pagination-content">
Where myDataTable is ...a DataTable component
and then the YUI code:
new Y.Pagination({
contentBox: '#pagination .aui-pagination-content',
page: 1,
strings: {
next: '»',
on: {
changeRequest: function(event) {
if ( === 1) {
dataTable.set('data', data1);
} else if ( === 2) {
dataTable.set('data', data2);
} else if ( === 3) {
dataTable.set('data', data3);
What i want to do is to hide all the pages in the pagination and just have the prev and next controls with a background image, i have noticed that you can change the controls by changing the strings on the YUI code but it only allows ASCII characters and i need to include images or a way to insert css code there. Any help will be really appreciated.

Probably you can do this using CSS. The left navigation button will be first child and the right button will be the last child of pagination-content class. After calling the render method you can set the innerHTML of the navigation buttons through JS'.pagination-content .pagination-control:first-child').setHTML('<div>Content of left navigation button</div>');'.pagination-content .pagination-control:last-child).setHTML('<div>Content of right navigation button</div>');


How to use ngif so that it can hide a div and do not validate the elements under the div section?

Upon selecting a radio button the respective div should be visible. Again each div has its own HTML elements.
Currently I am using code like this
<div *ngIf="A.checked">
show A HTML elements
<div *ngIf="B.checked">
show B elements
It is working fine as it is hiding depending on selection, however when I submit , it is validating the hidden div elements. Please suggest me how to stop validating the elements under hidden div.?
Reactive forms don't look at the hidden status of elements.
You should update your validation based on user selection by:
form.setValidators([ ... /* validators that you want to set */ ])
You need to do something like this.
// Define a Subject and destroy in onDestroy
private destroy$: Subject<any> = new Subject();
value ==> {
if (value) {
// Remove validators for unwanted controls
ngOnDestroy() {

Orchard CMS - create vertical Navigation Menu next to Home

I am new to Orchard and trying to figure out how it works code-wise.
So, I have created a custom Content Type through the code and i am able to create Content Items under this Content Type. i have the 'Show on the Menu' checkbox on the editor page of the Content item. But when I check it and select the menu to which i want this newly created custom item to be added, it gets added as a vertical menu item whereas i need it to be added as a vertical submenu to one of the root items.
Please find images which describe what is happening now and what I need.
Current behavior
Expected behavior
Product2 is a custom content item and should be added as a entry in the vertical menu as shown in the 2nd image
This task is rather complex. There are several steps involved.
Understanding how to create a child theme
See the official documentation, create a child theme and enable it
Understanding the concept of shape alternates
See the official documentation
Configure the menu in admin area
Go to the admin area, click on Navigation in the menu and add some menu items and sub items, for example
[ Home (Content Menu Item) ]
[ Service (Content Menu Item) ]
[ Document Storage (Custom Link) ]
Once you have this structure Orchard renders this structure via a #Zone(Model.Navigation) call in a theme. You have to search where this call is located for yourself, it depends on the theme.
My child theme uses a Layout.cshtml alternate which calls #Zone(Model.Navigation) where needed like so
Func<dynamic, dynamic> Zone = x => Display(x); // Zone as an alias for Display to help make it obvious when we're displaying zones
<div class="wrapper">
#* Navigation bar *#
#if (Model.Navigation != null)
<div id="layout-navigation" class="group navbar navbar-default" role="navigation">
Now, if Orchard renders the menu itself, it uses the Menu.cshtml shape template, thus the next step will be to provide a shape alternate for Menu.cshtml.
Creating a shape alternate for the menu in your child theme
Go to you child theme folder and add a file Views\Menu.cshtml and start rendering the menu there, for example
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
The #DisplayChildren(Model) call will start rendering the menu items via the MenuItem.cshtml shape template, thus the next step will be to provide a shape alternate for MenuItem.cshtml.
Creating a shape alternate for menu items in your child theme
Go to you child theme folder and add a file Views\MenuItem.cshtml and start rendering the menu items. Here is the content of my MenuItem.cshtml file, which renders the menu items as <li> structure according to the bootstrap specs:
this shape alternate is displayed when a <li> element is rendered
whereas the following code is based on Orchard.Core\Shapes\Views\Menu.cshtml
// odd formatting in this file is to cause more attractive results in the output.
var items = Enumerable.Cast<dynamic>((System.Collections.IEnumerable)Model);
if (!HasText(Model.Text)) {
else {
if ((bool) Model.Selected) {
if (items.Any()) {
#* morphing the shape to keep Model untouched*#
Model.Metadata.Type = "MenuItemLink";
#* render the menu item only if it has some content *#
var renderedMenuItemLink = Display(Model);
if (HasText(renderedMenuItemLink)) {
var tag = Tag(Model, "li");
if (items.Any()) {
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
You can also provide alternates to override specific menu item types like the Custom Link. The file would then be MenuItemLink.cshtml with a content like
this shape alternate is displayed when menu link is _not_ of type "Content Menu Item" otherwise MenuItemLink-ContentMenuItem.cshtml is used
whereas the following code is based on Orchard.Core\Shapes\Views\MenuItemLink.cshtml
<a href="#Model.Href" #if (Model.Item.Items.Length > 0) { <text>class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"</text> }>#Model.Text</a>
As you can see, a lot of work but pretty flexible.

Main Menu Navigation Item not linked to a content item but collapsing a sub menu

I have got a multi level navigation in Orchard CMS which shows sub menu items on hovering. When I click, it opens a content menu item. This works well on a PC but not on a mobile device. In case of a mobile device or touch device in general it should collapse the menu instead of jumping to another page.
I am looking for an easy and clean approach to solve this.
Is there a way to create such a menu item only acting as an opener for the sub menu items instead of actually linking to a page?
Some background information: It is actually a theme based on twittter bootstrap 3
You can extend the MenuItem shape (~/Core/Shapes/Views/MenuItem.cshtml) to differentiate between parent and children
So first create under {YourTheme}/Views new view called MenuItem.cshtml and paste in the following code
// odd formatting in this file is to cause more attractive results in the output.
var items = Enumerable.Cast<dynamic>((System.Collections.IEnumerable)Model);
if (!HasText(Model.Text))
if ((bool)Model.Selected)
#* morphing the shape to keep Model untouched*#
if (items.Any())
Model.Metadata.Type = "MenuItemLinkParent";
Model.Metadata.Type = "MenuItemLink";
#* render the menu item only if it has some content *#
var renderedMenuItemLink = Display(Model);
if (HasText(renderedMenuItemLink))
var tag = Tag(Model, "li");
if (items.Any())
Now just create another view called MenuItemLinkParent.cshtml and create simple hyperlink placeholder that doesn't link anywhere
Now any MenuItem which becomes parent will lose it's href link (you can also edit html structure and classes this way, if necessary for bootstrap). Easy and clean enough? :)

Dijit.MenuItem and <a href=></a> link

My question is similar to that one:
Dijit Menu (bar) with link
I'm using Dijit Menu as in following listing:
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/Menu">
<div id="menuItem" data-dojo-type="dijit/MenuItem">
But link is not working as it blocked by dojo.stopEvent in _onClick().
The question is:
How to remove dojo.stopEvent and make link inside <div id="menuItem" data-dojo-type="dijit/MenuItem"> work properly?
The issue:
I need to put inside <div id=menuItem"> some code, which has to receive onClick event.
P.S. Originally this is XPages code.
Well I fell in same problem, saw this post and the related other, but wasn't satisfied with the "onclick" solution :
it didn't work (for me) with keyboard navigation
it imposes to a add script element (onclick=...) in the declarative zone which is not what I expect for unobtrusive JavaScript
Finaly I digged further in dojo and decided to directly use the href attribute of first sub-node in the handler. My script section (derived from dijit menus tutorial) is then :
"dijit/WidgetSet", // for registry.byClass
], function(dom, parser, domattr, query, registry){
// a menu item selection handler
var onItemSelect = function(event){
dom.byId("lastSelected").innerHTML = this.get("label");
var achild = query("a", this.domNode)[0];
if (achild != null) {
var href = domattr.get(achild, "href");
if ((href != null) && (href != '') && (href != '#')) {
window.location.href = href;
var setClickHandler = function(item){
item.on("click", onItemSelect);
That way I don't have to change anything in a menu of type
that works with JavaScript disabled, and links work fine with mouse and keyboard navigation when JavaScript is enabled. Simply don't forget the "class='claro'" in body element ....
What about this:
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/Menu">
<div id="menuItem" data-dojo-type="dijit/MenuItem"
Working jsfiddle:

Orchard CMS: Logon Page doesn't work with my custom layout

I am very new to Orchard.
I have created a new theme, based on the Minty theme. The only real change is the layout, where I have adapted the html from an existing masterpage to match the orchard style razor layout.cshtml. I have experience with MVC and razor, so no problem on that side... unless I have missed something vital.
The problem is the login page. Clicking the sign in link takes me to the correct url without errors, but not login form gets rendered. I have checked that this is the case by Inspecting Element in google chrome.
I am aware that setting up widgets, etc, I can make content appear. However, I can't find how the login form gets inserted when the login url gets requested. I presume it uses the Orchard.Users module, but not sure how. Does it need a specific zone? I can't see why, but see how else.
As a result, I can't solve my problem...
Any pointers?
Any books or other learning media?
The code for my layout.cshtml is:
#functions {
// To support the layout classifaction below. Implementing as a razor function because we can, could otherwise be a Func<string[], string, string> in the code block following.
string CalcuClassify(string[] zoneNames, string classNamePrefix) {
var zoneCounter = 0;
var zoneNumsFilled = string.Join("", zoneNames.Select(zoneName => { ++zoneCounter; return Model[zoneName] != null ? zoneCounter.ToString() : "";}).ToArray());
return HasText(zoneNumsFilled) ? classNamePrefix + zoneNumsFilled : "";
/* Global includes for the theme
SetMeta("X-UA-Compatible", "IE=edge,chrome=1");
/* Some useful shortcuts or settings
Func<dynamic, dynamic> Zone = x => Display(x); // Zone as an alias for Display to help make it obvious when we're displaying zones
/* Layout classification based on filled zones
//Add classes to the wrapper div to toggle aside widget zones on and off
var asideClass = CalcuClassify(new [] {"Sidebar"}, "aside-"); // for aside-1, aside-2 or aside-12 if any of the aside zones are filled
if (HasText(asideClass)) {
//Add classes to the wrapper div to toggle tripel widget zones on and off
var tripelClass = CalcuClassify(new [] {"TripelFirst", "TripelSecond", "TripelThird"}, "tripel-"); // for tripel-1, triple-2, etc. if any of the tripel zones are filled
if (HasText(tripelClass)) {
//Add classes to the wrapper div to toggle quad widget zones on and off
var footerQuadClass = CalcuClassify(new [] {"FooterQuadFirst", "FooterQuadSecond", "FooterQuadThird", "FooterQuadFourth"}, "split-"); // for quad-1, quad-2, etc. if any of the quad zones are filled
if (HasText(footerQuadClass)) {
var slideshowClass = CalcuClassify(new[] {"HomeSlideshow"}, "slideshow-");
if (HasText(slideshowClass)) {
/* Inserting some ad hoc shapes
//WorkContext.Layout.Header.Add(New.Branding(), "5"); // Site name and link to the home page
//WorkContext.Layout.Footer.Add(New.BadgeOfHonor(), "5"); // Powered by Orchard
WorkContext.Layout.Footer.Add(New.User(), "10"); // Login and dashboard links
/* Last bit of code to prep the layout wrapper
Model.Id = "layout-wrapper";
var tag = Tag(Model, "div"); // using Tag so the layout div gets the classes, id and other attributes added to the Model
<a name="top"></a>
<div id="SiteHeader">
<div id="PageContainer">
<div style="position: absolute; Left:-80px; top:-88px;z-index:1000;">
<img id="bird" title="Pheasant" src="/Themes/TheFarmsBlogs/Styles/Images/PositionedImages/pheasant.gif" />
<div class="SiteMenu"><p>Hello Menu</p></div>
<div id="Specialized">
<div id="PageName">
PageName NOT in use!
#if (Model.RightColumn != null) {
<div id="RightCol">
<!-- Page divided into two main columns, of which the left column is subdivided as necessary -->
<div id="LeftCol">
<div id="PageBanner">
<div id="PageBannerLeft">
#if (Model.MainImage != null) {
<div id="PageBannerImage">
#if(Model.TheStrip != null) {
<div id="TheStrip">
<div id="SpecializedContent">
#if(#Model.content != null)
<div id="SpecializedFooter">
<div id="PageFooter">
#if (Model.FooterPage != null){
<div id="SiteFooter">
The Farms Ltd - © 2007
PS: the branding and badge of honour are commented out as I am only enabling bit by bit to eliminate the source of errors. It will be in the live site.
See Bertrand Le Roy's answer below. The Orchard.Users module requires a Content zone with a Capital C. That instantly cured the problem.
I added this as Bertrand's response was tentative, and I wanted to reinforce that the problem was the name of the zone.
In Orchard.Users, look for Controllers/AccountController.cs. In there, there is a LogOn action. It creates a LogOn shape that it then puts in a shape result. This then gets resolved as the Views/LogOn.cshtml template (which you can override in your theme by just dropping a file with the same name in there, for example a copy of the original that you can tweak). The LogOn template will be rendered within the theme's layout, in the Content zone. Does this answer your question?
I think the mistake you made was to name your Content zone content (notice the casing).
