Commander can't handle multiple command arguments - node.js

I have the following commander command with multiple arguments:
var program = require('commander');
.command('rename <id> [name]')
.action(function() {
Using the app yields the following result:
$ node app.js 1 "Hello"
{ '0': '1',
{ commands: [],
options: [],
_execs: [],
_args: [ [Object] ],
_name: 'rename',
{ commands: [Object],
options: [],
_execs: [],
_args: [],
_name: 'app',
Command: [Function: Command],
Option: [Function: Option],
_events: [Object],
rawArgs: [Object],
args: [Object] } } }
As you can see, the action receives the first argument (<id>) and program, but doesn't receives the second argument: [name].
I've tried:
Making [name] a required argument.
Passing the name unquoted to the tool from the command line.
Simplifying my real app into the tiny reproducible program above.
Using a variadic argument for name (rename <id> [name...]), but this results on both 1 and Hello to being assigned into the same array as the first parameter to action, defeating the purpose of having id.
What am I missing? Does commander only accepts one argument per command (doesn't looks so in the documentation)?

I think this was a bug in an old version of commander. This works now with commander#2.9.0.

I ran in to the same problems, and decided to use Caporal instead.
Here's an example from their docs on Creating a command:
When writing complex programs, you'll likely want to manage multiple commands. Use the .command() method to specify them:
// a first command
.command("my-command", "Optional command description used in help")
.argument(/* ... */)
.action(/* ... */)
// a second command
.command("sec-command", "...")
.option(/* ... */)
.action(/* ... */)


Combine outputs of mutually exclusive processes in a Nextflow (DSL2) pipeline

I have a DSL2 workflow in Nextflow set up like this:
// process 1, mutually exclusive with process 2 below
process bcl {
tag "bcl2fastq"
publishDir params.outdir, mode: 'copy', pattern: 'fastq/**fastq.gz'
publishDir params.outdir, mode: 'copy', pattern: 'fastq/Stats/*'
publishDir params.outdir, mode: 'copy', pattern: 'InterOp/*'
publishDir params.outdir, mode: 'copy', pattern: 'Run*.xml'
beforeScript 'export PATH=/opt/tools/bcl2fastq/bin:$PATH'
path runfolder
path samplesheet
path 'fastq/Stats/', emit: bcl_ch
path 'fastq/**fastq.gz', emit: fastqc_ch
path 'InterOp/*', emit: interop_ch
path 'Run*.xml'
// processing omitted
// Process 2, note the slightly different outputs
process bcl_convert {
tag "bcl-convert"
publishDir params.outdir, mode: 'copy', pattern: 'fastq/**fastq.gz'
publishDir params.outdir, mode: 'copy', pattern: 'fastq/Reports/*'
publishDir params.outdir, mode: 'copy', pattern: 'InterOp/*'
publishDir params.outdir, mode: 'copy', pattern: 'Run*.xml'
beforeScript 'export PATH=/opt/tools/bcl-convert/:$PATH'
path runfolder
path samplesheet
path 'fastq/Reports/', emit: bcl_ch
path 'fastq/**fastq.gz', emit: fastqc_ch
path 'InterOp/', emit: interop_ch
path 'Run*.xml'
// processing omitted
// downstream process that needs either the first or the second to work, agnostic
process fastqc {
cpus 12
publishDir "${params.outdir}/", mode: "copy"
module 'conda//anaconda3'
conda '/opt/anaconda3/envs/tools/'
path fastq_input
path "fastqc", emit: fastqc_output
mkdir -p fastqc
fastqc -t ${task.cpus} $fastq_input -o fastqc
Now I have a variable, params.bcl_convert which can be used to switch from one process to the other, and I set up the workflow like this:
workflow {
runfolder_repaired = "${params.runfolder}".replaceFirst(/$/, "/")
runfolder = Channel.fromPath(runfolder_repaired, type: 'dir')
sample_data = Channel.fromPath(params.samplesheet, type: 'file')
if (!params.bcl_convert) {
bcl(runfolder, sample_data)
} else {
bcl_convert(runfolder, sample_data)
fastqc(bcl.out.mix(bcl_convert.out)) // Problematic line
The problem lies in the problematic line: I'm not sure how (and if it is possible) to have fastqc get the input of bcl2fastq or bcl_convert (but only fastq_ch, not the rest) regardless of the process that generated it.
Some of the things I've tried include (inspired by, but that one uses a the output of a process):
if (!params.bcl_convert) {
def bcl_out = bcl(runfolder, sample_data).out
} else {
def bcl_out = bcl_convert(runfolder, sample_data).out
But this then compilation fails with Variable "runfolder" already defined in the process scope, even using the approach in a similar way as the post:
def result_bcl2fastq = !params.bclconvert ? bcl(runfolder, sample_data): Channel.empty()
def result_bclconvert = params.bclconvert ? bcl_convert(runfolder, sample_data): Channel.empty()
I thought about using conditionals in a single script, however the outputs from the two processes differ, so it's not really possible.
The only way I got it to work is by duplicating all outputs, like:
if (!params.bcl_convert) {
bcl(runfolder, sample_data)
} else {
bcl_convert(runfolder, sample_data)
However this looks to me like unnecessary complication. Is what I want to do actually possible?
I was able to figure this out, with a lot of trial and error.
Assigning a variable to a process output acts like the .out property of said process. So I set the same variable for the two exclusive processes, set the same outputs (as seen in the question) and then accessed them directly without using .out:
workflow {
runfolder_repaired = "${params.runfolder}".replaceFirst(/$/, "/")
runfolder = Channel.fromPath(
runfolder_repaired, type: 'dir')
sample_data = Channel.fromPath(
params.samplesheet, type: 'file')
if (!params.bcl_convert) {
bcl_out = bcl2fastq(runfolder, sample_data)
} else {
bcl_out = bcl_convert(runfolder, sample_data)

ESlint override rule by nested directory

I want to disable rule for all files inside nested directory. I found examples only for exact path or by file extension. But it is not what I want.
We use it for shared config and don't know where this directory will be. We have many of them.
I'm trying config like this:
overrides: [
files: [
rules: {
"import/no-extraneous-dependencies": "off"
But glob like **/test/**/* and many others didn't not work.
Can someone help to reach this goal?
The above code should work.
How were you testing this? If it's an extension like VSCode you may need to refresh things to see latest definitions loaded.
If you are using a eslint service like esprint you will also need to restart it to grab latest definitions.
Make sure that eslint is not configured to cache results to avoid having to cache bust when debugging things. eslint docs
Here's an example for a react-native app with multiple overrides
module.exports = {
overrides: [
files: ['**/*.style.js'],
rules: {
'sort-keys': [
caseSensitive: true,
natural: true,
files: ['**/*.test.js'],
rules: {
'arrow-body-style': 'off',
Debugging the glob matcher
Run eslint in debug mode and see all the files being run example DEBUG=eslint:cli-engine npx eslint src/**/*.test.js
You can test your glob patterns by running a ls command. Example: ls ./src/**/*.test.js will either return all the files or 'no matches found'.

How do I pass arguments to a grunt browserify transform (hbsfy)?

I'm using hbsfy (handlebars templating package) as a transform for browserify in a grunt file. How do I pass the -t or --transform argument to the hbsfy transform?
browserify: {
build: {
src: 'src/js/app.js',
dest: 'app.js',
options: {
transform: ['browserify-shim', 'hbsfy'],
browserifyOptions: {
debug: true,
If I were to use browserify conventionally the code would look like:
browserify -t [ hbsfy -t ] main.js > bundle.js
How do I get the -t when using grunt-browserify?
After looking at some of the existing answered issues for grunt-browserify, the following resolved my issue:
options: {
transform: ['browserify-shim', ['hbsfy', {'t':[]}]],
I have added hbsfy as an array where the second argument is an options object which contains the empty t option. this allows me to simulate hbsfy -t in grunt-browserify.
I hope this helps others with the same issue.

Clearing require cache

I am trying to delete a module from cache as suggested here.
In the documentation we read:
Modules are cached in this object when they are required. By deleting a key value from this object, the next require will reload the module.
So, I created a file named 1.js that contains a single line:
module.exports = 1;
Then I require it via node shell:
ionicabizau#laptop:~/Documents/test$ node
> require("./1")
> require.cache
{ '/home/ionicabizau/Documents/test/1.js':
{ id: '/home/ionicabizau/Documents/test/1.js',
exports: 1,
{ id: 'repl',
exports: [Object],
parent: undefined,
filename: '/home/ionicabizau/Documents/test/repl',
loaded: false,
children: [Object],
paths: [Object] },
filename: '/home/ionicabizau/Documents/test/1.js',
loaded: true,
children: [],
[ '/home/ionicabizau/Documents/test/node_modules',
'/node_modules' ] } }
# edited file to export 2 (module.exports = 2;)
> require.cache = {}
> require.cache
> require("./1") // supposed to return 2
So, why does require("./1") return 1 when my file contains module.exports = 2 and the cache is cleared?
Doing some debugging I saw that there is a Module._cache object that is not cleared when I do require.cache = {}.
require.cache is just an exposed cache object reference, this property is not used directly, so changing it does nothing. You need to iterate over keys and actually delete them.
for (var i in require.cache) { delete require.cache[i] }
If you need to filter specific files, i could be filtered with specific Regular Expression or rules at your customization.
for (var i in require.cache) { if (i.startsWith('src/cache/') )delete require.cache[i] }

Compile less files with grunt-contrib-less won't work

I'm using Grunt for building my web project. I installed grunt-contrib-less package und added a task to my grunt.initConfig({..});
less : {
options: {
paths: ['js/base']
files: {
'js/base/*.css' : 'js/base/*.less'
when I run the target less via grunt less, it runs without errors but doesn't compile the less file to a css file.
Running "less:files" (less) task
Done, without errors.
I have installed the lessc package via node, too. Doing lessc <source> <dest> works fine.
Currently I have pointed with the files option directly to one dir which contains one less file for testing. Even if I write the whole file name into files option, it happens nothing...
Later on I want to scan the whole js directory and compile all new modified *.less files.
I have installed following versions:
grunt-cli v0.1.6
grunt v0.4.0
node v0.8.7
npm 1.1.49
The glob pattern js/base/*.css does not match any files, therefore there is no destination. Usually, tasks like this expect multiple inputs to combine into a single output. Also, bear in mind that less is a multi-task, and putting files as a child of less is not doing what you expect. (it is treating it as a target, not a src/dest map)
If you want a 1-1 transform of .less into .css, you can use dynamic expansion. (or you can define each src/dest pair manually, but who wants to do that?)
In your case:
less: {
options: {
paths: ['js/base']
// target name
src: {
// no need for files, the config below should work
expand: true,
cwd: "js/base",
src: "*.less",
ext: ".css"
I used Anthonies solution but stil had an error
Warning: Object true has no method indexOf
If I changed the order putting expand true as second it gave me the error
Unable to read "less" file
where "less" was the value of the first item in my list.
I solved it by changing files into an array like this:
less: {
options: {
paths: ["js/base"]
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: "js/base",
src: ["**/*.less"],
dest: "js/base",
ext: ".css"
I used "grunt-contrib-less" : "^0.11.0"
This works for me, but modified to reflect this scenario:
less: {
options: {
paths: ["js/base"]
files: {
expand: true,
cwd: "js/base",
src: ["**/*.less"],
dest: "js/base",
ext: ".css"
