Asymmetric Levenshtein distance - dynamic-programming

Given two bit strings, x and y, with x longer than y, I'd like to compute a kind of asymmetric variant of the Levensthein distance between them. Starting with x, I'd like to know the minimum number of deletions and substitutions it takes to turn x into y.
Can I just use the usual Levensthein distance for this, or do I need I need to modify the algorithm somehow? In other words, with the usual set of edits of deletion, substitution, and addition, is it ever beneficial to delete more than the difference in lengths between the two strings and then add some bits back? I suspect the answer is no, but I'm not sure. If I'm wrong, and I do need to modify the definition of Levenshtein distance to disallow deletions, how do I do so?
Finally, I would expect intuitively that I'd get the same distance if I started with y (the shorter string) and only allowed additions and substitutions. Is this right? I've got a sense for what these answers are, I just can't prove them.

If i understand you correctly, I think the answer is yes, the Levenshtein edit distance could be different than an algorithm that only allows deletions and substitutions to the larger string. Because of this, you would need to modify, or create a different algorithm to get your limited version.
Consider the two strings "ABCD" and "ACDEF". The Levenshtein distance is 3 (ABCD->ACD->ACDE->ACDEF). If we start with the longer string, and limit ourselves to deletions and substitutions we must use 4 edits (1 deletion and 3 substitutions. The reason is that strings where deletions are applied to the smaller string to efficiently get to the larger string can't be achieved when starting with the longer string, because it does not have the complimentary insertion operation (since you're disallowing that).
Your last paragraph is true. If the path from shorter to longer uses only insertions and substitutions, then any allowed path can simply be reversed from the longer to the shorter. Substitutions are the same regardless of direction, but the inserts when going from small to large become deletions when reversed.
I haven't tested this thoroughly, but this modification shows the direction I would take, and appears to work with the values I've tested with it. It's written in c#, and follows the psuedo code in the wikipedia entry for Levenshtein distance. There are obvious optimizations that can be made, but I refrained from doing that so it was more obvious what changes I've made from the standard algorithm. An important observation is that (using your constraints) if the strings are the same length, then substitution is the only operation allowed.
static int LevenshteinDistance(string s, string t) {
int i, j;
int m = s.Length;
int n = t.Length;
// for all i and j, d[i,j] will hold the Levenshtein distance between
// the first i characters of s and the first j characters of t;
// note that d has (m+1)*(n+1) values
var d = new int[m + 1, n + 1];
// set each element to zero
// c# creates array already initialized to zero
// source prefixes can be transformed into empty string by
// dropping all characters
for (i = 0; i <= m; i++) d[i, 0] = i;
// target prefixes can be reached from empty source prefix
// by inserting every character
for (j = 0; j <= n; j++) d[0, j] = j;
for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
if (s[i - 1] == t[j - 1])
d[i, j] = d[i - 1, j - 1]; // no operation required
else {
int del = d[i - 1, j] + 1; // a deletion
int ins = d[i, j - 1] + 1; // an insertion
int sub = d[i - 1, j - 1] + 1; // a substitution
// the next two lines are the modification I've made
//int insDel = (i < j) ? ins : del;
//d[i, j] = (i == j) ? sub : Math.Min(insDel, sub);
// the following 8 lines are a clearer version of the above 2 lines
if (i == j) {
d[i, j] = sub;
} else {
int insDel;
if (i < j) insDel = ins; else insDel = del;
// assign the smaller of insDel or sub
d[i, j] = Math.Min(insDel, sub);
return d[m, n];


find the number of ways you can form a string on size N, given an unlimited number of 0s and 1s

The below question was asked in the atlassian company online test ,I don't have test cases , this is the below question I took from this link
find the number of ways you can form a string on size N, given an unlimited number of 0s and 1s. But
you cannot have D number of consecutive 0s and T number of consecutive 1s. N, D, T were given as inputs,
Please help me on this problem,any approach how to proceed with it
My approach for the above question is simply I applied recursion and tried for all possiblity and then I memoized it using hash map
But it seems to me there must be some combinatoric approach that can do this question in less time and space? for debugging purposes I am also printing the strings generated during recursion, if there is flaw in my approach please do tell me
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int recurse(int d,int t,int n,int oldd,int oldt,string s)
return 0;
return 0;
return 1;
string h=to_string(d)+" "+to_string(t)+" "+to_string(n);
return dp[h];
int ans=0;
return dp[h]=ans;
int main()
int n,d,t;
return 0;
You are right, instead of generating strings, it is worth to consider combinatoric approach using dynamic programming (a kind of).
"Good" sequence of length K might end with 1..D-1 zeros or 1..T-1 of ones.
To make a good sequence of length K+1, you can add zero to all sequences except for D-1, and get 2..D-1 zeros for the first kind of precursors and 1 zero for the second kind
Similarly you can add one to all sequences of the first kind, and to all sequences of the second kind except for T-1, and get 1 one for the first kind of precursors and 2..T-1 ones for the second kind
Make two tables
Zeros[N][D] and Ones[N][T]
Fill the first row with zero counts, except for Zeros[1][1] = 1, Ones[1][1] = 1
Fill row by row using the rules above.
Zeros[K][1] = Sum(Ones[K-1][C=1..T-1])
for C in 2..D-1:
Zeros[K][C] = Zeros[K-1][C-1]
Ones[K][1] = Sum(Zeros[K-1][C=1..T-1])
for C in 2..T-1:
Ones[K][C] = Ones[K-1][C-1]
Result is sum of the last row in both tables.
Also note that you really need only two active rows of the table, so you can optimize size to Zeros[2][D] after debugging.
This can be solved using dynamic programming. I'll give a recursive solution to the same. It'll be similar to generating a binary string.
States will be:
i: The ith character that we need to insert to the string.
cnt: The number of consecutive characters before i
bit: The character which was repeated cnt times before i. Value of bit will be either 0 or 1.
Base case will: Return 1, when we reach n since we are starting from 0 and ending at n-1.
Define the size of dp array accordingly. The time complexity will be 2 x N x max(D,T)
using namespace std;
int dp[1000][1000][2];
int n, d, t;
int count(int i, int cnt, int bit) {
if (i == n) {
return 1;
int &ans = dp[i][cnt][bit];
if (ans != -1) return ans;
ans = 0;
if (bit == 0) {
ans += count(i+1, 1, 1);
if (cnt != d - 1) {
ans += count(i+1, cnt + 1, 0);
} else {
// bit == 1
ans += count(i+1, 1, 0);
if (cnt != t-1) {
ans += count(i+1, cnt + 1, 1);
return ans;
signed main() {
ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false), cin.tie(nullptr);
cin >> n >> d >> t;
memset(dp, -1, sizeof dp);
cout << count(0, 0, 0);
return 0;

Generate string permutations recursively; each character appears n times

I'm trying to write an algorithm that will generate all strings of length nm, with exactly n of each number 1, 2, ... m,
For instance all strings of length 6, with exactly two 1's, two 2's and two 3's e.g. 112233, 121233,
I managed to do this with just 1's and 2's using a recursive method, but can't seem to get something that works when I introduce 3's.
When m = 2, the algorithm I have is:
generateAllStrings(int len, int K, String str)
if(len == 0)
if(K > 0)
generateAllStrings(len - 1, K - 1, str + '2');
if(len > K)
generateAllStrings(len - 1, K, str + '1');
I've tried inserting similar conditions for the third number but the algorithm doesn't give a correct output. After that I wouldn't even know how to generalise for 4 numbers and above.
Is recursion the right thing to do? Any help would be appreciated.
One option would be to list off all distinct permutations of the string 111...1222...2...nnn....n. There are nice algorithms for enumerating all distinct permutations of a string in time proportional to the length of the string, and they'd probably be a good way to go about solving this problem.
To use a simple recursive algorithm, give each recursion the permutation so far (variable perm), and the number of occurances of each digit that is still available (array count).
Run the code snippet to generate all unique permutations for n=2 and m=4 (set: 11223344).
function permutations(n, m) {
var perm = "", count = []; // start with empty permutation
for (var i = 0; i < m; i++) count[i] = n; // set available number for each digit = n
permute(perm, count); // start recursion with "" and [n,n,n...]
function permute(perm, count) {
var done = true;
for (var i = 0; i < count.length; i++) { // iterate over all digits
if (count[i] > 0) { // more instances of digit i available
var c = count.slice(); // create hard copy of count array
--c[i]; // decrement count of digit i
permute(perm + (i + 1), c); // add digit to permutation and recurse
done = false; // digits left over: not the last step
if (done) document.write(perm + "<BR>"); // no digits left: complete permutation
permutations(2, 4);
You can easily do this using DFS (or BFS alternatively). We can define an graph such that each node contains one string and a node is connected to any node that holds a string with a pair of int swaped in comparison to the original string. This graph is connected, thus we can easily generate a set of all nodes; which will contain all strings that are searched:
set generated_strings
list nodes
nodes.add(generateInitialString(N , M))
generated_strings.add(generateInitialString(N , M))
string tmp = nodes.remove(0)
for (int i in [0 , N * M))
for (int j in distinct([0 , N * M) , i))
string new = swap(tmp , i , j)
if (!generated_strings.contains(new))
//generated_strings now contains all strings that can possibly be generated.

total substrings with k ones

Given a binary string s, we need to find the number of its substrings, containing exactly k characters that are '1'.
For example: s = "1010" and k = 1, answer = 6.
Now, I solved it using binary search technique over the cumulative sum array.
I also used another approach to solve it. The approach is as follows:
For each position i, find the total substrings that end at i containing
exactly k characters that are '1'.
To find the total substrings that end at i containing exactly k characters that are 1, it can be represented as the set of indices j such that substring j to i contains exactly k '1's. The answer would be the size of the set. Now, to find all such j for the given position i, we can rephrase the problem as finding all j such that
number of ones from [1] to [j - 1] = the total number of ones from 1 to i - [the total number of ones from j to i = k].
i.e. number of ones from [1] to [j - 1] = C[i] - k
which is equal to
C[j - 1] = C[i] - k,
where C is the cumulative sum array, where
C[i] = sum of characters of string from 1 to i.
Now, the problem is easy because, we can find all the possible values of j's using the equation by counting all the prefixes that sum to C[i] - k.
But I found this solution,
int main() {
cin >> k >> S;
C[0] = 1;
for (int i = 0; S[i]; ++i) {
s += S[i] == '1';
for (int i = k; i <= s; ++i) {
if (k == 0) {
a += (C[i] - 1) * C[i] / 2;
} else {
a += C[i] * C[i - k];
cout << a << endl;
return 0;
In the code, S is the given string and K as described above, C is the cumulative sum array and a is the answer.
What is the code exactly doing by using multiplication, I don't know.
Could anybody explain the algorithm?
If you see the way C[i] is calculated, C[i] represents the number of characters between ith 1 and i+1st 1.
If you take an example S = 1001000
C[0] = 1
C[1] = 3 // length of 100
C[2] = 4 // length of 1000
So coming to your doubt, Why multiplication
Say your K=1, then you want to find out the substring which have only one 1, now you know that after first 1 there are two zeros since C[1] = 3. So number of of substrings will be 3, because you have to include this 1.
But when you come to the second part: C[2] =4
now if you see 1000 and you know that you can make 4 substrings (which is equal to C[2])
and also you should notice that there are C[1]-1 zeroes before this 1.
So by including those zeroes you can make more substring, in this case by including 0 once
=> {01,010,0100,01000}
and 00 once
=> {001,0010,00100,001000}
so essentially you are making C[i] substrings starting with 1 and you can append i number of zeroes before this one and make another C[i] * C[i-k]-1 substrings. i varies from 1 to C[i-k]-1 (-1 because we want to leave that last one).
((C[i-k]-1)* C[i]) +C[i]
=> C[i-k]*C[i]

Remove occurrences of substring recursively

Here's a problem:
Given string A and a substring B, remove the first occurence of substring B in string A till it is possible to do so. Note that removing a substring, can further create a new same substring. Ex. removing 'hell' from 'hehelllloworld' once would yield 'helloworld' which after removing once more would become 'oworld', the desired string.
Write a program for the above for input constraints of length 10^6 for A, and length 100 for B.
This question was asked to me in an interview, I gave them a simple algorithm to solve it that was to do exactly what the statement was and remove it iteratievly(to decresae over head calls), I later came to know there's a better solution for it that's much faster what would it be ? I've thought of a few optimizations but it's still not as fast as the fastest soln for the problem(acc. the company), so can anyone tell me of a faster way to solve the problem ?
P.S> I know of stackoverflow rules and that having code is better, but for this problem, I don't think that having code would be in any way beneficial...
Your approach has a pretty bad complexity. In a very bad case the string a will be aaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbb, and the string b will be ab, in which case you will need O(|a|) searches, each taking O(|a| + |b|) (assuming using some sophisticated search algorithm), resulting in a total complexity of O(|a|^2 + |a| * |b|), which with their constraints is years.
For their constraints a good complexity to aim for would be O(|a| * |b|), which is around 100 million operations, will finish in subsecond. Here's one way to approach it. For each position i in the string a let's compute the largest length n_i, such that the a[i - n_i : i] = b[0 : n_i] (in other words, the longest suffix of a at that position which is a prefix of b). We can compute it in O(|a| + |b|) by using Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm.
After we have n_i computed, finding the first occurrence of b in a is just a matter of finding the first n_i that is equal to |b|. This will be the right end of one of the occurrences of b in a.
Finally, we will need to modify Knuth-Morris-Pratt slightly. We will be logically removing occurrences of b as soon as we compute an n_i that is equal to |b|. To account for the fact that some letters were removed from a we will rely on the fact that Knuth-Morris-Pratt only relies on the last value of n_i (and those computed for b), and the current letter of a, so we just need a fast way of retrieving the last value of n_i after we logically remove an occurrence of b. That can be done with a deque, that stores all the valid values of n_i. Each value will be pushed into the deque once, and popped from it once, so that complexity of maintaining it is O(|a|), while the complexity of the Knuth-Morris-Pratt is O(|a| + |b|), resulting in O(|a| + |b|) total complexity.
Here's a C++ implementation. It could have some off-by-one errors, but it works on your sample, and it flies for the worst case that I described at the beginning.
#include <deque>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string a, b;
cin >> a >> b;
size_t blen = b.size();
// make a = b$a
a = b + "$" + a;
vector<size_t> n(a.size()); // array for knuth-morris-pratt
vector<bool> removals(a.size()); // positions of right ends at which we remove `b`s
deque<size_t> lastN;
n[0] = 0;
// For the first blen + 1 iterations just do vanilla knuth-morris-pratt
for (size_t i = 1; i < blen + 1; ++ i) {
size_t z = n[i - 1];
while (z && a[i] != a[z]) {
z = n[z - 1];
if (a[i] != a[z]) n[i] = 0;
else n[i] = z + 1;
// For the remaining iterations some characters could have been logically
// removed from `a`, so use lastN to get last value of n instaed
// of actually getting it from `n[i - 1]`
for (size_t i = blen + 1; i < a.size(); ++ i) {
size_t z = lastN.back();
while (z && a[i] != a[z]) {
z = n[z - 1];
if (a[i] != a[z]) n[i] = 0;
else n[i] = z + 1;
if (n[i] == blen) // found a match
removals[i] = true;
// kill last |b| - 1 `n_i`s
for (size_t j = 0; j < blen - 1; ++ j) {
else {
string ret;
size_t toRemove = 0;
for (size_t pos = a.size() - 1; a[pos] != '$'; -- pos) {
if (removals[pos]) toRemove += blen;
if (toRemove) -- toRemove;
else ret.push_back(a[pos]);
reverse(ret.begin(), ret.end());
cout << ret << endl;
return 0;
[in] hehelllloworld
[in] hell
[out] oworld
[in] abababc
[in] ababc
[out] ab
[in] caaaaa ... aaaaaabbbbbb ... bbbbc
[in] ab
[out] cc

Word-level edit distance of a sentence

Is there an algorithm that lets you find the word-level edit distance between 2 sentences?
For eg., "A Big Fat Dog" and "The Big House with the Fat Dog" have 1 substitute, 3 insertions
In general, this is called the sequence alignment problem. Actually it does not matter what entities you align - bits, characters, words, or DNA bases - as long as the algorithm works for one type of items it will work for everything else. What matters is whether you want global or local alignment.
Global alignment, which attempt to align every residue in every sequence, is most useful when the sequences are similar and of roughly equal size. A general global alignment technique is the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm algorithm, which is based on dynamic programming. When people talk about Levinstain distance they usually mean global alignment. The algorithm is so straightforward, that several people discovered it independently, and sometimes you may come across Wagner-Fischer algorithm which is essentially the same thing, but is mentioned more often in the context of edit distance between two strings of characters.
Local alignment is more useful for dissimilar sequences that are suspected to contain regions of similarity or similar sequence motifs within their larger sequence context. The Smith-Waterman algorithm is a general local alignment method also based on dynamic programming. It is quite rarely used in natural language processing, and more often - in bioinformatics.
You can use the same algorithms that are used for finding edit distance in strings to find edit distances in sentences. You can think of a sentence as a string drawn from an alphabet where each character is a word in the English language (assuming that spaces are used to mark where one "character" starts and the next ends). Any standard algorithm for computing edit distance, such as the standard dynamic programming approach for computing Levenshtein distance, can be adapted to solve this problem.
check out the AlignedSent function in python from the nltk package. It aligns sentences at the word level.
Here is a sample implementation of the #templatetypedef's idea in ActionScript (it worked great for me), which calculates the normalized Levenshtein distance (or in other words gives a value in the range [0..1])
private function nlevenshtein(s1:String, s2:String):Number {
var tokens1:Array = s1.split(" ");
var tokens2:Array = s2.split(" ");
const len1:uint = tokens1.length, len2:uint = tokens2.length;
var d:Vector.<Vector.<uint> >=new Vector.<Vector.<uint> >(len1+1);
for(i=0; i<=len1; ++i)
d[i] = new Vector.<uint>(len2+1);
var i:int;
var j:int;
for(i=1; i<=len1; ++i) d[i][0]=i;
for(i=1; i<=len2; ++i) d[0][i]=i;
for(i = 1; i <= len1; ++i)
for(j = 1; j <= len2; ++j)
d[i][j] = Math.min( Math.min(d[i - 1][j] + 1,d[i][j - 1] + 1),
d[i - 1][j - 1] + (tokens1[i - 1] == tokens2[j - 1] ? 0 : 1) );
var nlevenshteinDist:Number = (d[len1][len2]) / (Math.max(len1, len2));
return nlevenshteinDist;
I hope this will help!
The implementation in D is generalized over any range, and thus array. So by splitting your sentences into arrays of strings they can be run through the algorithm and an edit number will be provided.
Here is the Java implementation of edit distance algorithm for sentences using dynamic programming approach.
public class EditDistance {
public int editDistanceDP(String sentence1, String sentence2) {
String[] s1 = sentence1.split(" ");
String[] s2 = sentence2.split(" ");
int[][] solution = new int[s1.length + 1][s2.length + 1];
for (int i = 0; i <= s2.length; i++) {
solution[0][i] = i;
for (int i = 0; i <= s1.length; i++) {
solution[i][0] = i;
int m = s1.length;
int n = s2.length;
for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
if (s1[i - 1].equals(s2[j - 1]))
solution[i][j] = solution[i - 1][j - 1];
solution[i][j] = 1
+ Math.min(solution[i][j - 1], Math.min(solution[i - 1][j], solution[i - 1][j - 1]));
return solution[s1.length][s2.length];
public static void main(String[] args) {
String sentence1 = "first second third";
String sentence2 = "second";
EditDistance ed = new EditDistance();
System.out.println("Edit Distance: " + ed.editDistanceDP(sentence1, sentence2));
