I'm plotting an animated surface in gnuplot and want to read in an average or sum of the mapped z values and include this in a label to be printed in the plot, so that I get a running total updated as the GIF progresses. It's probably straightforward, but I'm a "gnu"bie, so to speak, and find this system pretty confusing!
I've tried putting the running sum and average numbers in additional columns ...
splot 'output3.dat' index i:i using 1:2:(column(3), TD1 = strcol(4), TD2 = strcol(5)) with pm3d
but this doesn't plot, and the string variables TD1, TD2 don't seem to exist outside the splot command.
The command you show would indeed set variables TD1 and TD2 globally if you change the order of clauses in the serial evaluation expression (the comma-separated sub-expressions):
splot 'output3.dat' index i:i using 1:2:(TD1 = strcol(4), TD2 = strcol(5), column(3)) with pm3d
However, if the idea is to create a label using set label that will appear as part of the resulting graph, this won't work. The set label command would have to be executed before the splot command, so TD1 and TD2 will not have the correct values yet.
There is an alternative that might serve you better. Instead of trying to put this dynamically evaluate information in a label, put it in the plot title. Unlike a label, the plot title is evaluated after the corresponding plot is generated, so any variables set or updated by that plot will be current. [caveat: this is true for current gnuplot (version 5.4) but was not always true. If you have an older gnuplot version the title is evaluated before the plot rather than after].
Since current gnuplot also allows you to place the individual plot titles somewhere other than in the key proper, you have the same freedom that you would with a label to position the text anywhere on the output page. For example, if you want to sum the values in column 3 of the data file and print the total as part of a title above the resulting plot:
SUM = 0
splot 'foo.dat' using 1:2:(SUM = SUM+column(3), column(3)) with linespoints title 'foo.dat', \
keyentry title = sprintf("Points sum to %g", SUM) at screen 0.5 0.9
I used a separate keyentry clause because this allows to omit the sample line segment that would otherwise be generated, but it would also be possible to make this the title of the plot itself if you want that sample line.
Consider the following file that I want to plot using gnuplot: Servos20211222_105253.csv
# Date/Time 2021/12/22, 10:52:53
# PonE=0,LsKp=200,LsKi=0,LsKd=250,HsKp=40,HsKi=0,HsKd=130,Sp=800,TDEC=1175137
# Rel. Time, currentPos, PosPID, currentSpeed, speedPID, Lag, ServoPos
I would like to:
set the plot title to the date/time from the first comment record.
display the record that starts "# PonE" as a caption.
extract the value for TDEC and plot a horizontal line with the name "Target"
I have some influence over the format of the header records, so if (for example) it would be better that they were not comments but provided in some other way, then that can be done.
It is a common problem to get text values from files using only gnuplot. If you can use OS and shell dependent solutions, I'd suggest to use remove the comments from the file and try something like
set title "`head -1 Servos20211222_105253.csv`"
You can place text anywhere using set label <"label text">, where the label text can be the 2nd line from the file.
You can plot a straight line using plot:
p sin(x), 0.5 title "TDEC"
But instead of 0.5, you need to get the value using shell scripts again, e.g. the cut unix command.
There are ways with gnuplot only, although sometimes a bit cumbersome compared with using tools which you have available on Linux (or comparable tools which you need to install on Windows).
Update: shorter and "simplified" script
One possible gnuplot-only way:
set commentschar to nothing, i.e. ''
assign the columns to variables and/or arrays, e.g. myDate, myTime, P[1..9].
Merge P[1..8] into a multi-line string Params by "mis"-using sum (check help sum)
Convert P[9] into a floating point number TDEC for plotting
Script: (modified the data a bit just for illustration)
### extract values from headers with gnuplot only
reset session
$Data <<EOD
# Date/Time 2021/12/22, 10:52:53
# PonE=0,LsKp=200,LsKi=0,LsKd=250,HsKp=40,HsKi=0,HsKd=130,Sp=800,TDEC=1175137
# Rel. Time, currentPos, PosPID, currentSpeed, speedPID, Lag, ServoPos
set datafile separator comma commentschar ''
array P[9] # array to store parameters
stats $Data u ($0==0 ? (myDate=strcol(1)[3:], myTime=strcol(2)) : \
sum [_i=1:9] (P[_i] = _i==1 ? strcol(_i)[3:] : strcol(_i) ,0 )) \
every ::0::1 nooutput
set datafile commentschar # set back to default
Params = P[1]
Params = (sum [_i=2:8] (Params=Params.sprintf("\n%s",P[_i]),0),Params)
set title sprintf("%s %s", myDate, myTime)
TDEC = real(P[9][6:]) # convert to real number
set label 1 at graph 0.02, first TDEC P[9] offset 0,-0.7
set label 2 at graph 0.02, graph 0.85 Params
plot $Data u 1:2 w lp pt 7 title "Data", \
TDEC w l lc "red" title "Target"
### end of script
Is it possible to iteratively generate datablocks, where the name of the datablock is build up inside the loop?
Let's assume I have three fruits (in reality there are more):
array namelist[3] = ['apple', 'banana', 'pineapple']
I want to create three datablocks with the names $apple_data, $banana_data and $pineapple_data, so I tried the following:
do for [i=1:|namelist|] {
set table '$'.namelist[i]."_data"
plot ...
unset table
Unfortunately, instead of datablocks gnuplot created files with these names in the working directory. I guess gnuplot is checking whether the first character after set table is a $?
My second attempt was to remove the apostrophes around $:
set table $.namelist[i]."_data"
But this raised the weird error "Column number or datablock line expected", pointing at the period right after $.
Any ideas on how to achieve that?
The reason for all this is that I read in the banana/apple data files with a lengthy path, apply some lengthy calculations within using, and reuse these for lots of successive stats and plot commands. I would like to avoid having to hard-code and copy-paste the same long path and the cumbersome using command over and over again.
Not sure if I fully understood your detailed intention.
If you only want to avoid typing (or copy pasting) a lengthy path again and again, simply use variables:
FILE1 = 'C:/Dir1/SubDir1/SubSubDir1/SubSubSubDir1/File1'
FILE2 = 'C:/Dir2/SubDir2/SubSubDir2/SubSubSubDir2/File2'
plot FILE1 u 1:2, FILE2 u 1:2
Anyway, you asked for dynamically generated datablocks. One way which comes to my mind is using evaluate, check help evaluate. Check the example below as a starting point, which can probably be simplified.
Code: (simplified thanks to #Eldrad's comment)
### dynamically generate some datablocks
reset session
myNames = 'apple banana pineapple'
myName(i) = word(myNames,i)
N = words(myNames)
set samples 11
do for [i=1:N] {
eval sprintf('set table $%s_data',myName(i))
plot '+' u 1:(rand(0)) w table
unset table
plot for [i=1:N] sprintf('$%s_data',myName(i)) w lp pt 7 ti myName(i)
### end of code
I am using gnuplot 5.0, and I have a data set I would like to plot using
key1 = 'Some title with multiple words'
key2 = 'Some other descriptive title '
key3 = '...and a third title'
plot for[i=1:3] datafile index i-1 using 1:2 with lines title eval('key'.i)
This is not working, but I would like to have a different string with multiple words for each curve. Using words() and word() will not work. So, how can I change the title in a plot-for command?
Gnuplot 5.0 introduces some limited support for using quoted strings with word and words:
keys = '"Some title with multiple words" '.\
'"Some other descriptive title" '.\
'"...and a third title"'
plot for[i=1:3] i*x with lines title word(keys, i)
I would like to plot a series of vertical lines in gnuplot at a set interval.
Some information about the plot.
The plot is mainly some data from a .dat file. The gnuplot script is called by a bash scripts which alters the gnu plot script using sed. This is a snipit of the an old bash script (ugly I'm sure).
sed -i 's/C = CONCEHOLD/C = '${$CO}'/g' $GNUPLOTROOT/plotviscosity.plt
gnuplot $GNUPLOTROOT/plotviscosity.plt
mv my-plot.ps $VISCPLOTNAME
sed -i 's/C = '${$CO}'/C = CONCEHOLD/g' $GNUPLOTROOT/plotviscosity.plt
with the . plt file looking like this.
set title "Viscosity vs Time, C = CONCEHOLD, beta = RATHOLD, zeta = ZETAHOLD"
set xlabel "Time"
set ylabel "Viscosity"
plot "viscout.dat" using 3:2 title 'Viscosity'
# Saving to my-plot.ps
load save.plt
I would like to add to this plot a series of vertical lines at a set repeating interval. I have found how to plot vertical lines via http://t16web.lanl.gov/Kawano/gnuplot/parametric-e.html
set parametric
set trange [1:4]
set xrange [0:5]
set yrange [0:5]
plot const,t
I would like to have
where i is an integer belonging to (1,calculateduppedlimit].
I could input repititionperiod via sed again and in a similar vain calculateduppedlimit but need some sort of for loop either within gnuplot or a separate gnuplot script that adds a vertical line to the already created plot within a for loop in my bash script.
I can't find any information on loops within gnu plot or adding to a previously created plot.
Any advice gratefully received.
EDIT: Gnuplot does now in fact now support a for loop, you can read about it here
As I understand gnuplot doesn't have a for loop, although you can generate one of sorts as follows:
Make a file "loop.gp" containing
const = const + 1
#... some gnuplot commands ...
if(const<100) reread
then in a gnuplot terminal, or script write,
const = 3; load "loop.gp";
This will give you a simple loop.
(this example is taken from the misc. section of http://t16web.lanl.gov/Kawano/gnuplot/index-e.html)
For your particular answer you might try adding arrows rather than paremetric lines,
set arrow from const,1 to const,4 nohead
will do much the same thing.
In this case you loop.gp could be
const = const + repititionperiod
#... some gnuplot commands ...
set arrow from const,1 to const,4 nohead
if(const<calculatedupperlimit) reread
and you would run you loop with
const = 1; repititionperiod=2;calculatedupperlimit = 10; load "loop.gp"; replot;
The replot plots the arrows.
If you "just" want the lines and nothing else - then you will need to feed a graph to actually plot (a set of arrows doesn't count). The example you gave could then be used to plot the first vertical line.
hope this helps.