Issue echoing variables in bash script - linux

I was working on a script to echo the date upon login in a different format but once I get down to echoing the result, it gives me a jumbled up output. I've been searching online to see if I'm calling the variables wrong or using wrong ticks somewhere but no luck. I even have echoed each individual variable before and after the problem echo and they echo the proper date/month/day of week. As my script is right now, it only puts out ". which is a Thu" when run. Also, I've been executing it with "sh ./" Any help/additional resources would be appreciated. Thanks!
My Script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
date=`date` #NOTE: date being used in two different ways
day=`echo ${date} | cut -f1 -d' '`
month=`echo ${date} | cut -f2 -d' '`
date=`echo ${date} | cut -f3 -d' '`
echo "Today is the ${date}th day of ${month}, which is a ${day}."
echo $day
echo $month
echo $date

I can replicate the behaviour if I add $'\r' at the end of month and date assignment lines. Seems like Win/*nix line ending issue.
Run dos2unix or fromdos on the script to fix it.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
day=`date +%A`
month=`date +%B`
date=`date +%-d`
echo "Today is the ${date}th day of ${month}, which is a ${day}."
echo $day
echo $month
echo $date


2 Linux scripts nearly identical. Variables getting confused between to different scripts

I have two scripts. The only difference between the two scripts is the log file name and the device ip address that it fetches the data from. The problem is that the log file that concats continuously mixes up and starts writing the contents of one device onto the log of the other. So, 1 particular log file randomly switches from showing the data from one device to the other device..
Here is a sample of what it gets from the curl call.
I'm 99% the issue is with the log variable, as one script runs every 30 minutes and one script runs every 15 minutes, so i can tell by the date stamps that the issue is not from fetching from the wrong device, but the concatenating of the files. It appears to concat the wrong file to the new file....
Here is the code of both.
if [ ! -f "$log" ]
touch "$log"
now=`date +%a,%m/%d/%Y#%I:%M%p`
json=$(curl -m 3 --user *****:***** "" --silent --stderr -)
celsius=$(echo $json | cut -d "[" -f2 | cut -d "]" -f1)
temp=$(echo "scale=4; $celsius*1.8 + 32" | bc)
line=$(echo $now : $temp)
echo $line
echo $line | cat - $log > temp && mv temp $log | sed -n '1,192p' $log
and here is the second
if [ ! -f "$log" ]
touch "$log"
now=`date +%a,%m/%d/%Y#%I:%M%p`
json=$(curl -m 3 --user *****:***** "" --silent --stderr -)
celsius=$(echo $json | cut -d "[" -f2 | cut -d "]" -f1)
temp=$(echo "scale=4; $celsius*1.8 + 32" | bc)
line=$(echo $now : $temp)
#echo $line
echo $line | cat - $log > temp && mv temp $log | sed -n '1,192p' $log
Example of bad log file (shows contents of both devices when should only contain 1):
Mon,11/28/2022#03:30AM : 44.96
Mon,11/28/2022#03:00AM : 44.96
Mon,11/28/2022#02:30AM : 44.96
Tue,11/29/2022#02:15AM : 60.62
Tue,11/29/2022#02:00AM : 60.98
Tue,11/29/2022#01:45AM : 60.98
The problem is that you use "temp" as the filename for a temporary file in both scripts.
I'm not good in understanding sed, but as I read it, you print only the first 192 lines of the logfile with your command. You don't need a temporary file for that.
First: logfiles are usually written from oldest to newest entry (top to bottom), so probably you want to view the 192 newest lines? Then you can make use of the >> output redirection to append your output to the file. Then use tail to get only the bottom of the file. And if necessary, you could reverse that final output.
That last line of your script would then be replaced by:
sed -i '1i '"$line"'
192,$d' $log
Further possible improvements:
Use a single script that gets URL and log filename as parameters
Use the usual log file order (newest entries appended at the end)
Don't truncate log files inside the script, but use logrotate to not exceed a certain filesize

How do I get this to display the shell?

To get this code to run properly, I created a txt file named new_user.txt with the following format (supposed to follow /etc/passwd)
doejjan:x:Doe, Jane Joe+111222:home/STUDENTS/teststu:/bin/bash
smidjoh:x:Smith, John Jay+222333:home/STUDENTS/teststu:/bin/bash
I want to try to display the command that was created to show every record on the screen, below is what I have so far:
while read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
username=$(echo "$line" | cut -d: -f1)
GECOS=$(echo "$line" | cut -d: -f5)
homedir=$(echo "$line" | cut -d: -f6)
echo "adduser -g '$GECOS' -d '$homedir' -s /bin/bash '$username'"
done < "$new_user.txt"
I'm getting the error in line 7 that says the following:
.txt:No such file or directory
Can you help me try to fix the error message? Thank you in advance.
From the error message, you can understand that the variable new_user must be empty. Indeed you never assign a value to this variable.
From your description, it follows that $new_user should expand to the value new_user. Say your script is called my_script. If you run it as
new_user=new_user my_script
the error will be gone. If the script is run most of the time on the file new_user.txt, you can - in your script - provide a default value for this variable:
: ${new_user:=new_user}
If you then run it as
it will pick up new_user.txt, but if you run it by
new_user=old_user my_script
it will run on old_user.txt.
BTW, I personally would prefer passing the file name to the script either via stdin or on the command line, but you have choosen to use a variable for this task, and you can do this of course, if you prefer.

Place grep result into variable

I have a problem with bash script. I have a list of files in specific location. I have to take only a date from it and compare it with another date.
for i in *.gz; do
echo $i | grep -Eo '[[:digit:]]{4}-[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:digit:]]{2}'
The above is greping date from filenames correctly but only when I use echo. In another cases I have errors. I have tried:
tmp=$(echo $i | grep -Eo '[[:digit:]]{4}-[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:digit:]]{2}')
Also not working. Any suggestions? I would be grateful for small help!
I wouldn't use grep at all here; use bash's built-in regular-expression handling.
for i in *.gz; do
[[ $i =~ [[:digit:]]{4}-[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:digit:]]{2} ]]
echo "${BASH_REMATCH[0]}"
One way around it, could be using stat command
for i in *.gz; do
tmp=$(stat "$i" | awk '/Modify/ { print $2}' )
or if you want an array
declare -a tmp
for i in *.gz; do
stat "$i" | awk '/Modify/ { print $2}'
The advantage is, that it is independent of the file names
I cannot comment on others answwers yet. So this is how you compare date
sixago=$(date --date='-6 month' +%s)
tmp=$(date --date="$tmp" +%s)
if [ "$tmp" -gt "$sixago" ];then

Calling a shell script that is stored in another shell script variabl

I searched SO but could not find any relevant post with this specific problem. I would like to know how to call a shell script which is stored in a variable of another shell script.
In the below script I am trying to read service name & corresponding shellscript, check if the service is running, if not, start the service using the shell script associated with that service name. tried multiple options shared in various forums(like 'eval' etc) with no luck. please help to provide your suggestions on this.
while read service
servicename=`echo $service | cut -d: -f1`
servicestartcommand=`echo $service | rev | cut -d: -f1 | rev`
if (( $(ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep $servicename | wc -l) > 0 ))
echo "$servicename Running"
echo "!!$servicename!! Not Running, calling $servicestartcommand"
eval "$servicestartcommand"
done < names.txt
Your script can be refactored into this:
while IFS=: read -r servicename servicestartcommand; do
if ps cax | grep -q "$servicename"; then
echo "$servicename Running"
echo "!!$servicename!! Not Running, calling $servicestartcommand"
done < names.txt
No need to use wc -l after grep's output as you can use grep -q
No need to use read full line and then use cut, rev etc later. You can use IFS=: and read the line into 2 separate variables
No need to use eval in the end
It is much simpler than you expect. Instead of:
eval "$servicestartcommand"
eval should only be used in extreme circumstances. All you need is
Note: no quotes.
As an example, try this on the command-line:
cmd='ls -l'
That should work. But:
will fail. It will look for a program with a space in its name called 'ls -l'.
May be I don't get the idea, but why not use system variables?
export FOO=bar
echo $FOO

newbie in bash scripting assistance please

I run bash scripts from time to time on my servers, I am trying to write a script that monitors log folders and compress log files if folder exceeds defined capacity. I know there are better ways of doing what I am currently trying to do, your suggestions are more than welcome. The script below is throwing an error "unexpected end of file" .Below is my script.
cd $dir_base
curr_size=du -s -D | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/%//g' zipname=archivedate +%Y%m%d
if (( $curr_size > $size_ok ))
echo "Compressing and archiving files, Logs folder has grown above 5G"
echo "oldest to newest selected."
targfiles=( `ls -1rt` )
echo "rocess files."
for tfile in ${targfiles[#]}
let `du -s -D | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/%//g' | tail -1`
if [ $curr_size -lt $size_ok ];
echo "$size_ok has been reached. Stopping processes"
else if [ $curr_size -gt $size_ok ];
zip -r $zipname $tfile
rm -f $tfile
echo "Added ' $tfile ' to archive'date +%Y%m%d`'.zip and removed"
else [ $curr_size -le $size_ok ];
echo "files in $dir_base are less than 5G, not archiving"
Look into logrotate. Here is an example of putting it to use.
With what you give us, you lack a "done" to end the for loop and a "fi" to end the main if. Please reformat your code and You will get more precise answers ...
Looking at your reformatted script, it is as said : The "unexpected end of file" comes from the fact you have not closed your "for" loop neither your "if"
As it seems that you mimick the logrotate behaviour, check it as suggested by #Hank...
My du -s -D does not show % sign. So you can just do.
curr_size=$(du -s -D)
set -- $curr_size
saves you a few overheads instead of du -s -D | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/%//g.
If it does show % sign, you can get rid of it like this
du -s -D | awk '{print $1+0}'. No need to use sed.
Use $() syntax instead of backticks whenever possible
For targfiles=(ls -1rt) , you can omit the -1. So it can be
targfiles=( $(ls -rt) )
Use quotes around your variables whenever possible. eg "$zipname" , "$tfile"
