Depth sorting triangles in static vector 3D engine - graphics

I'm trying to write a 3D renderer for a scientific application which is based on vectors rather than pixels. The idea is to be able to output to vector formats, such as SVG, so I would like to keep everything as vector objects, rather than pixelizing. The objects will often have transparency.
At the moment I decompose everything into 3D triangles and line segments and split where there are overlaps. The scene is then projected and painted with depth-sorting (painter's algorithm). I'm sorting by the minimum depth of the triangle (secondarily sorting by the maximum for ties). This fails when you have long thin triangles behind bigger triangles which can rise in the order.
The scene is only drawn once for the same set of objects. I can't obviously use z-buffering because of the vectorization and transparency. Is there a robust and reasonably fast method of drawing the triangles in the correct z order? Typically there could be a few 1000 triangles.


Generating density map for tree growth rings

I was just wondering if someone know of any papers or resources on generating synthetic images of growth rings in trees. Im thinking 2d scalar-fields or some other data representation which can then be used to render growth rings like images :)
never done or heard about this ...
If you need simulation then search for biology/botanist sites instead.
If you need just visually close results then I would:
make a polygon covering the cut (circle/oval like shape)
start with circle and when all working try to add some random distortion or use ellipse
create 1D texture with the density
it will be used to fill the polygon via triangle fan. So first find an image of the tree type you want to generate for example this:
Analyze the color and intensity as a function of diameter so extract a pie like piece (or a thin rectangle)
and plot a graph of R,G,B values to see how the rings are shaped
then create function that approximate that (or use piecewise interpolation) and create your own texture as function of tree age. You can interpolate in this way booth the color and density of rings.
My example shows that for this tree the color is the same so only its intensity changes. In this case you do not need to approximate all 3 functions. The bumps are a bit noisy due to another texture layer (ignore this at start). You can use:
intensity=A*|cos(pi*t)| as a start
A is brightness
t is age in years/cycles (and also the x coordinate (scaled) in your 1D texture)
so take base color R,G,B multiply it by A for each t and fill the texture pixel with this color. You can add some randomness to ring period (pi*t) and also the scale can be matched more closely. This is linear growth ,... so you can use exponential instead or interpolate to match bumps per length affected by age (distance form t=0)...
now just render the polygon
mid point is the t=0 coordinate in texture each vertex of polygon is t=full_age coordinate in texture. So render the triangle fan with these texture coordinates. If you need more close match (rings are not the same thickness along the perimeter) then you can convert this to 2D texture
You can also do this incrementally so do just one ring per iteration. Next ring polygon is last one enlarged or scaled by scale>1 and add some randomness, but this needs to be rendered by QUAD STRIP. You can have static texture for single ring so interpolate just the density and overall brightness:

Given an irregular polygon's vertex list, how to create internal triangles to build a flat 3D mesh efficiently?

I'm using Unity, but the solution should be generic.
I will get user input from mouse clicks, which define the vertex list of a closed irregular polygon.
That vertices will define the outer edges of a flat 3D mesh.
To procedurally generate a mesh in Unity, I have to specify all the vertices and how they are connected to form triangles.
So, for convex polygons it's trivial, I'd just make triangles with vertices 1,2,3 then 1,3,4 etc. forming something like a Peacock tail.
But for concave polygons it's not so simple.
Is there an efficient algorithm to find the internal triangles?
You could make use of a constrained Delaunay triangulation (which is not trivial to implement!). Good library implementations are available within Triangle and CGAL, providing efficient O(n*log(n)) implementations.
If the vertex set is small, the ear-clipping algorithm is also a possibility, although it wont necessarily give you a Delaunay triangulation (it will typically produce sub-optimal triangles) and runs in O(n^2). It is pretty easy to implement yourself though.
Since the input vertices exist on a flat plane in 3d space, you could obtain a 2d problem by projecting onto the plane, computing the triangulation in 2d and then applying the same mesh topology to your 3d vertex set.
I've implemented the ear clipping algorithm as follows:
Iterate over the vertices until a convex vertex, v is found
Check whether any point on the polygon lies within the triangle (v-1,v,v+1). If there are, then you need to partition the polygon along the vertices v, and the point which is farthest away from the line (v-1, v+1). Recursively evaluate both partitions.
If the triangle around vertex v contains no other vertices, add the triangle to your output list and remove vertex v, repeat until done.
This is inherently a 2D operation even when working on 3D faces. To consider the problem in 2D, simply ignore the vector coordinate of the face's normal which has the largest absolute value. (This is how you "project" the 3D face into 2D coordinates). For example, if the face had normal (0,1,0), you would ignore the y coordinate and work in the x,z plane.
To determine which vertices are convex, you first need to know the polygon's winding. You can determine this by finding the leftmost (smallest x coordinate) vertex in the polygon (break ties by finding the smallest y). Such a vertex is always convex, so the winding of this vertex gives you the winding of the polygon.
You determine winding and/or convexity with the signed triangle area equation. See: Depending on your polygon's winding, all convex triangles with either have positive area (counterclockwise winding), or negative area (clockwise winding).
The point-in-triangle formula is constructed from the signed-triangle-area formula. See: How to determine if a point is in a 2D triangle?.
In step 2 where you need to determine which vertex (v) is farthest away from the line, you can do so by forming the triangles (L0, v, L1), and checking which one has the largest area (absolute value, unless you're assuming a specific winding direction)
This algorithm is not well defined for self-intersecting polygons, and due to the nature of floating point precision, you will likely encounter such a case. Some safeguards can be implemented for stability: - A point should not be considered to be inside your triangle unless it is a concave point. (Such a case indicates self-intersection and you should not partition your set along this vertex). You may encounter a situation where a partition is entirely concave (i.e. it's wound differently to the original polygon's winding). This partition should be discarded.
Because the algorithm is cyclic and involves partitioning the sets, it is highly efficient to use a bidirectional link list structure with an array for storage. You can then partition the sets in 0(1), however the algorithm still has an average O(n^2) runtime. The best case running time is actually a set where you need to partition many times, as this rapidly reduces the number of comparisons.
There is a community script for triangulating concave polygons but I've not personally used it. The author claims it works on 3D points as well as 2D.
One hack I've used in the past if I want to constrain the problem to 2D is to use principal component analysis to find the 2 axes of greatest change in my 3D data and making these my "X" and "Y".

circle drawing algorithm for n-pixel border

I know the Bresenham and related algorithms, and I found a good algorithm to draw a circle with a 1-pixel wide border. Is there any 'standard' algorithm to draw a circle with an n-pixel wide border, without restoring to drawing n circles?
Drawing the pixel and n2 surrounding pixels might be a solution, but it draws many more pixels than needed.
I am writing a graphics library for an embedded system, so I am not looking for a way to do this using an existing library, although a library that does this function and is open source might be a lead.
Compute the points for a single octant for both radii at the same time and simultaneously replicate it eight ways, which is how Bresenham circles are usually drawn anyway. To avoid overdrawing (e.g., for XOR drawing), the second octant should be constrained to draw outside the first octant's x-extents.
Note that this approach breaks down if the line is very thick compared to the radius.
Treat it as a rasterization problem:
Take the bounding box of your annulus.
Consider the image rows falling in the bounding box.
For each row, compute the intersection with the 2 circles (ie solve x^2+y^2=r^2, so x=sqrt(r^2-y^2) for each, for x,y relative to the circle centres.
Fill in the spans. Repeat for next row.
This approach generalizes to all sorts of shapes, can produce sub-pixel coordinates useful for anti-aliasing and scales better with increasing resolution than hacky solutions involving multiple shifted draws.
If the sqrt looks scary for an embedded system, bear in mind there are fast approximate algorithms which would probably be good enough, especially if you're rounding off to the nearest pixel.

Smooth transitions between two intersecting polygons (interesting problem)

I have an interesting problem that I've been trying to solve for a while. There is no "right" solution to this, as there is no strict criteria for success. What I want to accomplish is a smooth transition between two simple polygons, from polygon A to polygon B. Polygon A is completely contained within polygon B.
My criteria for this transition are:
The transition is continuous in time and space
The area that is being "filled" from polygon A into polygon B should be filled in as if there was a liquid in A that was pouring out into the shape of B
It is important that this animation can be calculated either on the fly, or be defined by a set of parameters that require little space, say less than a few Kb.
Cheating is perfectly fine, any way to solve this so that it looks good is a possible solution.
Solutions I've considered, and mostly ruled out:
Pairing up vertices in A and B and simply interpolate. Will not look good and does not work in the case of concave polygons.
Dividing the area B-A into convex polygons, perhaps a Voronoi diagram, and calculate the discrete states of the polygon by doing a BFS on the smaller convex polygons. Then I interpolate between the discrete states. Note: If polygon B-A is convex, the transition is fairly trivial. I didn't go with this solution because dividing B-A into equally sized small convex polygons was surprisingly difficult
Simulation: Subdivide polygon A. Move each vertex along the polygon line normal (outwards) in discrete but small steps. For each step, check if vertex is still inside B. If not, then move back to previous position. Repeat until A equals B. I don't like this solution because the check to see whether a vertex is inside a polygon is slow.
Does anybody have any different ideas?
If you want to keep this simple and somewhat fast, you could go ahead with your last idea where you consider scaling polygon A so that it gradually fills polygon B. You don't necessarily have to check if the scaled-outward vertices are still inside polygon B. Depending on what your code environment and API is like, you could mask the pixels of the expanding polygon A with the outline of polygon B.
In modern OpenGL, you could do this inside a fragment shader. You would have to render polygon B to a texture, send that texture to the shader, and then use that texture to look up if the current fragment being rendered maps to a texture value that has been set by polygon B. If it is not, the fragment gets discarded. You would need to have the texture be as large as the screen. If not, you would need to include some camera calculations in your shaders so you can "render" the fragment-to-test into the texture in the same way you rendered polygon B into that texture.

What does 'Polygon' mean in terms of 3D Graphics?

An old Direct3D book says
" can achieve an acceptable frame
rate with hardware acceleration while
displaying between 2000 and 4000
polygons per frame..."
What is one polygon in Direct3D? Do they mean one primitive (indexed or otherwise) or one triangle?
That book means triangles. Otherwise, what if I wanted 1000-sided polygons? Could I still achieve 2000-4000 such shapes per frame?
In practice, the only thing you'll want it to be is a triangle because if a polygon is not a triangle it's generally tessellated to be one anyway. (Eg, a quad consists of two triangles, et cetera). A basic triangulation (tessellation) algorithm for that is really simple; you just loop though the vertices and turn every three vertices into a triangle.
Here, a "polygon" refers to a triangle. All . However, as you point out, there are many more variables than just the number of triangles which determine performance.
Key issues that matter are:
The format of storage (indexed or not; list, fan, or strip)
The location of storage (host-memory vertex arrays, host-memory vertex buffers, or GPU-memory vertex buffers)
The mode of rendering (is the draw primitive command issued fully from the host, or via instancing)
Triangle size
Together, those variables can create much greater than a 2x variation in performance.
Similarly, the hardware on which the application is running may vary 10x or more in performance in the real world: a GPU (or integrated graphics processor) that was low-end in 2005 will perform 10-100x slower in any meaningful metric than a current top-of-the-line GPU.
All told, any recommendation that you use 2-4000 triangles is so ridiculously outdated that it should be entirely ignored today. Even low-end hardware today can easily push 100,000 triangles in a frame under reasonable conditions. Further, most visually interesting applications today are dominated by pixel shading performance, not triangle count.
General rules of thumb for achieving good triangle throughput today:
Use [indexed] triangle (or quad) lists
Store data in GPU-memory vertex buffers
Draw large batches with each draw primitives call (thousands of primitives)
Use triangles mostly >= 16 pixels on screen
Don't use the Geometry Shader (especially for geometry amplification)
Do all of those things, and any machine today should be able to render tens or hundreds of thousands of triangles with ease.
According to this page, a polygon is n-sided in Direct3d.
In C#:
public static Mesh Polygon(
Device device,
float length,
int sides
As others already said, polygons here means triangles.
Main advantage of triangles is that, since 3 points define a plane, triangles are coplanar by definition. This means that every point within the triangle is exactly defined as a linear combination of polygon points. More vertices aren't necessarily coplanar, and they don't define a unique curved plane.
An advantage more in mechanical modeling than in graphics is that triangles are also undeformable.
