Building NMSSH for iOS - xcode6.1

Platform: XCode 6.1 (iOS SDK 8.1).
I am using all default settings. I checked out NMSSH from xCode and tried to build the iOS project. It builds without any error, but there are no output files. I don't know where they are created either.
I am new to all these environment (mac, ios, xcode etc) and not sure how to proceed.

When building the framework, just make sure that you have set an actual iOS device set as "active scheme" in the upper left corner, not a simulator. At least for me, that produce the required outcome -> the framework

Use Cocoapods this will work.
If you have some other dependency in your project which is conflicting with Cocoapods:-
a. Download the NMSSH master from github.
b. Select target as NMSSH Framework
c. Build the project
d. Under Products you will have the NMSSH.framework
e. Copy the NMSSH.framework to your project
f. In your project Build settings drag the NMSSH.framework and add libz.dylb and CFNetwork frameworks
to your project.
If you find Linker issues while building your project
Follow steps in :-


Setup project Cross-Platform with Monogame

I've been trying to figure out on how to setup a Cross-Platform project for MonoGame. Whats the conventional way of doing so ?
Is that done through a Shared Project and can I keep all my content in 1 project ?
Also I am not sure if this information is correct do I need a Mac to build my project for Mac how does that work ? If so how what's the best way of setting that up.
Targeted Platforms : WINDOWS, LINUX, MAC
The best way to setup a cross platform MonoGame project IMO would be to use a Shared project. Shared projects can also include .mgcb file so you won't need to duplicate your content either. How to do:
Use "Xamarin Studio/MonoDevelop" and create a "MonoGame Shared Project" with the name of your game
If you are going to use using "Visual Studio", close the "Xamarin Studio/MonoDevelop" after this, and open up the created project vith it
you are gonna have to include the generated "Content\Content.mgcb" file with build action "None" so it will be visible in Project View area
Add a MonoGame Project for the platform you wish to launch the game from, ie. create a "MonoGame Crossplatform Project" and name it "(gamename).DesktopGL"
Delete "Game1.cs" and "Content Folder" from the Platform project
Add a reference for your Shared project
For your platform project, in options set the Output Assembly Name to be the same as your shared project
this step might not seem important, but if you are using a custom importer/processor this will allow you to not have to compile the content separately for each platform.
There you go, you should be able to run your project now.
Also I am not sure if this information is correct do I need a Mac to build my project for Mac how does that work ? If so how what's the best way of setting that up.
The created executable from DesktopGL project is runnable on Mac even when compiled from Windows, the Mac user just has to launch it using Mono. In case you want you can package your game using MonoKickstart so that your Linux and Mac users don't have to have mono installed: what's more, it also includes other needed native libraries. Description on how to use it are in the link.
Since you're just targeting Windows, Linux and Mac, you can use Xamarin/MonoDevlop which runs on all three of your target platforms.
Once it's installed, then add the Monogame through the Addin manager. The addin on version 5 of Xaramin and MonoDevlop.
You can then use the same Solution project file between all three platforms assuming you use the OpenGL Template. I use this method for developing between Windows and Linux.
The only time you'll need to use a shared project or something similar would be if you started developing for Mobile (iOS/Android) or for Windows on DirectX instead of OpenGL.

How to add Storage reference?

This should be pretty straightforward, but can't work this out for myself I'm afraid!
The following line of code triggers the error:
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Storage;
Error: The type or namespace name 'Storage' does not exist in the
namespace 'Microsoft.Xna.Framework' (are you missing an assembly
But as far as I can tell, I have added the reference: (Solution explorer -> right click References -> Add reference -> .NET tab -> scroll down to Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Storage -> select it -> click OK).
Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Storage shows up when I expand "references" in the solution explorer.
What am I missing?
Okay on second look this might be to do with how I'm adding the references. When I search in the object browser Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Storage doesn't show up (but when I search, for example, for audio, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio does show up). Is there anyway to check that when I click "OK" on the add reference pop-up that it is actually working?
I see two likely possibilities.
You have a mismatch of XNA 4.0 and XNA 3.1 (or previous) references in your project. If the Storage reference you added is from 3.1, you'll get this message. You can try removing it, and then looking specifically for the 4.0 version during add.
The device you are building for may not support the Storage mechanism. In particular, Windows Phone apparently uses a different storage mechanism (System.IO.IsolatedStorage
Hope one of these helps.
This question was asked a long time ago, but if anyone else is still looking for an answer, here is how i fixed it.
If you installed the Microsoft.Xna.Framework references by using the installer from Microsoft, then it installs in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly. I found all of the Xna libraries in GAC_32 and Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Storage in GAC_MSIL.
You can also use the GAC to find libraries that aren't in Visual Studio's reference list. For .NET Framework versions before 4.0, the libraries are in C:\Windows\assembly, and the libraries for versions after 4.0 are in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly.
It's actually been removed from Monogame by Microsoft.
Running: Windows 10, with integrated graphics card (Intel G45/G43), Visual Studio 19, Monogame 3.7.1
Project Structure: Solution > Game.Shared, Game.Android, Game.OpenGL (followed this guide on creating a Cross-Platform project, method number 3).
I changed the Target Framework in my OpenGL project from .NET 4.5 to .NET 4.7.x (the newest version), and I was able to build and deploy the app to an Android device. Do this by clicking the project and selecting Properties.
I simply commented out the line. App will successfully deploy to an Android device this way. The game will then deploy, but I can't get any content to load.
Have yet to see if I can deploy to an iOS device, I will update this post when I figure out if I can.
No nuGet's installed.

WindowsSdkDir per project?

I have a Visual C++ library which I want to compile for a certain platform (I try to compile POCO for a Win CE ARM platform, but that might not be relevant to this question). I got a vendor-specific Windows CE SDK (including all common Windows include files e.g. winbase.h) which is set as target platform within the Visual Studio project files. However, when I compile the program, I can see from the error log that the default Windows 6.0A SDK is used, resulting in a bunch of compilation errors.
I guess the WindowsSdkDir ist not set accordingly - I thought this would be automatically overriden when setting the target platform within Visual Studio.
So my question is: can I modify the WindowsSdkDir for a single project explicitly?
Thank you in advance
Which CE version, which VS version and on which Windows version? I know that I had problems installing CE5 and/or CE6 SDKs and getting them recognized by Visual Studio 2005 running on Windows 7 (64 bit). I don't remember the exact symptoms and fix, but you can test that by simply creating a smart device project for the target SDK.
If that is not the issue, there is also the pitfall with the target in both the project file (.vcproj) and the solution (.sln). You can change both independently from each other, up to the point where you compile the x64 debug version of a project in the win32 release version of the solution. Verify that these setting match.
Then, if you adjusted the .vcproj file to use your target platform (for which I personally would use a text editor), things should work. If you need to adjust the build or some paths, you can sometimes get by with e.g $(Platform) in the compiler/linker settings.
Lastly, if all that doesn't work, there are property sheets, which can adjust certain settings. You then create a property sheet once and then load it into the project that you want to compile. I'm not sure if you can change the target platform or the SDK paths with that approach though, and I'd rather try to find out why the SDK doesn't work and how to fix it instead.

strange InvalidCastExceptions from NSObject to NSBundle/NSUserDefaults with mono runtime 2.10.12

I seem to be having some problems after updating Xamarin/Monotouch this morning.
I updated MonoDevelop to 3.06 from whatever version was current and stable 10 days ago (sorry I can't be more specific), and Xamarin Studio to 4.0.2. I've been using MonoDevelop exclusively and have opened Xamarin Studio only now, wondering whether or not I was encountering a MonoDevelop bug.
My current MonoTouch version is:
Version: (Enterprise Edition)
Hash: ed9807c
Build date: 2013-19-03 13:42:59-0400
In either IDE, when running my app in either release or debug mode in the Simulator my app crashes with following InvalidCastExceptions:
System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'MonoTouch.Foundation.NSObject' to type 'MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUserDefaults'.
System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'MonoTouch.Foundation.NSObject' to type 'MonoTouch.Foundation.NSBundle'
These aren't the sort of casts that I'd expect to have fail on me :-)
In any case, the app compiles, transfers and runs correctly on an iPhone 4 with iOS 6.1.2 when built and installed from either Xamarin Studio or MonoDevelop
I've set the runtime target to 2.10.12, 2.10.11 and 2.10.9 (via this new Runtime Target menu option in the menus, even though it's meant to have no effect), and each time the app crashes in the same way.
This is all on code that was working correctly before the update (last week, before I went off to Iceland for a holiday and nobody touched anything while I was gone)
We don't use any third party assemblies; I've cleaned and rebuilt all assemblies but that hasn't helped. I'm about to try to narrow the problem down in a small test solution.
Looking at the assemblies' version numbers in MonoDevelop, I see:
Assembly Version, found in /Developer/MonoTouch/usr/lib/mono/2.1
Monotouch has an Assemlby Version of
I created a new MonoTouch project and added the first offending line to its main method:
public class Application
static void Main (string[] args)
// My real App crashes on this line with an InvalidCastException:
string s = NSUserDefaults.StandardUserDefaults.StringForKey("Login");
UIApplication.Main (args, null, "AppDelegate");
This ran fine.
After changing the Build Options of the test app to match what we have in our real app, I get the same crash. The build options we have are:
iPhone Build -> General -> Linker Options -> Link All Assemblies
iPhone Build -> Advanced -> Use SGen generational garbage collector
iPhone Build -> Advanced -> Use SGen generational garbage collector -> Use reference counting extension.
Disabling ("Use reference counting extension") allows both the test app and my real app to run without crashing. So the problem seems to lie there.
I've updated to Xamarin Studio 4.0.2 and MonoDevelop 3.0.6
So you updated MonoDevelop 3.0.6 to Xamarin Studio 4.0.2, right ? Sadly that does not tell us exactly which version of MonoTouch/Xamarin.iOS was used before/now.
The easiest way to get exact version information is to use the "Xamarin Studio" menu, "About Xamarin Studio" item, "Show Details" button and copy/paste the version informations (you can use the "Copy Information" button).
Could you edit your question to add this ?
my app crashes with following InvalidCastExceptions:
Do you use pre-built assemblies ? If some were against MonoTouch 6.0.x (or earlier) then the strongname change (in 6.2.x) could result in two different monotouch.dll being loaded - and you won't be able to cast instances between them.
If everything is rebuilt from source (no 3rd party .dll that can't be re-compiled) could you try to make a small sample (e.g. by reducing/commenting parts of your app) to show exactly where this happens ? (if possible edit your question with the source or file a bug report).
I've set the runtime target to 2.10.12, 2.10.11 and 2.10.9
The installed system mono is a requirement to run Xamarin Studio and some tools. However application built by Xamarin.iOS does not depend on the system installed Mono. IOW Xamarin.iOS ships with it's own runtime and SDK libraries (e.g. assemblies).

How do I change MonoDevelop Target Framework to iPhone for imported .Net library project

I've imported an existing C# library project into a MonoDevelop Solution targeted for iPhone. My original project has a target Framework selection of Mono for iPhone but my newly added project only has Mono/.Net choices. How do I get the iphone targets to show up so I can properly reference it from my existing iPhone targeted projects?
Easiest way I've found is to make a new MonoTouch Library project and either "link" or "copy" the files from the existing project.
This is usually necessary anyway, as usually you will have to add #if MONOTOUCH preprocessor statements in a couple places.
