Batch processing/updating Monogdb documents in Nodejs - node.js

I would like to process/update every document in a Mongodb collection periodically (every 5 mins or so) and save the results back to the DB. The update function requires actual code to execute on each document (as far as I know) because it needs to perform computations such as taking the difference in timestamps and taking exponents with Math.pow, which the standard MongoDB update operators do not cover.
What is the best way to do this in NodeJS?
Full context: I am trying to implement the Hacker News ranking algorithm, which is time-dependent. The discussion I've seen around this involves using a separate thread/process to periodically update the scores on documents.

without wasting back and forth investigation it seems you have fields that i will call points, time of initial creation created_date and, then the ycombinator result of (p - 1) / (t + 2)^1.5
the easiest is to write a very simple 3 liner mongo shell script.
db.ycombinator.find().forEach(function(doc) {
var diff = ISODate() - doc.created_date; // subtract date using some form of date ISODate is available in mongo shell
var hours = diff.tomagicalhours(); // some regulr javascript
var result = (doc.points - 1) / Math.pow((hours + 2), 1.5); // perform yc algo
db.ycombinator.update({"_id":doc._id}, {$set:{"result": result} }); // write back into same collection and field, result
that goes into a file ycombinator_update.js and then do a 5 minute crontab.
*/5 * * * * mongo ycombinator_update.js
the performance of your reads will be noticeably slower during the writes operation contingent on the number of records in that collection.

you could assign scores based on the document timestamp at lookup time, and only keep the raw timestamps in the database. Since the score is a function of the timestamp anyway, the scoring algorithm can incorporate the exponential decay logic on the unmodified data. Scores can be converted to timestamps if to search by score.

Another option that isn't represented here is the MongoDB MapReduce or Aggregation frameworks.
Both these frameworks provide a way to iterate over all elements in a collection and output some results into a different collection. The aggregation API does not directly include the primitives we need to calculate the 1.5 exponent in the HN algorithm (no $sqrt or $pow), but there is a workaround.
I'm not certain at this point which approach is the most performant for this use case (and how it compares to the MongoDB shell script suggested by Gabe Rainbow).
I believe the next step is to run the update operations in a separate process, which is either scheduled with something like cron, or it could be kicked off via the node app itself using fork with the following logic:
On request for front page:
# when did we last update the scores for the front page?
if last_update was within last X minutes:
return list sorted by score right away
fork a process to sort the front page
last_update := Date.Now
return list sorted by score (either right away [stale], or after the update completes [takes a while])


Running a repetitive task in Node.js for each row in a postgres table on a different interval for each row

What would be a good approach to running a repetitive task for each row in a large postgres db table on a different per row interval in Node.js.
To give you some more context, here's a quick description of the application:
It's a chat based customer support app.
It consists of teams, which can be either a client team or a support team. Teams have users, which can be either client users or support users.
Client users send messages to a support team and wait for one of that team's users to answer their question.
When there's an unanswered client message waiting for a response, every agent for the receiving support team will receive a notification every n seconds (n being set on a per-team basis by the team admin).
So this task needs to infinitely loop through the rows in the teams table and send notifications if:
The team has messages waiting to be answered.
N seconds have passed since the last notification was sent (N being the number of seconds set by the team admin).
There might be a better approach to this condition altogether.
So my questions are:
What is an efficient way to infinitely loop through a postgres table with no upper limit on the number rows?
Should I load 1 row at a time? Several at a time?
What would be a good way to do this in Node?
I'm using Knex. Does Knex provide a mechanism for lazy loading a table and iterating through the rows?
A) Running a repetitive task via node can be done via a the js built-in function 'setInterval'.
// run the intervalFnc() every 5 seconds
const timerId = setTimeout(intervalFnc, 5000);
function intervalFnc() { console.log("Hello"); }
// to quit running it:
Then your interval function can do the actual work. An alternative would be to use cron (linux), or some OS process scheduler to trigger the function. I would use this method if you want to do it every minute, and a cron job if you want to do it every hour (in between these times becomes more debatable).
B) An efficient way...
B-1) Retrieving a block of records from a DB will be more efficient than one at a time. Knex has .offset and .limit clauses to choose a group of records to retrieve. A sample from the knex doc:'*').from('users').limit(10).offset(30)
B-2) Database indexed access is important for performance if your tables are very large. I would recommend including an status flag field in your table to note which records are 'in-process', and also include a "next-review-timestamp" field with both fields being both indexed. Retrieve the records that have status_flag='in-process' AND next_review_timestamp <= now(). Sample:
knex('users').where('status_flag', 'in-process').whereRaw('next_review_timestamp <= now()')
Hope this helps!

Every 'nth' document from a collection - MongoDB + NodeJS

I am looking for a method to return data at different resolutions that is stored in MongoDB. The most elegant solution I can envision is a query that returns every 'nth' (second, third, tenth, etc.) document from the collection.
I am storing data (say temperature) at a 5 second interval but want to look at different trends in the data.
To find the instantaneous trend, I look at the last 720 entries (1 hour). This part is easy.
If I want to look at slightly longer trend, say 3 hours, I could retrieve the last 2160 entries (3 hours) however that is more time to pull from the server, and more time and memory to plot. As when looking at the larger trends, the small movements are noise and I would be better off retrieving the same number of documents (720) but only every 3rd, still giving me 3 hours of results, with the same resources used, for a minor sacrifice in detail.
This only gets more extreme when I want to look at weeks (120,960 documents) or months (500,000+ documents).
My current code collects every single document (n = 1):
I could then loop through the returned array and remove every document when:
index % n != 0
This at least saves the client from dealing with all the data however this seems extremely inefficient and I would rather the database handle this part.
Does anyone know a method to accomplish this?
Apparenlty, there is no inbuilt solution in mongo to solve your problem.
The way forward would be to archive your data smartly, in fragments.
So you can store your data in a collection which will house no more than weekly or monthly data. A new month/week means storing your data in a different collection. That way you wont be doing a full table scan and wont be collecting every single document as you mentioned in your problem. Your application code will decide which collection to query.
If I were in your shoes, I would use a different tool as mongo is more suited for a general purpose database. Timeseries data(storing something every 5 sec) can be handled pretty well by database like cassandra which can handle frequent writes with ease, just as in your case.
Alternate fragmentation(update) :
Always write your current data in collection "week0" and in the background run a weekly scheduler that moves the data from "week0" to history collections "week1","week2" and so on. Fragmentation logic depends on your requirements.
I think the $bucket stage might help you with it.
You can do something like,
$bucketAuto: {
groupBy: "$_id", // here you'll put the variable you need, in your example 'temperature'
buckets: 5 // this is the number of documents you want to return, so if you want a sample of 500 documents, you can put 500 here
Each document in the result for the above query would be something like this,
"_id": {
"max": 3,
"min": 1
"count": 2
If you had grouped by temperature, then each document will have the minimum and maximum temperature found in that sample
You might have another problem. Docs state not to rely on natural ordering:
This ordering is an internal implementation feature, and you should
not rely on any particular structure within it.
You can instead save the epoch seconds in each document and do your mod arithmetic on it as part of a query, with limit and sort.

Node: Check a Firebase db and execute a function when an objects time matches the current time

I have a Node and React based application. I'm using Firebase for my storage and database. In my application users can fill out a form where they upload an image and select a time for the image to be added to their website. I save each image update as an object in my Firebase database like so. Images are arranged in order of ascending update time.
user-name: {
images: [
src: 'image-src-url',
updateTime: 1503953587727
src: 'image-src-url',
updateTime: 1503958424838
My applications db could potentially get very large with a lot of users and images. I'd like to ensure scalability.
How do I check when a specific image objects time has been met then execute a function? (I do not need assistance on the actual function that is being run just the checking of the db for a specific time.)
I've thought about doing a cron job using node-cron that checks the entire database every 60s (users can only specify the minute the image will update, not the seconds.) Then if it finds a matching updateTime and executes my function. My concern is at a large scale that cron job will take a while to search the db and potentially miss a time.
I've also thought about when the user schedules a new update then dynamically create a specific cron job for that time. I'm unsure how to accomplish this.
Any other methods that may work? Are my concerns about node-cron not valid?
There are two approaches I can think of:
Keep track of the last timestamp you processed
Keep the "things to process" in a queue
Keep track of the last timestamp you processed
When you process items, you use the current timestamp as the cut-off point for your query. Something like:
var now =;
var query = ref.orderByChild("updateTime").endAt(now)
Now make sure to store this now somewhere (i.e. in your database) so that you can re-use it next time to retrieve the next batch of items:
var previous = ... previous value of now
var now =;
var query = ref.orderByChild("updateTime").startAt(previous).endAt(now);
With this you're only processing a single slice at a time. The only tricky bit is that somebody might insert a new node with an updateTime that you've already processed. If this is a concern for your use-case, you can prevent them from doing so with a validation rule on updateTime:
".validate": "newData.val() >= root.child('lastProcessed').val()"
As you add more items to the database, you will indeed be querying more items. So there is a scalability limit to this approach, but this approach should work well for anything up to a few hundreds of thousands of nodes (I haven't tested in a while so ymmv).
For a few previous questions on list size:
Firebase Performance: How many children per node?
Firebase Scalability Limit
How many records / rows / nodes is alot in firebase?
Keep the "things to process" in a queue
An alternative approach is to keep a queue of items that still need to be processed. So the clients add the items that they want processed to the queue with an updateTime of when they want to processed. And your server picks the items from the queue, performs the necessary updates, and removes the item from the queue:
var now =;
var query = ref.orderByChild("updateTime").endAt(now)
query.once("value").then(function(snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function(child) {
// TODO: process the child node
// remove the child node from the queue
The difference with the earlier approach is that a queue's stable state is going to be empty (or at least quite small), so your queries will run against a much smaller list. That's also why you won't need to keep track of the last timestamp you processed: any item in the queue up to now is eligible for processing.

Find documents in MongoDB with non-typical limit

I have a problem, but don't have idea how to resolve it.
I've got PointValues collection in MongoDB.
PointValue schema has 3 parameters:
dataPoint (ref to DataPoint schema)
value (Number)
time (Date)
There is one pointValue for every hour (24 per day).
I have API method to get PointValues for specified DataPoint and time range. Problem is I need to limit it to max 1000 points. Typical limit(1000) method isn't good way, because I need point for whole, specified time range, with time step depends on specified time range and point values count.
So... for example:
Request data for 1 year = 1 * 365 * 24 = 8760
It should return 1000 values but approx 1 value per (24 / (1000 / 365)) = ~9 hours
I don't have idea what method i should use to filter that data in MongoDB.
Thanks for help.
Sampling exactly like that on the database would be quite hard to do and likely not very performant. But an option which gives you a similar result would be to use an aggregation pipeline which $group's the $first best value by $year, $dayOfYear, and $hour (and $minute and $second if you need smaller intervals). That way you can sample values by time steps, but your choices of step lengths are limited to what you have date-operators for. So "hourly" samples is easy, but "9-hourly" samples gets complicated. When this query is performance-critical and frequent, you might want to consider to create additional collections with daily, hourly, minutely etc. DataPoints so you don't need to perform that aggregation on every request.
But your documents are quite lightweight due to the actual payload being in a different collection. So you might consider to get all the results in the requested time range and then do the skipping on the application layer. You might want to consider combining this with the above described aggregation to pre-reduce the dataset. So you could first use an aggregation-pipeline to get hourly results into the application and then skip through the result set in steps of 9 documents. Whether or not this makes sense depends on how many documents you expect.
Also remember to create a sorted index on the time-field.

Alternatives to MongoDB cursor.toArray() in node.js

I am currently using MongoDB cursor's toArray() function to convert the database results into an array:
run = true;
count = 0;
var start = process.hrtime();
db.collection.find({}, {limit: 2000}).toArray(function(err, docs){
var diff = process.hrtime(start);
run = false;
socket.emit('result', {
result: docs,
time: diff[0] * 1000 + diff[1] / 1000000,
ticks: count
if(err) console.log(err);
This operation takes about 7ms on my computer. If I remove the .toArray() function then the operation takes about 0.15ms. Of course this won't work because I need to forward the data, but I'm wondering what the function is doing since it takes so long? Each document in the database simply consists of 4 numbers.
In the end I'm hoping to run this on a much smaller processor, like a Raspberry Pi, and here the operation where it fetches 500 documents from the database and converts it to an array takes about 230ms. That seems like a lot to me. Or am I just expecting too much?
Are there any alternative ways to get data from the database without using toArray()?
Another thing that I noticed is that the entire Node application slows remarkably down while getting the database results. I created a simple interval function that should increment the count value every 1 ms:
if(run) count++;
}, 1);
I would then expect the count value to be almost the same as the time, but for a time of 16 ms on my computer the count value was 3 or 4. On the Raspberry Pi the count value was never incremented. What is taking so much CPU usage? The monitor told me that my computer was using 27% CPU and the Raspberry Pi was using 92% CPU and 11% RAM, when asked to run the database query repeatedly.
I know that was a lot of questions. Any help or explanations are much appreciated. I'm still new to Node and MongoDB.
db.collection.find() returns a cursor, not results, and opening a cursor is pretty fast.
Once you start reading the cursor (using .toArray() or by traversing it using .each() or .next()), the actual documents are being transferred from the database to your client. That operation is taking up most of the time.
I doubt that using .each()/.next() (instead of .toArray(), which—under the hood—uses one of those two) will improve the performance much, but you could always try (who knows). Since .toArray() will read everything in memory, it may be worthwhile, although it doesn't sound like your data set is that large.
I really think that MongoDB on Raspberry Pi (esp a Model 1) is not going to work well. If you don't depend on the MongoDB query features too much, you should consider using an alternative data store. Perhaps even an in-memory storage (500 documents times 4 numbers doesn't sound like lots of RAM is required).
