Case statements in Verilog? - verilog

Say I have a 8 bit output reg called "myReg" and a 8 bit input called "checkReg". Can I check and assign their values in a case statement using hex values?
For instance (assume the code is in an always block)
case (checkReg)
2'hA0:myReg <= 2'h10;
2'hB0:myReg <= 2'hC0;
//Other cases
I want the above piece of code to do the following: If checkReg = 10100000, set myReg to 00010000. If checkReg = 10110000, set myReg to 11000000.
I wasn't sure if I could check and assign hex values to a vector and have it automatically converted to binary.

For straight base conversion (bin,oct,hex,dec) you do not need to do any special conversion in verilog. Things like BCD conversion does requires extra steps.
The number before the single-quote is the bit size, not the digit count. 2'hA0 should be 8'hA0, else the upper bit values will be masked.
reg [7:0] myReg;
always #* begin
case (checkReg)
8'hA0: myReg = 8'h10;
8'hB0: myReg = 8'hC0;
//Other cases


Bit by bit comparison between two variables in Verilog

Currently, I am beginning to write the firmware by Verilog for one idea. It is comparing bit by bit between two variables and then using one binary counter to count the number of different bits.
For example:
I have two variables in verilog
A : 8'b00100001;
B : 8'b01000000;
Then I give the condition to compare bit by bit between two variables. If there is difference between 1 bit of A and 1 bit of B at same bit position, binary counter will count.
This is my verilog code:
module BERT_test(
input CLK,
input RST,
input [7:0] SIG_IN,
input [7:0] SIG_OUT,
output [7:0] NUM_ERR
integer i;
reg[7:0] sign_in;
reg[7:0] sign_out;
always #(posedge CLK) begin
sign_in[7:0] <= SIG_IN[7:0];
sign_out[7:0] <= SIG_OUT[7:0];
reg [15:0] bit_err;
// Combinational Logic
always #* begin
bit_err = 8'b0;
for (i=0;i<8;i=i+1) begin
if (sign_in[i] == sign_out[i]) begin
bit_err = bit_err + 8'b0;
end else begin
bit_err = bit_err + 8'b1;
assign NUM_ERR = bit_err;
Then I had a mistake
Reference to vector wire 'NUM_ERR' is not a legal reg or variable lvalue
I do not know how to solve this problem. Are there any solutions for this problem or how I need to modify my firmware, please suggest me.
You are driving NUM_ERR (a net) from an always block. It is not permitted to drive nets from always blocks (or initial blocks). You need to move this line:
assign NUM_ERR = bit_err;
outside the always block.
You should not use an assign statement inside an always block. This is legal but is deprecated and means something weird. If you have included this line inside the always block by mistake, then indenting you code properly would have shown it up.
You have an assign WITHIN an always block. Move it outside.
Adding zero to bit error if the bits are the same is superfluous.
if (sign_in[i] != sign_out[i])
bit_err = bit_err + 8'b1;
Also bit error is 16 bits so it is not wrong to add 8'b1 but misleading.

Multiplying two 32 bit numbers using 32 bit carry look ahead adder

I have tried to write the code in Verilog to multiply two 32 bit binary numbers using a 32 bit carry look ahead adder but my program fails to compile. the generate if condition must be a constant expression error keeps on coming in Modelsim for the part 'if(store[0]==1)' and 'if(C[32]==1)'
This is the algorithm that I followed:
Begin Program
Multiplier = 32 bits
Multiplicand = 32 bits
Register = 64 bits
Put the multiplier in the least significant half and clear
the most significant half
For i = 1 to 32
Begin Loop
If the least significant bit of the 64-bit register
contains binary ‘1’
Begin If
Add the Multiplicand to the Most Significant
Half using the CLAA
Begin Adder
C[0 ] = ’0’
For j = 0 to 31
Begin Loop
Calculate Propagate P[j] = Multiplicand[j]^ Most Significant Half[j]
Calculate Generate G[j] =
Multiplicand[j]·Most Significant Half[j]
Calculate Carries C[i + 1] = G[i] + P[i] ·
Calculate Sum S[i] = P[i] Å C[i]
End Loop
End Adder
Shift the 64-bit Register one bit to the right
throwing away the least significant bit
Only Shift the 64-bit Register one bit to the
right throwing away the least significant bit
End If
End Loop
Register = Sum of Partial Products
End Program
module Multiplier_32(multiplier,multiplicand,store);
output store;
input [31:0]multiplier,multiplicand;
wire [63:0]store;
genvar i,j;
wire g=32;
wire [31:0]P,G,sum;
wire [32:0]C;
assign store[31:0]=multiplier;
generate for(i=0;i<32;i=i+1)
assign C[0]=0;
assign P[j]= multiplicand[j]^store[g];
assign G[j]=multiplicand[j]&store[g];
assign C[j+1]=G[i]|(P[i]&C[j]);
assign sum[j]=P[i]^C[j];
assign g=g-1;
assign store[63:32]=sum[31:0];
assign store[62:0]=store[63:1];
assign store[63]=1;
assign store[62:0]=store[63:1];
assign store[63]=0;
assign store[62:0]=store[63:1];
assign store[63]=0;
A generate block is evaluated at compile/elaboration time. They are used to construct hardware from patterns and not to evaluate logic. The value of store[0], C[32], and all other signals are unknown at this time. The only know values are parameters and genvars.
In this case, a combinational block (always #*) will fulfill your functionality requirements. Replace all your wire with reg, but all your assignments inside a always #*, and remove all the assign keywords (assign should not be used inside an always block).
module Multiplier_32(
input [31:0] multiplier, multiplicand,
output reg [63:0] store
integer i,j;
integer g;
reg [31:0] P,G,sum;
reg [32:0] C;
always #* begin
g = 32;
for(i=0;i<32;i=i+1) begin
// your code here, do not use 'assign'

Getting strange error in verilog (vcs) when trying to use if/else blocks

I am trying to write an "inverter" function for a 2's compliment adder. My instructor wants me to use if/else statements in order to implement it. The module is supposed to take an 8 bit number and flip the bits (so zero to ones/ones to zeros). I wrote this module:
module inverter(b, bnot);
input [7:0] b;
output [7:0]bnot;
if (b[0] == 0) begin
assign bnot[0] = 1;
end else begin
assign bnot[0] = 0;
//repeat for bits 1-7
When I try and compile and compile it using this command I got the following errors:
vcs +v2k inverter.v
Error-[V2005S] Verilog 2005 IEEE 1364-2005 syntax used.
inverter.v, 16
Please compile with -sverilog or -v2005 to support this construct: generate
blocks without generate/endgenerate keywords.
So I added the -v2005 argument and then I get this error:
vcs +v2k -v2005 inverter.v
Elaboration time unknown or bad value encountered for generate if-statement
condition expression.
Please make sure it is elaboration time constant.
Someone mind explaining to me what I am doing wrong? Very new to all of this, and very confused :). Thanks!
assign statements like this declare combinatorial hardware which drive the assigned wire. Since you have put if/else around it it looks like you are generating hardware on the fly as required, which you can not do. Generate statements are away of paramertising code with variable instance based on constant parameters which is why in this situation you get that quite confusing error.
Two solutions:
Use a ternary operator to select the value.
assign bnot[0] = b[0] ? 1'b0 : 1'b1;
Which is the same as assign bnot[0] = ~b[0].
Or use a combinatorial always block, output must be declared as reg.
module inverter(
input [7:0] b,
output reg [7:0] bnot
always #* begin
if (b[0] == 0) begin
bnot[0] = 1;
end else begin
bnot[0] = 0;
Note in the above example the output is declared as reg not wire, we wrap code with an always #* and we do not use assign keyword.
Verliog reg vs wire is a simulator optimisation and you just need to use the correct one, further answers which elaborate on this are Verilog Input Output types, SystemVerilog datatypes.

how to nullify register in system verilog

How do I nullify a register in SystemVerilog if I do not know the size?
For example, if I have:
reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_stack;
with some parameter DATA_WIDTH given to the module. Is it possible to assign a zero to the register data_stack?
Note that it is sufficient to initialize a similar reg to zero as then I can simply perform a bitwise and between the two and nullify data_stack.
The IEEE Std 1800-2009 is the golden reference. The following sets all bits to 0:
data_stack = '0;
Refer to the section "Integer literal constants".
An unsized single-bit value can be specified by preceding the
single-bit value with an apostrophe ( ' ), but without the base
specifier. All bits of the unsized value shall be set to the value of
the specified bit. In a self-determined context, an unsized single-bit
value shall have a width of 1 bit, and the value shall be treated as
If I understand your question, you want to know how to generate a zero value with the same width as data_stack?
In that case, use the replication operator:
data_stack = {DATA_WIDTH{1'b0}};
This generates DATA_WIDTH number of zeros.
I think your searches would yield better results if you searched for initialising registers, instead of nullify.
If this is a testbench variable then just :
initial begin
data_stack = {DATA_WIDTH{1'b0}};
If it is to be used in a flip-flop you need to reset it:
always #(posedge clk or negedge reset_n) begin
if (~reset_n) begin
data_stack <= {DATA_WIDTH{1'b0}};
else begin

"<signal> is not a constant" error in if-statement

I am trying to write a simple module to output a 14-bit number based on the value of four input signals. My attempt is shown below.
module select_size(
input a,
input b,
input c,
input d,
output [13:0] size
if (a) begin
assign size = 14'h2222;
else begin
if (b) begin
assign size = 14'h1111;
else begin
if (c) begin
assign size = 14'h0777;
else begin
assign size = 14'h0333;
Upon compilation, I receive the following error:
ERROR:HDLCompiler:44 - Line 67: c is not a constant
I don't understand why that particular if-statement isn't working if the other two preceding it are. I have tried changing the condition to
if (c == 1) begin
but to no avail.
Does anybody know how to solve this error? Thank you!
Two problems:
1) You need to put if statements inside an always block.
If you use verilog-2001, you can use
always #*
if ....
Otherwise specify all the inputs in the sensitivity list:
always #(a or b or c or d)
if ....
2) Constant assignments are not allowed inside if statements.
Remove the assign keyword from any statements inside the if block:
if (a) begin
size = 14'h2222;
You will also have to declare size as a reg type.
However my preference would be to rewrite the entire module with conditional operator, I find it much preferrable to read. This following module achieves the same result:
module select_size(
input a,
input b,
input c,
input d,
output [13:0] size
assign size = a ? 14'h2222 :
b ? 14'h1111 :
c ? 14'h0777 :
14'h0333 ;
As #Tim has already answered, using reg types inside always blocks or wire with assign.
#Tim has also described the nested ternary assignments, while in the example are written very well, they are generally seen as bad practice. They imply a very long combinatorial path and can be hard to maintain. The combinatorial path may be optimised by synthesis which should imply a mux with optimised selection logic.
Easier to maintain code will have a lower cost of ownership, and as long as it does not lead to a larger synthesised design it is normally preferred.
My implementation would be to use a casez, (? are don't cares). I find the precedence of each value easier to see/debug.
module select_size(
input a,
input b,
input c,
input d,
output logic [13:0] size //logic (SystemVerilog) or reg type
always #* begin
casez ({a,b,c})
3'b1?? : size = 14'h2222 ;
3'b01? : size = 14'h1111 ;
3'b001 : size = 14'h0777 ;
3'b000 : size = 14'h0333 ;
default: size = 'bx ;
