Neo4j: Ubuntu hosted endpoint protection on Microsoft Azure - azure

I am trying to host the neo4j server on an Azure Ubuntu VM and opened up the endpoint to enable access from my machine so that I can access the webadmin portal and also debug portal code from my machine.
I am however unable to understand how to password protect the access to neo4j endpoint on that VM so that its not open for everyone on the net. looking for at least a simple protection like:
Is there any guide on how to setup the neo4j on the Azure cloud that I can refer to.
I found authentication-extension but unable to understand if this is all i need when setting up connection via Neo4jClient

If you use ubuntu you can set up nginx as reverse proxy:

Once I downloaded the right version of 'authentication-extension' and put it in the plugin folder, it was exactly what i wanted,
added few users and pointed the URI to database as below :
and that's all I needed to protect my back end like old fashion SQL server ways.


View file structure of my Azure Linux VM

I'm new to Azure; I wanted to take advantage of being able to run PrestaShop (e-commerce software) and Azure marketplace has single VM plan. I followed this video and got it up and running. Trouble is to login to the site's Admin interface you need to know the secret folder that is randomly created by the installer. I have tried the Azure Storage Explorer , but nothing useful is displayed. I also tried to login using putty and SSH, but keep getting access denied. I suspect I need to configure an endpoint for port 22, as described here in order to get ftp working, but apparently this is not possible with a free subscription (?).
Any help as to how I can find that folder name would be appreciated.
With Azure Free Trial Subscription, I can successfully login into the PrestaShop Azure Linux VM without any issue.
Note: No need to configure an endpoint for port 22.
To connect to your Linux virtual machine using SSH, use the following command: ssh username#IPAddress and password.
If you are facing an issue with your login, you can reset the password.

Setting up OrientDB image on Microsoft Azure platform

I am trying to setup OrientDb instance under Azure. I followed the procedure documented at OrientDB website (OrientDB Community Edition 2.0.10). I was able to setup the instance as described. After setting up all I could do is to ssh to the instance using the username:db as mentioned in the document (well I could have used any name, but for simplicity I followed word to word from the doc). I couldn't find information on user:root or user:orientdb (and a few other users and groups) that were part of this image. Additional users/groups are available in /etc/passwd. I am unable to get access to those users/groups. I am unable to find the documentation.
I tried to connect to the OrientDb web interface (hosted on internal network interface within Azure region) and it doesn't even allow me to create db or login. It keeps asking for the username and password which I dont know (not documented).
Anyone know where can I found additional documentation/help on this image.
I can always setup a plain linux OS, install java and setup orient-db and configure it to use azure storage (bound as local disk storage). As much as possible, I would like to use the image provided by the orient-db team as I think it would come with recommended configuration.
I want to host/run a clustered orientdb instance on Azure. Any help is appreciated
You'll need to ssh to the virtual machine using the username and password that you specified when you created the Azure instance.
To obtain the credentials for Studio, Pabzt is right, just take a look at the sections of orientdb-server-config.xml and look for the root user. Its password will be auto-generated. You can change this.
Pabzt, regarding accessing Studio, you might make sure the OrientDB instance is still runnning:
sudo systemctl status orientdb
Usually, ports 22 and 2480 are open by default in the OrientDB Azure image. So, it's strange you can't access it.
I had the same problem today. You could connect using ssh. The default password and username can be found in the "orientdb-server-config.xml":
The only thing i can't do is accessing the OrientDB Studio. While i can connect to the public ip address of the vm using ssh, i cant open the OrientDB Studio on port 2480 using the same public ip address. I tried adding an inbound securty rule in the network security settings for the orientdb vm but that didn't help. Still can't connect.
EDIT 22.10.2015 21:00
But I'm sure the password and username is working (from "orientdb-server-config.xml"), because i tried using the binary protocol on port 2424 with the "official .Net Driver" for OrientDB in a client application written in C#, and they worked. I was able to connect and create a new Database. Also i was able to access the default database: "GratefulDeadConcerts". I used the same public ip address that i used to connect via ssh.
I compared the OrientDB VM created by the image from the azure marketplace and couldn't find the option to set Endpoints (Azure VM Settings). All my other Azure VMs have this option in the Azure VM Settings. I always used the Endpoint settings to open ports on the virtual machines i have. It seems that i can only use the Endpoints for ssh and port 2424. Maybe those are the ones which are open by default. Any Ideas?
EDIT 23.10.2015 14:00 Uhr
Okay i found the solution, the OrientDB image from the azure marketplace works. I just added a new securty rule that allows connections from any port (*) to port 2480 (OrientDB Studio) and now it works.
I had this problem and realized I had missed something. On Azure go to All Resources, click on the Network Security Group for your server, and add an Inbound Security Rule allowing TCP port 2480. I didn't have to add anything using iptables on the server even though 2480 is not listed there. I hope this helps someone else.
The endpoints, by default are set to 22 and 2480. Strange that you had to set 2480 to * for incoming. But I'm glad you got it to work!
The root in the orientdb-server-config.xml is just for OrientDB and is not related to the system root account.
You should be able to sudo as the system username that you specified when you created the Azure VM. If you can sudo commands you should be able to change the system root password as well.

kerberos authentication setup for postgresql in REDHAT environment

Our backend is running with PostgreSql in REDHAT environment.Here we need to implement a kerberos authentication.what will be the configuration changes required to perform this.
example: google. once we login to we can access google+, google drive, google apps.. without again providing password.
I too need a similar setup. but my requirment is my client wants to connect through windows as front-end where RHEL is using as backend. so, i have a vague idea thats going to work out with Active Directory configuration. but guide me on how to setup kerberos using AD on RHEL.

Cannot Connect to Windows Azure VM (Server 2012 R2) Web Deploy Service

I can't seem to be able to deploy a site to a windows server 2012 r2 running IIS and Web Deploy in Azure VM. I have verified that the port is open, the credentials are correct and the site name as well. I tried using http: and https: also tried using msdeploy.axd end point and the MSDEPLOYAGENTSERVICE one nothing. Check is the services are running and if I can connect to the machine which at can on port 80 to the default site. Tried connecting from multiple connections I get the same result...
Could not connect to the remote computer ("<computer name>"). On the remote computer make sure that Web Deploy is installed and that the required process ("Web Deployment Agent Service") is started. Learn more at: Unable to connect to the remote server.
After dealing with this for about an hour now, I figured out how to fix this on my Azure Virtual Machine.
First the obvious
Check that port 8172 (if you're using default settings) is open in your firewall
Check that the processes MsDepSvc and WMSVC are running.
Check that the site name is correct.
Management Service
In ISS, at the root level of the server, check your settings under Management Service.
It should have Enable Remote Connections checked:
Did you download the full package
This was the one that got me, I hadn't installed everything.
On the bottom of the WebDeploy page:
You can download the full package, and then just install everything.
You don't mention if you have an endpoint configured for your Azure VM. If not, make sure you create an endpoint with a private port of 8172.
EDIT: Here is a troubleshooting guide for web deploy that includes the error message you've encountered. Additionally, from my own experience I have managed to mistype the site name and not install .NET and seeing similar errors.
Helpful but in the end in our case it was TLS mismatch. Check both machines can do TLS 1.2 if you are forcing it. Have put more detail here Cheers

Trying to conenct to Azure Service Management API via a web app deployed in tomcat

I am not able to connect to Azure via a webapp deployed in tomcat.
I am getting the below error though i am sending the correct input for the keystore pwd.
"Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect"
Plz comment.
When you try connecting to Windows Azure Management Portal, using Service Management API, the connectivity is created over SSL tunnel and a certificate is used to create the SSL tunnel.
I would suggest first that, it is not a Windows Azure specific problem, it is more of a Java/Tomcat related issue mainly happening because while selecting the certificate to create the SSL tunnel the code met with some problem.
To solve this problem, I can suggest the following:
In your VM/Physical machine, where Tomcat web application is running try to locate the physical keystore file first and delete it.
After that try creating keystore with correct password and setup that password properly in your Tomcat configuration
Trustcacerts password was supplied wrongly ! Now it works
