Type inference interferes with referential transparency - haskell

What is the precise promise/guarantee the Haskell language provides with respect to referential transparency? At least the Haskell report does not mention this notion.
Consider the expression
And I want to know whether or not this expression is 1. For my safety, I will do perform this twice:
( (7^7^7`mod`5`mod`2)==1, [False,True]!!(7^7^7`mod`5`mod`2) )
which now gives (True,False) with GHCi 7.4.1.
Evidently, this expression is now referentially opaque. How can I tell whether or not a program is subject to such behavior? I can inundate the program with :: all over but that does not make it very readable. Is there any other class of Haskell programs in between that I miss? That is between a fully annotated and an unannotated one?
(Apart from the only somewhat related question I found on SO there must be something else on this)

I do not think there's any guarantee that evaluating a polymorphically typed expression such as 5 at different types will produce "compatible" results, for any reasonable definition of "compatible".
GHCi session:
> class C a where num :: a
> instance C Int where num = 0
> instance C Double where num = 1
> num + length [] -- length returns an Int
> num + 0 -- GHCi defaults to Double for some reason
This looks as it's breaking referential transparency since length [] and 0 should be equal, but under the hood it's num that's being used at different types.
> "" == []
> [] == [1]
> "" == [1]
*** Type error
where one could have expected False in the last line.
So, I think referential transparency only holds when the exact types are specified to resolve polymorphism. An explicit type parameter application à la System F would make it possible to always substitute a variable with its definition without altering the semantics: as far as I understand, GHC internally does exactly this during optimization to ensure that semantics is unaffected. Indeed, GHC Core has explicit type arguments which are passed around.

The problem is overloading, which does indeed sort of violate referential transparency. You have no idea what something like (+) does in Haskell; it depends on the type.
When a numeric type is unconstrained in a Haskell program the compiler uses type defaulting to pick some suitable type. This is for convenience, and usually doesn't lead to any surprises. But in this case it did lead to a surprise. In ghc you can use -fwarn-type-defaults to see when the compiler has used defaulting to pick a type for you. You can also add the line default () to your module to stop all defaulting.

I thought of something which might help clarify things...
The expression mod (7^7^7) 5 has type Integral a so there are two common ways to convert it to an Int:
Perform all of the arithmetic using Integer operations and types and then convert the result to an Int.
Perform all of the arithmetic using Int operations.
If the expression is used in an Int context Haskell will perform method #2. If you want to force Haskell to use #1 you have to write:
fromInteger (mod (7^7^7) 5)
This will ensure that all of the arithmetic operations will be performed using Integer operations and types.
When you enter he expression at the ghci REPL, defaulting rules typed the expression as an Integer, so method #1 was used. When you use the expression with the !! operator it was typed as an Int, so it was computed via method #2.
My original answer:
In Haskell the evaluation of an expression like
depends entirely on which Integral instance is being used, and this is something that every Haskell programmer learns to accept.
The second thing that every programmer (in any language) has to be aware of is that numeric operations are subject to overflow, underflow, loss of precision, etc. and thereby the laws for arithmetic may not always hold. For instance, x+1 > x is not always true; addition and multiple of real numbers is not always associative; the distributive law does not always hold; etc. When you create an overflowing expression you enter the realm of undefined behavior.
Also, in this particular case there are better ways to go about evaluating this expression which preserves more of our expectation of what the result should be. In particular, if you want to efficiently and accurately compute a^b mod c you should be using the "power mod" algorithm.
Update: Run the following program to see how the choice of Integral instance affects the what an expression evaluates to:
import Data.Int
import Data.Word
import Data.LargeWord -- cabal install largeword
expr :: Integral a => a
expr = (7^e `mod` 5)
where e = 823543 :: Int
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn $ "as an Integer: " ++ show (expr :: Integer)
putStrLn $ "as an Int64: " ++ show (expr :: Int64)
putStrLn $ "as an Int: " ++ show (expr :: Int)
putStrLn $ "as an Int32: " ++ show (expr :: Int32)
putStrLn $ "as an Int16: " ++ show (expr :: Int16)
putStrLn $ "as a Word8: " ++ show (expr :: Word8)
putStrLn $ "as a Word16: " ++ show (expr :: Word16)
putStrLn $ "as a Word32: " ++ show (expr :: Word32)
putStrLn $ "as a Word128: " ++ show (expr :: Word128)
putStrLn $ "as a Word192: " ++ show (expr :: Word192)
putStrLn $ "as a Word224: " ++ show (expr :: Word224)
putStrLn $ "as a Word256: " ++ show (expr :: Word256)
and the output (compiled with GHC 7.8.3 (64-bit):
as an Integer: 3
as an Int64: 2
as an Int: 2
as an Int32: 3
as an Int16: 3
as a Word8: 4
as a Word16: 3
as a Word32: 3
as a Word128: 4
as a Word192: 0
as a Word224: 2
as a Word256: 1

What is the precise promise/guarantee the Haskell language provides with respect to referential transparency? At least the Haskell report does not mention this notion.
Haskell does not provide a precise promise or guarantee. There exist many functions like unsafePerformIO or traceShow which are not referentially transparent. The extension called Safe Haskell however provides the following promise:
Referential transparency — Functions in the safe language are deterministic, evaluating them will not cause any side effects. Functions in the IO monad are still allowed and behave as usual. Any pure function though, as according to its type, is guaranteed to indeed be pure. This property allows a user of the safe language to trust the types. This means, for example, that the unsafePerformIO :: IO a -> a function is disallowed in the safe language.
Haskell provides an informal promise outside of this: the Prelude and base libraries tend to be free of side effects and Haskell programmers tend to label things with side effects as such.
Evidently, this expression is now referentially opaque. How can I tell whether or not a program is subject to such behavior? I can inundate the program with :: all over but that does not make it very readable. Is there any other class of Haskell programs in between that I miss? That is between a fully annotated and an unannotated one?
As others have said, the problem emerges from this behavior:
Prelude> ( (7^7^7`mod`5`mod`2)==1, [False,True]!!(7^7^7`mod`5`mod`2) )
Prelude> 7^7^7`mod`5`mod`2 :: Integer
Prelude> 7^7^7`mod`5`mod`2 :: Int
This happens because 7^7^7 is a huge number (about 700,000 decimal digits) which easily overflows a 64-bit Int type, but the problem will not be reproducible on 32-bit systems:
Prelude> :m + Data.Int
Prelude Data.Int> 7^7^7 :: Int64
Prelude Data.Int> 7^7^7 :: Int32
Prelude Data.Int> 7^7^7 :: Int16
If using rem (7^7^7) 5 the remainder for Int64 will be reported as -3 but since -3 is equivalent to +2 modulo 5, mod reports +2.
The Integer answer is used on the left due to the defaulting rules for Integral classes; the platform-specific Int type is used on the right due to the type of (!!) :: [a] -> Int -> a. If you use the appropriate indexing operator for Integral a you instead get something consistent:
Prelude> :m + Data.List
Prelude Data.List> ((7^7^7`mod`5`mod`2) == 1, genericIndex [False,True] (7^7^7`mod`5`mod`2))
The problem here is not referential transparency because the functions that we're calling ^ are actually two different functions (as they have different types). What has tripped you up is typeclasses, which are an implementation of constrained ambiguity in Haskell; you have discovered that this ambiguity (unlike unconstrained ambiguity -- i.e. parametric types) can deliver counterintuitive results. This shouldn't be too surprising but it's definitely a little strange at times.

A another type has been chosen, because !! requires an Int. The full computation now uses Int instead of Integer.
λ> ( (7^7^7`mod`5`mod`2 :: Int)==1, [False,True]!!(7^7^7`mod`5`mod`2) )

What you think this has to do with referential transparency? Your uses of 7, ^, mod, 5, 2, and == are applications of those variables to dictionaries, yes, but I don't see why you think that fact makes Haskell referentially opaque. Often applying the same function to different arguments produces different results, after all!
Referential transparency has to do with this expression:
let x :: Int = 7^7^7`mod`5`mod`2 in (x == 1, [False, True] !! x)
x is here a single value, and should always have that same single value.
By contrast, if you say:
let x :: forall a. Num a => a; x = 7^7^7`mod`5`mod`2 in (x == 1, [False, True] !! x)
(or use the expression inline, which is equivalent), x is now a function, and can return different values depending on the Num argument you supply to it. You might as well complain that let f = (+1) in map f [1, 2, 3] is [2, 3, 4], but let f = (+3) in map f [1, 2, 3] is [4, 5, 6] and then say "Haskell gives different values for map f [1, 2, 3] depending on the context so it's referentially opaque"!

Probably another type-inference and referential-transparency related thing is the „dreaded“ Monomorphism restriction (its absence, to be exact). A direct quote:
An example, from „A History of Haskell“:
Consider the genericLength function, from Data.List
genericLength :: Num a => [b] -> a
And consider the function:
f xs = (len, len)
len = genericLength xs
len has type Num a => a and, without the monomorphism restriction, it could be computed twice.
Notice that in this case types of both expressions are the same. Results are too, but the substitution isn't always possible.


Why are values of type () inspected?

In Haskell, the () type has two values, namely, () and bottom. If you have an expression e :: (), there's no point in actually inspecting it, since either it's e = () or by inspecting it you're crashing a program which could otherwise have not crashed.
Hence, I figured that perhaps operations on values of type () would not inspect the value and would not distinguish between () and bottom.
However, this is wildly untrue:
▎λ ghci
GHCi, version 9.0.2: https://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
ghci> u = (undefined :: ())
ghci> show u
"*** Exception: Prelude.undefined
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at libraries/base/GHC/Err.hs:75:14 in base:GHC.Err
undefined, called at <interactive>:1:6 in interactive:Ghci1
ghci> () == u
*** Exception: Prelude.undefined
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at libraries/base/GHC/Err.hs:75:14 in base:GHC.Err
undefined, called at <interactive>:1:6 in interactive:Ghci1
ghci> f () = "ok"
ghci> f u
"*** Exception: Prelude.undefined
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at libraries/base/GHC/Err.hs:75:14 in base:GHC.Err
undefined, called at <interactive>:1:6 in interactive:Ghci1
What is the reason for this? Here are some conjectures:
For some reason that I can't think of, it's useful to be non-lazy on (). Sometimes we want that bottom to propagate.
Haskell semantics are written in such a way that destructuring any ADTs, even trivial ones, inspects them. This means that having case (undefined :: ()) of { () -> ... } not throw would be a violation of language semantics
() is an extremely special case and simply isn't worth the attention to eke out this tiny extra bit of safety in a massive language like Haskell
There's also the possible combination explanation of 2+3, that Haskell could have had semantics dictating that an expression case e of inspects e unless it is of type (), but that would pollute the language spec for relatively low benefit
I will address this part:
For some reason that I can't think of, it's useful to be non-lazy on (). Sometimes we want that bottom to propagate.
Let's have a look at Control.Parallel.Strategies (version 1, an older version). This is a module for parallel evaluation. Let's focus on one of its functions for the sake of simplicity:
parMap :: Strategy b -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
The result of parMap strat f xs is the same as map f xs, except that the list is computed in parallel. What is the strat argument? Well,
strat :: Strategy b
strat :: b -> ()
There are only two things you can do with strat:
call it and ignore the result, which by laziness amounts to not calling it at all;
call it and force the result, even if you know it's () or a bottom.
parMap does the latter, in parallel. This allows the caller to specify a strat argument that evaluates the list values of type b as needed. For example
parMap (\(x,y) -> ()) f xs
parMap (\(x,y) -> x `seq` ()) f xs
parMap (\(x,y) -> x `seq` y `seq` ()) f xs
are valid calls, and will cause parMap to evaluate the new list-of-pairs only to expose the pair constructor, also the first component, also the second component, respectively.
Hence, forcing the () result of strat in this case allows the user to control how much evaluation to perform during parMap, i.e. how much to force the result (in parallel), and consequently which parts of the result should be left unevaluated. (By comparison map f xs would leave the result fully unevaluated -- it is completely lazy. parMap can not do that otherwise it is not longer parallel.)
Minor digression: note that the GADT
data a :~: b where
Refl :: t :~: t
has one constructor like (). Here, it is mandatory that such values are forced as in:
foo :: Int :~: String -> Int -> String
foo Refl x = x ++ " hello"
Here the first argument must be a bottom. By forcing that, we make the function error out with an exception. If we did not force that, we would get a very nasty undefined behavior like those in C and C++, completely breaking type safety. Haskell will correctly reject any attempt to circumvent that:
foo :: Int :~: String -> Int -> String
foo _ x = x ++ " hello"
triggers a type error at compile time.
I don't know for sure, but I suspect it's none of the things you said. Instead, this is so that the language is predictable and consistent.
There are, essentially, two things you observed, and I consider them to be separate things. The first is that checking whether a x is indeed () with a case statement forces evaluation of x; the second is that the instances (of Show and Eq) are written to use a case statement.
Pattern matching: the predictable, consistent rule here is that if you write case <e0> of <pat> -> <e1>, then e0 is evaluated far enough to check whether the constructors in pat are in fact in the given places. Well, okay, there's some wrinkles here to do with irrefutable patterns; let's say instead that e0 is evaluated far enough to check whether pat actually does match! For the () type, that means that the pattern () causes full evaluation -- because you've specified the full value that you expect it to be -- while the pattern x or _ can match without further evaluation.
Class instances: the natural inductive way to specify what the various class instances do is to always have an outermost case that matches against each available constructor with simple variable patterns for the fields, then does something (presumably recursive calls) on each of the fields in turn. That is, simplifying a bit, the show implementation goes like:
show x = case x of
<Con0> field00 field01 field02 <...> -> "<Con0>"
++ " " ++ show field00
++ " " ++ show field01
++ " " ++ show field02
++ <...>
<Con1> field10 field11 field12 <...> -> "<Con1>"
++ " " ++ show field10
++ " " ++ show field11
++ " " ++ show field12
++ <...>
It is very natural for the specialization of this scheme to the single-constructor, zero-field type () to go:
show x = case x of
() -> "()"
(Additionally, the Report specifies that (==) is is always strict in both arguments; but that property would also arise naturally from the obvious way of writing a generic Eq instance derivation algorithm.) Therefore the path of least surprise is for class instances to pattern match on their argument(s).
#2 is definitely true.
The () type is just a nullary data type with special type/data constructor syntax:
data () = ()
As a result, the Haskell 2010 report, while only providing an informal semantics, makes it pretty clear in section 3.17.2 Informal Semantics of Pattern Matching that the expression:
case undefined of () -> "ack!"
will be evaluated as per rule #5:
Matching the pattern con pat1 … patn against a value, where con is a constructor defined by data, depends on the value:
If the value is of the form con v1 … vn, sub-patterns are matched left-to-right against the components of the data value; if all matches succeed, the overall match succeeds; the first to fail or diverge causes the overall match to fail or diverge, respectively.
If the value is of the form con′ v1 … vm, where con is a different constructor to con′, the match fails.
If the value is ⊥, the match diverges.
Here, the value of undefined is ⊥, so the third bullet point applies, and the match diverges. And if the match diverges, the program diverges, and if the program diverges it must terminate with an error or -- at worst -- loop forever. It cannot continue as if nothing has happened. Admittedly, this last part is not explicitly stated, but it is the only reasonable interpretation for the semantics of a divergent evaluation of an expression.

How does Haskell pick a type for an ambiguous expression

If an expression can be typed in several ways, how does Haskell pick which one to use?
Motivating example
Take this example:
$ ghci
GHCi, version 8.8.4: https://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
Prelude> import Data.Ratio (Ratio)
Prelude Data.Ratio> f z s = show $ truncate $ z + (read s)
Prelude Data.Ratio> :type f
f :: (RealFrac a, Read a) => a -> String -> String
Prelude Data.Ratio> s = take 30 (cycle "12345")
Prelude Data.Ratio> s
Prelude Data.Ratio> f 0 s
Prelude Data.Ratio> f (0::Double) s
Prelude Data.Ratio> f (0::Float) s
Prelude Data.Ratio> f (0::Ratio Integer) (s ++ "%1")
Prelude Data.Ratio> show $ truncate $ read s
When I used 0 without any type, I got the same result as for (0::Double). So it seems to me that when I just invoke f 0 s, it uses a version of read that produces a Double, and a version of truncate that turns that Double into some integral type. I introduces the variable z so I could have some easy control over the type here. With that I could show that other interpretations are possible, e.g. using Float or exact ratios. So why Double? The last line, which omits the addition, shows that the behavior is independent of that zero constant.
I guess something tells Haskell that Double is a more canonical type than others, either in general or when used as a RealFrac, so if it can interpret an expression using Double as an intermediate result, but also some other types, then it will prefer the Double interpretation.
Core questions
Is my interpretation observed behavior correct, and there is an implicit type default here?
What is the name for this kind of preference?
Is there a way to disable such a choice of canonical type and enforce explicit type specifications for things that can be interpreted in multiple ways?
Own research
I've read that https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Haskell/Type_basics_II#Polymorphic_guesswork writes
With no other restrictions, 5.12 will assume the default Fractional type of Double, so (-7) will become a Double as well.
That appears to confirm my assumption that Double is somehow blessed as the default type for some parent category of RealFrac. It still doesn't offer a name for that concept, nor a complete list of the rules around that.
The situation I actually want to handle is more like this:
f :: Integer -> String -> Integer
f scale str = truncate $ (fromInteger scale) * (read str)
So I want a function that takes a string, reads it as a decimal fraction, multiplies it with a given number, then truncates the result back to an integer. I was very surprised to find that this compiles without me specifying the intermediate fractional type anywhere.
If there is an ambiguous type variable v with a Num v constraint, it gets defaulted to Integer or Double, tried in that order, whichever satisfies all other constraints on v.
Those defaulting rules are explained in the Haskell Report: https://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/haskell2010/haskellch4.html#x10-620004
The GHC manual also explains additional defaulting rules in GHCi (this means trying things in GHCi will not give you an accurate picture of what is going on when you compile a program): https://downloads.haskell.org/ghc/latest/docs/html/users_guide/ghci.html#type-defaulting-in-ghci

How can Haskell integer literals be comparable without being in the Eq class?

In Haskell (at least with GHC v8.8.4), being in the Num class does NOT imply being in the Eq class:
$ ghci
GHCi, version 8.8.4: https://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
λ> let { myEqualP :: Num a => a -> a -> Bool ; myEqualP x y = x==y ; }
<interactive>:6:60: error:
• Could not deduce (Eq a) arising from a use of ‘==’
from the context: Num a
bound by the type signature for:
myEqualP :: forall a. Num a => a -> a -> Bool
at <interactive>:6:7-41
Possible fix:
add (Eq a) to the context of
the type signature for:
myEqualP :: forall a. Num a => a -> a -> Bool
• In the expression: x == y
In an equation for ‘myEqualP’: myEqualP x y = x == y
It seems this is because for example Num instances can be defined for some functional types.
Furthermore, if we prevent ghci from overguessing the type of integer literals, they have just the Num type constraint:
λ> :set -XNoMonomorphismRestriction
λ> x=42
λ> :type x
x :: Num p => p
Hence, terms like x or 42 above have no reason to be comparable.
But still, they happen to be:
λ> y=43
λ> x == y
Can somebody explain this apparent paradox?
Integer literals can't be compared without using Eq. But that's not what is happening, either.
In GHCi, under NoMonomorphismRestriction (which is default in GHCi nowadays; not sure about in GHC 8.8.4) x = 42 results in a variable x of type forall p :: Num p => p.1
Then you do y = 43, which similarly results in the variable y having type forall q. Num q => q.2
Then you enter x == y, and GHCi has to evaluate in order to print True or False. That evaluation cannot be done without picking a concrete type for both p and q (which has to be the same). Each type has its own code for the definition of ==, so there's no way to run the code for == without deciding which type's code to use.3
However each of x and y can be used as any type in Num (because they have a definition that works for all of them)4. So we can just use (x :: Int) == y and the compiler will determine that it should use the Int definition for ==, or x == (y :: Double) to use the Double definition. We can even do this repeatedly with different types! None of these uses change the type of x or y; we're just using them each time at one of the (many) types they support.
Without the concept of defaulting, a bare x == y would just produce an Ambiguous type variable error from the compiler. The language designers thought that would be extremely common and extremely annoying with numeric literals in particular (because the literals are polymorphic, but as soon as you do any operation on them you need a concrete type). So they introduced rules that some ambiguous type variables should be defaulted to a concrete type if that allows compilation to continue.5
So what is actually happening when you do x == y is that the compiler is just picking Integer to use for x and y in that particular expression, because you haven't given it enough information to pin down any particular type (and because the defaulting rules apply in this situation). Integer has an Eq instance so it can use that, even though the most general types of x and y don't include the Eq constraint. Without picking something it couldn't possibly even attempt to call == (and of course the "something" it picks has to be in Eq or it still won't work).
If you turn on -Wtype-defaults (which is included in -Wall), the compiler will print a warning whenever it applies defaulting6, which makes the process more visible.
1 The forall p part is implicit in standard Haskell, because all type variables are automatically introduced with forall at the beginning of the type expression in which they appear. You have to turn on extensions to even write the forall manually; either ExplicitForAll just for the ability to write forall, or any one of the many extensions that actually add functionality that makes forall useful to write explicitly.
2 GHCi will probably pick p again for the type variable, rather than q. I'm just using a different one to emphasise that they're different variables.
3 Technically it's not each type that necessarily has a different ==, but each Eq instance. Some of those instances are polymorphic, so they apply to multiple types, but that only really comes up with types that have some structure (like Maybe a, etc). Basic types like Int, Integer, Double, Char, Bool, each have their own instance, and each of those instances has its own code for ==.
4 In the underlying system, a type like forall p. Num p => p is in fact much like a function; one that takes a Num instance for a concrete type as a parameter. To get a concrete value you have to first "apply the function" to a type's Num instance, and only then do you get an actual value that could be printed, compared with other things, etc. In standard Haskell these instance parameters are always invisibly passed around by the compiler; some extensions allow you to manipulate this process a little more directly.
This is the root of what's confusing about why x == y works when x and y are polymorphic variables. If you had to explicitly pass around the type/instance arguments it would be obvious what's going on here, because you would have to manually apply both x and y to something and compare the results.
5 The gist of the default rules is that if the constraints on an ambiguous type variable are:
all built-in classes
at least one of them is a numeric class (Num, Floating, etc)
then GHC will try Integer to see if that type checks and allows all other constraints to be resolved. If that doesn't work it will try Double, and if that doesn't work then it reports an error.
You can set the types it will try with a default declaration (the "default default" being default (Integer, Double)), but you can't customise the conditions under which it will try to default things, so changing the default types is of limited use in my experience.
GHCi however comes with extended default rules that are a bit more useful in an interpreter (because it has to do type inference line-by-line instead of on the whole module at once). You can turn those on in compiled code with ExtendedDefaultRules extension (or turn them off in GHCi with NoExtendedDefaultRules), but again, neither of those options is particularly useful in my experience. It's annoying that the interpreter and the compiler behave differently, but the fundamental difference between module-at-a-time compilation and line-at-a-time interpretation mean that switching either's default rules to work consistently with the other is even more annoying. (This is also why NoMonomorphismRestriction is in effect by default in the interpreter now; the monomorphism restriction does a decent job at achieving its goals in compiled code but is almost always wrong in interpreter sessions).
6 You can also use a typed hole in combination with the asTypeOf helper to get GHC to tell you what type it's inferring for a sub-expression like this:
λ :t x
x :: Num p => p
λ :t y
y :: Num p => p
λ (x `asTypeOf` _) == y
<interactive>:19:15: error:
• Found hole: _ :: Integer
• In the second argument of ‘asTypeOf’, namely ‘_’
In the first argument of ‘(==)’, namely ‘(x `asTypeOf` _)’
In the expression: (x `asTypeOf` _) == y
• Relevant bindings include
it :: Bool (bound at <interactive>:19:1)
Valid hole fits include
x :: forall p. Num p => p
with x
(defined at <interactive>:1:1)
it :: forall p. Num p => p
with it
(defined at <interactive>:10:1)
y :: forall p. Num p => p
with y
(defined at <interactive>:12:1)
You can see it tells us nice and simply Found hole: _ :: Integer, before proceeding with all the extra information it likes to give us about errors.
A typed hole (in its simplest form) just means writing _ in place of an expression. The compiler errors out on such an expression, but it tries to give you information about what you could use to "fill in the blank" in order to get it to compile; most helpfully, it tells you the type of something that would be valid in that position.
foo `asTypeOf` bar is an old pattern for adding a bit of type information. It returns foo but it restricts (this particular usage of) it to be the same type as bar (the actual value of bar is totally unused). So if you already have a variable d with type Double, x `asTypeOf` d will be the value of x as a Double.
Here I'm using asTypeOf "backwards"; instead of using the thing on the right to constrain the type of the thing on the left, I'm putting a hole on the right (which could have any type), but asTypeOf conveniently makes sure it's the same type as x without otherwise changing how x is used in the overall expression (so the same type inference still applies, including defaulting, which isn't always the case if you lift a small part of a larger expression out to ask GHCi for its type with :t; in particular :t x won't tell us Integer, but Num p => p).

How does evaluation in Haskell work, for expressions with constraints

Suppose I write in GHCi:
GHCi> let x = 1 + 2 :: Integer
GHCi> seq x ()
GHCi> :sprint x
GHCi prints x = 3 as naturally expected.
GHCi> let x = 1 + 2
GHCi> seq x ()
GHCi> :sprint x
yields x = _
The sole difference between the two expressions are their types (Integer vs Num a => a). My question is what exactly happens, and why is seemingly x not evaluated in the latter example.
The main issue is that
let x = 1 + 2
defines a polymorphic value of type forall a. Num a => a, and that is something which evaluates similarly to a function.
Each use of x can be made at a different type, e.g. x :: Int, x :: Integer, x :: Double and so on. These results are not "cached" in any way, but recomputed every time, as if x were a function which is called multiple times, so to speak.
Indeed, a common implementation of type classes implements such a polymorphic x as a function
x :: NumDict a -> a
where the NumDict a argument above is added by the compiler automatically, and carries information about a being a Num type, including how to perform addition, how to interpret integer literals inside a, and so on. This is called the "dictionary-passing" implementation.
So, using a polymorphic x multiple times indeed corresponds to invoking a function multiple times, causing recomputation. To avoid this, the (dreaded) Monomorphism Restriction was introduced in Haskell, forcing x to be monomorphic instead. The MR is not a perfect solution, and can create some surprising type errors in certain cases.
To alleviate this issue, the MR is disabled by default in GHCi, since in GHCi we don't care that much about performance -- usability is more important there. This however causes the recomputation to reappear, as you discovered.

Specific type inference using uncurry function

I've been playing with the uncurry function in GHCi and I've found something I couldn't quite get at all. When I apply uncurry to the (+) function and bind that to some variable like in the code below, the compiler infers its type to be specific to Integer:
Prelude> let add = uncurry (+)
Prelude> :t add
add :: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer
However, when ask for the type of the following expression I get (what I expect to be) the correct result:
Prelude> :t uncurry (+)
uncurry (+) :: (Num a) => (a, a) -> a
What would cause that? Is it particular to GHCi?
The same applies to let add' = (+).
NOTE: I could not reproduce that using a compiled file.
This has nothing to do with ghci. This is the monomorphism restriction being irritating. If you try to compile the following file:
add = uncurry (+)
main = do
print $ add (1,2 :: Int)
print $ add (1,2 :: Double)
You will get an error. If you expand:
main = do
print $ uncurry (+) (1,2 :: Int)
print $ uncurry (+) (1,2 :: Double)
Everything is fine, as expected. The monomorphism restriction refuses to make something that "looks like a value" (i.e. defined with no arguments on the left-hand side of the equals) typeclass polymorphic, because that would defeat the caching that would normally occur. Eg.
foo :: Integer
foo = expensive computation
bar :: (Num a) => a
bar = expensive computation
foo is guaranteed only to be computed once (well, in GHC at least), whereas bar will be computed every time it is mentioned. The monomorphism restriction seeks to save you from the latter case by defaulting to the former when it looks like that's what you wanted.
If you only use the function once (or always at the same type), type inference will take care of inferring the right type for you. In that case ghci is doing something slightly different by guessing sooner. But using it at two different types shows what is going on.
When in doubt, use a type signature (or turn off the wretched thing with {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}).
There's magic involved in extended defaulting rules with ghci. Basically, among other things, Num constraints get defaulted to Integer and Floating constraints to Double, when otherwise there would be an error (in this case, due to the evil monomorphism restriction).
