Moneris Vault check if card exist - payment

I am using the Moneris eSelectPlus and I store credit cards in the Vault and access it using the token. Is there a way to check if a credit card has already been stored in the Vault before?

If you have the data_key of the Vault profile (which is probably stored locally in your application and attached to a user), you can inspect the cards stored by using ResLookupFull or ResLookupMasked (Administrative Transactions).
Note: you can access the guides at


Stripe SCA payments and secret key

I have a website that takes card payments using Stripe. Currently it uses the checkout API, but I am upgrading it to use the SCA API, and PaymentIntents.
I am concerned however that it appears that the PaymentIntents API requires you to present your secret key in order to create the session.
As I don't have my own servers, and am using hosted environments, I don't really want to place a secret key on these.
Indeed Stripe themselves say "Secret API keys should be kept confidential and only stored on your own servers. Your account’s secret API key can perform any API request to Stripe without restriction."
I have engaged with Stripe support, and they appear to be saying that yes, you can't use a restricted key, you have to use the secret key, but I don't like this!
Am I missing something, or going about it the wrong way? Has anyone got PaymentIntents working without the secret key?

Is netsuite token will expire when I uninstall the bundle?

I've created a bundle with integration & script in one account (A). Then I installed it in another account (B). Now I created an token in installed account (B) using bundle integration's consumer key & account (B) credentials.
By using that token I can able to access account (B) contents.
My questions are,
Whenever I uninstall that bundle from account B, then it also expire my token that I've created using bundle integration ?
How many tokens can be created for an account, Is there is any limitation?
Thanks in advance
I will try to reply your questions:
I do not think the token will expire when you uninstall your bundle, however I do not think the token will be useful anymore since the integration application will probably not exist anymore, so the consumer key and consumer secret used by the token will not longer work.
I am not aware of any limitation for the amount of tokens record created in an account.
It would be useful for you:
Tokens created in your production account are not copied to your sandbox during a refresh. To test token-based authentication in your sandbox, you must create tokens in the sandbox account. Each time your sandbox is refreshed, you will need to create new tokens in the sandbox
Source from suiteanswer

authenticating a python script to be able to use a signing key from Key Vault

HTTP/Rest - need to authenticate a code/token/etc in order to pass data to keyvault so that keyvault will sign data with a key in the Key Vault.
Azure has quite a few docs on how to register my app, create credentials for it in the key vault, but then for it to authenticate via OATH2 (first step is getting a code, (then later, a token?) via REST) I keep getting redirected to log in.
Am I missing something? I want my python script to run unattended. I have created its ID and wrote down the plaintext password it gave me that it warned would never be displayed again. Not sure how to use REST in this case as I really cannot auth to any application, I dont really even have any application - the Azure people told me to just put ANY url in the box when I registered the APP in AAD.
You need to use client credentials flow. In this flow you send your credentials to AAD and it'll send you back a token. Then you can call Key Vault with that.

How can private data be secured with OAuth2 authentication?

I am setting up a website to use Google's OAuth2 interface for user authentication. The website will store private data associated with each user - which I'm planning to encrypt.
If I implemented my own authentication method for the website, I could easily derive a key from the user's credentials (which include the user's password), allowing the data for each user to be strongly protected. But with OAuth2, I believe I can only receive an access token, granting that user permission for a period of time - the problem is that the access token value will change over time.
Is there a way that OAuth2 can provide me with an immutable secret tied to the user which I can use to derive a secure key from? Or is there some other method of creating a secure persistent secret using OAuth2?
--- Edit ---
In response to the questions and comments, here are some thoughts to consider:
All user information should always be protected with strong encryption and user authentication - the reason we read so many news articles about website & database hacks is because developers say "do we really need to secure that" and then respond with "No - because no-one but us will be able to access the database, security is hard, etc". The hacker downloads the database et violá. Credit cards, email addresses, phone numbers, passwords, you name it, then become compromised.
There are only two real secrets - one is a password stored in someone's head, the other is a strong random value that only the authorised user has access to (like a physical token). If you think a secure key can be derived from an email address alone, or that a secret needs to be stored in a database, you don't really understand security.
I guess what I was trying to discover was whether an OAuth provider can provide to the OAuth client an immutable value securely linked to both user and client - effectively, this would be a key that could only be unlocked by the OAuth provider using a combination of the user's secret (their authentication password) and the client's secret (used in the OAuth protocol). The client could then use this value to provide a reasonable level of security for the user's data.
Of course this implementation is not perfect from abuse, but implemented correctly, could provide a reasonable way to secure data whilst still using the good practices of the OAuth scheme.
The point of the token is that you can then use the token to obtain information from Google about the user. During the initial authentication, you will tell the user, and google, that you want to access certain information about the user:
Assuming that the user allows you to access their information, such as their email address, you can then get their email address from google. Once you have their email address, you can generate a secret key for their user, store this in your user table, and use it to encrypt their data. Then, when they login again, you can lookup their email address and find their key.
Is there a specific need for the immutable information be 'secret'? Or is it just a key to identify a user?
If the information that you're storing is truly private, and you want to make it so that you can't access your user's data, then all you have to do is store the encrypted blob for your users. Once the user had downloaded their data, they can use their key to decrypt the data client-side.
My first question would be: Why do you want to derive your encryption keys from some tokens?
The tokens and your encryption keys could remain independent and can be associated to a user identified by a unique id. User authentication can be done by whatever way you need either via credentials or open ID authentication or something else. But, once a user is authenticated, your decryption APIs can fetch the decryption key associated with the authenticated user and do whatever decryption it has to.
This way you can potentially allow users to tie multiple open ID accounts with the same user similar to what Stackoverflow does. I can associate my yahoo, facebook and google accounts with my Stackoverflow user and can sign in with any of those providers. I can disassociate those accounts any time I want. But that does not affect my Stackoverflow profile and data.
So, it is not a good idea to derive your keys from something that is not constant and keeps changing. Instead, keep them separate.
If I implemented my own authentication method for the website, I could easily derive a key from the user's credentials
This schema has a terrible weakness - if a user forgets /resets its credentials, the key is lost forever
Is there a way that OAuth2 can provide me with an immutable secret tied to the user which I can use to derive a secure key from?
OAuth2 is an authorization protocol. It is not intended to give you any user secrets.
the Google's OAuth2 should provide a user info service returning username (email) and some id (sub).
However these are identity information, not any secrets. And mixing user credentials is imho bad idea (as already mentioned), using an external IdP (google) you will have no access to credentials tat all.
And now what?
My suggestion:
If you really want to encrypt user's data using a user-provided secret, let the user provide the secret or encrypt the data encryption key by the user itself (or using user's public key?). The user must be aware that if this secret is lost, the data will be unaccessible. It is quiet uncomfortable in long run. Some DMS systems use this approach to encrypt the stored sensitive documents.
if you want to encrypt data in rest (on the server, database), you may have an application specific key, imho best stored somewhere else (key vault, key management service,..). Indeed then there is a different risk profile (you have to protect the key,..) but it's much more convient for users. This is usually good enough along other security measures (even big enterprises don't ask for a separate password to encrypt your credit card number or email)
What you need is constant secure (random) key for each user that you could get from authentication service that gives OAuth2 endpoint (in this case - Google).
OAuth2 protocol itself does not provide such value - Authentication server uses generated values that are not constant. But OAuth2 does not prohibit from giving this value from Resource server (together with user id, email etc). So basically OAuth2 lets you secure data in the way you want, but Google, which you currently use, does not give this type of constant random value.
Also note, that this would not work if you would let user relate few accounts, like Google and Facebook, as they would give different random keys.
If you derive secret from credentials, this would also mean that resetting password would reset user account.
Furthermore, if you encrypt data like emails in this way, it becomes impossible to decrypt them without currently signed-in user. So emailing newsletter becomes practically impossible. You cannot query the data in SQL also.
I could only suggest some countermeasures:
Do not store sensitive data at all, or store it hashed. Passwords must be hashed, not encrypted. Do not store CC numbers, store tokens that represent them.
Use encryption with key, stored in another data source. This adds at least some security - attacker must get not only DB copy, but also encryption key.
As data is encrypted, storing it in database is no longer necessary. You can store encrypted data in files or some other source, where it is safer than in DB (no risk of SQL injections etc)
I've been having this same issue. So far, I can't find a secure way around it.
Basically, we need a per-site randomly generated secret provided only with implicit flow that can be used to derive credentials to access systems and decrypt data.
Because I want to protect the data from myself, I could write the client to salt/hash the secret in two ways, one way to retrieve the data and another to decrypt it.
Alas, this is not the case.
I could derive credentials from things in the basic scope of the oAuth and that would protect the data against me, but that leaves the user wide open for cross-site vulnerabilities, and besides, personally identifiable information makes for a poor secret.
The best I got is to use implicit flow oAuth2 to acquire the user's email address, randomly generate a client side secret, and force the user to email themselves the secret (as a recovery key), then store the secret in localStorage. Salt/Hash the secret + oauth scope variable to derive the credentials client side (so the user must be logged in) needed to access, encrypt and decrypt data.
If the user ever clears their localStorage, they need to go click the link in the recovery email, which places the secret back into localStorage.
This places the scope of vulnerability back on the client, but is resistant to public machines (would have to know who was logged in last, and get access to the localStorage token), allows for recovery, and weakly requires the user to be logged in. Still vulnerable to plugin injection attacks and physical access + knowing the user.
Update: I have decided to use some oAuth extensions (hello.js, folder APIs) to store the keys in the user account as files. It requires some permissions and some APIs to implement, but appears to be viable.

How to "pre-authenticate" another user with Windows Azure Access Control?

I'm trying to use Windows Azure Access Control to avoid the security risks in using usernames/passwords in my app and to simplify the authentication. However, this is a site that can be used by medium or large companies that may wish to "pre-authenticate" users. In other words, they may want to bulk create users by putting in the users' Windows Live IDs and create their accounts automatically, before that user has ever signed in through Azure ACS. I could accomplish this by sending that user an email with a link to a one-time-use page to create their account, but I am hoping to do something a little more seamless.
What I'm trying to do is equivalent to how Team Foundation Service (* lets you add users to a team project just by putting in their Windows Live IDs and once you do, they can log in and access the project, even if that user had never signed in to TFS previously.
What I don't understand is how to do that using ACS and System.IdentityModel. I can use the nameidentifier claim to uniquely identify a user, but how do I get a nameidentifier for another user through a given provider?
I'm sorry if I'm not explaining this well, so feel free to ask questions.
Not really an answer but just wanted to share my thoughts on the issue.
The problem with ACS and Windows Live authentication is that ACS never returns the user's email address. All we get back from ACS is a token telling me that the user is authenticated. This token is created based on your ACS realm (i.e. if you change the ACS realm, a new token will be created by ACS for the same user). Again, the admins of the company who are using your application can enter the email addresses of the user but there's no way to get that email address back from ACS.
Just thinking out loud :), there're a few things you could do:
You use ACS for authenticating the user and then use Windows Live REST API to get more details about the user using the token sent by ACS. By using Windows Live REST API, you can get more details like name, email address etc. about a user. Or you could use just Windows Live API for authenticating the user. I'm not 100% sure but I think this is what Team Foundation Service does. Do take a look at as it does the same i.e. uses Windows Live API.
Another idea would be to create some sort of invitation tokens. In this approach, admins would "invite" folks. They would create invitation record by providing the name, email address of the users and the application would create unique invitation tokens. The application could then create an invitation link using which users would come to your application and authenticate themselves. Once authentication is done, you could look up the invitation record and retrieve user information from the database and create user record and associate the authentication token with the user record. The issue with this approach is that a user may not use the same Live Id as provided by the administrator. For example, I have at least 3 live ids and if I have that invitation link, I could sign with any of those live ids and the application won't be able to stop me from registering.
Yet another idea would be to use Windows Azure Active Directory (WAAD) instead of ACS. You could consume Graph API in your application to create new users for your clients. You're still not managing user names and passwords as that is done by WAAD. The two issues I could think of there are - a) As an end user, I have to remember one more username/password combination and b) At the time of login, I have to provide my credentials in which to me personally is a big hassle.
We too have been going through the same pain and for now we have decided to go with approach #2.
Hope this helps.
