possible socket.io memory leak - node.js

Using socket.io 0.9.17 with a redis store, over time the memory usage grows from ~150mb at startup to beyond 1.0gb.
I took 2 heap snapshots using node-heapdump. One after app start and another a day later. And compared the results and it looks like the biggest offender is string objects.
Below are the screenshots of the comparison.
When I expand the string objects all I see is some trace and a uncaughtException.
The app doesn't crash and there are no exceptions when running the same code on dev environments. These strings are events that are passed to socket.io and distributed to the nodes via the redis store. The relevant code for this is below
var result = {
posts: [postData],
privileges: {
'topics:reply': true
'reputation:disabled': parseInt(meta.config['reputation:disabled'], 10) === 1,
'downvote:disabled': parseInt(meta.config['downvote:disabled'], 10) === 1,
for(var i=0; i<uids.length; ++i) {
if (parseInt(uids[i], 10) !== socket.uid) {
websockets.in('uid_' + uids[i]).emit('event:new_post', result);

Upgrading to socket.io 1.x got rid of the memory leak.


Node.js worker_threads memory overflow(may be)

When i use worker_threads to handle a lot of complex logic that irrelevant with the main thread, i found that memory on the server very high.
Below is part of my simplified code.
const worker = new Worker(process.cwd() + "/worker.js")
// My business will repeat cycle infinitely, this code just an example
for (let i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
parentPort.on("message", async data => {
// a log of logic....
When I run this scripts on the server, the memory will keep increasing, Maybe the thread is not shut down?
I tried using "worker.removeAllListeners()", resourceLimits option and third party library "workerpool", but still didn't solve my problem.
what should i do or using other method to solve this problem? Thanks for answering me!

Best way to trigger worker_thread OOM exception in Node.js

I would like to test code that reports when a worker_thread OOMs. Or at least that the parent is OK despite the thread crashing due to OOM reasons. I would like to specifically test Node.js killing a worker_thread.
I'm not even sure this is particularly testable since the environment in which Node.js is running seems to make a difference. Setting low old generation size (docs) using resource limits does not behave the way I thought it would, it seems Node.js and the OS are doing a lot of clever things to keep the process from blowing up in memory. The closest I have gotten is that both Node.js AND the worker are killed. But again, this is not the behaviour I was expecting - Node.js should be killing the worker.
Is there any way to reliably test for something like this? Currently running v16.13.2.
Here is some sample JS for the worker:
const { isMainThread } = require('worker_threads');
if (!isMainThread) {
let as = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
let a = '';
for (let i = 0; i < 9000000; i++) a += i.toString();
OK, it looks like adding maxYoungGenerationSizeMb in my case is resulting in the behaviour I was looking for: e.g. { maxOldGenerationSizeMb: 10, maxYoungGenerationSizeMb: 10 }.

Does v8/Node actually garbage collect during function calls? - Or is this a sailsJS memory leak

I am creating a sailsJS webserver with a background task that needs to run continuously (if the server is idle). - This is a task to synchronize a database with some external data and pre-cache data to speed up requests.
I am using sails version 1.0. Tthe adapter is postgresql (adapter: 'sails-postgresql'), adapter version: 1.0.0-12
Now while running this application I noticed a major problem: it seems that after some time the application inexplicably crashes with an out of heap memory error. (I can't even catch this, the node process just quits).
While I tried to hunt for a memory leak I tried many different approaches, and ultimately I can reduce my code to the following function:
async DoRun(runCount=0, maxCount=undefined) {
while (maxCount === undefined || runCount < maxCount) {
this.count += 1;
runCount += 1;
console.log(`total run count: ${this.count}`);
let taskList;
try {
this.active = true;
taskList = await Task.find({}).populate('relatedTasks').populate('notBefore');
//taskList = await this.makeload();
} catch (err) {
this.active = false;
To make it "testable" I reduced the heap size allowed to be used by the application: --max-old-space-size=100; With this heapsize it always crashes about around 2000 runs. However even with an "unlimited" heap it crashes after a few (ten)thousand runs.
Now to further test this I commented out the Task.find() command and implimented a dummy that creates the "same" result".
async makeload() {
const promise = new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, 10, this);
await promise;
const ret = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
relatedTasks: [],
notBefore: [],
id: 1,
orderId: 1,
queueStatus: 'new',
jobType: 'test',
result: 'success',
argData: 'test',
detail: 'blah',
lastActive: new Date(),
updatedAt: Date.now(),
priority: 2 });
return ret;
This runs (so far) good even after 20000 calls, with 90 MB of heap allocated.
What am I doing wrong in the first case? This let me to believe that sails is having a memory leak? Or is node unable to free the database connections somehow?
I can't seem to see anything that is blatantly "leaking" here? As I can see in the log this.count is not a string so it's not even leaking there (same for runCount).
How can I progress from this point?
Some further clarifications/summary:
I run on node 8.9.0
Sails version 1.0
using sails-postgresql adapter (1.0.0-12) (beta version as other version doesn't work with sails 1.0)
I run with the flag: --max-old-space-size=100
Environment variable: node_env=production
It crashes after approx 2000-2500 runs when in production environment (500 when in debug mode).
I've created a github repository containing a workable example of the code;
here. Once again to see the code at any point "soon" set the flag --max-old-space-size=80 (Or something alike)
I don't know anything about sailsJS, but I can answer the first half of the question in the title:
Does V8/Node actually garbage collect during function calls?
Yes, absolutely. The details are complicated (most garbage collection work is done in small incremental chunks, and as much as possible in the background) and keep changing as the garbage collector is improved. One of the fundamental principles is that allocations trigger chunks of GC work.
The garbage collector does not care about function calls or the event loop.

Node.js + Redis memory leak. Am I doing something wrong?

var redis = require("redis"),
client = redis.createClient();
for(var i =0 ; i < 1000000; i++){
client.publish('channel_1', 'hello!');
After the code is executed, the Node process consumes 1.2GB of memory and stays there; GC does not reduce allocated memory. If I simulate 2 million messages or 4x500000, node crashes with memory error.
Node: 0.8.*, tried 4.1.1 later but nothing changed
Redis: 2.8 , works well (1MB allocated memory).
My server will be publishing more than 1 million messages per hour. So this is absolutely not acceptable (process crashing every hour).
updated test
var redis = require("redis"),
client = redis.createClient();
var count = 0;
var x;
function loop(){
if(count > 2000){
for(var i =0 ; i < 100000; i++){
client.set('channel_' + i, 'hello!');
x = setInterval(loop, 3000);
This allocate ~ 50Mb, with peak at 200Mb, and now GC drop memory back to 50Mb
If you take a look at the node_redis client source, you'll see that every send operation returns a boolean that indicates whether the command queue has passed the high water mark (by default 1000). If you were to log this return value (alternatively, enable redis.debug_mode), there is a good possibility that you'll see false a lot- an indication that you're sending too more requests than Redis can handle all at once.
If this turns out not to be the case, then the command queue is indeed being cleared regularly which means GC is most likely the issue.
Either way, try jfriend00's suggestion. Sending 1M+ async messages with no delay (so basically all at once) is not a good test. The queue needs time to clear and GC needs time to do its thing.
Backpressure and Unbounded Concurrency & Node-redis client return values

How to find source of memory leak in Node.JS App

I have a memory leak in Node.js/Express app. The app dies after 3-5 days with the following log message:
FATAL ERROR: JS Allocation failed - process out of memory
I setup a server without users connecting, and it still crashes, so I know leak is originating in the following code which runs in the background to sync api changes to the db.
function poll(refreshRate) {
return apiSync.syncDatabase()
return wait(refreshRate)
return poll(refreshRate)
var wait = function wait(time) {
return new Promise(function(resolve){
applog.info('waiting for %s ms..', time)
What techniques are available for profiling the heap to find the source object(s) of what is taking all the memory?
This takes awhile to crash, so I would need something that logs and I can come back later and analyze.
Is there any option like Java's JVM flag -XX:HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError ?
Check out node-memwatch.
It provides a heap diff class:
var hd = new memwatch.HeapDiff();
// your code here ...
var diff = hd.end();
It also has event emitters for leaks:
memwatch.on('leak', function(info) {
// look at info to find out about what might be leaking
