I'm sure these are both very stupid mistakes, but i'm trying to convert and print two lists , and i'm getting an error on ghci.
First, i want to convert from this:
to this
for that, i wrote this function:
convert (x:xs) = [read x | x <- xs]
but that doesn't seem to be working...
Here's my printing function:
print_results [] _ = error("Empty List!")
print_results _ [] = error("Empty List!")
print_results (x:xs) (y:ys) = print x ++ " + " ++ print y : print_results xs ys
For this input:
[2,2,2] and [3,3,3]
The desired output should be:
2 + 3
2 + 3
2 + 3
Thanks in advance!
These are not "stupid" mistakes, but you're going to have to step back a bit from "what type do I write here" in order to make sense of what's going on. I notice you've asked a bunch of overlapping questions today surrounding these issues. I hope we as a community can get you an answer that will get you on the right track. In that light, I'm marking this post Community Wiki and encouraging others to edit it.
In Haskell, every value has a specific, concrete type. We can write functions that work on multiple types. Some of them work on all types: replicate 5 :: a -> [a] doesn't care at all about what a is. Some work only on some types: read :: Read a => String -> a requires that a be an instance of the class Read.
For now, you should assume that, in order to actually run a function and print a result in GHCi or compiled code, you need to replace all type variables to specific types. (This is wrong in lots of ways that I or others will probably expand on.)
After writing a function, ask GHCi for its inferred type, which is usually the most general signature possible:
> :t map read
map read :: Read a -> [String] -> [a]
> :t map read $ ["as","ew"]
> map read $ ["as","ew"] :: Read a => [a]
Notice that we still have a type variable in there. We need to choose a specific type. What #chi and I both encouraged you to do was to add a type annotation somewhere to fix that type. But if you fix that type to Int, you're trying to parse "as" and "ew" as numbers, which obviously fails.
convert :: [String] -> [Int]
convert xs = [read x | x <- xs]
or even
convert :: [String] -> [Int]
convert = map read
Note that the type annotation matters, since without it Haskell does not how how it should read the string (as an Int? a Char? a tree? a list? etc.)
print_results [] [] = []
print_results [] _ = error "Empty List!"
print_results _ [] = error "Empty List!"
print_results (x:xs) (y:ys) = (show x ++ " + " ++ show y) : print_results xs ys
The above will compute a list of strings, formatted as you wanted. If you really want to print them doing an IO action, you can use
mapM_ putStrLn (print_results list1 list2)
I want to have a function that reads arbitrary int's until the number '0' is inserted, and then presents the numbers inserted in an ordered list.
For that i wrote this function:
import Data.List
readIntegers :: IO()
readIntegers = do
putStrLn "insert a number: "
let list = ordList ((read num :: Int):list)
if (read num == 0)
then print list
else readIntegers
where ordList ::[Int]->[Int]
ordList [] = []
ordList xs = sort xs
This compiles just fine, but when i insert the number '0', it gives me this error:
*** Exception: <<loop>>
What am i doing wrong ?
As #phg points out, you are essentially constructing an infinite list, and actually evaluating it causes the loop error. A simple implementation to resolve this issue is to define a helper function which takes an additional parameter - a list to store all the inputs read in from the screen, like so:
readInteger :: IO ()
readInteger = readInteger' []
readInteger' x = do
putStrLn "insert a number: "
if ((read num :: Int) == 0)
then print $ ordList x
else readInteger' $ (read num :: Int):x
where ordList ::[Int]->[Int]
ordList [] = []
ordList xs = sort xs
Please note that the above is essentially just an implementation of #phg's answer, but with some changes to your original logic. Firstly, since 0 is a sentinel value, we shouldn't be appending that to our list. Second, we do not need to sort the list every single time we are adding a value to it. Sorting once at the time of printing/passing to another function is sufficient.
If you want to read an unspecified number of integers without prompting for user input and cut it off the moment you encounter 0, you would probably do well to use getContents, which will read everything from the standard input as a single string, lazily.
Then, it is a simple matter of parsing it to a list of numbers and doing what you want with it, like so:
readIntegers :: ()
readIntegers = do
a <- getContents
let b = ordList $ takeWhile (/= 0) $ map (\x -> read x :: Int) $ words a
mapM (putStrLn . show) b
where ordList ::[Int]->[Int]
ordList [] = []
ordList xs = sort xs
let list = ordList ((read num :: Int):list)
This is basically a recursive definition of a list of the form [x, x, ...] (like if you wrote an equation saying x = 1 + x). That is perfectly fine by itself, since Haskell is lazy; however, if you try to print list (aka "solve the equation"), it will fail, since it will try to print infinitely many numbers.
You probably have a misconception about the workings of the (:) operator. Haskell functions will never perform an assignment operation and concatenate num onto list by changing it, like in imperative languages. There are only pure functions.
If you want to accumulate all numbers, you should try to come up with a recursive definition of readIntegers, keeping its state (the list) in an additional parameter (there are also more sophisticated ways, hiding the state passing, but more complicated to use for a beginner).
For a more sophisticated solution, note that this is an unfold and you can use unfoldM from Control.Monad.Loops to implement it:
import Control.Monad.Loops (unfoldM)
readInts :: IO [Int]
readInts = unfoldM $ fmap (check . read) getLine
where check x = if x == 0 then Nothing else Just x
This has the nice property that it returns the list in the order in which it was read.
I'm pretty brand new to Haskell (only written a fizzbuzz program before the current one) and am trying to write a program that takes the unix wordlist ('/usr/share/dict/words') and prints out the list of anagrams for that word, with any direct palindromes starred. I have the meat of this summed up into one function:
findAnagrams :: [String] -> [(String, [String])]
findAnagrams d =
[x | x <- map (\s -> (s, [if reverse s == t then t ++ "*" else t | t <- d, s /= t && null (t \\ s)])) d, not (null (snd x))]
However, when I run the program I get this output:
abase: babes, bases
abased: debase
abasement: basements
abasements: abatements
abases: basses
And so on, so clearly it isn't working properly. My intention is for the list comprehension to read as follows: for all t in d such that t is not equal to s and there is no difference between t and s other than order, if t is the reverse of s include as t*, otherwise include as t. The problem seems to be with the "no difference between t and s other than order" part, which I'm trying to accomplish by using "null (t \ s)". It seems like it should work. Testing in GHCI gives:
Prelude Data.List> null ("abatements" \\ "abasements")
And yet it passes the predicate test. My assumption is that I'm missing something simple here, but I've looked at it a while and can't quite come up with it.
In addition, any notes regarding best practice would be greatly appreciated.
If you break it out into multiple functions (remember, source code size is not really that important), you could do something like:
import Data.List
isPalindrome :: String -> Bool
isPalindrome s = s == reverse s
flagPalins :: [String] -> [String]
flagPalins [] = []
flagPalins (x:xs)
| isPalindrome x = x ++ "*"
| otherwise = x
isAnagram :: String -> String -> Bool
isAnagram s t = (isPalindrome s || s /= t) && ??? -- test for anagram
findAnagrams :: String -> [String] -> [String]
findAnagrams s ws = flagPalins $ filter (isAnagram s) ws
findAllAnagrams :: [String] -> [(String, [String])]
findAllAnagrams ws = filter (not . null . snd) ??? -- words paired with their anagrams
I've intentionally left some holes for you to fill in, I'm not going to give you all the answers ;)
There are only two spots for you to do yourself. The one in findAllAnagrams should be pretty easy to figure out, you're already doing something pretty similar with your map (\s -> ...) part. I intentionally structured isAnagram so it'll return True if it's a palindrome or if it's just an anagram, and you only need one more check to determine if t is an anagram of s. Look at the comment I made on your question for a hint about what to do there. If you get stuck, comment and ask for an additional hint, I'll give you the name of the function I think you should use to solve this problem.
If you really want to make a list comprehension, I would recommend solving it this way, then converting back to a comprehension. In general you should write more verbose code, then compress it once you understand it fully.
Think of a \\ b as "items in a that are not in b."
Consider the implications.
I'm trying to write a function which adds single characters from a string to a list of strings, for instance
combine ", !" ["Hello", "", "..."] = ["Hello,", " ", "...!"]
I've tried this:
combine :: String -> [String] -> [String]
combine (y:ys) (x:xs) =
[x:y, combine ys xs]
A simple one would be
combine :: [Char] -> [String] -> [String]
combine [] _ = []
combine _ [] = []
combine (c:cs) (x:xs) = x ++ [c] : combine cs xs
Or even more simply using zipWith
combine :: [Char] -> [String] -> [String]
combine = zipWith (\c x -> x ++ [c])
I had to do a bit extra to get this to work. I'll break it down for you.
First, I specified the type of the function as [Char] -> [String] -> [String]. I could have used String for the first argument, but what you're operating on conceptually is a list of characters and a list of strings, not a string and a list of strings.
Next, I had to specify the edge cases for this function. What happens when either argument is the empty list []? The easy answer is to just end the computation then, so we can write
combine [] _ = []
combine _ [] = []
Here the _ is matching anything, but throwing it away because it isn't used in the return value.
Next, for the actual body of the function We want to take the first character and the first string, then append that character to the end of the string:
combine (c:cs) (x:xs) = x ++ [c]
But this doesn't do anything with cs or xs, the rest of our lists (and won't even compile with the type signature above). We need to keep going, and since we're generating a list, this is normally done with the prepend operator :
combine (c:cs) (x:xs) = x ++ [c] : combine cs xs
However, this is such a common pattern that there is a helper function called zipWith that handles the edge cases for us. It's type signature is
zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
It walks down both input lists simultaneously, passing the corresponding elements into the provided function. Since the function we want to apply is \c x -> x ++ [c] (turned into a lambda function), we can drop it in to zipWith as
combine cs xs = zipWith (\c x -> x ++ [c]) cs xs
But Haskell will let us drop arguments when possible, so we can eta reduce this to
combine :: [Char] -> [String] -> [String]
combine = zipWith (\c x -> x ++ [c])
And that's it!
When you want to combine lists element by element, it is usually a zip you are looking at. In this case, you know exactly how you want to combine the elements – that makes it a zipWith.
zipWith takes a "combining function" and then creates a function that combines two lists using said combining function. Let's call your "combining" function append, because it adds a characters to the end of a string. You can define it like this:
append char string = string ++ [char]
Do you see how this works? For example,
append 'e' "nic" = "nice"
append '!' "Hello" = "Hello!"
Now that we have that, recall that zipWith takes a "combining function" and then creates a function that combines two lists using that function. So your function is then easily implemented as
combine = zipWith append
and it will do append on each of the elements in order in the lists you supply, like so:
combine ", !" ["Hello", "", "..."] = ["Hello,", " ", "...!"]
You are close. There are a couple issues with what you have.
y has type Char, and x has type String which is an alias for [Char]. This means that you can add y to the top of a list with y : x, but you can't add y to the end of a list using the same : operator. Instead, you make y into a list and join the lists.
x ++ [y]
There must also be a base case, or this recursion will continue until it has no elements in either list and crash. In this case, we likely don't have anything we want to add.
combine [] [] = []
Finally, once we create the element y ++ [x] we want to add it to the top of the rest of the items we have computed. So we use : to cons it to our list.
combine :: String -> [String] -> [String]
combine [] [] = []
combine (x : xs) (y : ys) = (y ++ [x]) : (combine xs ys)
One note about this code, if there is ever a point where the number of characters in your string is different from the number of strings in you list, then this will crash. You can handle that case in a number of ways, bheklilr's answer addresses this.
kqr's answer also works perfectly and is probably the best one to use in practice.
I recently started learning Haskell and I'm trying to rewrite something I did for an interview in python in Haskell. I'm trying to convert a string from camel case to underscore separated ("myVariableName" -> "my_variable_name"), and also throw an error if the first character is upper case.
Here's what I have:
import qualified Data.Char as Char
translate_java :: String -> String
translate_java xs = translate_helper $ enumerate xs
translate_helper [] = []
translate_helper ((a, num):xs)
| num == 1 and Char.isUpper a = error "cannot start with upper"
| Char.isUpper a = '_' : Char.toLower a : translate_helper xs
| otherwise = a : translate_helper xs
enumerate :: (Num b, Enum b) => [a] -> [(a,b)]
enumerate xs = zip xs [1..]
I realize It's pretty likely I'm going about this in a weird way, and I'd love advice about better ways to implement this, but I'd like to get this to compile as well. Here's the error I'm getting now:
Prelude> :r
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( translate.hs, interpreted )
No instance for (Num
(([Bool] -> Bool) -> (Char -> Bool) -> Char -> t))
arising from a use of `translate_helper' at translate.hs:4:20-35
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for
(Num (([Bool] -> Bool) -> (Char -> Bool) -> Char -> t))
In the first argument of `($)', namely `translate_helper'
In the expression: translate_helper $ enumerate xs
In the definition of `translate_java':
translate_java xs
= translate_helper $ enumerate xs
translate_helper [] = []
translate_helper ((a, num) : xs)
| num == 1 and Char.isUpper a
= error "cannot start with upper
| Char.isUpper a
= '_' : Char.toLower a : transla
te_helper xs
| otherwise = a : translate_help
er xs
Failed, modules loaded: none.
Any explanation of what's going on here would be great. I really don't understand where "(Num (([Bool] -> Bool) -> (Char -> Bool) -> Char -> t))" is coming from. I'd think the type declaration for translate_helper would be something like [(a,b)] -> [a]?
You have to replace and by &&. The first one is a function (prefix) that receives a list of boolean values and calculates an and of them all. The second one is a true logical and. The error message is a little bit confusing though. Whenever I get such a strange error message, I usually start to annotate my code with type signatures. Then the compiler is able to give you a more detailed description of what went wrong.
Others have mentioned that you should use (&&) instead of and, so I'll answer your other question: no, I don't think you're going about this in a weird way.
But... I do think it can be even more elegant!
translate_java (x:xs) | isUpper x = error "cannot start with an upper"
translate_java xs = concatMap translate xs where
translate x = ['_' | isUpper x] ++ [toLower x]
There's a few interesting things going on here:
The special case is checked straight away. Don't wait until you're recursing to do this!
The concatMap function is really handy in a lot of cases. It's just a map followed by a concat. If I were writing this myself, I'd probably use xs >>= translate instead.
That ['_' | isUpper x] is a list comprehension; this is a cute idiom for making a list with either 0 or 1 elements in it, depending on whether a predicate holds.
Other than that, the code should be fairly self-explanatory.
The problem is this:
| num == 1 and Char.isUpper a = ...
and is not an infix operator; rather it is a function:
and :: [Bool] -> Bool
So it is interpreting 1 and Char.isUpper a as applying three arguments to the "function" 1. Use && instead.
The error message comes from the way numerals are interpreted. A numeral, say, 1 is actually polymorphic; the specific type it gets depends on the type that is needed. That's why you can say x+1 and it will work whether x is an integer or a double or whatever. So the compiler inferred that the type of 1 needs to be a three-argument function, and then tried to find a numeric type matching that so it could convert 1 into that type (and, naturally, failed).
Here's my solution. It's not as masterful as the answer Daniel Wagner gave using concatMap and the list comprehension, but it's perhaps easier to understand for the beginner.
conv :: String -> String
conv [] = []
conv s#(x:xs) = if Char.isUpper x
then error "First character cannot be uppercase"
else change s
change :: String -> String
change [] = []
change (x:xs) = if Char.isUpper x
then '_' : Char.toLower x : change xs
else x : change xs
The function conv really just checks your criterion that the first character must not be uppercase, and if it isn't it hands over the string to the function change, which does the work. It goes through all the characters one by one, building a list, and if the character is uppercase, it adds an underscore followed by the lowercase version of the character, otherwise if the character is already lowercase it just adds it as it is.
I'm starting to learn Haskell by doing the 99 Haskell problems. http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/H-99:_Ninety-Nine_Haskell_Problems I'd like to write tests for each program/function using quickcheck.
I have the following code:
import Test.QuickCheck
import Text.Printf
main = mapM_ (\(s,a) -> printf "%-25s: " s >> a) tests
-- 1
myLast lst = last lst
prop_1a xs x = myLast (xs ++ [x]) == (x::String)
myLast' = head . reverse
prop_1b xs x = myLast' (xs ++ [x]) == (x::String)
tests = [("1a", quickCheck prop_1a)
,("1b", quickCheck prop_1b)
I might write myLast'', myLast''', etc. Is there a way I can test all those methods without having to duplicate code and quickcheck properties?
Related question: Right now, I'm telling quickcheck to use Strings. Is there a way to randomly use different types to test against?
Just take the function to test as another argument:
prop_1 last xs x = last (xs ++ [x]) == (x :: Int)
tests = zipWith mkTest ['a'..] [myLast, myLast']
where mkTest letter func = ('1':[letter], quickCheck $ prop_1 func)
Is there a way I can test all those methods without having to duplicate code and quickcheck properties?
Why not write the prop so that it takes a list of functions, and then does the check on each of them? Then you'd run it as quickCheck (myProp [myLast, myLast', myLast'']).
edit: I was afraid you might ask that :P To do it as I said above, myProp should take a list of functions, all of which have the same type as last, and return a boolean:
myProp :: [([a] -> a)] -> Bool
But now that I look at it, it might be better (and more analogous to your original approach) to have it also take a list and an item, so I think I'll do that instead:
myProp :: [([a] -> a)] -> [a] -> a -> Bool
If the list is empty then we return true:
myProp [] _ _ = True
If not, then we check whether the property holds for the first function in the list, then recursively check the rest of the list:
myProp [f:fs] xs x = f (xs ++ [x]) == x && myProp fs xs x
(I'm not sure why you wrote x::String in your implementation. I don't think you should need it -- last works on lists of anything, not just lists of Strings. But I haven't actually tested this out so I assume you had a good reason.)
Anyway, I think that should work but I haven't actually tried it. Please feel free to edit and fix any dumb syntax errors I may have made or whatever.