foxx app intermittently giving error 404 - arangodb

I have created a foxx app for a mobile app I am working on. But, the URL's I have exposed sometimes work correctly but sometimes they fail with following response:
{"error":true,"code":404,"errorNum":404,"errorMessage":"unknown path 'contactspace/initiateRegistration'"}
I did not face this issue when I tested the app in dev environment.
I am not able to figure the reason for the issue. How can I debug the problem ?
Vikas Tandi

I can finally confirm it was a problem that had nothing to do with the actual code of your Foxx application.
We have been struggling to reproduce the issue for quite a while, but were able to do so and fix the problem today.
A fix for this has been pushed in the 2.3, 2.4 and devel branches, and will be shipped with ArangoDB 2.3.5, 2.4.1 and 2.5.


Blazor publish integrity issue

My team is currently working on a new Blazor app and we are facing some strange behavior. We deploy our APP using Azure Dev Ops, but it seems that sometimes things go wrong. If we deploy the same version with the the same pipeline, the issue could be solved...
This is the error we (sometimes) get in every browser chrome, firefox, edge, ...:
admin:1 Failed to find a valid digest in the 'integrity' attribute for resource 'https://domain/_framework/dotnet.timezones.blat' with computed SHA-256 integrity '47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU='. The resource has been blocked.
This seems to be happening completely random. We have tried everything... like disabling compression, checking IIS settings, clearing cache, ... We also read the complete Microsoft Documentation. Some other guys also had this problem and they have a solution by clearing the obj/ folder. But we never have this issue locally... So this isn't a solution for us.
Does anybody have any idea what could be the problem? Because it seems completely random to us so far.
The app is ASP.NET core hosted and not stand-alone.
Any help would be very much appreciated!
Kind regards,
I just ran into the exact same problem. My VS solution compiled and ran under VS 2022 no problem. But when I published to my dev or prod web server I got the same message that you encountered. I solved it by clearing the bin, obj, and .config folders in all my projects in the solution. You mentioned that you don't have the problem locally -- neither did I and this still resolved the issue when I deployed. I suspect an older version of a file is getting into the deployment pipeline somewhere. Mine is also a hosted solution under .NET 6.0.2.

django redirects to non existing url

Two days ago I created a django project and it worked all right. But, now when I am working on another django project still when I run server it's redirecting me to the older project. I am using different virtual environment for both of them. Even after deleting the old one the issue is not resolved.
Thanks in advance.
Actually, This is not a Django error. I also faced this issue. This is your Cached issue. You can try in incognito mode or clear your browser history and cached.....This error will be solved.
Thank You !!!
This often happens when server of both projects are running and running on same port. can you verify?

Vulcanize with polymer in meteor

Right now i am facing problem if i use vulcanize package with polymer from here. Although this is working perfectly in localhost but not in production server.
I have tried this also but no luck.
Anyone faced the same problem?
Try using meteor-vulcanize, it might help. You can also refer to this github repo that shows how to use Polymer with MeteorJS.
If it does not help kindly elaborate more on the exact problem you are facing - error message etc.

Glassfish DeploymentException: Error in linking security policy for

I have been trying to deploy my web application (war) from Glassfish AdminConsole but I keep getting the following error message -
Exception while loading the app : Error in linking security policy for MyApp-war -- Inconsistent Module State.
But it deploys without any problem when I do it from Netbeans. (I don't know if Netbeans is doing something that I am missing before deploying the application.)
And I also tried with the latest version of Glassfish (i.e. V3.1.1 (build 12)
), and I can deploy the same application without any problem from AdminConsole.
I am using Glassfish 3.1 (build 43) and Netbeans 7.0.
Is there any Security Policy setting that I have to have before deploying my application with this version of Glassfish?
The same thing was happening to me.
Here is what I did:
Stoped the Glassfish server
Deleted all the content from glassfishhome/glassfish/domains/yourdomainname/generated
Started Glassfish
It worked for me. But what still sucks is that everytime I need to deploy I need to follow this procedure again...
I will answer this in response to the comment of #SteveTaylor. His answer in the above comment helped me solving the problem, so he is the one who deserves the credits.
Original answer from #SteveTaylor:
The problem is a corrupt OSGi cache. The reason upgrading worked for
you is because you started with a clean OSGi cache. All that's needed
to fix this problem is delete the entire OSGi cache under
This answer worked for me as well. Thanks a lot. I am using a cluster (Oracle GlassFish consisting of two nodes and a domain server. I removed the OSGi cache under all three directories (2 nodes and domain) after I stopped the cluster and restarted it then. After that, the problem was solved.
It happen to me to, especially after I check out different version of my web application and try to deploy it to Glassfish.
The only certain solution I've found is to completely stop galssfish, restart it and deploy the application.
Probably a bug in the version of Glassfish I was using.
Basically changing to a different (later) version solved the problem.
In my case, I was missing #Stateless tag in one of my Managed Beans. Adding it, solved it for me. Hope it helps.
I don't know if this helps, but I got the same error when deploying from the command line. In my case I'm using a pretty up-to-date version (GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1.2 (build 23)). What worked for me was removing --force=true from this:
$ sudo /usr/local/glassfish3/bin/asadmin deploy --force=true ~cornell/designer.war
What's important (I think) is that I had not previously deployed the app. Confusing!
In my case ,just I do "clean and build". that usually works well.
It happen to me too. In my case, it have occurred when I try to deploy the project and forget to start the database server, and then when I start the database server and I deployed again, I got this error message.
When this occurred, I recompile the code, stop the server, undeploy the old project and deploy the new again.

Has anyone gotten the Liferay portal to deploy onto an Eclipse Virgo Web Server?

I am trying to deploy the Liferay portal onto the Eclipse Virgo Web Server and haven't had much luck. I have at least solved two of the problems involved in this process:
1) The portal.jar that is part of the liferay dependencies has a malformed manifest. The Bundle-SymbolicName incorrectly sets the value to "JSR 286" when it should be "JSR286" (no space). Also, the Import-Package has a bunch of spaces/tabs and I removed those. That took care of problem 1.
2) The Virgo web server wasn't finding the liferay dependency jars (at least not where I was putting them), so I just stuck the dependencies into the main liferay.WAR and that has gotten rid of all the error messages.
Unfortunately, this didn't solve the overall problem. Perhaps there are other issues, but Virgo is not reporting any errors.
I've looked on both the Liferay and Virgo forums, but no one seems to have an answer to this, so I'm hoping someone here has had more success than me. If so, please let me know what you tried to get it to work.
A little more detail: I used the liferay-portal-6.0.5 WAR that is not bundled with an app server. And, I'm using Virgo 2.1.0.
I got it! But Virgo 3.6.0.RELEASE demonstrates too low performance and the couple Liferay+Virgo is not able to use for production
