How to get FTP access to my web site? - web

I am working in a company and I am improving their web site. Their site is made with WordPress and I have the admin user and the admin password to enter the web as admin and change some files. But I want to change the wp-config.php and this file is not among the files I can change as admin in Word Press. How can I get access FTP accsess to my web site?

First of all, you need to know the URL for accessing your web provider's FTP server. In case you know that, here are the steps:
Open up your browser and enter your userid and FTP server name as follows:
When prompted, enter your password
A list of all the files on your web site will display after a few moments.


Azure Web App Service use "Get Publish Profile" username and password to link FTP not work

I followed this page How do I set up FTP access to Azure App Service?
And I used portal user name like:
and Get Publish Profile
and used its userPWD value
I tried to type FTP hostname to windows 10 explore bar and system show error:
FTP does not encrpt or encode passwords or data before sending them to the server. To protect the security of your passwords and data, use WebDAV instead.
Thank you SnehaAgrawal-MSFT. Posting your suggestions as answer to help other community members.
When you are trying to connect to Azure Web App via FTP to upload or download files you need to have FTP client to connect to the server.
Need to have FTP URL, Username and Password for connecting to our App Service via FTP Client.
Below Screenshot will help you in getting FTP details by navigating to the settings pane.
As suggested check the FTP Client link for further information.

Can't use a domain username as a specified user in IIS 10.0

i having a problem when i tried to use a domain user as a specified user name in basic settings-> connect as. I want to access a shared folder that located in another server.
The web server always says if the username or password isn't correct and always throw 500.19 error when I started to browse the application.
Error Capture
However when I explore the app from IIS, it can be opened. I even tried a remote login to the server using the same username and password and it's just fine.
Image 2
The server I am using for running the web server is a Workgroup computer and in a DMZ. Is that a reason why IIS can't authecticate domain user?
Sorry for my terrible english here, because i'm in panic situation right now. I hope you can understand what i'm asking about and hope somebody has an answer. Thanks
You're right, if your computer is not joined to the Active Directory domain, you won't be able to authenticate using a Domain account.
Should the site be publicly accessible? If so, you would want to set your authentication to Anonymous and then configure the authentication settings to authenticate either as a built in user (NETWORK SERVICE, AppPoolIdentity) or a local machine user created specifically for the application.

Different credentials in Azure publish profile

Let's say I just want to upload a simple index.html file on my Azure web site (called "test").
To do this, I set my deployment credentials.
For example, username: frog
password: froggy
I am able to use these credentials to upload the file using an FTP client (i.e. FileZilla) but when I download the PublishProfile it has different credentials.
Namely, username: test\$test
password: (someEncryptedLongCharacters)
These last credentials work as well!
What is going on?
Thank you.
Every site has two types of FTP credentials: The credentials for the admin user of the site (which is what you're expecting), and the site's own FTP credentials. When you download the publishing profile you're seeing the site's own credentials.

Password Protecting an Azure Website not just via Web App Form

I have a beta web application which I want to password protect. I would like to lock down the whole folder as one does in IIS which then force the username/password popup. I have done this with my previous shared host on IIS7. However now that I have migrated the site to Azure Websites, I cannot find a method to do this in Azure.
All feedback, that I have read, on this seem to say that it is forms authentication only. Is this true, or is there a way to password protect a complete Azure Website?
I do authenticate within the web app, since this is a requirement of the web app, but I want a simple password protection over all of this that was external to the application.
Use HttpAuthModule nuget.
You can install Nuget package with Visual Studio. Right click on the project for the website you want to secure. Click "Manage NuGet packages". In the browse tab in the search box, search for the phrase "HttpAuthModule". Select the resulting module and click install. This should install the package and make some changes to your web.config file.
Open the web.config and then edit the settings, in particular change the "value" for the "credentials" parameter to be a "username:password;" of your choosing. Now run your site and you should be prompted to enter a username and password.
Another option which is now available is to use the new Azure Websites Authentication / Authorization feature. This enables you to quickly and easily add Azure Active Directory login to your entire website without any code changes. It also works with site slots, so you can have a beta version of your site in a staging slot which is protected by a login page, and a production version which is exposed publicly.
Blog Post:
Demo Video:
This may also be of value if you want a very light weight Forms auth solution:
source code example:
use sha1 password
create sha1 of password
bonus: force serving over https:

login windows auth website( host in test domain) use different account

I have a website which host in a private domain. It uses windows auth. I can log on the site as TestDomain\user1, TestDomain\user2.
When I used the user2 to log on the website , the browser remembered the user. I cannot use the user1 to log on the site. How can I log off user2?
click Start button
type "vault"
select "manage windows credentials"
delete the stored password
