what SED -i does [closed] - linux

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Can anyone help explain what the command does on Ubuntu/Debian? Note there is no file called default. But there is one call default-ssl.conf.
sed -i '/AllowOverride None/c AllowOverride All' /etc/apache2/sites-available/default
[Added]I searched the help page already but I am too new to understand the texts.
[Added 2]I conclude it is an ill command.

It won't do anything if there is no file called default.
However, the -i flag means edit in-place, so it changes the file sed was run on.
In place means make changes to the file by actually changing the file, rather than leaving it intact and printing a new copy with the changes sed would make to stdout.
For more information on sed in general, I recommend reading the sed info page - info sed


How to remove ^C from the path directory terminal [Linux] [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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In Linux when I type "CTRL+C" to cancel the current line and move to the next, I get the following symbol "^C" below showing that I have cancelled the previous command as shown below:
sqldba#SQL-linux-001:/etc# ^C
I would like to remove the "^C" symbol from showing when I cancel from my previous command and show it as below without the "^C" symbol. Basically the same as when you press enter on an empty line, it will show the below. I would like the same as when "CTRL+C" is used
I am unsure of the file to edit to make this change, whether it can be done in the .bashrc profile or the .bash_profile
pipe it through a stream editor. Try this:
echo $PATH | sed 's/^C//g'
Not entirely sure this is what you want, so please clarify. What this will do is remove all instances of ^C from your PATH system variable.
If this is not what you want, take a look at https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/26047/how-to-correctly-add-a-path-to-path as well as man sed

What does command cat /etc/group mean [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have used a command called 'cat /etc/group' what does this command mean and do.Can you tell me what each part of the command does please use simple terms.
You can find the answer to your question explained better than any of us ever could with this command:
man cat
It prints to standard output the contents of the file at the location /etc/group
Ok so cat outputs the file, which (in your case) contains basic info about groups.
If you are interested in what are the groups just click here

unlimited scrolling up from default linux command line [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am looking to increase the default size of the scrolling up buffer from linux command line. It is a Debian server without gui.
I don't find related option in bashrc and I don't even know if there is other configuration file for the default prompt alt+f1 alt+f2 ...
You can change the scrollback-buffer size using kernel options as described here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Scrollback_buffer .
However, if you are interested in the output of a command but at the same time you want to watch the command's progress interactively I suggest to use tee:
command | tee out.file
or if you want to append to a file use
command | tee -a out.file
tee is nice! use it! :)

How to delete file named "-d" in unix(Mac OSX) from command line? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I was playing with tail, head, cut and awk commands on a text file and somehow these commands created empty files with names "-d" and "-f2" (It could be due to ). Now I am not able to delete these files from command line since all commands take these as options. Of course I can delete these from Finder but I am wondering how to delete these from command line.
Use -- to separate the files from the command line arguments. That is
rm -- -d -f2
Or, you can use the full path or a relative path containing at least a /:
rm ./-d ./-f2

options in man document confused me [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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i am a linx beginner.the command options often confused me
dash and double dash
let us look at 'man lftp'
mirror [OPTS] [source [target]]
-e, --delete delete files not present at remote site
--delete-first delete old files before transferring new ones
--depth-first descend into subdirectories before transferring files
what is -e?
-e ==? --delete
-e ==? --delete --delete-first --depth-first
-e is the same as --delete only.
There do not exist short options corresponding to --delete-first or --depth-first, so those have to be written out in full.
