When to use an IIS 6 Website vs. Virtual Directory - iis

I can create a Website in IIS 6 just fine. But can't find out how to browse to it. I created a Website called TestWebSite and I try
but it does not work.
But if I create a virtual directory under my website called TestVirtual I can browse to it.
Why can't I browse to the Websitename?


New Website in Windows 10 IIS not loading

I am trying to learn IIS on my Windows 10 machine, and I watched a tutorial (for a previous version) on which they create a new Website, specify the directory, and they can open the site in the browser.
So I decided to try: At first, I tried to create a new folder in C:\inetpub, but it was giving me headaches with administrative permissions required just to create the directory! So I created a folder in my "D" drive, and put a single "index.html" there, but when I want to open the site, Chrome gives me ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT.
I tried modifying the security of the folder to include IIS_IUSERS, but the problem still exists.
Any kind of help is appreciated

IIS file download

I've created a new web site in IIS on my machine for testing purposes. Beneath the root I have a folder called documents where I have a bunch of pdf's that should be downloadable. However, when I hit the URL localhost:54510/documents/file.pdf I get a 404 error (Chrome, IE and Firefox).
I've added IIS_IUSRS permissions for the specified folders and the service is running since I can access my ASPNET WebApi - localhost:54510/api/whatever-service-function.
I can't grasp my head around what causes this.
PDF is specified in MIME-types as Application/pdf.
Another thing is, when I add the documents folder as a virtual directory in the Default web site then it works to download it from localhost:80/documents/file.pdf.
I have also tried to add the documents folder as a virtual directory in my web-site and set my local user as the authenticator to see if it had anything to do with permission.
I'm running on IIS 10.
Does anyone have any ideas?

Using IIs as it I would use Apache

I want to use IIS the way I use Apache. With that, I mean to, for example, create a simple html file, with only a "hello" message, put this file inside the IIS folder and then be able to access this html page thru eg.: localhost/mypage.html.
I can't figure it out how to make this. I've searched on Google, but nine has helped me.
My doubts are:
The IIS server is turned on, I saw this on the IIS Manager. So, what are the folder that I should place my html file and what are the default port that IIS uses so I can access my html file via localhost?
Create a new website and point to the folder where your html file resides
GO to IIS Manager->Right Click on Sites -> Add Website
Are you getting the localhost default screen
Restart Your server as whole,
See if the IIS Worker Process is running on the task manager,

Correct IIS 7.5 physical path

In IIS 7.5 I have a site called App with one application App and one Virtual Directory Vir.
Let's say my starting page is as follows:
Is the correct physical path for the site?
or is it
Whatever the path you have defined for virtual directory of the site.
If you have create this page is app(c:\Website\site) or site(c:\Website\App) then it refers to its virtual directory physical path.
If you have created this page in specific virtual directory(c:\Website\Vir) then it refers to its physical path.
Actually you need to understand the difference site vs application vs virtual directory in IIS. you can refer this link

Modify the default website in IIS 6.0

I have IIS installed on a server.
It is currently on the intranet as http://mySite which has a few basic html pages that load when you go to that URL
I've made a virtual directory called MyWebApp, which sits at http://mySite/MyWebApp
How do I go about making MyWebApp the default site when you type mySite into the browser?
I don't want it to come up as mySite/MyWebApp when you visit the page either.. I just want it to always say mySite.
Wouldn't it just be simpler to build your app in your root directory? However, you can change the root directory of your IIS6 website by:
To change the home directory of a Web site using IIS Manager
In IIS Manager, expand the local computer, expand the Web Sites directory, right-click the Web site you wish to change, and click Stop.
Use Windows Explorer, to rename the LocalDrive:\Inetpub\Wwwroot directory to the name of your choice. Alternatively, you can copy the entire \Wwwroot directory tree to a new location.
