Creating a client which can interact with asterisk manager using node.js - node.js

I have a node.js server, what I want is that the same server should run as a client for asterisk manager and can connect to AM using node.js.
The overall architecture will be like this :
Client interact with node.js server.
The same server acts as a client to asterisk manager.
Asterisk manager will provide data to client(which is also a node.js server)
Now the node.js server will push data to its actual client.

It's too difficult to get a nodejs compatible client, probably you will have to build a complete module which is compatible with nodejs.
My requirement was also the same, I would suggest instead of looking for any nodejs module use sipml5 client with asterisk. The audio part can be handled with sipml5 and other features can be built with nodejs.

I'm writing similar app by nodejs.
Use asterisk-ami npm module so you can connect to your asterisk server and access required events.
Here's the link for the described module:
here's the link for the described module.


why we use client we can make app with only using via server?

I having some doubts that:-
what is need to use the client we can use only the server to stop refreshing the app.
what is different between the client and server.
check this link
socket-io.client is the code for the client-side implementation of That code may be used either by a browser client or by a server process that is initiating a connection to some other server (thus playing the client-side role in a connection).
A server that is not initiating connections to other servers would not use this code. This has been made a little more confusing that it probably should be because when using, it appears that both client and server are using the same file (because they both refer to a file with the same name), but is not actually the case. The server is using a different file than the client.
From the Github page for socket-io.client:
A standalone build of is exposed automatically by the server as / Alternatively you can serve the file found at the root of this repository.
Keep in mind that there are unique features that belong to client and server so it should not be a surprise that they use some different code. Though they share code for parsing the protocol and things like that, the server has the ability to run a server or hook into an existing web server and it has methods like .join() and .leave() and data structures that keep track of all the connected sockets and is expected to live in the node.js environment. The client has the ability to initiate a connection (send the right http request), do polling if webSockets are not supported, build on a native webSocket implementation if present, etc....

Is possible to React Native run a socket server?

I'd like to make a app with React-Native that's accept connections from another devices (Desktops or mobiles) through raw tcp sockets (like node's Net API) or WebSockets (like The point is that, socket server must be running on the React-Native's App.
I already tried and react-native-tcp, it works when i make the server run on a nodeJS's application and the client on RN's app, but not the reverse.
When i try to import and make it listen on a port, a error is raisen, because RN don't have node's http module. Just works.
I think that i'm doing something wrong, but is really possible to do that? and what is the best way?
Obs: I'm really new in RN's world.
No, we can't create a server although if we create a server we can't connect any other external applications to the server.
So create a server and deploy it in any could service then use it in your react-native app.

How can I get an Electron and app to run in a thin client architecture?

I created an Electron for a tiny company that connects to a server. This app obtains the username of the logged in user and the MAC address and sends this info to the server for processing. All of this is working fine with regular desktops. Now, another company wants the same app, but they have a thin client architecture. Is there a way to get the app to run in this kind of architecture?
I am having a hart time figuring it out. I have never dealt with thin clients.
1) In the thin client architecture, would I have my server code and the app in the same server then? If they are in the same server, how could I get the app to connect to the server? They are in the same machine, so I am confused.
2) One problem is the app can't obtain the MAC of the thin client because once executed from the thin client it will end up getting the MAC of the server. Is there a way to obtain the MAC of the thin client using Node.js? Is there another way of using Node to recognize some sort of id for the thin client?
I would like the thin client to log in to the server, execute my app automatically, connect to the server, and send to it the username of the logged in user and the MAC address of the thin client. Is this possible? Do you have any suggestions on how to accomplish this?
You have to use the serverside code of the library for your server. E.g. node express.
Then you have to use the client side code of the library in a client side application. E.g. electron
Electron is a combination of node and chromium and you have to install the final build on the clients machine(s).
Of course, you can do all the things you ask about. Just read the docs. Its very easy, you can do it by specifying the host IP and listening/emitting events.

Read/write/browse files from client side *desktop* Meteor app?

(I am new to Meteor and NodeJs environments)
I would like to implement a Meteor-based webapp which needs to read/write/browse files on the client's local filesystem. I used the Meteor package arboleya:electrify to make the client side webapp a desktop app, with the hope of having the access rights to read the filesystem (because if Atom can do it, then why not my app).
My problem so far is that I don't understand how I can use an API like NodeJs's fs from a Meteor client.
Edit: This question is for a client Meteor app, connected to a remote Meteor server.
Recent versions of Electrify enable an easy IPC connection between Electron's NodeJS and Meteor as RPC, allowing the Meteor client to remotely call the functions of Electron's NodeJS.

Need help http Server and client server

I have used an application for login, adding friends and chat using node.js and mongoDB.I installed the node.js and monogoDB on ec2 instance. However, I do not know if need to use client server and http server?
Here is the application that I used
note: I am new to node.js and mongoDB
you dont need a "client server". Your http server will serve to your clients some javascript files that will help them to comunicate with your server. If you go in app/public/scripts you can see theese files.
