How to sequence a custom action script after a specific dialog? - installshield

I have created a basic MSI project using InstallShield, I want to run a custom action script between two dialogs.
This shows my execute sequence, I want to move the custom action MyCustomActionScript to between the two dialogs indicated by the arrow.
How can I do this? Do I need to change things around somehow so that the dialogs are not nested (this is the way they are created naturally)? Or do I have to do something else, like run a DoAction on the target dialog? If so, will the execute sequence automatically move to the next dialog upon completion of the script, or do I have to script something to move the execution?
(Note that the script is a simple manipulation of the INSTALLDIR property, nothing complicated.)

Only the first dialog of the wizard loop is in the UI sequence. The rest are invoked by NewDialog control events. You want to look into the DoAction control event to invoke your custom action.
Custom actions scheduled in this fashion should only perform data acquisition / validation. Changes to the machine state should only occur in the execute sequence.

To run an action between LicenseAgreement and InstallSettings, you must indeed set up a control event DoAction. In this case you would add the DoAction on the behavior of LicenseAgreement's Next button so that it is invoked in the same scenarios that the Next button's NewDialog takes you to InstallSettings.


How to override the Process button in the Process order screen in Acumatica

How to override the Process button in the Process order screen in Acumatica
enter image description here
There may be a way to directly the "Process" function for a specific processing screen but I am unaware of it nor do I see anything obvious in the customizer to do so. You could try to override a method within the Sales Order graph that you know fires within this process and implement your custom logic there. This way it would be hit by both the processing page and whatever action item you override within the order directly.

Close dialog and execute automation script on same button (IBM Maximo)

Is there any workaround to execute an automation script over dialog in Maximo and next close it with dialogok event using the same push button?
It's probably not the answer you want to hear, but as of Maximo (the latest version currently available), the only "workaround" would be a custom Java Bean class.
It's is possible to trigger two actions with one button. I've not tested it with automationscripts though....
For example use this in de button xml:
mxevent="dialogok" value="ROUTEWF"
You can add a sigoption with the same name as the action and make sure that you expand the 'Advanced Signature Options' section and set 'This is an action that must be invoked by user in the UI'.
You could create and object launch point automation script therefore when you click OK in the menu the object will be saved and the automation script triggered.
If you already know that some field is going to be update, you could do it with an attribute launch point for that object.

In Enterpise Architect cannot add interruption flow

I'm fairly new to Enterprise Architect, thus the question might be very simple. I'm modelling an activity diagram. The flow is pretty straightforward. However, I cannot add an interrupt flow between two actions.
Here's the behavior of the system: a user presses a button, while he's holding the button, the machine is moving towards the target. As soon as the machine reached the target, the application proceeds to the next step. If the user releases the button, the machine stops and waits till he presses it again to re-start the movement.
Here's the description of my model: I have the action "Press button", the control flow goes inside of the InterruptibleActivityRegion. Inside of the region I iteratively check if the target is reached. I also have action "Release button". I want to add interruption flow from it to the very beginning (to go before button press action). However, I can't. when I right-click on the Release button action, only control flow or object flow can be created. I've tried clicking on interruption flow in the Toolbox, but whenever I click on the Release button action, it's not added. I've also tried to use Receive instead of Action for Release button - only control flow can be added to it. Do you have any idea why interruption flow cannot be added?
The connector might not be available in the quick-link menu (which is displayed when you drag a connector from one element to another in a diagram), but it should still be in the activity diagram toolbox, next to control and object flow.
Figured out the solution. The reason why I couldn't connect the action which is a cause of the interruption to a different action with a interruption flow is that the first action didn't belong to the interruption region. When I created the action, I placed it inside of the region, but didn't check in the object browser which element became its parent. After moving the action to be a child of the region, I'm able to connect it with an interruption flow to other actions.

Automatic show a dialog in ObjectListView, wxpython

I meet a problem in ObjectListView. When I choose some objects or use checkbox to choose them, the function on those objects will be called by pressing a button and utilizing GetCheckedObjects().
Is it possible for a dialog showed automatically when I choose or check an object like this?
If ObjectListView doesn't support that function, is there any other ways to realize it?
According to this previous SO question, the event that is triggered when a user clicks on a ObjectListView is the same as for a wx.ListCtrl, namely wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED.
So all you need to do is create your dialog (tutorials here and here) then bind a function to wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED that launches your dialog.

Set message box from Message.Show() as a child of Wix installer window

In my custom actions, I've used MessageBox.Show() to show a dialog whether needed. For ex: during database installation, I'd like to show a message to user if any error. But the message box is not set as a child of Wix window by default, thus the end-user can leave the message box and touch the Back, Next button ...
Is there any way to set the message box as a child of the main Wix installer window?
Thanks in advance,
There are bad ways and good ways. The bad ways involve FindWindow calls so you can parent appropriately. The good ways involve calls to MsiProcessMessage, Session.Message, or whatever wrapper is available. However if this custom action is being invoked from a DoAction ControlEvent, the latter will not work.
