What was VB6's threading model? - multithreading

I'm porting an ancient VB6 program to C#/.Net. I don't know VB6 very well and I'm asking this to understand it better.
The old VB6 program had a main course of program execution, but it also had lots of event handlers either for socket events or for timer events and the handlers for these often manipulated shared resources, e.g., common global variables, whenever they woke up and ran.
Nonetheless the old program seemed to run OK.
Trying to do this same architecture in C# is disastrous because event handlers for the socket or timers are called by the system in different threads from the main application thread and result in frequent exceptions like "The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it.", not to mention more subtle problems. Most of my work in the conversion is re-architecting the program to make it thread-safe, and eliminating the original program's heavy use of global variables.
My question is Do VB6 event handlers run in separate threads? If so how did VB6 ever get away with this? Among other things, the VB6 program had a timer that woke up every 4 seconds, manipulated some global variables and went back to sleep, while the main program was doing its thing. I can't understand why this didn't result in collisions.

Apartment-Model Threading in Visual Basic
If you want the gritty details, research apartment threading models in COM. VB6 basically uses COM and it's built-in implicity threading models to treat single threads as message-passing entities. It simplifies thread-safety, but underneath you are sacrificing a lot of overhead by basically treating all method calls as queued service calls.
All of your code basically runs in a container that implements COM service calls. If you've ever worked with something written in VB6 in another language, you can interact with them via COM, usually.
Do VB6 event handlers run in separate threads?
Not really, because there aren't separate threads. Your code runs on a single thread, wrapped in the service-like architecture I described above. Most of what you talk to that is threaded is other COM objects which have their own apartments. So to communicate back and forth, you are basically doing RPC calls when the threads talk to each other: you aren't directly manipulating them.
Among other things, the VB6 program had a timer that woke up every 4 seconds, manipulated some global variables and went back to sleep, while the main program was doing its thing. I can't understand why this didn't result in collisions.
The "timer" is on a separate thread created for the timer, but when it calls into your code, you are guaranteed not to interrupt any other functions, because the function calls are basically queued one at a time in the thread.

My question is Do VB6 event handlers run in separate threads?
Common answer: No.
Real answer: Yes, if you make nasty Win32 calls to spawn more threads. The odds of doing this correctly are close to zero. I don't think I've ever seen it in real code.
Among other things, the VB6 program had a timer that woke up every 4 seconds, manipulated some global variables and went back to sleep, while the main program was doing its thing. I can't understand why this didn't result in collisions.
When the timer wakes up, it puts a message in the UI's queue. When the UI goes idle, it processes the message and runs the event on the UI thread.
You can do the same thing in WinForms if you use the right timer.

To Matt Wilko, DoEvents is VB6 implementing a virtual cooperative multithreading thing. What's a thread, something that can be interupted to run other code. When you use DoEvents you interupt the execution of your code, when the CPU does multithreading it preempts your code. The effect is the same. One done by VB6 runtime and one by the CPU.
Your event Handlers aren't supposed to run too long. Each event is queued and run one at a time.
Also the way to multithread a VB6 thing is to put other things in a COM Exe file with a asynchronous model. The exe calls back when finished.


Reasons for not using SendMessage() to access UI controls from other threads?

I have read that SendMessage() should not be used to access UI controls from other threads, but I'm not sure I know why, the only reason that I can think of is since SendMessage() is a blocking call, then it could cause a deadlock in certain situations.
But is this the only reason not to use it?
Edit: This article talks about the reasons not to use SendMessage() but I don't find it to be very clear (it is intended for .NET).
It is best to keep in mind that the odds that you will write correct code are not very good. And the generic advice is don't do it! It is never necessary, the UI thread of a GUI program in Windows was entirely structured to make it simple to allow code that runs on another thread or inside a process affect the UI of the program. The point of the message loop, the universal solution to the producer-consumer problem. PostMessage() is your weapon to take advantage of it.
Before you forge ahead anyway, start by thinking about a simple problem that's very hard to solve when you use SendMessage. How do you close a window safely and correctly?
Given is that the exact moment in time that you need to close the window is entirely unpredictable and completely out of sync with the execution of your worker thread. It is the user that closes it, or asks the UI thread to terminate, you need to make sure that the thread has exited and stops calling SendMessage before you can actually close the window.
The intuitive way to do this is to signal an event in your WM_CLOSE message handler, asking the thread to stop. And wait for it to complete, then the window can close. Intuitive, but it does not work, it will deadlock your program. Sometimes, not always, very hard to debug. Goes wrong when the thread cannot check the event because it is stuck in the SendMessage call. Which cannot complete since the UI thread is waiting for the thread to exit. The worker thread cannot continue and the UI thread cannot continue. A "deadly embrace", your program will hang and needs to be killed forcibly. Deadlock is a standard threading bug.
You'll shout, "I'll use SendMessageTimeout!" But what do you pass for the uTimeout argument and how do you interpret an ERROR_TIMEOUT error? It is pretty common for a UI thread to go catatonic for a while, surely you've seen the "ghost window" before, the one that shows 'Not Responding` in the title bar. So an ERROR_TIMEOUT does not reliably indicate that the UI thread is trying to shut down unless you make uTimeout very large. At least 10 seconds. That kinda works, getting the occasional 10 second hang at exit is however not very pretty.
Solve this kind of problem for all the messages, not just WM_CLOSE. WM_PAINT ought to be next, another one that's very, very hard to solve cleanly. Your worker thread asks to update the display a millisecond before the UI thread calls EndPaint(). And thus never displays the update, it simply gets lost. A threading race, another standard threading bug.
The third classic threading bug is a fire-hose problem. Happens when your worker thread produces results faster than the UI thread can handle them. Very common, UI updates are pretty expensive. Easy to detect, very hard to solve and unpredictable when it occurs. Easy to detect because your UI will freeze, the UI thread burns 100% core trying to keep up with the message rate. It doesn't get around to its low-priority tasks anymore. Like painting. Goes wrong both when you use SendMessage or PostMessage. In the latter case you'll fill the message queue up to capacity. It starts failing after it contains 10000 unprocessed messages.
Long story short, yes, SendMessage() is thread-safe. But thread-safety is not a transitive property, it doesn't automatically make your own code thread-safe. You still suffer from all the things that can go wrong when you use threads. Deadlocks, races, fire-hosing. Fear the threading beast.

QProcess, QEventLoop - of any use for parallel-processing

I wonder whether I could use QEventLoop (QProcess?) to parallelize multiple calls to same function with Qt. What is precisely the difference with QtConcurrent or QThread? What is a process and an event loop more precisely? I read that QCoreApplication must exec() as early as possible in main() method, so that I wonder why it is different from main Thread.
could you point as some efficient reference to processes and thread with Qt? I came through the official doc and those things remain unclear.
Thanks and regards.
Process and thread are not Qt-specific concepts. You can search for "process vs. thread" anywhere for that distinction to be explained. For instance: What resources are shared between threads?
Though related concepts, spawning a new process is a more "heavyweight" form of parallelism than spawning a new thread within your existing process. Processes are protected from each other by default, while threads of execution within a process can read and write each other's memory directly. The protection you get from spawning processes comes at a greater run-time cost...and since independent processes can't read each other's memory, you have to share data between them using methods of inter-process communication.
Odds are that you want threads, because they're simpler to use in a case where one is writing all the code in a program. Given all the complexities in multithreaded programming, I'd suggest looking at a good book or reading some websites to start with. See: What are some good resources for learning threaded programming?
But if you want to dive in and just get a feel for how threading in Qt looks, you can spend time looking at the examples:
QtConcurrent is an abstraction library that makes it easier to implement some kinds of parallel programming patterns. It's built on top of the QThread abstractions, and there's nothing it can do that you couldn't code yourself by writing to QThread directly. But it might make your code easier to write and less prone to errors.
As for an event loop...that is merely a generic term for how any given thread of execution in your program waits for work items to process, processes them, and can decide when it is no longer needed. If a thread's job were merely to start up, do some math, and exit...then it wouldn't need an event loop. But starting and stopping a thread takes time and churns resources. So typically threads live for longer periods of time, and have an event loop that knows how to wait for events it needs to respond to.
If you build on top of QtConcurrent, you won't have to worry about an event loop in your worker threads because they are managed automatically in a thread pool. The word count example is pretty simple to see:

How does node.js know if a call has to be executed in the thread pool or in the event loop?

I've read that node.js uses both treads and an event loop.
I'm curious to know how does it know how to treat a call back... Is it specified by the EventEmitter (and does the engineer know if it is going to be blocking or not)?
Or is the core itself that chooses it at runtime?
If it's this one how does it detect if it has to be run async or threaded?
I've already read a lot of resources but i didn't find about this. Im reading the source code but it's hard since it is a lot of time since the last time i coded with C++.
Your JavaScript code always runs in a single thread. That's because the V8 JavaScript engine is not threadsafe.
However, as an implementation detail of some of the C++ code, there may be threads. For example, suppose you write some JavaScript code that connects to a database. Your JavaScript code will of course be async, like any good Node code. But async coding is very uncommon in the C/C++ world, so the database vendor probably didn't write an async C/C++ API.
So when someone is writing a Node package for database access, they have to write a shim that adapts between the "blocking" C++ behavior and the "non-blocking, event-driven" Node behavior. When you call, say, a "connect" method, that goes to C++ code that spawns a new thread, and that thread issues a (blocking) "connect" call to the database, which blocks the thread until the connection is done. Then the C++ code will communicate the "connection done" back to the event queue, and the next time the main (JavaScript) thread polls the event queue, your callback will fire.
So yes, there are threads, but their use should be completely transparent to you. When you're writing Node.js code in JavaScript, you don't need to worry about threads -- you just care that things happen when they're supposed to. Package authors may use threads, but that's purely an implementation detail and you should never have to worry about it. Your JavaScript code never explicitly uses threads.

Can you receive Events in a secondary thread in Delphi XE?

I would like to have three threads in a sample application.
Thread #1 (Main Thread) - User Interface/GUI
Thread #2 - Tied to a serial port device receiving data via events passing to a data queue.
Thread #3 - Activated when a queue entry is made, process data node, frees data object.
The goal is to
a) Prevent the loss of data when a button or the form is held by the mouse on the main form.
b) Quickly get the data from the event, stuff it in the queue, go back to sleep
c) Process data when we have it, otherwise sleep.
Can packages like AsyncoPro tie event handling to a non-main thread?
I've never done much with serial port event driven apps, most of what I've work with are polled and I want to do some testing.
You can definitely tie event handling to a non-main thread. What you can't do is tie screen updating to a non-main thread. The Windows API is not threadsafe, and so the Delphi VCL, which is built on top of the Windows API, isn't either. But your design is basically a good, workable idea; just remember to use the Synchronize or Queue methods of TThread to send any UI updates back to be executed on the main thread.
The easiest should be to define some user messages, then sent it from sub-threads to the main thread.
It's perfectly thread-safe, and even process-safe.
Use PostMessage() with the Handle of the main form. But don't broadcast this WM_USER+n message to the whole UI, because you could confuse some part of the VCL which defines its own custom messages.
If you want to copy some textual data accross threads or processes, you can see WM_COPY_DATA. In practice, this is very fast, faster than named pipes for small messages.
For User Interface, I discovered than a stateless implementation is sometimes a good idea. That is, you don't call-back the main thread via a Synchronize() call or a GDI message, but your main GUI thread has a timer which check a shared memory buffer for pending updates. This is how the web works, and in practice, it's pretty easy to work with: you don't have to write any callback, each thread is independent, do its own stuff, and refresh when necessary.
But of course, the solution depends on your exact project architecture.
For a simple but proven library, see AsyncCalls, working from Delphi 5 up to XE. For latest versions of the IDE (Delphi 2007 and later), take a look at OmniThreadLibrary. By using such libraries, you'll ensure that your software implementation won't break anywhere: it's very common for a multi-threaded application to work as expected most of the time, then, for unknown reasons, going into an endless loop. And, of course, it happens only on the customer side, not yours... If you don't want to spend hours debugging your program, just trust those proven libraries, which are known to be well designed and debugged.
Sure you can do this, one way or another. Not used Apro since D5 - the Apro I have does not work on my D2009, (unicode/string/ANSIstring issues), & I have my own serial classes. Most of the available serial components have the option of firing dataRx events on either the rx thread or the main GUI thread - obviously in your case you should select the rx thread, (Thread #2). Shove the rx data into some buffer class and push it onto a producer-consumer thread to (Thread #3). Process it there. If you need to do a GUI update from there, PostMessage the reference to the GUI thread and handle it in a user-defined message-handler procedure.
Done this sort of stuff loadsa times - it will work OK.

How to make Qt work when main thread is busy?

Main (function main is there) thread of my program is reserved for non-GUI tasks. It calls a number of lengthy calculation functions. All implemented GUI's have been doing their work in a separate threads.
I'm now going to implement one more GUI using Qt. Qt documentation says all GUI related tasks should be done in main thread.
In my case, inserting occasional QCoreApplication::processEvents() calls in main thread would be virtually useless due to great delays between them.
Is there any way to overcome this constraint of Qt?
Is it impossible to do something non-GUI related in main thread of Qt program?
No, you should be doing your calculations in a separate thread. As you already mentioned, there is a work-around available in QCoreApplication::processEvents(), but it sounds like you're unable to make that work for you.
If you don't want to have to do all the work of setting up a QThread and moving all your code, you may find that the QtConcurrent::run function is useful - it allows you to run a function asynchronously.
A few pointers: You should try and keep your main (GUI) thread as light as possible. Large amounts of IO or calculations should either be done asynchronously using QtConcurrent::run, or run inside a separate QThread. Depending on the complexity of your code, you may be able to get away with the QtConcurrent method.
It's best to offload the long computations onto other threads so the main GUI thread remains responsive. The old-school uniprocessing way of doing things would be be to make sure your computations never run for too long without polling GUI event handler, but that doesn't scale to multi-cores.
Fortunately Qt has excellent threading support. In the past you'd have to roll-you-own system for e.g farming out tasks to a thread-pool using QThread, QMutex, QWaitCondition etc, but recent Qt releases have made things easier with higher level abstractions like QThreadPool, QtConcurrent::run and QFuture.
I don't know how things will go if you call QApplication::exec() from another thread, which then becomes your gui thread. Just an idea.
(Let us know if it works, it'd be interesting...)
The concept of main thread is not clearly defined in Qt documentation. Actually, the main thread of a process (process that executes the Process.run function) can be different from the main Qt thread (thread that instantiates the first Qt object like a QApplication), although both "main" threads are often the same one.
Example of valid code structure:
function below will run in the process' non-main thread 'thread-1', that will become immediately Qt's main thread.
def startThread1():
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
app.exec_() # enter event loop
code below run in process' main thread, not to be confused with the main Qt and unique GUI thread of the process.
thread1 = Thread(target=self.startThread1)
input('I am busy until you press enter')
