Manipulation of the backlight in a embedded linux device is unstable - linux

I want to control the backlight value of a LCD monitor in a embedded linux device. Doing researches throughout the internet I found a couple of references saying that the file called backlight inside the backlight's driver folder in sys/classes holds the key: it's just a matter of changing the value inside (such as using the echo command in Terminal) that one would get this results. References saying that includes this link, this and this one. In my specific case, the file is located inside /sys/devices/platform/pwm-backlight/backlight/pwm-backlight and there all the relevant, mentioned files are located: actual_brightness, brightness, max_brightness.
Using the echo command, I did managed to control de backlight, but the problem is that this command is unstable. Sometimes I change the value inside the file and the backlight reacts accordingly; other times nothing happens. I couldn't find any particularity that would justify why sometimes it works and others don't, and that's why I'm here. What could be happening that makes this works sometimes and others not? Is there something lacking in programming or would it be a driver or even hardware problem? And what should I do to correct this instability?
It's worth mentioning that I did compile the Linux kernel in accordance to what seems needed (see this link). Given the instructions in this page, the driver being used is called "Generic PWM based Backlight Driver". I'm using a Texas Instruments OMAP L138 processor.
By the way, it's worth mentioning that a "counter" solution that doesn't involve changing that file is accepted (such as for example what is shown in this link).


Source code of keyboard driver of linux

I have been working on making my own keyboard driver for linux. So I came accross these two links: usbkbd.c and atkbd.c.
Now I am
confused which of these is the actual code driving my keyboard at the present. As I see it atkbd.c is quite gory and there is a conversion
of scancodes to keycodes. So it should be the code, though I am not sure.
If atkbd.c is the code, then what is the other code for?
This is easy to check. Let's take usbkbd.c.
The corresponding Kconfig ( says:
Say Y here only if you are absolutely sure that you don't want to use
the generic HID driver for your USB keyboard and prefer to use the
keyboard in its limited Boot Protocol mode instead.
This is almost certainly not what you want. This is mostly useful for
embedded applications or simple keyboards.
So it looks unlikely to be the keyboard driver we are looking for. Also check current kernel config for USB_KBD. The config can be found under /boot directory or by running zcat /proc/config.gz. If USB_KBD is not there, you're not using it. If usbkbd.c is built as module, then will be worth checking if it is actually loaded. Makefile ( gives the target as usbkbd. We can check if it is loaded by grepping for it in output of lsmod.
In contrast, Kconfig ( for atkbd.c seem much more likely:
Say Y here if you want to use a standard AT or PS/2 keyboard. Usually
you'll need this, unless you have a different type keyboard (USB, ADB
or other). This also works for AT and PS/2 keyboards connected over a
PS/2 to serial converter. If unsure, say Y.
Also check kernel config for KEYBOARD_ATKBD. If it is Y, you know it is being used. If it's M, check output of lsmod for atkbd.

ncurses disable kernel messages on console screen?

Im looking for a way how to get rid of (kernel?) messages that appear in my ncurses app. I wrote the app myself, so i would prefer a API that redirects these messages to /dev/null. I mean messages like, a USB stick that is inserted.
I tried to add this, but unfortunately it doesn't work
freopen("/dev/null", "w", stderr);
I'm not running X, just ncurses direct from the console.
I mean messages like, a USB stick that is inserted.
Someone votes to close this question because it would not be related to programming. But it is, i wrote the ncurses app myself, i'm looking for a way how to disable the kernel message. I updated the question.
Let me explain what i'm doing, and whats the problem in more detail:
I'm using Tiny Core linux, thats after boots starts (self written) ncurses program. Now when you for example connect a USB drive, a message (i suspect kernel) is shown over my program. I guess the message is written straight into the framebuffer. Im using TC 5.x since i need 32 bit, im running as root and have full access to the os.
You should be able to use openvt to have your program run on a new Virtual Terminal.
I'll also note that it should be possible to embed control for the VTs yourself if you prefer to break the external dependency, but note that structures used may not be stable between kernel versions, and may require recompilation.
See the KBD project's sources, specifically openvt.c to see how it works.
Try configuring the kernel through boot parameters with the option:
loglevel=3 (or a lower value)
0 (KERN_EMERG) system is unusable
1 (KERN_ALERT) action must be taken immediately
2 (KERN_CRIT) critical conditions
3 (KERN_ERR) error conditions
4 (KERN_WARNING) warning conditions
5 (KERN_NOTICE) normal but significant condition
6 (KERN_INFO) informational
7 (KERN_DEBUG) debug-level messages
See also: Change default console loglevel during boot up
It might be impossible to block some other process with sufficient access from writing to /dev/console but you may be able to redefine console as some other device, at boot time by setting console=ttyS0 (first serial port), see:
Also if we know exactly which software is sending the message it may be possible to reconfigure it (possibly dynamically) but it would help to know the version and edition of Tiny Core Linux you are using?
E.g. this website has a "Core", "TinyCore" and "CorePlus" versions 1.x up to 7
This would help reproducing the exact same behavior and testing potential solutions.

Capturing Global Keyboard Events On Linux With NodeJS

I have a headless Debian ARM machine that I'm running Node on. The device has hard buttons that are mapped to normal keyboard events using gpio-keys.
My goal is to capture the global events from both the hard buttons as well as any attached keyboards in Node. I need a solution that can capture the keydown/keyup events independently of the terminal that it's run in (it will be run over an SSH session). It doesn't have to be cross-platform, as long as it works on ARM Debian I'll accept it.
I am imagining something reading directly from whatever sysfs attributes are necessary, but that's not a requirement.
Can anyone help me on this? I've been stuck for a while.
One of the device files /dev/input/event* will represent the gpio-keys device. You can figure out which one in a number of ways; one easy one is to look at the contents of the uevent file for the device, e.g. /sys/class/input/event0/device/uevent. It'll contain a number of useful key-value properties.
Once you've figured out which device you want, you can open and read from it. It'll return a stream of struct input_events, as defined in <linux/input.h>. These events will correspond to presses and releases for each of your buttons.
You may also want to take a look for existing solutions for at least part of the problem, such as node-keyboard:

How can I get edge events via GPIO on Linux without a busy-loop?

I'm working an a system with embedded Linux (Kernel 2.6.31).
It is a AT91SAM9G20 chip inside, and some of the Pins are forwarded to the outside.
Now I want to use them as GPIO Inputs.
I read the gpio.txt documentation about using the GPIOs via filesystem, and that works very well 'til here. I connected some switches to the gpio-pins and I can see the result in /sys/class/gpio/gpioX/value. But now I'd like to react on a change without busy-waiting in a loop. (i.e echo "Switch1 was pressed").
I guess I need interrupts here, but I couldn't find out how to use them without writing my own kernel driver. I'm relatively new to Linux and C (I normally program in Java), so I'd like to handle the Interrupts via sysfs too. But my problem is, that there is no "edge"-file in my GPIO directory (I guess because this is only since Kernel version 2.6.33+). Is that right? Instead of "edge" I've got a uevent file in there, which is not described in gpio.txt.
In the gpio.txt documentation there was a Standard Kernel Driver mentioned: "gpio_keys". Is it possible to use this for my problem?
I guess it would be better to work with this driver than allowing a userspace program to manipulate kernel tasks.
I found a lot of codesnippets for writing my own driver, but I wasn't even able to find out which of the 600 gpio.h files to include, and how to refer to the library (cross compiler couldn't find the gpio.h file).
Sorry for newbie questions, I hope you could give me some advices.
Thanks in advance
See this for an example on how to do that. Basically, the thing you're missing is the usage of the select or poll system calls.

Communicate with a NES game running in an emulator

I am thinking of creating an arcade machine for fun. Something like this one. I wonder if it's possible to get events from some game, e.g.Super Mario. Assume I finish a level and I want to get that event, with the score and some other data and perform some actions with that data. I am thinking of running the emulator in Windows. Did anybody work on something like this? Are there not too difficult ways to get events and data from old NES games? May be I should run not Windows, but some Linux for that? Well, please share your thoughts about how to do the software part of it.
Modern emulators such as FCEUX make it possible to interact with the running ROM through Lua scripts (see example video). Using this API you could write a Lua script to:
monitor a certain memory location
wait for it to hold some special value (such as level_just_finished)
read out the current score from memory
do something with the score
In order to know which memory locations to check, you will either need to disassemble the ROM or run it through a debugger, or both. As for Super Mario Bros, there's already a commented disassembly available. The FCEUX emulator also has a built-in debugger/disassembler that you can use.
All of this takes a lot of effort and you would need to know Lua, 6502 assembly, and the inner workings of an NES. For your arcade machine, you might be better off just using an emulator such as UberNES, which automatically can track your highscore for many popular titles.
Class NES games don't have standard hooks for achievement reporting. The only options I can think of are the following:
Rebuild the ROMs in question, with your own hooks (which a custom emulator could handle).
Watch the ROM memory footprint directly, and parse the state continually, triggering when you observe some known state.
Both options require that you really understand the internals of a NES ROM.
IRQ...Go for Interrupt_requests..they triger a interrupt...I have read / and seen the code about it somewhere...even x86 also uses IRQs for communciation with various device a simple exmaple:keyboard when a key is pressed a call is made ti PIC and an IRQ is generated and system knows which key is pressed and the same mech is used in NES
