Heroku + SSL Endpoint + SSL Cert from goDaddy. Is it secured - security

This is a very general question, not sure if its a duplicate as I have not really found my answer yet.
My company is very concerned about security of data, means, we are very particular about hosting our app and also our database. We are dealing with quite sensitive information such as medical data. We previously used AWS, means using a raw instance with no SSL at all. We migrated our web app to Heroku, as its purchased by cloudforce and we do not really need to take care about security, pen-testing all these stuff.
Then, we used heroku's SSL endpoints with a goDaddy SSL Cert which we think it might further enhance the security of the site.
I can say I am super noob in web security but are these measures enough?

If you are dealing with medical data, the measures you describe are not enough by themselves.
An SSL certificate will ensure your data is protected (encrypted) when it goes over the wire. A certificate will also identify the server to your users (mitigating man-in-the-middle attacks).
But when dealing with sensitive data, you'd also have to make sure your data is protected at rest (encrypted in the database or encrypting the database files themselves). You also have to take measures to prevent unauthorized access. This means that your users need to authenticate themselves and you have to give them access or prevent them from having access based on who they are or what role they are in (RBAC).
Google for any of the terms in this answer will give you lots more information.

It indeed is a general question, so only a general answer can be provided. Furthermore, it all depends on how you define "enough".
Of course using SSL give you the advantages of it, you are better of with it than without.
But make sure that you understand what SSL does and does not do. A limited list:
SSL does encrypt the communication between client en server.
SSL does conform the identity of the server (if he manage to keep his private key secure).
SSL does not prevent any acces to your endpoint
SSL does not conform in any way the identity of a user.


what is the parts of an url like company name at the beginning ? and how can i add this kind of thing to my website?

i have seen many of commercial websites, have compromised their URL with company name as display above. i need this kind of thing to my web site too. can anybody advice me?
This website is using Extended Validation SSL certificate and the browser may or may not represent this in a special way to acknowledge for the higher security of this website.
In general, the EV certificate guarantee higher security, because the Certificate Authority that is issuing the certificate is responsible to verify that the purchaser of the certificate is the same as the legal owner of the domain + some additional info. And it is more expensive.
This is an Extended Validation SSL certificate.
They're much more expensive.
That shows that a SSL certificate exsts for the website you are on. (SSL Encryption means that information that is passed between you and the website, like passwords, will be fairly well protected from spying by internet "hackers.")
You can google "free ssl certificate" and find providers that assist you in setting up a free SSL certificate. This is a good idea for various reasons and not that difficult to do.

Encryption in an open-source program?

Currently I'm developing a Node.js webserver-app that I then want to make available for download and use. This app should feature accounts, so that you can log in with your account on the website created by the server.
Since that would require a password, I also have to think about security obviously. But now, I don't really know how I should protect the password while sending and receiving it.
For storage, I was about to simply create a hash of the password and store that hash somewhere, but what about the transfer?
I was thinking about SSL/https, but this would require a SSL certificate, and even if I got it for free somewhere, I couldn't share it in an open-source app(?).
I could also somehow hash the password in the website, and then just send the hash to the server, but I think this wouldn't be the highest standard of security as well, would it? Considering that no SSL would cause more disadvantages than just worse/none encryption.
Any ideas?
I was thinking about SSL/https, but this would require a SSL certificate, and even if I got it for free somewhere, I couldn't share it in an open-source app(?).
Use SSL/TLS. Even if it's an open source app, it doesn't mean that you need to share your private key too. This would undermine the whole concept.
Open source means that you share the code with some license. What the licensor does with it is not your consern as long as they conform to the license. If they want to use their own instance of your software under their own domain, they will have to create their own certificate (under their domain).
I could also somehow hash the password in the website, and then just send the hash to the server, but I think this wouldn't be the highest standard of security as well, would it? Considering that no SSL would cause more disadvantages than just worse/none encryption.
This is no solution, because you now changed the thing you want to protect to something else. The model doesn't change just because you hash it on the client. Now you need to protect the hash on the transport channel which is actually the same problem as you would have had before with sending a password.
Currently I'm developing a Node.js webserver-app that I then want to make available for download and use. This app should feature accounts, so that you can log in with your account on the website created by the server.
Federated accounts
If you want federated accounts across multiple instances of your app which are hosted by different parties.
You could look into OpenID as an identity provider for all instances of your app. You would then either require that users use a known OpenID provider or you setup your own default provider. You could release the code for your provider as open source, but it wouldn't be necessary for the app to function.
If the OpenID interface is not enough, there is always a way to establish a pairing between instances of your app. You would have to build an interface where different instances may share data.
Unconnected instances
If this is only about securing the communication without SSL/TLS, then I must say, this is impossible in the general sense.
You could however let every student register in person and use that password on client and server to derive a shared secret key (i.e. for AES). Then you could use CryptoJS to encrypt everything with AES and send it using AJAX. The problems are of course that (1) there must be a person that handles the registration and (2) this is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks, because JavaScript crypto is bad.
Good thing is that Let’s Encrypt will be online soon. It will enable a semi-automated way to request free certificates for your domain. It will be so easy that you can do this as part of the normal NPM install workflow.
http://letsencrypt.org works great for this and is now available (I understand I am a little late to this one.)
You can check out https://github.com/DylanPiercey/auto-sni for automated Letsencrypt certificates.

Reliable ways to register a user's computer with a server

As part of strengthening session authentication security for a site that I am building, I am trying to compile a list of the best ways to register a user's computer as a second tier of validation - that is in addition to the standard username/password login, of course. Typical ways of registering a user's computer are by setting a cookie and or IP address validation. As prevalent as mobile computing is, IP mapping is less and less a reliable identifier. Security settings and internet security & system optimization software can make it difficult to keep a cookie in place for very long.
Are there any other methods that can be used for establishing a more reliable computer registration that doesn't require the user to add exceptions to the various cookie deleting software?
If you're looking to do device authentication, you may want to consider mutually authenticated SSL. Here, you'd deploy a client identity certificate to each endpoint you'd want to authenticate. Then, you set the server up to require client authentication, so that a client would need to present a valid identity certificate in order to form the SSL tunnel.
This, of course, is not a perfect solution. In reality, this presents much of the same weaknesses as other solutions (to various degrees) Once your client identity certificates go to your clients, they are out of your control; should a client give their certificate to anyone else, you lost the device authentication that you have based on it. SSL identity certificates are generally stored in a keystore on the client which is encrypted with a password or other credential needed to unlock them. While a client certificate could still be compromised, it's somewhat stronger that just a cookie or something like that (assuming you don't have a client that is trying to give away its credential). In addition, you'd want to come up with some validation routine that a client would need to go though in order to get a credential in the first place (how do I know that this is a client device that I want to remember/register?).
Remember, these types of approaches only do device authentication, not users. There are more in-depth schemes already developed for device authentication than what I've mentioned; for example, 802.1x is a network protocol where an endpoint needs to present a client-side certificate to the network switch to get on a LAN. This is out-of-scope for a web application scenario, like what you've described, but the idea is the same (put a cryptographic credential on the client and validate it to establish the connection).
This, like all other security matters really, is a risk decision. What are you trying to accomplish with such a countermeasure? What are the threats you're trying to prevent and what are the consequences if someone does log in on an unregistered device? Only your situation can answer those questions and let you see the real risk, if you need/should mitigate it, and, if so, how strong of a solution do you need to get the risk level down to an acceptable level?
the best ways to register a user's computer as a second tier of
From my point of view this approach does not offer much in the aspect of authentication.
You are not authenticating a user and have no idea who is using the PC that you would accept as being registered.
The way you describe it, this step should be a configuration rule in the firewall to accept connections from specific IPs only.
IMO the filtering of the PCs is the responsibility of a firewall and it would be much better handled by the firewall than any application level filtering.
Just think that you would have the overhead in your application to examine each request and decide whether to accept it or not.
Better leave this preprocessing overhead to the firewall. That's why it is there.

API security question: SSL or more?

I am developing an API for a web application. Desktop clients will interact with the API using simple HTTP posts (REST). I will be using SSL, there is no question about that. My question is this: should I also be encrypting the data before it is sent over SSL? The information being sent may contain confidential information. Is SSL enough or should I be doing more? My only concern with adding additional layers of security is that it will make it substantially more difficult for people to interact with the API. Any thoughts on this would be much appreciated.
No, SSL provides strong encryption as it is. Just make sure you force clients to use HTTPS, and if you're really paranoid, check if the cypher is strong enough.
The only reason you'd want to encrypt a second time is if your web application passes the data straight on to some other system. In that case, you could keep the web application ignorant of the actual data and provide end-to-end encryption between the client and the final destination.
If you trust your certification authority, your clients do, and your key is sufficiently secure (RSA 2048 will not be breakable for a while), there are no problems at all with SSL. You don't need to encrypt your data before SSLing, as SSL itself provides encryption.
If this API is to be used over the internet, the list of certification authorities here will be useful to you in choosing one.
You can also have your clients authenticate over SSL, with SSL client certificates.
IMHO, I would not add another layer of encryption on top of the already existing encryption. It will add overhead and as you say, complexity to the API. SSL exists to send secure data between two nodes, so why reinvent the wheel?
As Shtééf already pointed out, if you need end-to-end encryption instead of point-to-point then you need encryption. Other cases this might be relevant in is if your client application communicate with the server through integration services and service busses. In this case the SSL encryption is not enforced while the message is in an intermediary node and that node may do whatever it wants with the unencrypted confidential data.
Furthermore, if your clients use these integration services then they might not enforce SSL connections between the client and the integration service.
While working with highly confidential information I tend to go for end-to-end security instead of SSL encrypted communications channels for this reason.
SSL would help with man-in-the-middle and wiretapping but there are other attacks SSL won't help with such as replay attacks.

How does SSL actually work?

Whenever I see it being talked about, it sounds like one simply 'turns on' SSL and then all requests/responses to/from an online server are magically secure.
Is that right? Is SSL just about code - can I write two apps and make them communicate via SSL, or do you have to somehow register/certificate them externally?
Secure web pages are requested on port 443 instead of the normal port 80. The SSL protocol (plenty complicated in and of itself) is responsible for securing communication, and using the certificate information on both the SERVER and the BROWSER to authenticate the server as being who they say they are.
Generating an SSL certificate is easy. Generating one that is based on the information embedded in 99% of web browsers costs money. But the technical aspects are not different.
You see, there are organizations (Verisign, Globalsign, etc...) that have had their certificate authority information INCLUDED with browsers for many years. That way, when you visit a site that has a certificate that they produced (signed), your browser says:
"well, if Verisign trusts XYZ.com, and I trust Verisign, then I trust XYZ.com"
The process is easy:
Go to a competent SSL vendor, such as GlobalSign. Create a KEY and Certificate Request on the webserver. Use them (and your credit card) to buy a certificate. Install it on the server. Point the web-browser to HTTPS (port 443). The rest is done for you.
SSL is a protocol for encrypted communications over a TCP connection (or some other reliable scheme). The encryption uses public key encryption using X.509 certificates. SSL handles both privacy and trust. These are related: if you don't trust the server, you don't believe that the server hasn't handed out its private key to everyone in North America.
Thus, the client has to trust the server's certificate. For public sites, this is arranged via a hierarchy of certificate authorities, with the root authorities trusted, automatically, by browsers and things like the JRE's socket implementation.
Anyone can generate a self-signed certificate for a server, but then the client has to be manually configured to trust it.
SSL is not, in itself, a magic bullet that makes everything secure. Security has no such things.
SSL is, however, an already-designed, ready-to-use system for solving a common problem: secure stream communication over a network connection.
There are two things you need to do to secure your application with SSL:
Modify the application's code to use SSL.
Determine the certificate trust model (and deploy and configure the application respectively).
Other answers and documentation provide better answers to how to do each of these things than I could provide.
I'll throw caution to the wind and attempt to condense an enormous subject.
SSL attempts to solve two problems:
1) Authentication and hence trust i.e can the client trust the server and vice versa
2) Communication without eavesdropping
1) Is handled by means of an intermediary i.e a trusted 3rd party - these are called 'Root Certificate Authorities' ( or Root CAs ) examples include Verisign, RSA etc
If a company wants to authenticate users and more importantly if a user wants to authenticate the company's website it's connecting to i.e your bank then the Root CA issues the company a certificate which effectively says 'I the trusted Root CA verify that I trust that Company X are who they say they are and am issuing a certificate accordingly'. So you get a chain of trust i.e I trust the certificate from ACME Co because Root CA Verisign created and issued it.
2) Once the two parties have authenticated then the certificate ( typically X590 ) is used to form a secure connection using public/private key encryption.
Hopelessly simple and incomplete but hope that gives a rough idea
Yes and no. You should self-sign a certificate and test the site with SSL internally before deploying it with SSL, first of all. To make the public site secure under SSL, you will need to purchase a certificate from one of any number of certificate providers. Then you will have a certificate signed by a trusted third party, tied to your domain name, so that users' browsers won't complain that the certificate is invalid, etc. Turning SSL on is pretty much just flipping a switch, otherwise.
For the most part you need to buy and register a certificate externally.
You need to have your server certificate signed by a Certificate Authority (CA), for which they will charge you. The client needs to trust that CA and have a copy of the relevant CA public key. The client can then check that you are who you claim to be (including domain name (from DNS) and display name for https).
This is a good tutorial on how to create self signed certificates for Apache.
If you want to know how SSL works on either the Server or the Client, then I suggest Googling it. As you suspected, it is a ridiculesly complex procedure, with lots of communication between the client and server, a lot of very peculiar math, and tons of processing. There is also a lot of theory involved, several protocols and many different algorithms and encryption standards. It's quite incredible how changing http:// to https:// is so simple to the user, but results in so much work for both sides, and is so secure. To really understand it you need to take a security course (multiple courses to fully understand it), as the entire history of encryption goes into making your login to Gmail secure.
Turning on TLS (colloquially "SSL") does not make your site magically secure. You may still be vulnerable to application-level vulnerabilities like stack overflows, SQL injection, XSS, and CSRF.
As other answers have explained, TLS only protects against a man in the middle. Traffic between a client and a properly-configured TLS server cannot be intercepted or modified, and the client can reliably confirm the identity of the server by validating the X.509 certificate. This prevents an attacker from impersonating your TLS server.
SSL actually does two things:
Encrypts the communication so that an observer seeing the data stream will not be able to read the conversation.
Guarantees that you are talking to who you think you are talking to.
It is only for #2 that you need to get official certificates. If you only care to encrypt the communication without setting up a trust relationship, you can use self-signed certificates or you can use an algorithm that does not require certificates (i.e. Diffie-Hellman).
