Can I use parameters with Twist concepts? - twist

The Twist documentation for extracting concepts shows how multiple steps can be grouped into one step that contains those steps. For instance, the following eight fixtures
1. Start at the Maintain product catalog page.
2. The page title should be “Joe’s musical —Maintain Product Catalog.”
3. Click the Add New Instrument button.
4. The page title should be “Joe’s musical—Add New Musical Instrument.”
5. Enter text “Guitar” into the Instrument field.
6. Select “Slide” from the Type selection list.
7. Select “Dobro” from the Brand selection list.
8. Click the Save button.
Can be condensed into one concept:
1. Add a New Musical Instrument “Guitar” of type “Slide” and brand “Dobro”
However, the tutorial doesn't say if it's possible to use this concept with other parameters (perhaps with "Drum" instead of "Guitar"). However, it does clearly say that parameters in the concept name should be surrounded by quotes, but they also should match the parameter name, so it's not clear if it's possible.
So can I use parameters with Twist concepts?

Yes! The documentation is really crummy about making this clear, but it is absolutely possible.
If you extracted a concept in the way that they described in the tutorial you referenced and others, then the fixture Add a New Musical Instrument “Guitar” of type “Slide” and brand “Dobro” actually contains three parameters named Guitar, Slide, and Dobro. What makes this so confusing is in each scenario you can change the value of each parameter to whatever you like (perhaps "Drum", "Snare", "Yamaha"), but under the hood, the variables are still called by their original names (thus Guitar=Drum, etc.) and these original names will appear as default values whenever you add the concept to a scenario.
To eliminate confusion, I recommend changing these default names. In this case, it might be Add a New Musical Instrument “Instrument” of type “Type” and brand “Brand”. Bizarrely, you can't rename the parameters via "Rephrase the Open Concept" because you run into a catch-22 situation. You can't change the name of the concept because it doesn't match the usage in the fixture. And you can't rename the fixtures because the parameters are bound to the concept name. So I recommend just opening it up in the text editor and making the change there.
So bottom line, the examples make it seem like you can't use parameters because the parameters wind up being named after whatever value you inputted. I recommend changing the default parameter names, but you have to do it in the text editor because Twist won't let you.


How to refer same DataTable across different features in cucumber-jvm?

In one of step definitions I have created a function say “someFunction” that takes a DataTable, which has been defined in my feature file Feature1.
Given: User enters the following data
#Given(“^User enters the following data$”)
public void someFunction(DataTable input){
Now in another feature file “Feature2.feature”, one of my scenario needs to use same step i.e. call someFunction. I know I can use the same step definition but does that mean that I would have to redefine same DataTable input in Feature2 file.
If not, how would I do it?
Please note that I understand the Backgound keyword and its use, but if I say I need to keep these scenarios in different feature files, how should this be done?
You'll have to duplicate the common background. Since duplication is unwanted, you should consider giving a name/title to the resulting state that is represented by that common background and create a single given step that can be re-used. Something like "Given: the user has entered valid contact data" or "Given: the shopping cart has 3 items" (where any 3 will do).

How to duplicate a population of agents

I have got a population of agents named as customers and a number of variables, parameters, and statecharts are defined for them. Then I created a second population of agents. They should include everything that I defined for customers and a few more. I tried copying everything in the customer graphical view page and pasting them into the new agents' page, but it does not work. How can I do that?
Thank you
I assume you want to actually copy your agent-type, add some more variables... and create a population off that new type, correct?
In that case, you need to copy the actual agent-type in the "Projects" window. Right-click the customers agent-type, then "copy.
Now, right-click on the top-level model-object (named like your model) and right-click it. It will allow you to "paste" now. You will have an agent-type "customers" and "customers1" now.
PS: if you have similar agent types that share properties, you should actually use "inheritance" (a Java core functionality that can be used powerfully in AnyLogic).

Is there a design pattern for validation?

Is there any adequate design pattern that should be used in order to do number of validations?
For example, let's say that I have an application containing a toolbar with icons, each representing a picture on my file system. I am dragging an icon on a document. Validations during the drag and drop operation could be:
check if the file exists in file system
check if the user has access rights to drag the icon
check that the document is open in order to drop the picture on it
and so on...
I thought of using the Chain of Responsibility or Decorator patterns.
Actually, what you're after, or rather what I'd suggest, is Continuation Passing Style. It's not so much a design pattern as a way of writing code where validation would be defined as a pipeline of methods that an object would go through. This pipeline would use an accumulator to collect all the validation problems encountered by the code.

UML Activity Diagram for android project

I have created the below diagram and I wanted to know if the diagram that I have done is correct.
The below diagram is based on an android application. When the application loads the user is given 3 button to select add, update and help. On click on add button the user is given an option to add a new user or add a new item. When he select either of the options he enters the required data once the data is entered the system check if all the values are entered correctly and then finally saved. The same process is applied for update.
Your diagram misses an entry point. Though it's rather obvious that the top action is the start, only the entry point is the one indicating the beginning.
You can omit most of the diamonds and directly transfer via a guard from actions. So your conditions should be guards and written as [Yes] or [No]. The top most action (and quite some others) is(/are) indeed what should be written inside (or aside) the diamond below.
An excerpt for an update could look like this:
Finally Values added does not look like an action but rather as state. It should be omitted. Alternatively use differently named end flows.
So far for the formal points. But as #eyp said: it's a good one and one can understand what you tried to express. The above is just for the picky teachers.
It's a good one but it lacks some detail in the diamonds. You should write besides the diamon the question before choosing the next setp to do.
For example in the diamond after Check update value you may write is valid? or another question that clarifies more the business logic.

Controlling an NSArrayController and Core data relations

I am new to stackoverflow because I almost never ask questions in forums as there are plenty of questions out there already answered. However my head is about to explode from trying to figure out how to do this app.
First I do this using XCode 4.5.2 for OSX 10.8 deployment of a personal (that is for my use only) double entry accounting software.
Each accounting entry consists of a header of various text fields such as the entry date, a serial number, etc. which I created an Entity called "Entry". Also each such entry has multiple lines such as the various accounts related to that entry, amounts, etc. called an Entity "EntryLine" linked in the model nice and easy.
The thing is that I intended to use text field for the basic header info and below it a linked Table View for each of the line. Being an accounting software there are several checks (validations) that I need to make and I need full control of what is going on. Already tried binding two array controllers, one for each entity and linking the two and saving them to the sqlite file but to no avail!
Now I have an app with just the header up and running by manually getting and setting the info in the top text fields as I please and saving them to the file. But I have no idea how to do the part with the Entry Lines in the Table view. Can I do that manually too or is it better to do bindings through an array controller?
Also tried already with array controller but I get "Table View Cell" when I add a new line in the table. Any ideas on that?
In the Table View there is also an "Account Name" part that is NOT part of the EntryLine entity but my intention is to obtain this information from another entity called "Account" that stores the Account Number and Account Name. On input of the account number that is, the app would skip the name field and move to particulars for input but also bring up the name of the account already inputted. Is this even possible?
Sorry for being a bit vague in my questions but I come from routine program oriented languages and not object oriented one, though I have some Java experience. Any help would be appreciated. No screenshot sorry as I am not yet allowed:(
