I sounds silly, but I can't get the "Data Source Configuration Wizard" opened in Visual Studio 2012.
Can anyone show me how to do it?
I can't find Project -> Add New Data Source, this is my PROJECT menu.
I think you are looking for Tools -> Connect to Database
Or perhaps Project -> Add New Data Source
I have an Acumatica instruction document that seems to be from a much older version of Acumatica. In the documentation, it mentions that I need to go to System -> Customization -> Manage -> Customization Projects and select the Visual Studio Drop Down -> Create AddOn Project. Currently I do not see the Visual Studio drop down as mentioned in this document.
Does this option still exist in newer version of Acumatica? If so, how do I access it? If not, does anyone know what type of project I need to create in Visual Studio to manually do what this option did?
An Add-On project is a visual studio solution containing your Acumatica extension in the form of a dynamically linked library. You can access it by opening the Project Editor for customizations and going to the Extension Library menu.
Updated Acumatica training documents are available at the following URL:
How do I download the content of a project in Visual Studio TFS? I clicked around and I did not find an easy or intuitive way to do it. It is an old project that I thought had been lost until I reinstalled the latest version of Visual Studio.
You can get the TFS project from Visual Studio. First, you have to connect the project via Team Explorer in Visual Studio then add a server and click 'select team project' and you're done. It is downloaded to your PC.
You can find a documentation here.
Also, if you want to download your code as a zip:
You can click on any ellipsis to find the menu which contains Download as Zip option.
If you merely want an archive of the contents of a folder, you can right-click on the folder in the tree view on the left hand side of the page (in this case, on $/gelsana) and select the option "Download as Zip".
This is suitable for archival purposes. You cannot check-in changes made using this option.
I got a little problem with visual studio 2012. The annoying problem is that if iam working on any project however visual studio 2012 doesnt mark/show me the currently project in the Team Foundation list(Dont know the name) where iam working at. Is there a way to fix this?
Its working fine in vs 2010 btw.
I know that i can hover mouse over this 'tablabel' and see the path, but it takes too long to go there manuall (The Path looks like this...C:\tfsProjectsMB\ example\another example\Folder\Folder\Folder\Folder...\My Project).
It doesnt select/open/show the project where iam currently working at...
This is how it should look like
Anyone any idea? Thanks for answers :)
It looks like this feature was left out of VS 2012 and has been requested here:
You can do something similar using VS Productivity tools as outlined here:
How to jump to a file in the Source Control Explorer in Visual Studio
This may also be of some assistance:
Tools -> Options -> Source Control ->Visual Studio Team Foundation Server -> Open Source Control Explorer to the most recent folder
There is also this setting for the Solution Explorer that used to be on by default in 2010.
Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> General -> Track Active Item in Solution Explorer
You mention both VS 2013 and VS 2012 in your question. In VS 2013 you can go to Team Explorer and right click your open solutions to jump to them in source:
I have successfully installed and connected to my Team Foundation 2012 server. But I am unable to add my solution to it, Im missing it when I right click on the solution, see image below.
If I try to create a new solution, I can add it to my source control.
Long time ago, I had the code on a Team Foundation server 2010, but when the trial ended I had to stop using that source control. Not sure if that has something to do with this tho.
This happen when the project had already a previous binding. Just do:
File->Source Control->Advanced->Change Source Control
You should see your project with Invalid Binding.
Do Unbind of the project, now you'll see again the "Add Project To Source Control"
File -> Source Control -> Advanced -> Workspaces...
There I had to Edit my workspace and define a local local folder and a soruce control folder.
Right click on solution and click on Go online, then I was able to Add solution to Source control.
I had the same problem.
After creating a project in TFS server and connecting to it by using Team Explorer in visual studio, I followed below steps:
I closed VS and opened the .sln file in notepad and deleted below section.
GlobalSection(SubversionScc) = preSolution
Svn-Managed = True
Manager = AnkhSVN - Subversion Support for Visual Studio
I opened .sln file in VS, selected 'Visual Studio Team Foundation Server' in Tools --> Options --> Source Control page.when I right clicked on solution file 'Add to Source Control' was there.
I got the same problem.
I found I got two projects in my solution, one was under source control, the other one was not. What worked for me was to undo the project which was already under source control. After I undo all changes, I finally found the "source control" option when I right clicked the solution.
My File menu -> Add to source control option was missing in VS 2013. After opening the Team explorer tab (beside thesolution explorer tab), It appeared again.
Also make sure you have selected the correct plugin: Tools -> Options -> Source control -> plugin-selection -> select Git
if your Datatable header responsive issue then use it
$('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('shown.bs.tab', function(e){
Missing ADO.NET entity data model template from Visual Studio 2012 Professional. I don't even have "Data" category from Visual Studio template category.
I modified the Visual Studio 2012 installation, and selected all the available packages to install. But even then no luck.
I did a search in C:\ProgramData\Package Cache for "eftools.msi"
There were three versions (from different beta/RCs I guess)
I picked the most recent and installed it.
This solved the problem for me.
Firstly you can add ClassLibrary in your Solution.
Then, Add New Item to ClassLibrary and you can add Data>ADO.NET Entity Data Model
I solved this by going into project properties and changing the target framework. In my case, the default target framework for the project was 2.0 (no idea why - I would've expected 4.5 to be the default). I changed it to 4.5 and I was able to see the "ADO.Net Entity Data Model" option. I think it's all about having the correct EF tools installed for the CLR version that you are targeting.
Close Visual Studio and then install "Entity Framework Tools for Visual Studio" from this location:
► [Visual Studio Disk or installer folder]\packages\EFTools\EFTools.msi"
I do it and I got the result.
You can also download this tool from here.
Press right click on an existing project
select "add" -> "New Item..."
Under "data" node you can select the "ADO.NET Entity Data Model"
Here I found the solution
I found the EFTools.msi file in my packages folder, and run it then choose uninstall then run it again and choose install. After this reinstall, the template appeared.
If you have installed the new EFTools6.1.3ForVS2013.msi, and then uninstalled it, it removes the ADO.net Entity Model option.
Microsoft never puts the old version back.
Thank you Hainesy.
I faced the same issue today. But in my C:\ProgramData\Package Cache folder there was only one eftools.msi file. I installed it. Still the template was missing. Then I installed the same msi file again with repair option. Then the template appeared.
When you click on add new item you will get general list of templates. "Visual c# " may be highlighted on left had side menu when you open it. From that you must click on "Data" menu. Now you can see ADO.NET Entity Data Model :)
It succeeded me in a way just downloaded from given link https://www.microsoft.com/en-in/download/details.aspx?id=40762 and run for repair the Entity framework.
I had the same problem with Visual Studio Express 2013. If you have that problem, don't reinstall Visual Studio, you have to repair EF tools:
Search in C:\ProgramData\Package Cache for "eftools.msi"
Pick the most recent, run it and select repair.
Right click on the Project In Solution Explorer
Add > New Item > Data > ADO.NET Entity Data Model
You can update here