I want to have a function that return different stdGen in each call without IO.
I've tried to use unsafePerformIO, as the following code.
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.Random
myStdGen :: StdGen
myStdGen = unsafePerformIO getStdGen
But when I try to call myStdGen in ghci, I always get the same value. Have I abused unsafePerformIO? Or is there any other ways to reach my goal?
Sorry, I think I should describe my question more precisely.
Actually, I'm implementing a variation of the treap data strutcure, which needs a special 'merge' operation. It relies on some randomness to guarentee amortized O(log n) expected time complexity.
I've tried to use a pair like (Tree, StdGen) to keep the random generator for each treap. When inserting a new data to the treap, I would use random to give random value to the new node, and then update my generator. But I've encountered a problem. I have a function called empty which will return an empty treap, and I used the function myStdGen above to get the random generator for this treap. However, if I have two empty treap, their StdGen would be the same. So after I inserted a data to both treap and when I want to merge them, their random value would be the same, too. Therefore, I lost the randomness which I relies on.
That's why I would like to have a somehow "global" random generator, which yields different StdGen for each call, so that each empty treap could have different StdGen.
Do I abused unsafePerformIO
Heck yes! The "distinguishing features of a pure function" are
No side-effects
Referentially transparent, i.e. each subsequent eval of the result must yield the same.
There is in fact a way to achieve your "goal", but the idea is just wrong.
myStdGen :: () -> StdGen
myStdGen () = unsafePerformIO getStdGen
Because this is a (useless) function call instead of a CAF, it'll evaluate the IO action at each call seperately.
Still, I think the compiler is pretty much free to optimise that away, so definitely don't rely on it.
EDIT upon trying I noticed that getStdGen itself always gives the same generator when used within a given process, so even if the above would use more reasonable types it would not work.
Note that correct use of pseudorandomness in algorithms etc. does not need IO everywhere – for instance you can manually seed your StdGen, but then properly propagate it with split etc.. A much nicer way to handle that is with a randomness monad. The program as a whole will then always yield the same result, but internally have all different random numbers as needed to work usefully.
Alternatively, you can obtain a generator from IO, but still write your algorithm in a pure random monad rather than IO.
There's another way to obtain "randomness" in a completely pure algorithm: require the input to be Hashable! Then, you can effectively use any function argument as a random seed. This is a bit of a strange solution, but might work for your treap application (though I reckon some people would not classify it as a treap anymore, but as a special kind of hashmap).
This is not a good use of unsafePerformIO.
The reason you see the same number repeatedly in GHCi is that GHCi itself does not know that the value is impure, and so remembers the value from the last time you called it. You can type IO commands into the top level of GHCi, so you would expect to see a different value if you just type getStdGen. However, this won't work either, due to an obscure part of the way GHCi works involving not reverting top-level expressions. You can turn this of with :set +r:
> :set +r
> getStdGen
2144783736 1
> getStdGen
1026741422 1
Note that your impure function pretending to be pure will still not work.
> myStdGen
480142475 1
> myStdGen
480142475 1
> myStdGen
480142475 1
You really do not want to go down this route. unsafePerformIO is not supposed to be used this way, and nor is it a good idea at all. There are ways to get what you wanted (like unsafePerformIO randomIO :: Int) but they will not lead you to good things. Instead you should be doing calculations based on random numbers inside a random monad, and running that in the IO monad.
I see from your updatee why you wanted this in the first place.
There are many interesting thoughts on the problem of randomness within otherwise referentially transparent functions in this answer.
Despite the fact that some people advocate the use of unsafePerformIO in this case, it is still a bad idea for a number of reasons which are outlined in various parts of that page. In the end, if a function depends on a source of randomness it is best for that to be specified in it's type, and the easiest way to do that is put it in a random monad. This is still a pure function, just one that takes a generator when it is called. You can provide this generator by asking for a random one in the main IO routine.
A good example of how to use the random monad can be found here.
Yes, you have abused unsafePerformIO. There are very few valid reasons to use unsafePerformIO, such as when interfacing with a C library, and it's also used in the implementation of a handful of core libraries (I think ST being one of them). In short, don't use unsafePerformIO unless you're really really sure of what you're doing. It is not meant for generating random numbers.
Recall that functions in Haskell have to be pure, meaning that they only depend on their inputs. This means that you can have a pure function that generates a "random" number, but that number is dependent on the random generator you pass to it, you could do something like
myStdGen :: StdGen
myStdGen = mkStdGen 42
Then you could do
randomInt :: StdGen -> (Int, StdGen)
randomInt g = random
But then you must use the new StdGen returned from this function moving forward, or you will always get the same output from randomInt.
So you may be wondering, how do you cleanly generate random numbers without resorting to IO? The answer is the State monad. It looks similar to
newtype State s a = State { runState :: s -> (a, s) }
And its monad instance looks like
instance Monad (State s) where
return a = State $ \s -> (a, s)
(State m) >>= f = State $ \s -> let (a, newState) = m s
(State g) = f a
in g newState
It's a little confusing to look at the first time, but essentially all the state monad does is fancy function composition. See LYAH for a more detailed explanation. What's important to note here is that the type of s does not change between steps, just the a parameter can change.
You'll notice that s -> (a, s) looks a lot like our function StdGen -> (Int, StdGen), with s ~ StdGen and a ~ Int. That means that if we did
randomIntS :: State StdGen Int
randomIntS = State randomInt
Then we could do
twoRandInts :: State StdGen (Int, Int)
twoRandInts = do
a <- randomIntS
b <- randomIntS
return (a, b)
Then it can be run by supplying an initial state:
main = do
g <- getStdGen
print $ runState twoRandInts g
The StdGen still comes out of IO, but then all the logic itself occurs within the state monad purely.
When I was reading the documentations of SDL in haskell, I found that some functions inevitably modifies its input. For example, blitSurface has destination surface as input, but it is updated within the function. Now, generalizing the problem, if I have a function f :: a -> IO a, does it break composition if I modify a inside the function? What about f :: IO a -> IO a? What about a -> IO ()? And what about IO a -> IO ()?
Considering the case that blitSurface is actually a foreign function, and making a new surface every frame doesn't sound very efficient, these functions are hard to avoid. Will such functions cause problems in a larger scale? For example, using fModifySurface :: Surface -> IO () which does destructive update as an example:
main = do
w <- ... -- The window surface
-- Do something here
s <- someFuncGetSurface -- We get a surface here
fModifySurface s -- Destructively update s
blitSurface ...... -- Ignore the actual API, but destructively updates w
Are there any unexpected semantics in the code above? If so, what is the best way to make use of foreign functions that changes the input?
I observe that f a b and flip f b a are beta-equivalent terms. On the other hand, the straightforward IO version of these, namely, f <$> a <*> b and flip f <$> b <*> a, are certainly not beta-equivalent; and even using the equivalence from "Tackling the Awkward Squad", which makes many more IO actions equivalent, these two terms are not equivalent.
At a high level, what this means is that if you prove something about the behavior of pure terms, then you can re-use that proof even when the pure computation is used as part of a larger program. On the other hand, there is not a corresponding way to uniformly lift a local proof about an IO term into a proof about a larger IO-based program; if you wish to do so, you must invoke some global properties about the particular IO actions you plan to use together.
This is the impetus behind the common advice to lift as much of your computation as possible out of IO and into the pure world -- indeed, it is one of the primary motivations for doing pure functional programming in the first place, namely, that imperative programs do not compose well.
However, none of this discussion is specific to the FFI or to functions whose IO actions update the values referenced by one of their inputs. blitSurface is no worse or better in this regard than basically any of the "sin bin" we toss into IO. Imperative programs simply aren't compositional in the same sense that pure ones are.
Lets say there is a list of all possible things
all3PStrategies :: [Strategy3P]
all3PStrategies = [strategyA, strategyB, strategyC, strategyD] //could be longer, maybe even infinite, but this is good enough for demonstrating
Now we have another function that takes an integer N and two strategies, and uses the first strategy for N times, and then uses the second strategy for N times and continues to repeat for as long as needed.
What happens if the N is 0, I want to return a random strategy, since it breaks the purpose of the function, but it must ultimatley apply a particular strategy.
rotatingStrategy [] [] _ = chooseRandom all3PStrategies
rotatingStrategy strategy3P1 strategy3P2 N =
| … // other code for what really happens
So I am trying to get a rondom strategy from the list. I Think this will do it:
chooseRandom :: [a] -> RVar a
But how do I test it using Haddock/doctest?
-- >>> chooseRandom all3PStrategies
-- // What goes here since I cant gurauntee what will be returned...?
I think random functions kind of goes against the Haskell idea of functional, but I also am likely mistaken. In imperative languages the random function uses various parameters (like Time in Java) to determine the random number, so can't I just plug in a/the particular parameters to ensure which random number I will get?
If you do this: chooseRandom :: [a] -> RVar a, then you won't be able to use IO. You need to be able to include the IO monad throughout the type declaration, including the test cases.
Said more plainly, as soon as you use the IO monad, all return types must include the type of the IO monad, which is not likely to be included in the list that you want returned, unless you edit the structure of the list to accommodate items that have the IO Type included.
There are several ways to implement chooseRandom. If you use a version that returns RVar Strategy3P, you will still need to sample the RVar using runRVar to get a Strategy3P that you can actually execute.
You can also solve the problem using the IO monad, which is really no different: instead of thinking of chooseRandom as a function that returns a probability distribution that we can sample as necessary, we can think of it as a function that returns a computation that we can evaluate as necessary. Depending on your perspective, this might make things more or less confusing, but at least it avoids the need to install the rvar package. One implementation of chooseRandom using IO is the pick function from this blog post:
import Random (randomRIO)
pick :: [a] -> IO a
pick xs = randomRIO (0, (length xs - 1)) >>= return . (xs !!)
This code is arguably buggy: it crashes at runtime when you give it the empty list. If you're worried about that, you can detect the error at compile time by wrapping the result in Maybe, but if you know that your strategy list will never be empty (for example, because it's hard-coded) then it's probably not worth bothering.
It probably follows that it's not worth testing either, but there are a number of solutions to the fundamental problem, which is how to test monadic functions. In other words, given a monadic value m a, how can we interrogate it in our testing framework (ideally by reusing functions that work on the raw value a)? This is a complex problem addressed in the QuickCheck library and associated research paper, Testing Monadic Code with QuickCheck).
However, it doesn't look like it would be easy to integrate QuickCheck with doctest, and the problem is really too simple to justify investing in a whole new testing framework! Given that you just need some quick-and-dirty testing code (that won't actually be part of your application), it's probably OK to use unsafePerformIO here, even though many Haskellers would consider it a code smell:
>>> let xs = ["cat", "dog", "fish"]
>>> elem (unsafePerformIO $ pick xs) xs
pick :: [a] -> IO a
Just make sure you understand why using unsafePerformIO is "unsafe" (it's non-deterministic in general), and why it doesn't really matter for this case in particular (because failure of the standard RNG isn't really a big enough risk, for this application, to justify the extra work we'd require to capture it in the type system).
I have a question about the best way to design a program I'm working on in Haskell. I'm writing a physics simulator, which is something I've done a bunch in standard imperative languages, and usually the main method looks something like:
while True:
simulationState = stepForward(simulationState)
And I'm wondering how to do something similar in Haskell. I have a function step :: SimState -> SimState and a function display :: SimState -> IO () that uses HOpenGL to draw a simulation state, but I'm at a loss as to how to do this in a "loop" of sorts, as all of the solutions I can come up with involve some sort of mutability. I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to Haskell, so it's entirely possible that I'm missing a very obvious design decision. Also, if there's a better way to architect my program as a whole, I'd be glad to hear it.
Thanks in advance!
In my opinion, the right way to think about this problem is not as a loop, but as a list or other such infinite streaming structure. I gave a similar answer to a similar question; the basic idea is, as C. A. McCann wrote, to use iterate stepForward initialState, where iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a] “returns an infinite list of repeated applications of [stepForward] to [initialState]”.
The problem with this approach is that you have trouble dealing with a monadic step, and in particular a monadic rendering function. One approach would just be to take the desired chunk of the list in advance (possibly with a function like takeWhile, possibly with manual recursion) and then mapM_ render on that. A better approach would be to use a different, intrinsically monadic, streaming structure. The four that I can think of are:
The iteratee package, which was originally designed for streaming IO. I think here, your steps would be a source (enumerator) and your rendering would be a sink (iteratee); you could then use a pipe (an enumeratee) to apply functions and/or do filtering in the middle.
The enumerator package, based on the same ideas; one might be cleaner than the other.
The newer pipes package, which bills itself as “iteratees done right”—it's newer, but the semantics are, at least to me, significantly clearer, as are the names (Producer, Consumer, and Pipe).
The List package, in particular its ListT monad transformer. This monad transformer is designed to allow you to create lists of monadic values with more useful structure than [m a]; for instance, working with infinite monadic lists becomes more manageable. The package also generalizes many functions on lists into a new type class. It provides an iterateM function twice; the first time in incredible generality, and the second time specialized to ListT. You can then use functions such as takeWhileM to do your filtering.
The big advantage to reifying your program’s iteration in some data structure, rather than simply using recursion, is that your program can then do useful things with control flow. Nothing too grandiose, of course, but for instance, it separates the “how to terminate” decision from the “how to generate” process. Now, the user (even if it's just you) can separately decide when to stop: after n steps? After the state satisfies a certain predicate? There's no reason to bog down your generating code with these decisions, as it's logically a separate concern.
Well, if drawing successive states is all you want to do, that's pretty simple. First, take your step function and the initial state and use the iterate function. iterate step initialState is then an (infinite) list of each simulation state. You can then map display over that to get IO actions to draw each state, so together you'd have something like this:
allStates :: [SimState]
allStates = iterate step initialState
displayedStates :: [IO ()]
displayedStates = fmap display allStates
The simplest way to run it would be to then use the intersperse function to put a "delay" action between each display action, then use the sequence_ function to run the whole thing:
main :: IO ()
main = sequence_ $ intersperse (delay 20) displayedStates
Of course that means you have to forcibly terminate the application and precludes any sort of interactivity, so it's not really a good way to do it in general.
A more sensible approach would be to interleave things like "seeing if the application should exit" at each step. You can do that with explicit recursion:
runLoop :: SimState -> IO ()
runLoop st = do display st
isDone <- checkInput
if isDone then return ()
else delay 20 >> runLoop (step st)
My preferred approach is to write non-recursive steps instead and then use a more abstract loop combinator. Unfortunately there's not really good support for doing it that way in the standard libraries, but it would look something like this:
runStep :: SimState -> IO SimState
runStep st = do display st
delay 20
return (step st)
runLoop :: SimState -> IO ()
runLoop initialState = iterUntilM_ checkInput runStep initialState
Implementing the iterUntilM_ function is left as an exercise for the reader, heh.
Your approach is ok, you just need to remember that loops are expressed as recursion in Haskell:
simulation state = do
let newState = stepForward state
render newState
simulation newState
(But you definietly need a criterion how to end the loop.)
Is it possible to interact with arbitrary Monad instances incrementally at the GHCi prompt?
You can enter "do" commands interactively:
Prelude> x <- return 5
But as far as I can tell, everything is forced into the IO () Monad. What if I want to interact with an arbitrary Monad instead?
Am I forced to write the entire sequence of commands inside a giant do { ... } and/or use the infix operators directly? That's okay, but I'd much prefer to "enter" an arbitrary monad and interact with it a line at a time.
As things stand, the IO-specific behaviour relies on the way IO actions are a bit statelike and unretractable. So you can say things like
s <- readFile "foo.txt"
and get an actual value s :: String.
It's pretty clear that it takes more than just Monad structure to sustain that sort of interaction. It would not be so easy with
n <- [1, 2, 3]
to say what value n has.
One could certainly imagine adapting ghci to open a prompt allowing a monadic computation to be constructed do-style in multiple command-line interactions, delivering the whole computation when the prompt is closed. It's not clear what it would mean to inspect the intermediate values (other than to generate collections of printing computations of type m (IO ()), for the active monad m, of course).
But it would be interesting to ask whether what's special about IO that makes a nice interactive prompt behaviour possible can be isolated and generalized. I can't help sniffing a whiff of a comonadic value-in-context story about interaction at a prompt, but I haven't tracked it down yet. One might imagine addressing my list example by considering what it would mean to have a cursor into a space of possible values, the way IO has a cursor imposed on it by the here-and-now of the real world. Thank you for the food for thought.
Sure you can. Just annotate your type.
e.g. for the Maybe Monad:
let x = return 5 :: Maybe Int
will result in
Just 5
Or take the list monad:
let x = return 5 :: [Int]
will result in
Of course you can also play around inside the monad:
let x = return 5 :: Maybe Int
x >>= return . (succ . succ)
which will result in Just 7
I don't understand the exact algebra and theory behind Haskell's monads. However, when I think about functional programming in general I get the impression that state would be modelled by taking an initial state and generating a copy of it to represent the next state. This is like when one list is appended to another; neither list gets modified, but a third list is created and returned.
Is it therefore valid to think of monadic operations as implicitly taking an initial state object as a parameter and implicitly returning a final state object? These state objects would be hidden so that the programmer doesn't have to worry about them and to control how they gets accessed. So, the programmer would not try to copy the object representing the IO stream as it was ten minutes ago.
In other words, if we have this code:
main = do
putStrLn "Enter your name:"
name <- getLine
putStrLn ( "Hello " ++ name )
...is it OK to think of the IO monad and the "do" syntax as representing this style of code?
putStrLn :: IOState -> String -> IOState
getLine :: IOState -> (IOState, String)
main :: IOState -> IOState
-- main returns an IOState we can call "state3"
main state0 = putStrLn state2 ("Hello " ++ name)
where (state2, name) = getLine state1
state1 = putStrLn state0 "Enter your name:"
No, that's not what monads in general do. However, your analogy is in fact exactly correct with regards to the data type State s a, which happens to be a monad. State is defined like this:
newtype State s a = State { runState :: s -> (a, s) }
...where the type variable s is the state value and a is the "regular" value that you use. So a value in "the State monad" is just a function from an initial state, to a return value and final state. The monadic style, as applied to State, does nothing more than automatically thread a state value through a sequence of functions.
The ST monad is superficially similar, but uses magic to allow computations with real side-effects, but only such that the side effects can't be observed from outside particular uses of ST.
The IO monad is essentially an ST monad set to "more magic", with side effects that touch the outside world and only a single point where IO computations are run, namely the entry point for the entire program. Still, on some conceptual level, you can still think of it as threading a "state" value through functions the way regular State does.
However, other monads don't necessarily have anything whatsoever to do with threading state, or sequencing functions, or whatnot. The operations needed for something to be a monad are incredibly general and abstract. For instance, using Maybe or Either as monads lets you use functions that might return errors, with the monadic style handling escaping from the computation when an error occurs the same way that State threads a state value. Using lists as a monad gives you nondeterminism, letting you simultaneously apply functions to multiple inputs and see all possible outputs, with the monadic style automatically applying the function to each argument and collecting all the outputs.
Is it therefore valid to think of monadic operations as implicitly taking an initial state object as a parameter and implicitly returning a final state object?
This seems to be a common sticking point for learning monads, i.e., trying to figure out how a single magical monad primordial soup is simultaneously useful for representing stateful computations, computations that can fail, nondeterministic computations, exceptions, continuations, sequencing side effects, and so on.
Threading state through a sequence of stateful computations is one single example of an operation that satisfies the monad laws.
You're correct in observing that the State and IO monads are close cousins, but your analogy will fall apart if you try inserting, say, the list monad.
Not monads in general, but for the IO monad, yes — in fact, the type IO a is often defined as the function type RealWorld -> (RealWorld, a). So in this view, the desugared type of putStrLn is String -> RealWorld -> (RealWorld, ()) and getChar is RealWorld -> (RealWorld, Char) — and we only partially apply it, with the monadic bind taking care of fully evaluating it and passing the RealWorld around. (GHC's ST library actually includes a very real RealWorld type, though it's described as "deeply magical" and not for actual use.)
There are many other monads that don't have this property, though. There's no RealWorld being passed around with, for example, the monads [1,2,3,4] or Just "Hello".
Absolutely not. This is not what monads are in general. You can use monads to implicitly pass around data, but that is just one application. If you use this model of monads then you are going to miss out on a lot of the really cool things monads can do.
Instead, think about monads as being pieces of data that represent a computation. For example, there is a sense in which implicitly passing around data isn't pure because pure languages insist that you be explicit about all of your arguments and return types. So if you want to pass around data implicitly you can do this: define a new data type that is a representation of doing something impure, and then write a piece of code to work with that.
An extreme example (just a theoretical example, you're unlikely to want to do this) would be this: C allows impure computations, so you could define a type that represents a piece of C code. You can then write an interpreter that takes one of these C structures and interprets it. All monads are like this, though usually much simpler than a C interpreter. But this view is more powerful because it also explains the monads that aren't about passing around hidden state.
You should probably also try to resist the temptation to see IO as passing around a hidden world state. The internal implementation of IO has nothing to do with how you should think about IO. The IO monad is about building representations of the I/O you want to perform. You return one of these representations to the Haskell run-time system and it's up to that system to implement your representation however it wants.
Any time you want to do something, and you can't see how to directly implement it in a pure way, but you can see how to build a pure data structure to describe want you want, you may have an application for a monad, especially if your structure is naturally a tree of some sort.
I prefer to think about monads as objects that represents delayed actions (runXXX, main) with result which can be combined according to that result.
return "somthing"
actionA >>= \x -> makeActionB x
And those action not necessary to be state-full. I.e. you can think about monad of function construction like this:
instance Monad ((->) a) where
m >>= fm = \x -> fm (m x) x
return = const
sqr = \x -> x*x
cube = \x -> x*x*x
weird = do
a <- sqr
b <- cube
return (a+b)