User input after file input in Python? - python-3.x

First year Comp Sci student here.
I have an assignment that is asking us to make a simple game using Python, which takes an input file to create the game-world (2D grid). You're then supposed to give movement commands via user input afterwards. My program reads the input file one line at a time to create the world using:
def getFile():
line = input()
except EOFError:
line = EOF
return line
...after which it creates a list to represent the line, with each member being a character in the line, and then creates a list containing each of these lists (amounting to a grid with row and column coordinates).
The thing is, I later need to take input in order to move the character, and I can't do this because it still wants to read the file input, and the last line from the file is an EOF character, causing an error. Specifically the "EOF when reading a line" error.
How can I get around this?

Sounds like you are reading the file directly from stdin -- something like:
python3 < game_world.txt
Instead, you need to pass the file name as an argument to your program, that way stdin will still be connected to the console:
python3 game_world.txt
and then get_file looks more like:
def getFile(file_name):
with open(file_name) as fh:
for line in fh:
return line

File interaction is python3 goes like this:
# the open keyword opens a file in read-only mode by default
f = open("path/to/file.txt")
# read all the lines in the file and return them in a list
lines = f.readlines()
#or iterate them at the same time
for line in f:
#now get each character from each line
for char_in_line in line:
#do something
#close file
line terminator for the file is by default \n
If you want something else you pass it as a parameter to the open method (the newline parameter. Default=None='\n'):
open(file, mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, closefd=True, opener=None)


file reading in python usnig different methods

# open file in read mode
# iterate over the file object
for line in
# close the file
the content of file is "Congratulations you have successfully opened the file"! when i try to run this code the output comes in following form:
c (newline) o (newline) n (newline) g.................
...... that is each character is printed individually on a new line because i used read()! but with readline it gives the answer in a single line! why is it so? returns one string will all characters (the full file content).
Iterating a string iterates it character wise.
for line in f: # no read()
instead to iterate line wise. returns the whole file in a string. for i in iterates something. For a string, it iterates over its characters.
For readline(), it should not print the line. It would read the first line of the file, then print it character by character, like read. Is it possible that you used readlines(), which returns the lines as a list.
One more thing: there is with which takes a "closable" object and auto-closes it at the end of scope. And you can iterate over a file object. So, your code can be improved like this:
with open(text_file, 'r') as f:
for i in f:

How do I get a random line from an external txt file?

So, I'm trying to answer a coding question. It's supposed to create a random knock knock joke from an external text file, but I can't figure out how to get the joke randomized. It just prints the first joke.
The below is my code:
# Saving filepath to a variable
# makes a smoother transition to the Sandbox
filepath = "KnockKnock.txt"
# When finished copy all code after this line into the Sandbox
# Open the file as read-only
inFile = open(filepath, "r")
# Get the first line and do something with it
line = inFile.readline()
# Write your program below
print("Who's there?")
print (line)
print(line + "who?")
line = inFile.readline()
line = inFile.readline()
Any idea how to get a random joke instead of it just doing the first one in the file?
Assuming your file KnockKnock.txt has the jokes in pairs, every other line, then we can read all of the jokes into a list of 2-tuples, containing the setup and punchline.
import random
# read in file and make a list of jokes
with open('KnockKnock.txt', 'r') as infile:
# make a list of lines from file
in_lines = infile.readlines()
# pair every line with every other line - setup and punchline
jokes = list(zip(in_lines[0::2], in_lines[1::2]))
# choose a random joke
setup, punchline = random.choice(jokes)
# print the joke
print("Who's there?")
print(setup + " who?")

Using python to remove nearly identical lines in txt file, with the exception of first and last lines

Here is a snippet from a text file I am working on.
I would like to use python to detect those big repeating "~ Move" lines (Which are not identical except for the "~ Move" part.), and remove all but the first and last of those lines.
How I would I start to go about this?
You could read the file line by line like this:
`## Open the file with read only permit
f = open('myTextFile.txt')
## Read the first line
line = f.readline()
## If the file is not empty keep reading line one at a time #
# till the file is empty while line: print line
line = f.readline() f.close()`
With this you could then edit this sample to test each line using a regex like this:
`if line.find("~Move") == -1:
Line=Line [5:-1]`
Though this assumes that the ~Move is all at the beginning of the line. Hope this helps, if not leave a comment and I'll try and help.

Using for loop to strip white space and resetting the pointer prior to reading a file

I'm using Pycharm and have been very happy so far. However, today I ran into a issue that I can't figure out or explain. The code will prompt the user for an input file. The file is a .txt file that contains lines of words. After the user provides the filename, the program will open it, remove white spaces at the end of the lines and print the contents of the file. (lots_of_words.txt = example)
Programming is fun and will save the world from errors! ....
Here is the part of the code that is causing the confusion:
user_input = input('Enter the file name: ')
open_file = open(user_input)
for line in open_file:
line = line.rstrip()
read_file =
Process finished with exit code 0
Now by just removing the for loop with string.rstrip(), the text file prints fine:
user_input = input('Enter the file name: ')
open_file = open(user_input)
# Removed for loop
read_file =
Programming is fun and will save the world from errors! ....
I'm using python 3.4 with Pycharm IDE. I realize that the script completed fine without errors, but why won't it print the final variable? I'm sure this is a simple answer, but I can't figure it out.
Running the same code in Python 2.7, prints fine even with string.rstrip().
It has nothing to do with PyCharm.
Your for moves the pointer to the end of the file. To use open_file again, use seek(0), before printing.
open_file = open(user_input)
for line in open_file:
line = line.rstrip()
read_file =
Not the most efficient solution though (if efficiency matters in given situation), since you read all the lines twice. You can either store each line after reading it (as suggested in the other answer), or print each line after striping it.
Also, rstrip() will remove whitespaces at the end of the string, but not '\n'.
Irrelevant: You should use with open() as.. : instead of open() since it closes the file automatically.
Iterating over your file object in the for loop will consume it, so there will be nothing left to read, you're simply discarding all lines.
If you want to strip all whitespace from all lines, you could use:
user_input = input('Enter the file name: ')
open_file = open(user_input)
lines = []
for line in open_file:
or even shorter:
print(''.join(line.rstrip() for line in open_file))

python3 opening files and reading lines

Can you explain what is going on in this code? I don't seem to understand
how you can open the file and read it line by line instead of all of the sentences at the same time in a for loop. Thanks
Let's say I have these sentences in a document file:
Here is the code:
from sys import argv
filename = input("Please enter the name of a file: ")
f = open(filename,'r')
d1ct = dict()
print("Number of times each animal visited each station:")
print("Animal Id Station 1 Station 2")
for line in f:
if '\n' == line[-1]:
line = line[:-1]
(AnimalId, Timestamp, StationId,) = line.split(':')
key = (AnimalId,StationId,)
if key not in d1ct:
d1ct[key] = 0
d1ct[key] += 1
The magic is at:
for line in f:
if '\n' == line[-1]:
line = line[:-1]
Python file objects are special in that they can be iterated over in a for loop. On each iteration, it retrieves the next line of the file. Because it includes the last character in the line, which could be a newline, it's often useful to check and remove the last character.
As Moshe wrote, open file objects can be iterated. Only, they are not of the file type in Python 3.x (as they were in Python 2.x). If the file object is opened in text mode, then the unit of iteration is one text line including the \n.
You can use line = line.rstrip() to remove the \n plus the trailing withespaces.
If you want to read the content of the file at once (into a multiline string), you can use content =
There is a minor bug in the code. The open file should always be closed. I means to use f.close() after the for loop. Or you can wrap the open to the newer with construct that will close the file for you -- I suggest to get used to the later approach.
