Implementing factorial and fibonacci using State monad (as a learning exercise) - haskell

I worked my way through Mike Vanier's monad tutorial (which is excellent) and I'm working on a few of the exercises in his post on how to use a "State" monad.
In particular, he suggests an exercise which consists of writing functions for factorial and fibonacci using a State monad. I gave it a shot and came up with the answers below. (I find do notation pretty confusing, hence my choice of syntax).
Neither of my implementations look particularly "Haskell-y" and, in the interest of not internalizing bad practices, I thought I'd ask folks for input on how they would've gone about implementing these functions (using the state monad). Is it possibly to write this code far more simply (aside from switching to do notation)? I strongly suspect this is the case.
I'm aware that it's a bit impractical to use a state monad for this purpose but this is purely a learning exercise - pun most certainly intended.
That said, the performance is not that much worse: in order to calc the factorial of 100000 (the answer is ~21k digits long), the unfoldr version took ~1.2 sec (in GHCi) vs. ~1.5 sec for the state monad version.
import Control.Monad.State (State, get, put, evalState)
import Data.List (unfoldr)
fibonacci :: Integer -> Integer
fibonacci 0 = 0
fibonacci n = evalState fib_state (1,0,1,n)
fib_state :: State (Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer) Integer
fib_state = get >>=
\s ->
let (p1,p2,ctr,n) = s
in case compare ctr n of
LT -> put (p1+p2, p1, ctr+1, n) >> fib_state
_ -> return p1
factorial :: Integer -> Integer
factorial n = evalState fact_state (n,1)
fact_state :: State (Integer,Integer) Integer
fact_state = get >>=
\s ->
let (n,f) = s
in case n of
0 -> return f
_ -> put (n-1,f*n) >> fact_state
--Functions below are used only to test output of functions above
factorial' :: Integer -> Integer
factorial' n = product [1..n]
fibonacci' :: Int -> Integer
fibonacci' 0 = 1
fibonacci' 1 = 1
fibonacci' n =
let getFst (a,b,c) = a
in getFst
$ last
$ unfoldr (\(p1,p2,cnt) ->
if cnt == n
then Nothing
else Just ((p1,p2,cnt)
) (1,1,1)

Your functions seem to be a bit more complicated than they need to be, but you have the right idea. For the factorial, all you need to keep track of is the current number you're multiplying by and the number that you've accumulated so far. So, we'll say that State Int Int is a computation that operates on the current number on the state and returns the number that you've multiplied up until now:
fact_state :: State Int Int
fact_state = get >>= \x -> if x <= 1
then return 1
else (put (x - 1) >> fmap (*x) fact_state)
factorial :: Int -> Int
factorial = evalState fact_state
Prelude Control.Monad.State.Strict Control.Applicative> factorial <$> [1..10]
The fibonacci sequence is similar. You need to keep the last two numbers in order to know what you're going to be adding together, and how far you've gone so far:
fibs_state :: State (Int, Int, Int) Int
fibs_state = get >>= \(x1, x2, n) -> if n == 0
then return x1
else (put (x2, x1+x2, n-1) >> fibs_state)
fibonacci n = evalState fibs_state (0, 1, n)
Prelude Control.Monad.State.Strict Control.Applicative> fibonacci <$> [1..10]
[1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55]

Two stylistic suggestions:
\s ->
let (p1,p2,ctr,n) = s
in ...
is equivalent to:
\(p1,p2,ctr,n) -> ...
and your case statement for fib_state may be written with an if statement:
if ctr < n
then put (p1+p2, p1, ctr+1, n) >> fib_state
else return p1


Parallelize computation of mutable vector in ST

How can computations done in ST be made to run in parallel?
I have a vector which needs to be filled in by random access, hence the use of ST, and the computation runs correctly single-threaded, but have been unable to figure out how to use more than one core.
Random access is needed because of the meaning of the indices into the vector. There are n things and every possible way of choosing among n things has an entry in the vector, as in the choice function. Each of these choices corresponds to a binary number (conceptually, a packed [Bool]) and these Int values are the indices. If there are n things, then the size of the vector is 2^n. The natural way the algorithm runs is for every entry corresponding to "n choose 1" to be filled in, then every entry for "n choose 2," etc. The entries corresponding to "n choose k" depends on the entries corresponding to "n choose (k-1)." The integers for the different choices do not occur in numerical order, and that's why random access is needed.
Here's a pointless (but slow) computation that follows the same pattern. The example function shows how I tried to break the computation up so that the bulk of the work is done in a pure world (no ST monad). In the code below, bogus is where most of the work is done, with the intent of calling that in parallel, but only one core is ever used.
import qualified Data.Vector as Vb
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as Vm
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as Vg
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as Gg
import Control.Monad.ST as ST ( ST, runST )
import Data.Foldable(forM_)
import Data.Char(digitToInt)
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn $ show (example 9)
example :: Int -> Vb.Vector Int
example n = runST $ do
m <- (2^n) :: ST s (Vm.STVector s Int)
Vg.unsafeWrite m 0 (1)
forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> do
p <- prev m n (i-1)
let newEntries = (choiceList n i) :: [Int]
forM_ newEntries $ \e -> do
let v = bogus p e
Vg.unsafeWrite m e v
Gg.unsafeFreeze m
choiceList :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
choiceList _ 0 = [0]
choiceList n 1 = [ 2^k | k <- [0..(n-1) ] ]
choiceList n k
| n == k = [2^n - 1]
| otherwise = (choiceList (n-1) k) ++ (map ((2^(n-1)) +) $ choiceList (n-1) (k-1))
prev :: Vm.STVector s Int -> Int -> Int -> ST s Integer
prev m n 0 = return 1
prev m n i = do
let chs = choiceList n i
v <- mapM (\k -> Vg.unsafeRead m k ) chs
let e = map (\k -> toInteger k ) v
return (sum e)
bogus :: Integer -> Int -> Int
bogus prior index = do
let f = fac prior
let g = (f^index) :: Integer
let d = (map digitToInt (show g)) :: [Int]
let a = fromIntegral (head d)^2
fac :: Integer -> Integer
fac 0 = 1
fac n = n * fac (n - 1)
If anyone tests this, using more than 9 or 10 in show (example 9) will take much longer than you want to wait for such a pointless sequence of numbers.
Just do it in IO. If you need to use the result in pure code, then unsafePerformIO is available.
The following version runs about 3-4 times faster with +RTS -N16 than +RTS -N1. My changes involved converting the ST vectors to IO, changing the forM_ to forConcurrently_, and adding a bang annotation to let !v = bogus ....
Full code:
import qualified Data.Vector as Vb
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as Vm
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as Vg
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as Gg
import Control.Monad.ST as ST ( ST, runST )
import Data.Foldable(forM_)
import Data.Char(digitToInt)
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import System.IO.Unsafe
main :: IO ()
main = do
let m = unsafePerformIO (example 9)
putStrLn $ show m
example :: Int -> IO (Vb.Vector Int)
example n = do
m <- (2^n)
Vg.unsafeWrite m 0 (1)
forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> do
p <- prev m n (i-1)
let newEntries = (choiceList n i) :: [Int]
forConcurrently_ newEntries $ \e -> do
let !v = bogus p e
Vg.unsafeWrite m e v
Gg.unsafeFreeze m
choiceList :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
choiceList _ 0 = [0]
choiceList n 1 = [ 2^k | k <- [0..(n-1) ] ]
choiceList n k
| n == k = [2^n - 1]
| otherwise = (choiceList (n-1) k) ++ (map ((2^(n-1)) +) $ choiceList (n-1) (k-1))
prev :: Vm.IOVector Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Integer
prev m n 0 = return 1
prev m n i = do
let chs = choiceList n i
v <- mapM (\k -> Vg.unsafeRead m k ) chs
let e = map (\k -> toInteger k ) v
return (sum e)
bogus :: Integer -> Int -> Int
bogus prior index = do
let f = fac prior
let g = (f^index) :: Integer
let d = (map digitToInt (show g)) :: [Int]
let a = fromIntegral (head d)^2
fac :: Integer -> Integer
fac 0 = 1
fac n = n * fac (n - 1)
I think this can not be done in a safe way. In the general case, it seems it would break Haskell's referential transparency.
If we could perform multi-threaded computations within ST s, then we could spawn two threads that race over the same STRef s Bool. Let's say one thread is writing False and the other one True.
After we use runST on the computation, we get an expression of type Bool which is sometimes False and sometimes True. That should not be possible.
If you are absolutely certain that your parallelization does not break referential transparency, you could try using unsafe primitives like unsafeIOToST to spawn new threads. Use with extreme care.
There might be safer ways to achieve something similar. Outside ST, we do have some parallelism available in Control.Parallel.Strategies.
There are a number of ways to do parallelization in Haskell. Usually they will give comparable performance improvements, however some are better then the others and it mostly depends on problem that needs parallelization. This particular use case looked very interesting to me, so I decided to investigate a few approaches.
We are using a boxed vector, therefore we can utilize laziness and built-in spark pool for parallelization. One very simple approach is provided by vector-strategies package, which can iterate over any immutable boxed vector and evaluate all of the thunks in parallel. It is also possible to split the vector in chunks, but as it turns out the chunk size of 1 is the optimal one:
exampleParVector :: Int -> Vb.Vector Int
exampleParVector n = example n `using` parVector 1
parVector uses par underneath and requires one extra iteration over the vector. In this case we are already iterating over thee vector, thus it would actually make more sense to use par from parallel directly. This would allow us to perform computation in parallel while continue using ST monad:
import Control.Parallel (par)
forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> do
p <- prev m n (i-1)
let newEntries = choiceList n i :: [Int]
forM_ newEntries $ \e -> do
let v = bogus p e
v `par` Vg.unsafeWrite m e v
It is important to note that the computation of each element of the vector is expensive when compared to the total number of elements in the vector. That is why using par is a very good solution here. If it was the opposite, namely the vector was very large, but elements weren't too expensive to compute, it would be better to use an unboxed vector and switch it to a different parallelization method.
Another way was described by #K.A.Buhr. Switch to IO from ST and use async:
import Control.Concurrent.Async (forConcurrently_)
forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> do
p <- prev m n (i-1)
let newEntries = choiceList n i :: [Int]
forConcurrently_ newEntries $ \e -> do
let !v = bogus p e
Vg.unsafeWrite m e v
The concern that #chi has raised is a valid one, however in this particular implementation it is safe to use unsafePerformIO instead of runST, because parallelization does not violate the invariant of deterministic computation. Namely, we can promise that regardless of the input supplied to example function, the output will always be exactly the same.
Green threads are pretty cheap in Haskell, but they aren't free. The solution above with async package has one slight drawback: it will spin up at least as many threads as there are elements in the newEntries list each time forConcurrently_ is called. It would be better to spin up as many threads as there are capabilities (the -N RTS option) and let them do all the work. For this we can use scheduler package, which is a work stealing scheduler:
import Control.Scheduler (Comp(Par), runBatch_, withScheduler_)
withScheduler_ Par $ \scheduler ->
forM_ [1..n] $ \i -> runBatch_ scheduler $ \_ -> do
p <- prev m n (i-1)
let newEntries = choiceList n i :: [Int]
forM_ newEntries $ \e -> scheduleWork_ scheduler $ do
let !v = bogus p e
Vg.unsafeWrite m e v
Spark pool in GHC also uses a work stealing scheduler, which is built into RTS and is unrelated to the package above in any shape or form, but the idea is very similar: few threads with many units of computation.
Here are some benchmarks on a 16-core machine for all of the approaches with example 7 (value 9 takes on the order of seconds, which introduces too much noise for criterion). We only get about x5 speedup, because a significant part of the algorithm is sequential in nature and can't be parallelized.

How do I memoize?

I have written this function that computes Collatz sequences, and I see wildly varying times of execution depending on the spin I give it. Apparently it is related to something called "memoization", but I have a hard time understanding what it is and how it works, and, unfortunately, the relevant article on HaskellWiki, as well as the papers it links to, have all proven to not be easily surmountable. They discuss intricate details of the relative performance of highly layman-indifferentiable tree constructions, while what I miss must be some very basic, very trivial point that these sources neglect to mention.
This is the code. It is a complete program, ready to be built and executed.
module Main where
import Data.Function
import Data.List (maximumBy)
size :: (Integral a) => a
size = 10 ^ 6
-- Nail the basics.
collatz :: Integral a => a -> a
collatz n | even n = n `div` 2
| otherwise = n * 3 + 1
recollatz :: Integral a => a -> a
recollatz = fix $ \f x -> if (x /= 1)
then f (collatz x)
else x
-- Now, I want to do the counting with a tuple monad.
mocollatz :: Integral b => b -> ([b], b)
mocollatz n = ([n], collatz n)
remocollatz :: Integral a => a -> ([a], a)
remocollatz = fix $ \f x -> if x /= 1
then f =<< mocollatz x
else return x
-- Trivialities.
collatzLength :: Integral a => a -> Int
collatzLength x = (length . fst $ (remocollatz x)) + 1
collatzPairs :: Integral a => a -> [(a, Int)]
collatzPairs n = zip [1..n] (collatzLength <$> [1..n])
longestCollatz :: Integral a => a -> (a, Int)
longestCollatz n = maximumBy order $ collatzPairs n
order :: Ord b => (a, b) -> (a, b) -> Ordering
order x y = snd x `compare` snd y
main :: IO ()
main = print $ longestCollatz size
With ghc -O2 it takes about 17 seconds, without ghc -O2 -- about 22 seconds to deliver the length and the seed of the longest Collatz sequence starting at any point below size.
Now, if I make these changes:
diff --git a/Main.hs b/Main.hs
index c78ad95..9607fe0 100644
--- a/Main.hs
+++ b/Main.hs
## -1,6 +1,7 ##
module Main where
import Data.Function
+import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as M
import Data.List (maximumBy)
size :: (Integral a) => a
## -22,10 +23,15 ## recollatz = fix $ \f x -> if (x /= 1)
mocollatz :: Integral b => b -> ([b], b)
mocollatz n = ([n], collatz n)
-remocollatz :: Integral a => a -> ([a], a)
-remocollatz = fix $ \f x -> if x /= 1
- then f =<< mocollatz x
- else return x
+remocollatz :: (Num a, Integral b) => b -> ([b], a)
+remocollatz 1 = return 1
+remocollatz x = case M.lookup x (table mutate) of
+ Nothing -> mutate x
+ Just y -> y
+ where mutate x = remocollatz =<< mocollatz x
+table :: (Ord a, Integral a) => (a -> b) -> M.Map a b
+table f = M.fromList [ (x, f x) | x <- [1..size] ]
-- Trivialities.
-- Then it will take just about 4 seconds with ghc -O2, but I would not live long enough to see it complete without ghc -O2.
Looking at the details of cost centres with ghc -prof -fprof-auto -O2 reveals that the first version enters collatz about a hundred million times, while the patched one -- just about one and a half million times. This must be the reason of the speedup, but I have a hard time understanding the inner workings of this magic. My best idea is that we replace a portion of expensive recursive calls with O(log n) map lookups, but I don't know if it's true and why it depends so much on some godforsaken compiler flags, while, as I see it, such performance swings should all follow solely from the language.
Can I haz an explanation of what happens here, and why the performance differs so vastly between ghc -O2 and plain ghc builds?
P.S. There are two requirements to the achieving of automagical memoization highlighted elsewhere on Stack Overflow:
Make a function to be memoized a top-level name.
Make a function to be memoized a monomorphic one.
In line with these requirements, I rebuilt remocollatz as follows:
remocollatz :: Int -> ([Int], Int)
remocollatz 1 = return 1
remocollatz x = mutate x
mutate :: Int -> ([Int], Int)
mutate x = remocollatz =<< mocollatz x
Now it's as top level and as monomorphic as it gets. Running time is about 11 seconds, versus the similarly monomorphized table version:
remocollatz :: Int -> ([Int], Int)
remocollatz 1 = return 1
remocollatz x = case M.lookup x (table mutate) of
Nothing -> mutate x
Just y -> y
mutate :: Int -> ([Int], Int)
mutate = \x -> remocollatz =<< mocollatz x
table :: (Int -> ([Int], Int)) -> M.Map Int ([Int], Int)
table f = M.fromList [ (x, f x) | x <- [1..size] ]
-- Running in less than 4 seconds.
I wonder why the memoization ghc is supposedly performing in the first case here is almost 3 times slower than my dumb table.
Can I haz an explanation of what happens here, and why the performance differs so vastly between ghc -O2 and plain ghc builds?
Disclaimer: this is a guess, not verified by viewing GHC core output. A careful answer would do so to verify the conjectures outlined below. You can try peering through it yourself: add -ddump-simpl to your compilation line and you will get copious output detailing exactly what GHC has done to your code.
You write:
remocollatz x = {- ... -} table mutate {- ... -}
where mutate x = remocollatz =<< mocollatz x
The expression table mutate in fact does not depend on x; but it appears on the right-hand side of an equation that takes x as an argument. Consequently, without optimizations, this table is recomputed each time remocollatz is called (presumably even from inside the computation of table mutate).
With optimizations, GHC notices that table mutate does not depend on x, and floats it to its own definition, effectively producing:
fresh_variable_name = table mutate
where mutate x = remocollatz =<< mocollatz x
remocollatz x = case M.lookup x fresh_variable_name of
{- ... -}
The table is therefore computed just once for the entire program run.
don't know why it [the performance] depends so much on some godforsaken compiler flags, while, as I see it, such performance swings should all follow solely from the language.
Sorry, but Haskell doesn't work that way. The language definition tells clearly what the meaning of a given Haskell term is, but does not say anything about the runtime or memory performance needed to compute that meaning.
Another approach to memoization that works in some situations, like this one, is to use a boxed vector, whose elements are computed lazily. The function used to initialize each element can use other elements of the vector in its calculation. As long as the evaluation of an element of the vector doesn't loop and refer to itself, just the elements it recursively depends on will be evaluated. Once evaluated, an element is effectively memoized, and this has the further benefit that elements of the vector that are never referenced are never evaluated.
The Collatz sequence is a nearly ideal application for this technique, but there is one complication. The next Collatz value(s) in sequence from a value under the limit may be outside the limit, which would cause a range error when indexing the vector. I solved this by just iterating through the sequence until back under the limit and counting the steps to do so.
The following program takes 0.77 seconds to run unoptimized and 0.30 when optimized:
import qualified Data.Vector as V
limit = 10 ^ 6 :: Int
-- The Collatz function, which given a value returns the next in the sequence.
nextCollatz val
| odd val = 3 * val + 1
| otherwise = val `div` 2
-- Given a value, return the next Collatz value in the sequence that is less
-- than the limit and the number of steps to get there. For example, the
-- sequence starting at 13 is: [13, 40, 20, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1], so if
-- limit is 100, then (nextCollatzWithinLimit 13) is (40, 1), but if limit is
-- 15, then (nextCollatzWithinLimit 13) is (10, 3).
nextCollatzWithinLimit val = (firstInRange, stepsToFirstInRange)
firstInRange = head rest
stepsToFirstInRange = 1 + (length biggerThanLimit)
(biggerThanLimit, rest) = span (>= limit) (tail collatzSeqStartingWithVal)
collatzSeqStartingWithVal = iterate nextCollatz val
-- A boxed vector holding Collatz length for each index. The collatzFn used
-- to generate the value for each element refers back to other elements of
-- this vector, but since the vector elements are only evaluated as needed and
-- there aren't any loops in the Collatz sequences, the values are calculated
-- only as needed.
collatzVec :: V.Vector Int
collatzVec = V.generate limit collatzFn
collatzFn :: Int -> Int
collatzFn index
| index <= 1 = 1
| otherwise = (collatzVec V.! nextWithinLimit) + stepsToGetThere
(nextWithinLimit, stepsToGetThere) = nextCollatzWithinLimit index
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Use a fold through the vector to find the longest Collatz sequence under
-- the limit, and keep track of both the maximum length and the initial
-- value of the sequence, which is the index.
let (maxLength, maxIndex) = V.ifoldl' accMaxLen (0, 0) collatzVec
accMaxLen acc#(accMaxLen, accMaxIndex) index currLen
| currLen <= accMaxLen = acc
| otherwise = (currLen, index)
putStrLn $ "Max Collatz length below " ++ show limit ++ " is "
++ show maxLength ++ " at index " ++ show maxIndex

Why does this SBV code stop before hitting the limit I set?

I have this theorem (not sure if that's the right word), and I want to get all the solutions.
pairCube limit = do
m <- natural exists "m"
n <- natural exists "n"
a <- natural exists "a"
constrain $ m^3 .== n^2
constrain $ m .< limit
return $ m + n .== a^2
res <- allSat (pairCube 1000)
-- Run from ghci
extractModels res :: [[Integer]]
This is trying to solve the problem:
There are infinite pairs of integers (m, n) such that m^3 = n^2 and m + n is a perfect square. What is the pair with the greatest m less than 1000?
I know the actual answer, just through brute forcing, but I want to do with SBV.
However, when I run the code it gives only the following values (in the form [m, n, a]):
However, there are several other solutions with an m value less than 1000 that aren't included.
It's always good to give a full program:
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Data.SBV
pairCube :: SInteger -> Symbolic SBool
pairCube limit = do
(m :: SInteger) <- exists "m"
(n :: SInteger) <- exists "n"
(a :: SInteger) <- exists "a"
constrain $ m^(3::Integer) .== n^(2::Integer)
constrain $ m .< limit
return $ m + n .== a^(2::Integer)
main :: IO ()
main = print =<< allSat (pairCube 1000)
When I run it, I get:
Main> main
Solution #1:
m = 0 :: Integer
n = 0 :: Integer
a = 0 :: Integer
Solution #2:
m = 9 :: Integer
n = 27 :: Integer
a = -6 :: Integer
Solution #3:
m = 1 :: Integer
n = -1 :: Integer
a = 0 :: Integer
Solution #4:
m = 9 :: Integer
n = 27 :: Integer
a = 6 :: Integer
Solution #5:
m = 64 :: Integer
n = 512 :: Integer
a = -24 :: Integer
Solution #6:
m = 64 :: Integer
n = 512 :: Integer
a = 24 :: Integer
Note the final Unknown.
Essentially, SBV queried Z3, and got 6 solutions; when SBV asked for the 7th, Z3 said "I don't know if there's any other solution." With non-linear arithmetic, this behavior is expected.
To answer the original question (i.e., find the max m), I changed the constraint to read:
constrain $ m .== limit
and coupled it with the following "driver:"
main :: IO ()
main = loop 1000
where loop (-1) = putStrLn "Can't find the largest m!"
loop m = do putStrLn $ "Trying: " ++ show m
mbModel <- extractModel `fmap` sat (pairCube m)
case mbModel of
Nothing -> loop (m-1)
Just r -> print (r :: (Integer, Integer, Integer))
After running about 50 minutes on my machine, Z3 produced:
So, clearly the allSat based approach is causing Z3 to give-up way earlier than what it can actually achieve if we fix m and iterate ourself. With a non-linear problem, expecting anything faster/better would be too much to ask of a general purpose SMT solver..

Haskell State monadic function using recursion

TL:DR: Is there a way to do example 3 without passing an argument
I'm trying to understand the state monad in haskell (Control.Monad.State). I made an extremely simple function:
Example 1
example :: State Int Int
example = do
e <- get
put (e*5)
return e
This example works in ghci...
runState example 3
I modified it to be able to take arguments....
Example 2
example :: Int -> State Int Int
example n = do
e <- get
put (e*n)
return e
also works in ghci...
runState (example 5) 3
I made it recursive, counting the number of steps it takes for a computation to satisfy some condition
Example 3
example :: Int -> State Int Int
example n = do
e <- get
if (n /= 1)
then do
put (succ e)
example (next n)
else return (succ e)
next :: Int -> Int
next n
| even n = div n 2
| otherwise = 3*n+1
evalState (example 13) 0
My question is, is there a way to do the previous example without explicitly passing a value?
You can store n in the state along side of e, for example, something like:
example = do
(e,n) <- get
if n /= 1
then do put (succ e, next n); example
else return e
There is some overhead to using the State monad, so you should compare this with the alternatives.
For instance, a more Haskelly way of approaching this problem is compose list operations to compute the answer, e.g.:
collatz :: Int -> [Int]
collatz n = iterate next n
collatzLength n = length $ takeWhile (/= 1) $ collatz n

Summing a large list of numbers is too slow

Task: "Sum the first 15,000,000 even numbers."
nats = [1..] :: [Int]
evens = filter even nats :: [Int]
MySum:: Int
MySum= sum $ take 15000000 evens
...but MySum takes ages. More precisely, about 10-20 times slower than C/C++.
Many times I've found, that a Haskell solution coded naturally is something like 10 times slower than C. I expected that GHC was a very neatly optimizing compiler and task such this don't seem that tough.
So, one would expect something like 1.5-2x slower than C. Where is the problem?
Can this be solved better?
This is the C code I'm comparing it with:
long long sum = 0;
int n = 0, i = 1;
for (;;) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
sum += i;
if (n == 15000000)
Edit 1: I really know, that it can be computed in O(1). Please, resist.
Edit 2: I really know, that evens are [2,4..] but the function even could be something else O(1) and need to be implemented as a function.
Lists are not loops
So don't be surprised if using lists as a loop replacement, you get slower code if the loop body is small.
nats = [1..] :: [Int]
evens = filter even nats :: [Int]
dumbSum :: Int
dumbSum = sum $ take 15000000 evens
sum is not a "good consumer", so GHC is not (yet) able to eliminate the intermediate lists completely.
If you compile with optimisations (and don't export nat), GHC is smart enough to fuse the filter with the enumeration,
Rec {
Main.main_go [Occ=LoopBreaker]
:: GHC.Prim.Int# -> GHC.Prim.Int# -> [GHC.Types.Int]
[GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType L]
Main.main_go =
\ (x_aV2 :: GHC.Prim.Int#) ->
let {
r_au7 :: GHC.Prim.Int# -> [GHC.Types.Int]
[LclId, Str=DmdType]
r_au7 =
case x_aV2 of wild_Xl {
__DEFAULT -> Main.main_go (GHC.Prim.+# wild_Xl 1);
9223372036854775807 -> n_r1RR
} } in
case GHC.Prim.remInt# x_aV2 2 of _ {
__DEFAULT -> r_au7;
0 ->
let {
wild_atm :: GHC.Types.Int
[LclId, Str=DmdType m]
wild_atm = GHC.Types.I# x_aV2 } in
let {
lvl_s1Rp :: [GHC.Types.Int]
lvl_s1Rp =
# GHC.Types.Int wild_atm (GHC.Types.[] # GHC.Types.Int) } in
\ (m_aUL :: GHC.Prim.Int#) ->
case GHC.Prim.<=# m_aUL 1 of _ {
GHC.Types.False ->
GHC.Types.: # GHC.Types.Int wild_atm (r_au7 (GHC.Prim.-# m_aUL 1));
GHC.Types.True -> lvl_s1Rp
end Rec }
but that's as far as GHC's fusion takes it. You are left with boxing Ints and constructing list cells. If you give it a loop, like you give it to the C compiler,
module Main where
import Data.Bits
main :: IO ()
main = print dumbSum
dumbSum :: Int
dumbSum = go 0 0 1
go :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
go sm ct n
| ct >= 15000000 = sm
| n .&. 1 == 0 = go (sm + n) (ct+1) (n+1)
| otherwise = go sm ct (n+1)
you get the approximate relation of running times between the C and the Haskell version you expected.
This sort of algorithm is not what GHC has been taught to optimise well, there are bigger fish to fry elsewhere before the limited manpower is put into these optimisations.
The problem why list fusion can't work here is actually rather subtle. Say we define the right RULE to fuse the list away:
import GHC.Base
sum2 :: Num a => [a] -> a
sum2 = sum
{-# NOINLINE [1] sum2 #-}
{-# RULES "sum" forall (f :: forall b. (a->b->b)->b->b).
sum2 (build f) = f (+) 0 #-}
(The short explanation is that we define sum2 as an alias of sum, which we forbid GHC to inline early, so the RULE has a chance to fire before sum2 gets eliminated. Then we look for sum2 directly next to the list-builder build (see definition) and replace it by direct arithmetic.)
This has mixed success, as it yields the following Core:
Main.$wgo =
\ (w_s1T4 :: GHC.Prim.Int#) ->
case GHC.Prim.remInt# w_s1T4 2 of _ {
case w_s1T4 of wild_Xg {
__DEFAULT -> Main.$wgo (GHC.Prim.+# wild_Xg 1);
15000000 -> 0
0 ->
case w_s1T4 of wild_Xg {
case Main.$wgo (GHC.Prim.+# wild_Xg 1) of ww_s1T7 { __DEFAULT ->
GHC.Prim.+# wild_Xg ww_s1T7
15000000 -> 15000000
Which is nice, completely fused code - with the sole problem that we have a call to $wgo in a non-tail-call position. This means that we aren't looking at a loop, but actually at a deeply recursive function, with predictable program results:
Stack space overflow: current size 8388608 bytes.
The root problem here is that the Prelude's list fusion can only fuse right folds, and computing the sum as a right fold directly causes the excessive stack consumption.
The obvious fix would be to use a fusion framework that can actually deal with left folds, such as Duncan's stream-fusion package, which actually implements sum fusion.
Another solution would be to hack around it - and implement the left fold using a right fold:
main = print $ foldr (\x c -> c . (+x)) id [2,4..15000000] 0
This actually produces close-to-perfect code with current versions of GHC. On the other hand, this is generally not a good idea as it relies on GHC being smart enough to eliminate the partially applied functions. Already adding a filter into the chain will break that particular optimization.
Sum first 15,000,000 even numbers:
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
g :: Integer -- 15000000*15000001 = 225000015000000
g = go 1 0 0
go i !a c | c == 15000000 = a
go i !a c | even i = go (i+1) (a+i) (c+1)
go i !a c = go (i+1) a c
ought to be the fastest.
If you want to be sure to traverse the list only once, you can write the traversal explicitly:
nats = [1..] :: [Int]
requiredOfX :: Int -> Bool -- this way you can write a different requirement
requiredOfX x = even x
dumbSum :: Int
dumbSum = dumbSum' 0 0 nats
where dumbSum' acc 15000000 _ = acc
dumbSum' acc count (x:xs)
| requiredOfX x = dumbSum' (acc + x) (count + 1) xs
| otherwise = dumbSum' acc (count + 1) xs
First, you can be clever as young Gauss was and compute the sum in O(1).
Fun stuff aside, your Haskell solution uses lists. I'm quite sure your C/C++ solution doesn't. (Haskell lists are very easy to use so one is tempted to use them even in cases where it might not be appropriate.) Try benchmarking this:
sumBy2 :: Integer -> Integer
sumBy2 = f 0
f result n | n <= 1 = result
| otherwise = f (n + result) (n - 2)
Compile it using GHC with -O2 argument. This function is tail-recursive so compiler can implement it very efficiently.
Update: If you want it using even function, it's possible:
sumBy2 :: Integer -> Integer
sumBy2 = f 0
f result n | n <= 0 = result
| even n = f (n + result) (n - 1)
| otherwise = f result (n - 1)
You can also easily make the filtering function a parameter:
sumFilter :: (Integral a) => (a -> Bool) -> a -> a
sumFilter filtfn = f 0
f result n | n <= 0 = result
| filtfn n = f (n + result) (n - 1)
| otherwise = f result (n - 1)
Strict version works much faster:
foldl' (+) 0 $ take 15000000 [2, 4..]
Another thing to note is that nats and evens are so-called Constant Applicative Forms, or CAFs for short. Basically, those correspond to top-level definitions without any arguments. CAFs are a bit of an odd duck, for instance being the reason for the Dreaded Monomorphism Restriction; I'm not sure the language definition even allows CAFs to be inlined.
In my mental model of how Haskell executes, by the time dumbSum returns a value, evens will be evaluated to look something like 2:4: ... : 30000000 : <thunk> and nats to 1:2: ... : 30000000 : <thunk>, where the <thunk>s represent something that's not been looked at yet. If my understanding is correct, these allocations of : do have to happen and can't be optimized away.
So one way of speeding things up without altering your code too much would be to simply write:
dumbSum :: Int
dumbSum = sum . take 15000000 . filter even $ [1..]
dumbSum = sum $ take 15000000 evens where
nats = [1..]
evens = filter even nats
On my machine, compiled with -O2, that alone seems to result in a roughly 30% speedup.
I'm no GHC connaisseur (I've never even profiled a Haskell program!), so I could be wildly off the mark, though.
